add a bunch of new stuff

This commit is contained in:
Julin S 2024-01-02 13:13:01 +05:30
parent 9a69fea179
commit 25dc1bf9ad
6 changed files with 760 additions and 26 deletions

clash/MonWithTolerance.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
Tolerating monitor
Examine if sum of values in two input streams exceed a limit.
If limit is exceeded, see if it comes back to confirmance with a fixed
number of cycles and if it doesn't give False. Else keep giving True.
import Clash.Prelude
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench -- For simulation and testing
-- | Monitor state
data State
= Good -- ^ No intolerable violation
| Bad -- ^ Violation beyond tolerance
| Tolerating Word -- ^ Tolerating violation
deriving (Generic, NFDataX)
:: (Num a, Ord a)
=> Word -- ^ Tolerance limit (inclusive)
-> (a, a) -- ^ Lowest and highest allowed values
-> State -- ^ Current state
-> (a, a) -- ^ Input values
-> (State, Bool) -- ^ Next state and output
monTf limit (low, high) s (a, b) = case s of
Good ->
if outsideLimits res then
(Tolerating 1, True)
(Good, True)
Bad -> (Bad, False)
Tolerating failCount ->
if outsideLimits res then
--if failCount > limit then -- Spec mismatch. Tolerance is inclusive
if failCount == limit then
(Bad, False)
(Tolerating (failCount+1), True)
(Good, True)
res = a + b
outsideLimits val = val < low && val > high
:: SystemClockResetEnable
=> Signal System (Signed 8, Signed 8)
-> Signal System Bool
mon = mealy tf Good
tf = monTf 2 (10, 20)
:: Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> Signal System (Signed 8, Signed 8)
-> Signal System Bool
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable mon
testBench :: Signal System Bool
testBench = done
testInput = stimuliGenerator clk rst
$(listToVecTH [(10, 15) :: (Signed 8, Signed 8),
(25, 12),
(23, 30),
(1, 4)])
expectedOutput = outputVerifier' clk rst
$(listToVecTH [True,
done = expectedOutput (topEntity clk rst (enableGen) testInput)
clk = tbSystemClockGen (not <$> done)
rst = systemResetGen
λ> import qualified Data.List
λ> Data.List.take 5 $ sample testBench
--Data.List.take 5 $ sample $ exposeClockResetEnable mon

clash/Nfa.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
-- Inspired by
import Clash.Prelude
import qualified Prelude
import qualified Data.List
data Re a
= Eps
| Char (a -> Bool)
| Cat (Re a) (Re a)
| Alt (Re a) (Re a)
| Star (Re a)
-- ============================================================
lshift :: [a] -> [Either a b]
lshift = Left
rshift :: [b] -> [Either a b]
rshift = Right
data Nfa a = Nfa {
start :: [a]
, final :: [a]
, tfun :: a -> Maybe Char -> a -> Bool
eps :: Nfa ()
eps = Nfa {
start = [()]
, final = [()]
, tfun = \ s c d -> case (c, s, d) of
(Nothing, (), ()) -> True
otherwise -> False
-- () to () possible but not by consuming `c'
char :: (Char -> Bool) -> Nfa Bool
char f = Nfa {
start = [False]
, final = [True]
, tfun = \ s c d -> case (c, s, d) of
(Just c, False, True) -> f c
(Nothing, False, False) -> True
(Nothing, True, True) -> True
otherwise -> False
cat :: (Eq a, Eq b) => Nfa a -> Nfa b -> Nfa (Either a b)
cat a1 a2 = Nfa {
start = lshift (start a1)
, final = rshift (final a2)
, tfun = \ s c d -> case (c, s, d) of
(Just c', Left s, Left d) -> (tfun a1) s c d
(Just c', Right s, Right d) -> (tfun a2) s c d
-- The epsilon transition
(Nothing, Left s, Right d) ->
if Prelude.elem s (final a1) && Prelude.elem d (start a2) then True
else False
otherwise -> False
-- if ∃st ∈ (start a1) and st ∈ (final a1) then
-- (start a1) ++
-- else
-- start a1
alt :: Nfa a -> Nfa b -> Nfa (Either a b)
alt a1 a2 = Nfa {
start = (Data.List.++) (lshift (start a1)) (rshift (start a2))
, final = (Data.List.++) (lshift (final a1)) (rshift (final a2))
, tfun = \ s c d -> case (c, s, d) of
(_, Left s, Left d) -> (tfun a1) s c d
(_, Right s, Right d) -> (tfun a2) s c d
otherwise -> False
star :: Eq a => Nfa a -> Nfa a
star au = Nfa {
start = start au
, final = (Data.List.++) (start au) (final au)
, tfun = \ s c d -> case (c, s, d) of
(Nothing, _, _) ->
if Prelude.elem s (final au) && Prelude.elem d (start au) then True
else False
otherwise -> (tfun au) s c d
-- re2nfa :: Re a -> Nfa st
-- re2nfa r = case r of
-- Eps -> eps
-- Char f -> char f
-- Cat r1 r2 -> cat (re2nfa r1) (re2nfa r2)
-- Alt r1 r2 -> alt (re2nfa r1) (re2nfa r2)
-- Star rr -> star (re2nfa rr)

coq/MonWithTolerance.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
Require Import Extraction.
