bunch of files

This commit is contained in:
Julin S 2024-05-27 16:49:00 +05:30
parent c1fdd7e36f
commit 000a4f59fa
17 changed files with 2059 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -12,3 +12,16 @@ Restart.
rewrite size_eq0.
by apply/eqP.
(* [unfold_in]: Converting [\in] to function *)
Goal forall A:Type,
\in (fun w0 : seq A => match w0 with
| [::] => true
| _ :: _ => false
move => A.
by rewrite unfold_in.

View File

@ -48,3 +48,13 @@ Proof.
- rewrite finset.inE /=.
by case (tt \in a) eqn:Hatt; rewrite Hatt !finset.inE.
(* Goal forall sp: {set unit}, *)
(* (if tt \in sp then true else false) = x. *)
Lemma foo {A: finType} (sp: {set A}) (x: A):
x \notin sp -> s = x |: sp -> false.
Search (_ \notin _).

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".
(* Set Implicit Arguments. *)
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Bvector.
(* Require Import Arith. *)
@ -24,6 +25,66 @@ Inductive t: nat -> bool -> Type :=
| Mark: forall {n: nat},
t n false -> t (S n) true.
Fixpoint take {b: bool} {n tk: nat} (a: t n true) (pf: tk<n): t tk b.
elim: tk pf => [pf|m' IH pf].
- case: n pf a; first by []. (* Take nothing *)
move => n pf a.
exact: take b n.+1 0 a pf.
Show Proof.
- case: n pf a.
+ by [].
+ move => n' pf' a.
Fixpoint take {b1 b2: bool} {n k: nat} (pf: k<n) (a: t (k+n) b1): t n b2.
move: k pf a.
move => k.
case k eqn:Hk.
elim: k pf a => [pf|k' IH pf a].
- rewrite add0n => a.
exact: take b1 b2 n 0 pf a.
- move: n IH pf a => n IH pf.
- move: n IH pf a => n.
case n eqn:Hn.
+ move => IH pf; inversion pf.
+ move => IH pf a.
case a eqn:Ha.
* by [].
- refine (
match a with
| Nil => _
| Pad n' b' a' => _
| Mark n' a' => _
end); first by [].
(* Fixpoint ltb {b1 b2: bool} {n: nat} (o1: t n b1) (o2: t n b2): bool. *)
(* refine ( *)
(* match o1, o2 with *)
(* | Nil, Nil => true *)
(* | Pad n1' b1' o1', Pad n2' b2' o2' => _ *)
(* | Mark n1' o1', Mark n2' o2' => _ *)
(* | _, _ => false *)
(* end). *)
(* Fixpoint ltb {b1 b2: bool} {n1 n2: nat} (o1: t n1 b1) (o2: t n2 b2): bool. *)
(* case (Nat.eqb n1 n2) eqn:Hneq. *)
(* - have Hn := iffLR (PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_eq n1 n2) Hneq. *)
(* clear Hneq; rename Hn into Hneq. *)
(* shelve. *)
(* - exact: false. *)
(* Defined. *)
Fixpoint eqb {b1 b2: bool} {n1 n2: nat} (o1: t n1 b1) (o2: t n2 b2): bool.
case (Nat.eqb n1 n2) eqn:Hneq.
@ -78,45 +139,6 @@ Fixpoint eqb' {b1 b2: bool} {n1 n2: nat} (o1: t n1 b1) (o2: t n2 b2): bool.
- exact: false.
(* move/PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_spec: Hneq => Hneq. *)
(* refine ( *)
(* match o1, o2 with *)
(* | Nil, Nil => true *)
(* | Pad n1' b1' o1', Pad n2' b2' o2' => _ *)
(* | Mark n1' o1', Mark n2' o2' => _ *)
(* | _, _ => false *)
(* end). *)
(* - move: n1' n2' o1' o2' => n1' n2'. *)
(* case (Nat.eqb n1' n2') eqn:Hneq'. *)
(* + Search Nat.eqb. *)
(* (1* PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_eq *1) *)
(* Check (EqNat.beq_nat_true_stt n1' n2'). *)
(* Search Nat.eqb Nat.eqb. *)
(* move: Hneq'. *)
(* Check Nat.eqb_eq n1' n2'. *)
(* Check (EqNat.beq_nat_true_stt n1' n2'). *)
(* rewrite (EqNat.beq_nat_true_stt n1' n2') in Hneq'. *)
(* move => o1' o2'. *)
(* exact: eqb _ _ _ _ o1' o2'. *)
(* Search (_ = _) Nat.eqb. *)
(* Check PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_eq n1' n2'. *)
(* rewrite (EqNat.beq_nat_true_stt n1' n2') in Hneq'. *)
(* rewrite -(EqNat.beq_nat_true_stt n1' n2'). *)
(* S *)
(* + exact: (fun _ _ => false). *)
(* - move: n1' n2' o1' o2' => n1' n2'. *)
(* case (Nat.eqb n1' n2') eqn:Hneq'. *)
(* + move/PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_spec: Hneq' => Hneq'. *)
(* rewrite -Hneq'. *)
(* move => o1' o2'. *)
(* exact: eqb _ _ _ _ o1' o2'. *)
(* + exact: (fun _ _ => false). *)
(* - exact: false. *)
(* Defined. *)
Fixpoint markCount_aux {n: nat} {b: bool} (a: t n b): nat :=
match a with
| Nil => 0

