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import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BSB
2024-03-08 06:28:07 +00:00
import qualified Data.Foldable
import qualified System.Process
import qualified Text.Printf
-- Frequency in Hertz
2024-03-08 06:28:07 +00:00
type Hz = Float
-- Time in seconds
type Sec = Float
2024-03-08 06:28:07 +00:00
type Wave = [Float]
type Semitone = Int
type Beat = Float
2024-03-08 06:28:07 +00:00
outFile :: FilePath
outFile = "out.bin"
save :: Wave -> FilePath -> IO ()
save wav outfile
-- Write to outfile
= BSL.writeFile outfile
-- Build lazy byte string
$ BSB.toLazyByteString
-- Combine all data points into single bytestring
$ Data.Foldable.fold
-- build float little endian byte string for each data point
$ map BSB.floatLE wav
play :: Wave -> IO ()
play wav = do
save (map (*volume) wav) outFile
-- save wav outFile
_ <- System.Process.runCommand $ Text.Printf.printf
"ffplay -showmode 1 -f f32le -ar %f %s"
sr outFile
2024-03-08 06:28:07 +00:00
return ()
-- Sample rate: Number of data points per second
sr :: Hz
sr = 48000
bpm :: Beat
bpm = 120.0
volume :: Float
volume = 0.4
--volume = 10
-- Generate a 'base wave' of given frequency and duration.
-- For use in `wave' function.
genBaseWave :: Hz -> Sec -> Wave
genBaseWave freq duration = map (sin . (*(step freq))) [0.0 .. (sr*duration - 1)]
-- Get step size for use in `genBaseWave'
step :: Hz -> Float
step freq = (2 * pi * freq) / sr
note :: Semitone -> Beat -> Wave
note n beatN = genWave (stFreq n) (beatN * beat1Duration )
beat1Duration = 60/bpm
-- |Generate a wave of given frequency and duration
genWave :: Hz -> Sec -> Wave
genWave freq duration
= zipWith3 (\a w d -> a * w * d) asc wav dsc
wav = genBaseWave freq duration
-- len = fromIntegral $ length wav
asc = map (min 1.0) [0.00, 0.001 .. ]
dsc = reverse $ take (length wav) asc
-- |Get frequency of a semitone
stFreq :: Semitone -> Hz
stFreq n = f0 + a ** (fromIntegral n)
a = 2 ** (1/12)
f0 = 440 -- standard pitch (A440)
mix :: Wave -> Wave -> Wave
mix = zipWith (\x y -> x + y)
freqDur :: [(Hz, Sec)]
freqDur =
[(220, 1),
(320, 1),
(440, 1)]
o1 = concat [genWave f d | (f, d) <- freqDur]
stBeats2 :: [(Semitone, Beat)]
stBeats2 =
[ (0, 0.25)
, (0, 0.25)
, (0, 0.25)
, (0, 0.25)
, (0, 0.5)
, (0, 0.25)
, (0, 0.25)
, (0, 0.25)
, (0, 0.25)
, (0, 0.25)
, (0, 0.25)
, (0, 0.5)
, (5, 0.25)
, (5, 0.25)
, (5, 0.25)
, (5, 0.25)
, (5, 0.25)
, (5, 0.25)
, (5, 0.5)
, (3, 0.25)
, (3, 0.25)
, (3, 0.25)
, (3, 0.25)
, (3, 0.25)
, (3, 0.25)
, (3, 0.5)
, (-2, 0.5)
, (0, 0.25)
, (0, 0.25)
, (0, 0.25)
, (0, 0.25)
, (0, 0.5)]
o2 = concat [note n bts | (n, bts) <- stBeats2]
o2' = concat [note n bts | (n, bts) <- stB']
stB' = map (\(n,bts) -> (n,bts*2)) stBeats2
stBeats3 :: [(Semitone, Beat)]
stBeats3 =
[ (0, 1)
, (1, 1)
, (2, 1)
, (3, 0.25)
, (4, 0.25)
, (5, 0.25)]
o3 = concat [note n bts | (n, bts) <- stBeats3]
stBeats4 :: [(Semitone, Beat)]
stBeats4 =
[ (240, 1.0)
, (270, 1.0)
, (300, 1.0)
, (320, 1.0)
, (360, 1.0)
, (400, 1.0)
, (450, 1.0)
, (480, 1.0)]
o4 = concat [note n bts | (n, bts) <- stBeats4]
-- sa re ga ma
freqDur5 :: [(Hz, Sec)]
freqDur5 =
[ (240, 2.0)
, (270, 2.0)
, (300, 2.0)
, (320, 2.0)
, (360, 2.0)
, (400, 2.0)
, (450, 2.0)
, (480, 2.0)]
o5 = concat [genWave f d | (f, d) <- freqDur5]
-- w = wave
-- main :: IO ()
-- main = do
-- play a