Extraction Language Haskell.
Require Import ExtrHaskellBasic.
Require Import ExtrHaskellNatInt.
Inductive state: Type :=
| Good | Bad
| Tolerating: nat -> state.
Definition gtb (a b: nat): bool := Nat.ltb b a.
(* Goal *)
(* forall (a b:nat), Nat.ltb a b = gtb a b. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* intros a b. *)
(* induction a. *)
(* - induction b. *)
(* + trivial. *)
(* + simpl. *)
p = (a+b) <= high && low >= (a+b)
~p;~p;~p |-> o=False
~p; X ~p; X X ~p ??????
Definition monTf (limit: nat) (bounds: nat * nat) (st: state) (ab: nat * nat): state * bool :=
let a := fst ab in
let b := snd ab in
let low := fst bounds in
let high := snd bounds in
let res := a + b in
let outsideLimits :=
orb (Nat.ltb res low) (gtb res high) in
match st with
| Good =>
if outsideLimits then (Tolerating 1, true)
else (Good, true)
| Bad => (Bad, false)
| Tolerating failCount =>
if outsideLimits then
(*if failCount > limit then -- Spec mismatch. Tolerance is inclusive*)
if Nat.eqb failCount limit then (Bad, false)
else (Tolerating (S failCount), true)
else (Good, true)
Extract Inductive nat => "Int" [ "0" "succ" ]
"(\fO fS n -> if n == 0 then fO () else fS (n - 1))".
(** ExtrHaskBasic **)
Extract Inductive bool => "Bool" [ "True" "False" ].
Extract Inductive option => "Maybe" [ "Just" "Nothing" ].
Extract Inductive unit => "()" [ "()" ].
Extract Inductive list => "([])" [ "([])" "(:)" ].
Extract Inductive prod => "(,)" [ "(,)" ].
Extract Inductive sumbool => "Bool" [ "True" "False" ].
Extract Inductive sumor => "Maybe" [ "Just" "Nothing" ].
Extract Inductive sum => "Either" [ "Left" "Right" ].
Extract Inlined Constant andb => "(&&)".
Extract Inlined Constant orb => "(||)".
Extract Inlined Constant negb => "not".
(** ExtrHaskellNatNum *)
Extract Inlined Constant Nat.add => "(+)".
Extract Inlined Constant Nat.mul => "(*)".
Extract Inlined Constant Nat.max => "max".
Extract Inlined Constant Nat.min => "min".
Extract Inlined Constant Init.Nat.add => "(+)".
Extract Inlined Constant Init.Nat.mul => "(*)".
Extract Inlined Constant Init.Nat.max => "max".
Extract Inlined Constant Init.Nat.min => "min".
Extract Inlined Constant Compare_dec.lt_dec => "(<)".
Extract Inlined Constant Compare_dec.leb => "(<=)".
Extract Inlined Constant Compare_dec.le_lt_dec => "(<=)".
Extract Inlined Constant Nat.eqb => "(==)".
Extract Inlined Constant EqNat.eq_nat_decide => "(==)".
Extract Inlined Constant Peano_dec.eq_nat_dec => "(==)".
Extract Constant Nat.pred => "(\n -> max 0 (pred n))".