easycrypt/hi.ec Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
(* https://alleystoughton.us/easycrypt-installation.html *)
load the "core" EasyCrypt theories, in
particular giving us the relation < on the
type int of integers
require import AllCore.
the smt tactic will only
succeed if both Alt-Ergo and
Z3 are able to solve the goal
prover quorum=2 ["Alt-Ergo" "Z3"].
lemma foo (x y : int) :
x < y => x + 1 < y + 1.

easycrypt/hi.eco Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
"version": 3,
"echash": "2023.09",
"root": { "kind": "ec", "digest": "bdf2de2fc8d4967319450f975497b805" },
"depends": {
"AlgTactic": {
"direct": false,
"kind": "ec",
"digest": "e6afb591d5b17db178ff233f2ced34fb"
"AllCore": {
"direct": true,
"kind": "ec",
"digest": "b420321b00853b1dd4a3ea1e5d6793ca"
"Core": {
"direct": false,
"kind": "ec",
"digest": "533a9184e00a09994f6770e8e93b6f34"
"CoreInt": {
"direct": false,
"kind": "ec",
"digest": "301224e64ef6d0a3b1783dbb8ce7409e"
"CoreReal": {
"direct": false,
"kind": "ec",
"digest": "71a66b712b2595af8e02fada3eaa0c67"
"Int": {
"direct": false,
"kind": "ec",
"digest": "e1b1e343242e4e8ead996a359384b3da"
"Logic": {
"direct": true,
"kind": "ec",
"digest": "02709af70bbfcc01ae52b66a2fa3283b"
"Monoid": {
"direct": false,
"kind": "eca",
"digest": "e137ba3bc8dacd4374666a21fbb63724"
"Pervasive": {
"direct": true,
"kind": "ec",
"digest": "0f385a91ae1a1269de2ba2b7fad360d0"
"Real": {
"direct": false,
"kind": "ec",
"digest": "60e4174d5c39b108291a64e755d726fd"
"Ring": {
"direct": false,
"kind": "ec",
"digest": "532076b711a9a848fbb7727cbfa8f9b7"
"Tactics": {
"direct": true,
"kind": "ec",
"digest": "636a47e692aa516fc65775b561bbf08b"
"Xint": {
"direct": false,
"kind": "ec",
"digest": "f8cdbe78777b5164dc57262d577911a4"

haskell/IntToBin.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
intToLBool :: Int -> Int -> [Bool]
intToLBool sz n =
if sz < 1 then []
else foo sz n
foo sz n =
if n == 0 then repeatN False sz
else bar sz n
-- bar :: Int -> Int -> [Bool]
bar sz n =
if n == 0 then repeatN False sz
else if sz < 1 then []
(if mod n 2 == 0 then False else True) : bar (sz-1) (div n 2)
-- repeatN :: a -> Int -> [a]
repeatN x n = take n $ repeat x
λ> intToLBool 1 1
λ> intToLBool 5 2