Extract Constant Nat.sub => "(\n m -> max 0 (n - m))".
Extract Constant Init.Nat.pred => "(\n -> max 0 (pred n))".
Extract Constant Init.Nat.sub => "(\n m -> max 0 (n - m))".
Extract Constant Nat.div => "(\n m -> if m == 0 then 0 else div n m)".
Extract Constant Nat.modulo => "(\n m -> if m == 0 then n else mod n m)".
Extract Constant Init.Nat.div => "(\n m -> if m == 0 then 0 else div n m)".
Extract Constant Init.Nat.modulo => "(\n m -> if m == 0 then n else mod n m)".
(** Own *)
Extract Inlined Constant Nat.eqb => "(==)".
Extract Inlined Constant Nat.leb => "(<=)".
Extract Inlined Constant Nat.ltb => "(<)".
Extract Inlined Constant gtb => "(>)".
Extract Inlined Constant fst => "fst".
Extract Inlined Constant snd => "snd".
Recursive Extraction monTf.

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Infix "⇒" := Arrow (at level 25, right associativity): ty_scope.
Inductive ref {A: Type}: A -> list A -> Type := Inductive ref {A: Type}: A -> list A -> Type :=
| Here: forall (a:A) (ls:list A), | Here: forall (a:A) (ls:list A),
ref a (a::ls) ref a (a::ls)
| Further: forall (a x: A) (ls: list A), | Further: forall {a: A} {ls: list A} (x: A),
ref a ls -> ref a (x::ls). ref a ls -> ref a (x::ls).
(* Theorem refListNonNil: forall {A: Type} (a:A) (ls: list A), *) (* Theorem refListNonNil: forall {A: Type} (a:A) (ls: list A), *)
@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ Inductive ref {A: Type}: A -> list A -> Type :=
Inductive env: list type -> Type := Inductive env: list type -> Type :=
| ENil: env [] | ENil: env []
| ECons: forall (τs: list type) (τ: type), | ECons: forall {τs: list type} {τ: type},
typeDe τ -> env τs -> env (τ::τs). typeDe τ -> env τs -> env (τ::τs).
(* ⣤ ‼ *)
(* Fixpoint lookup {t: type} {ts: list type} (en: env ts): ref t ts -> typeDe t. refine ( *) (* Fixpoint lookup {t: type} {ts: list type} (en: env ts): ref t ts -> typeDe t. refine ( *)
(* match en with *) (* match en with *)
@ -57,8 +58,8 @@ Inductive env: list type -> Type :=
(* *) (* *)
Equations lookupEnv {τ: type} {τs: list type} Equations lookupEnv {τ: type} {τs: list type}
(en: env τs) (rf: ref τ τs): typeDe τ := (en: env τs) (rf: ref τ τs): typeDe τ :=
lookupEnv (ECons _ _ v _) (Here _ _) := v ; lookupEnv (ECons v _) (Here _ _) := v ;
lookupEnv (ECons _ _ _ en') (Further _ _ _ rf') := lookupEnv en' rf'. lookupEnv (ECons _ en') (Further _ rf') := lookupEnv en' rf'.
(* Print lookupEnv. *) (* Print lookupEnv. *)
@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ Module LC.
| App _ _ _ tm1 tm2 => | App _ _ _ tm1 tm2 =>
fun en => (termDe tm1 en) (termDe tm2 en) fun en => (termDe tm1 en) (termDe tm2 en)
| Abs _ _ _ f => | Abs _ _ _ f =>
fun en v => termDe f (ECons _ _ v en) fun en v => termDe f (ECons v en)
end. end.
(* This would've worked too. *) (* This would've worked too. *)
@ -105,30 +106,89 @@ Module LC.
(* Print termDe. *) (* Print termDe. *)
End LC. End LC.
Compute typeDe (Arrow BVal (Arrow NVal BVal)).
Compute typeDe (Arrow (Arrow BVal NVal) BVal).
Module SKI. Module SKI.
Open Scope ty_scope. Open Scope ty_scope.
Inductive term: forall (τ: type), env τs -> typeDe τ -> Type := Inductive term {τs: list type}: forall (τ: type),
| I: forall X: type, (env τs -> typeDe τ) -> Type :=
term (X X) | I: forall (τ: type),
(fun x: typeDe X => x) term (τ τ)
| K: forall X Y: type, (fun (en: env τs) (x: τ) => x)
term (X Y X) | K: forall (τ1 τ2: type),
(fun (x:typeDe X) (y: typeDe Y) => x) term (τ1 τ2 τ1)
| S: forall X Y Z: type, (fun (en: env τs) (x1: τ1) (x2: τ2) => x1)
term ((X Y Z) | S: forall (τa τb τx: type),
(X Y) term ((τx τa τb) (τx τa) τx τb)
(X Z)) (fun (en: env τs)
(fun (f: typeDe (X Y Z)) (f: τx τa τb) (g: τx τa) (x: τx) =>
(g: typeDe (X Y)) (f x) (g x))
(x: typeDe X) => (f x) (g x)) | Var: forall (τ: type)
| App: forall (X Y: type) (f: typeDe (X Y)) (x: typeDe X), (rf: ref τ τs),
term (X Y) f -> term X x -> term Y (f x) term τ (fun (en: env τs) => lookupEnv en rf)
| Var: forall (X Y: type) (f: typeDe (X Y)), | App: forall {τa τb: type} {f: τa τb} {b: τb},
term (X Y) f -> term X x -> term (X Y) f. term (τa τb) (fun en: env τs => f) ->
term τb (fun en: env τs => b) ->
term ((τa τb) τa τb)
(fun (en: env τs) (f: τa τb) (a: τa) => f a).
#[global] Arguments term: clear implicits.
(* Equations abs {σ τ: type} {τs: list type} {f: env (σ::τs) -> typeDe τ} *)
(* (t: term (σ::τs) τ f) *)
(* : term τs (σ ⇒ τ) (fun (en: env τs) => (fun (x: ⟦σ⟧) => f (ECons x en))) := *)
(* abs (I _) => App (K _ _) (I _). *)
(* abs (K _ _ _) => _; *)
(* abs (S _ _ _ _) => _; *)
(* abs (Var _ _ rf) => _; *)
(* abs (App _ _) => _. *)
Fixpoint abs {σ τ: type} {τs: list type} {f: env (σ::τs) -> typeDe τ}
(tm: term (σ::τs) τ f)
: term τs (σ τ) (fun (en: env τs) => (fun (x: σ) => f (ECons x en))).
refine (
match tm with
| I ty => _
| K _ _ => _
| S _ _ _ => _
| Var _ rf => _
| App _ _ => _
- Check (App (K _ _) (I ty)).
Check (@App τs _ _ _ _ (K τ σ) (I _)).
Check (App (K _ σ) (I ty)).
refine (App (K _ _) (I _)).
(* Inductive term: forall (τs: list type) (τ: type), env τs -> typeDe τ -> Type := *)
(* | I: forall (τs: list type) (τ: type) (en: env τs), *)
(* term τs (τ ⇒ τ) en (fun x: ⟦τ⟧ => x) *)
(* | K: forall (τs: list type) (τ1 τ2: type) (en: env τs), *)
(* term τs (τ1 ⇒ τ2 ⇒ τ1) en (fun (x1: ⟦τ1⟧) (x2: ⟦τ2⟧) => x1) *)
(* | S: forall (τs: list type) (τa τb τx: type) (en: env τs), *)
(* term τs ((τx ⇒ τa ⇒ τb)(τx ⇒ τa) ⇒ τx ⇒ τb) en *)
(* (fun (f: ⟦τx ⇒ τa ⇒ τb⟧) (g: ⟦τx ⇒ τa⟧) (x: ⟦τx⟧) => (f x) (g x)). *)
(* Inductive term: forall (τs: list type) (τ: type), *)
(* env τs -> typeDe τ -> Type := *)
(* | I: forall (τs: list type) (X: type) (en: env τs), *)
(* term τs (X ⇒ X) en *)
(* (fun x: typeDe X => x) *)
(* | K: forall (τs: list type) (X Y: type), *)
(* term τs (X ⇒ Y ⇒ X) *)
(* (fun (x:typeDe X) (y: typeDe Y) => x) *)
(* | S: forall (τs: list type) (X Y Z: type), *)
(* term τs ((X ⇒ Y ⇒ Z)*)
(* (X ⇒ Y)*)
(* (X ⇒ Z)) *)
(* (fun (f: typeDe (X ⇒ Y ⇒ Z)) *)
(* (g: typeDe (X ⇒ Y)) *)
(* (x: typeDe X) => (f x) (g x)) *)
(* | App: forall (X Y: type) (f: typeDe (X ⇒ Y)) (x: typeDe X), *)
(* term (X ⇒ Y) f -> term X x -> term Y (f x) *)