haskell/ThompsonRe.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
data Re a
= Nul
| Eps
| Char (a -> Bool)
| Cat (Re a) (Re a)
| Alt (Re a) (Re a)
| Star (Re a)
data Instr a
= Accept
| Jump Int
| Split Int
| Chr (a -> Bool)
-- drv :: Re a -> [a] -> (Re a, [a])
-- drv r l = case r of
-- Nul -> (Nul, [])
-- Eps -> if null l then (Eps, []) else (Nul, [])
-- Char f ->
-- if (length l == 1 && f (head l)) then (Eps, [])
-- else (Nul, [])
-- Cat r1 r2 ->
-- let r', l' = drv r1 l in
-- case r1
-- drv (Cat r'
-- Alt r1 r2 -> (reDe r1 l) || (reDe r2 l)
-- Star r -> (reDe Eps l) || (reDe (Cat r (Star r)) l)
drv l = False, l
drv ε l = True, l
drv c l =
if null l then False, l
else if head l == c then True, tail l
else False, l
drv r1;r2 l =
let b l' = drv r1 l in
if b then drv r2 l'
else False, l'
reDe :: Re a -> [a] -> Bool
reDe r l = case r of
Nul -> False
Eps -> null l
Char f -> length l == 1 && f (head l)
Cat r1 r2 -> False
Alt r1 r2 -> (reDe r1 l) || (reDe r2 l)
Star r -> (reDe Eps l) || (reDe (Cat r (Star r)) l)
-- catHelper :: Re a -> [a] -> (Re a, [a])
catHelper re lst =

View File

@ -111,3 +111,13 @@ tc1 = lam (Arrow Boolean Nat) (lam Boolean (app (var 1) (var 0)))
-- tm2 = Lam (Arrow Boolean Nat) (Lam Boolean _)
tc2 :: forall x. TypeChecker
tc2 = \ctxt -> Nothing
class TyChecker a where
varC :: Int -> a
appC :: a -> a -> a
lamC :: Typ -> a -> a
failureC :: a
hasTypeC :: Typ -> a -> a
haveC :: Int -> Typ -> a -> a

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
An experiment with Clash: Experiment 2
Okay, this failed as expected. Because it isn't as trivial as Experiment 1.
`List.length' function is involved and its definition is recursive.
module Exp where
import Clash.Prelude
import qualified Data.List as L
topFn :: [Int] -> Int -> ([Int], Int)
topFn ls n = (n:ls, L.length ls)
:: Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> Signal System Int
-> Signal System Int
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable $ mealy topFn []
-- $ clash Exp.hs --verilog
-- GHC: Setting up GHC took: 0.666s
-- GHC: Compiling and loading modules took: 0.445s
-- Clash: Parsing and compiling primitives took 0.266s
-- GHC+Clash: Loading modules cumulatively took 1.502s
-- Clash: Compiling Exp.topEntity
-- Clash: Normalization took 0.031s
-- Exp.hs:19:1: error:
-- Clash.Netlist.BlackBox(319): No blackbox found for: GHC.List.$wlenAcc. Did you forget to include directories containing primitives? You can use '-i/my/prim/dir' to achieve this.
-- The source location of the error is not exact, only indicative, as it is acquired
-- after optimizations. The actual location of the error can be in a function that is
-- inlined. To prevent inlining of those functions, annotate them with a NOINLINE pragma.
-- |
-- 19 | topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable $ mealy topFn []
-- | ^^^^^^^^^
-- {-
-- An experiment with Clash: Experiment 1
-- I expected this not to synthesize. But it did.
-- Probably because it was too simple.
-- -}
-- module Exp where
-- import Clash.Prelude
-- topFn :: [Int] -> Int -> ([Int], Bool)
-- topFn ls n = (ls, True)
-- topEntity
-- :: Clock System
-- -> Reset System
-- -> Enable System
-- -> Signal System Int
-- -> Signal System Bool
-- topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable $ mealy topFn []