(* | Var: forall (X Y: type) (f: typeDe (X ⇒ Y)), *)
(* term (X ⇒ Y) f -> term X x -> term (X ⇒ Y) f. *)
(* Inductive term: forall (τ: type), typeDe τ -> Type := *) (* Inductive term: forall (τ: type), typeDe τ -> Type := *)
(* | I: forall X: type, *) (* | I: forall X: type, *)

coq/ltl.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
(* *)
(* *)
(* Require Import Streams. *)
(* Lemma unfoldStream {A: Type}: forall s: Stream A, *)
(* s = match s with *)
(* | Cons x ss => Cons x ss *)
(* end. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* intros s. *)
(* now destruct s. *)
(* Qed. *)
(* Require Import ssreflect. *)
(* Goal *)
(* const 3 = Cons 3 (const 3). *)
(* Proof. *)
(* rewrite {1}(unfoldStream (const 3)). *)
(* rewrite //=. *)
(* Qed. *)
(* Goal *)
(* const 3 = Cons 3 (const 3). *)
(* Proof. *)
(* rewrite (unfoldStream (const 3)). *)
(* simpl. *)
(* unfold const. *)
(* *)
Require Import ssreflect.
(* Module LtlNotations. *)
(* Declare Scope ltl_scope. *)
(* Delimit Scope ltl_scope with ltl. *)
(* Reserved Notation "". *)
(* Reserved Notation "⊥". *)
(* Reserved Notation "'↑' p" (at level 15). *)
(* Reserved Notation "'¬' p" := (not p) (at level 20): ltl_scope. *)
(* Reserved Notation "'X' p" := (next p) (at level 25, right associativity): ltl_scope. *)
(* Reserved Infix "" := or (at level 35, right associativity): ltl_scope. *)
(* Reserved Infix "U" := until (at level 45, right associativity): ltl_scope. *)
(* Infix "∧" := and (at level 30, right associativity): ltl_scope. *)
(* Infix "→" := impl (at level 25, right associativity): ltl_scope. *)
(* Notation "'◇' p" := (eventually p) (at level 60, right associativity): ltl_scope. *)
(* Notation "'□' p" := (always p) (at level 60, right associativity): ltl_scope. *)
(* End LtlNotations. *)
Section streams.
Context {A: Type}.
(* Finite and infinite words possible *)
CoInductive stream {A: Type}: Type :=
| SNil: stream
| SCons: A -> stream -> stream.
#[global] Arguments stream: clear implicits.
(* Constant stream *)
CoFixpoint const (a:A): stream A := SCons a (const a).
(* Concatenate two streams *)
CoFixpoint sapp (a b: stream A): stream A :=
match a with
| SNil => b
| SCons x a' => SCons x (sapp a' b)
(* An inductive predicate. Keeps consuming. *)
Inductive isFinite {A: Type}: stream A -> Prop :=
| IsFinDone: isFinite SNil
| IsFinMore: forall (s: stream A) (a:A),
isFinite s -> isFinite (SCons a s).
(* A coinductive predicate. Keeps producing. *)
Inductive isInfinite {A: Type}: stream A -> Prop :=
| IsInfin: forall (s: stream A) (a:A),
isInfinite s -> isInfinite (SCons a s).
End streams.
Section streamLemmas.
Lemma unfoldStream {A: Type}: forall s: stream A,
s = match s with
| SNil => SNil
| SCons x ss => SCons x ss
move => s.
by case: s.
End streamLemmas.
Section ltl.
Context {A: Type}.
Definition sProp: Type := stream A -> Prop.
Inductive atom (P: A -> Prop): sProp :=
| Atom: forall (a:A) (s: stream A),
P a -> atom P (SCons a s).
Inductive next (p: sProp): sProp :=
| Next: forall (a:A) (s: stream A),
p s -> next p (SCons a s).
(* Strict eventually *)
Inductive eventually (p: sProp): sProp :=
| FDone: forall (a: A) (s: stream A),
p (SCons a s) -> eventually p (SCons a s)
| FMore: forall (a: A) (s: stream A),
eventually p s -> eventually p (SCons a s).
CoInductive always (p: sProp): sProp :=
| Always: forall (s: stream A) (a: A),
always p s -> always p (SCons a s).
End ltl.
Section Lemmas.
Context (A: Type).
Definition satisfies (P: stream A -> Prop) (s: stream A): Prop := P s.
(cofix const (a0 : A) : stream A := SCons a0 (const a0)) a =
SCons a ((cofix const (a0 : A) : stream A := SCons a0 (const a0)) a)
(* rewrite {1}/const. *)
(cofix const (a0 : A) : stream A := SCons a0 (const a0)) a =
SCons a (const a)
Theorem nextRepeat: forall (a b: A),
satisfies (next (atom (fun x => x = b))) (SCons a (const b)).
move => a b.
rewrite /satisfies.
apply Next.
rewrite (unfoldStream (const b)).
rewrite /const.
by apply Atom.
Theorem prefixEventually: forall (pre post: stream A) (P: sProp),
isFinite pre ->
satisfies P post ->
satisfies P (sapp pre post).
move => pre post P preFin.
Theorem alwaysInfinite: forall (s: stream A) (P: sProp),
always P s -> isInfinite s.
move => s P H.
case: H.
rewrite (unfoldStream s).
apply IsInfin.
End Lemmas.
(* *)
Require Import Streams.
Require Import ssreflect.
Section ltl.
Context {A: Type}.
Definition sProp: Type := Stream A -> Prop.
(* Fundamental operators *)
CoInductive until (p q: sProp): sProp :=
| UMore: forall s: Stream A,
q s -> until p q s
| UDone: forall s: Stream A,
p s -> until p q (tl s) -> until p q s.
Definition atom (p: A -> Prop): sProp := fun s => p (hd s).
Definition not (p: sProp): sProp := fun s => not (p s).
Definition next (p: sProp): sProp := fun s => p (tl s).
Definition or (p q: sProp): sProp := fun s => (p s) \/ (q s).
(* Derived operators *)
Definition and (p q: sProp): sProp := or (not p) (not q).
Definition impl (p q: sProp): sProp := or (not p) q.
Definition eventually (p: sProp): sProp := until (fun _ => True) p.
Definition always (p: sProp): sProp := until p (fun _ => False).
(* Definition and (p q: sProp): sProp := ¬p ¬q. *)
(* Definition impl (p q: sProp): sProp := ¬p q. *)
(* Definition eventually (p: sProp): sProp := U p. *)
(* Definition always (p: sProp): sProp := p U ⊥. *)
End ltl.
#[global] Arguments sProp: clear implicits.
Module LtlNotations.
Declare Scope ltl_scope.
Delimit Scope ltl_scope with ltl.
Notation "" := (fun _ => True): ltl_scope.
Notation "" := (fun _ => False): ltl_scope.
Notation "'↑' p" := (atom p) (at level 15): ltl_scope.
Notation "'¬' p" := (not p) (at level 20): ltl_scope.
Notation "'X' p" := (next p) (at level 25, right associativity): ltl_scope.
Infix "" := or (at level 35, right associativity): ltl_scope.
Infix "U" := until (at level 45, right associativity): ltl_scope.
Infix "" := and (at level 30, right associativity): ltl_scope.
Infix "" := impl (at level 25, right associativity): ltl_scope.
Notation "'◇' p" := (eventually p) (at level 60, right associativity): ltl_scope.
Notation "'□' p" := (always p) (at level 60, right associativity): ltl_scope.
End LtlNotations.
Section lemmas.
Import LtlNotations.
Open Scope ltl_scope.
Context (A: Type).
Definition left_distributive1 (a b: sProp A): forall s: Stream A,
(X (a b)) s ->
(X a) s \/ (X b) s.
move => s H.
End lemmas.