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Can clash synthesize hlist?
module Hlist where
import Clash.Prelude
import qualified Data.List as L
-- No input.
-- State is index to `l'.
-- Output is l[state]
topFn :: Int -> () -> (Int, Int)
topFn idx _ = (mod (idx+1) 9, l L.!! idx)
:: Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> Signal System ()
-> Signal System Int
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable $ mealy topFn 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
Does the design synthesizable if the list is a constant list?
Yes, it does.
module ListSynth where
import Clash.Prelude
import qualified Data.List as L
l = (*10) <$> [1..9]
-- No input.
-- State is index to `l'.
-- Output is l[state]
topFn :: Int -> () -> (Int, Int)
topFn idx _ = (mod (idx+1) 9, l L.!! idx)
:: Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> Signal System ()
-> Signal System Int
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable $ mealy topFn 0

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,5 +1,174 @@
-- {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- import Control.Monad (void)
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Expr
import Text.Megaparsec.String -- input stream is of the type 'String'
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Lexer as L
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L
import Control.Monad.Combinators.Expr
-- import Control.Applicative
-- import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.Void
import Data.Text
-- import Data.Functor.Identity
-- import Control.Applicative.Combinators
-- type Parser = Parsec Void Text
-- type Parsec e s a = ParsecT e s Identity a
-- type Parser = Parsec Void String
type Parser = Parsec Void Text
sc :: Parser ()
sc = L.space
space1 -- (2)
(L.skipLineComment "//") -- (3)
(L.skipBlockComment "/*" "*/") -- (4)
lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a
lexeme = L.lexeme sc
symbol :: Text -> Parser Text
symbol = L.symbol sc
binary :: Text -> ((Re a) -> (Re a) -> (Re a)) -> Operator Parser (Re a)
binary name f = InfixL (f <$ symbol name)
prefix, postfix :: Text -> ((Re a) -> (Re a)) -> Operator Parser (Re a)
prefix name f = Prefix (f <$ symbol name)
postfix name f = Postfix (f <$ symbol name)
integer :: Parser Integer
integer = L.decimal
data Re a
= Atom a
| CCls [a]
| NCls [a]
| Opt (Re a)
| Rep (Re a) Integer Integer
-- | Rep (Re a) Int Int
| Dot a
| Eps
| Cat (Re a) (Re a)
deriving Show
uchar :: Parser Char
uchar = satisfy isUpper
uchars :: Parser [Char]
uchars = many uchar
atom :: Parser (Re Char)
atom = Atom <$> uchar
ccls :: Parser (Re Char)
ccls = do
_ <- char '['
x <- uchars
_ <- char ']'
return $ CCls x
ncls :: Parser (Re Char)
ncls = do
_ <- char '['
_ <- char '^'
x <- uchars
_ <- char ']'
return $ NCls x
dot :: Parser (Re Char)
dot = Dot <$> uchar
rep :: Parser (Re Char)
rep = do
r <- re
_ <- char '{'
low <- integer
_ <- char ','
high <- integer
_ <- char '}'
return $ Rep r low high
opt :: Parser (Re Char)
opt = do
r <- re
_ <- char '?'
return $ Opt r
-- opt :: Parser (Re Char) -> Parser (Re Char -> Re Char)
-- opt = do
-- r <- re
-- _ <- char '?'
-- return $ Opt r
cat :: Parser (Re Char)
cat = do
x <- uchars
return $ Prelude.foldr Cat Eps $ (Atom <$> x)
-- opt' :: Parser (Re Char)
-- opt' = Opt <$> r <* (char '?')
re :: Parser (Re Char)
re = choice
[ cat
, ccls
, opt
, dot
, ncls
, rep
-- optab :: [[Operator Parser (Re Char)]]
-- optab =
-- [
-- [
-- prefix "?" Opt
-- ]
-- -- ,
-- -- [
-- -- binary "" Cat
-- -- ]
-- ]
-- pre :: Parser (Re Char)
-- pre = makeExprParser re optab
-- parseTest ccls :: String -> IO ()
-- λ> parseTest ccls "[abcd]"
-- 1:2:
-- |
-- 1 | [abcd]
-- | ^
-- unexpected 'a'
-- expecting ']'
-- λ> parseTest ccls "[ABCD]"
-- CCls "ABCD"
-- λ> parseTest ccls "[ABCD]adf"
-- CCls "ABCD"
-- λ> parseTest atom "h"
-- 1:1:
-- |
-- 1 | h
-- | ^
-- unexpected 'h'
-- λ> parseTest atom "H"
-- Atom 'H'
-- λ> parseTest atom "Hi"
-- Atom 'H'
-- a = parseTest (pre <* eof) "AB"
-- b = parseTest (pre <* eof) "[AB]"
c = parseTest (re <* eof) "AB"
d = parseTest (re <* eof) "AB[CDE]"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L
import Control.Monad.Combinators.Expr
-- import Control.Applicative
-- import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.Void
import Data.Text
type Parser = Parsec Void Text
data Term = Literal Char
| Sequence [Term]
| Repeat (Int, Maybe Int) Term
| Choice [Term]
deriving ( Show )
seq a b = Sequence $ (seqTerms a) ++ (seqTerms b)
alt a b = Choice $ (choiceTerms a) ++ (choiceTerms b)
seqTerms (Sequence ts) = ts
seqTerms t = [t]
choiceTerms (Choice ts) = ts
choiceTerms t = [t]
-- ops = [ [ Postfix (Repeat (0, Nothing) <$ char '*')
-- , Postfix (Repeat (1, Nothing) <$ char '+')
-- , Postfix (Repeat (0, Just 1) <$ char '?')
-- ]
-- , [ InfixR (return sequence)
-- ]
-- , [ InfixR (alt <$ char '|')
-- ]
-- ]
-- term :: Parser Term
-- term = makeExprParser ops atom where
-- ops = [ [ Postfix (Repeat (0, Nothing) <$ char '*')
-- , Postfix (Repeat (1, Nothing) <$ char '+')
-- , Postfix (Repeat (0, Just 1) <$ char '?')
-- ]
-- , [ InfixR (return sequence)
-- ]
-- , [ InfixR (choice <$ char '|')
-- ]
-- ]
-- atom = msum [ Literal <$> lit
-- , parens term
-- ]
-- lit = noneOf "*+?|()"
-- sequence a b = Sequence $ (seqTerms a) ++ (seqTerms b)
-- choice a b = Choice $ (choiceTerms a) ++ (choiceTerms b)
-- parens = between (char '(') (char ')')
-- seqTerms (Sequence ts) = ts
-- seqTerms t = [t]
-- choiceTerms (Choice ts) = ts
-- choiceTerms t = [t]
-- main = parseTest term "he(llo)*|wor+ld?"
sc :: Parser ()
sc = L.space
space1 -- (2)
(L.skipLineComment "//") -- (3)
(L.skipBlockComment "/*" "*/") -- (4)
lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a
lexeme = L.lexeme sc
symbol :: Text -> Parser Text
symbol = L.symbol sc
binary :: Text -> ((Term) -> (Term) -> (Term)) -> Operator Parser (Term)
binary name f = InfixR (f <$ symbol name)
prefix, postfix :: Text -> ((Term) -> (Term)) -> Operator Parser (Term)
prefix name f = Prefix (f <$ symbol name)
postfix name f = Postfix (f <$ symbol name)