(* Module Syn. *)
(* (1* Inductive t {A: Type}: Stream A -> Type := *1) *)
(* (1* | Atom: forall s:Stream A, *1) *)
(* (1* Prop -> t s *1) *)
(* (1* | Next: forall (s:Stream A) (a:A), *1) *)
(* (1* t s -> t (Streams.Cons a s) *1) *)
(* (1* | Not: forall s:Stream A, *1) *)
(* (1* t s -> t s *1) *)
(* (1* | Or: forall s:Stream A, *1) *)
(* (1* t s -> t s -> t s *1) *)
(* (1* | Until: t -> t -> t. *1) *)
(* Inductive t {A: Type}: Type := *)
(* | Atom: (A -> Prop) -> t *)
(* | Next: t -> t *)
(* | Not: t -> t *)
(* | Or: t -> t -> t *)
(* | Until: t -> t -> t. *)
(* #[global] Arguments t: clear implicits. *)
(* End Syn. *)
(* Module Sem. *)
(* Import Syn. *)
(* Context (A: Type). *)
(* Definition sProp: Type := Stream A -> Prop. *)
(* CoInductive until (p q: sProp): sProp := *)
(* | UMore: forall s: Stream A, *)
(* q s -> until p q s *)
(* | UDone: forall s: Stream A, *)
(* p s -> until p q (tl s) -> until p q s. *)
(* Definition atom (p: A -> Prop): sProp := fun s => p (hd s). *)
(* Definition next (p: sProp): sProp := fun s => p (tl s). *)
(* Definition not (p: sProp): sProp := fun s => not (p s). *)
(* Definition or (p q: sProp): sProp := fun s => (p s) \/ (q s). *)
(* Fixpoint denote (p: Syn.t A): sProp := *)
(* match p with *)
(* | Atom p => atom p *)
(* | Next p => next (denote p) *)
(* | Not p => not (denote p) *)
(* | Or p q => or (denote p) (denote q) *)
(* | Until p q => until (denote p) (denote q) *)
(* end. *)
(* (1* CoInductive t {A: Type}: Syn.t A -> Prop := *1) *)
(* (1* | Atom (p: Prop): t (Syn.Atom p) *1) *)
(* (1* | Next (p: Syn.t A): t (Syn.Next p) *1) *)
(* (1* | Not (p: Syn.t A): t (Syn.Not p) *1) *)
(* (1* | Or (p q: Syn.t A): t (Syn.Or p q) *1) *)
(* (1* | UDone (p q: Syn.t A): t (Syn.Until p q) *1) *)
(* (1* | UMore (p q: Syn.t A): t (Syn.Until p q). *1) *)
(* (1* (2* #[global] Arguments t: clear implicits. *2) *1) *)
(* (1* Check @tl. *1) *)
(* (1* CoFixpoint foo {A: Type} (s: Stream A): forall (f: Syn.t A), t f. *1) *)
(* (1* refine (fun f => *1) *)
(* (1* match f with *1) *)
(* (1* | Syn.Atom p => Atom p *1) *)
(* (1* | Syn.Next p => _ *1) *)
(* (1* | Syn.Not p => _ *1) *)
(* (1* | Syn.Or p q => _ *1) *)
(* (1* | Syn.Until p q => _ *1) *)
(* (1* end). *1) *)
(* (1* - Check foo _ (tl s) p. *1) *)
(* (1* (2* w ⊨ p : Prop *2) *1) *)
(* (1* (2* Fixpoint foo {A: Type} (s: Stream A) (f: Syn.t A): Prop := *2) *1) *)
(* (1* (2* match f with *2) *1) *)
(* (1* (2* | Atom p => p *2) *1) *)
(* (1* (2* | Next p => foo (tl s) p *2) *1) *)
(* (1* (2* | Not p => not (foo s p) *2) *1) *)
(* (1* (2* | Or p q => (foo s p) \/ (foo s q) *2) *1) *)
(* (1* (2* | Until p q => True *2) *1) *)
(* (1* (2* end. *2) *1) *)
(* End Sem. *)

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(* *)
Inductive myBool: Type := mtrue | mfalse.
Class Eq (A: Type) := {
eqbC: A -> A -> bool
#[export] Instance eqmBool : Eq myBool := {
eqbC := fun x y =>
match x, y with
| mtrue, mtrue => true
| mfalse, mfalse => true
| _, _ => false
Record myRec := {
eqElem {A: Type} `{Eq A}: A -> A -> bool