View File

@ -7,6 +7,20 @@ Assumptions:
import argparse
import qualified GHC.Base
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 900
import qualified GHC.Exts
unsafeCoerce :: a -> b
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 900
unsafeCoerce = GHC.Exts.unsafeCoerce#
unsafeCoerce = GHC.Base.unsafeCoerce#
:: SystemClockResetEnable
@ -38,6 +52,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
for line in fin:
if line == "import qualified Prelude\n":
print(f"module {args.module} where\n")
print(f"import Clash.Prelude\n")
if args.imports:

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
$ python3 % "Char (fun _ => false)" bool
$ python3 % "Char (fun _ => false)" Ascii.ascii
From aruvi Require Import re.
From aruvi Require Import dfa.

View File

@ -22,7 +22,10 @@ rm -rf $COQFILE $HSFILE $CLASHFILE $TCLFILE
python3 hs-gen.py "$1" "Ascii.ascii" > "$COQFILE"
coqc "$COQFILE" > "$HSFILE"
python3 extr-proc.py "$1" > "$CLASHFILE"
clash -verilog "$CLASHFILE"
python3 tcl-gen.py "$PROJNAME" "$BOARD" "$PROJPATH" "$VERILOGSRC" > "$TCLFILE"
vivado -mode batch -source "$TCLFILE"