add start of jfp-pearl nov 2023

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Julin S 2023-11-27 16:18:55 +05:30
parent 4741dcd6a7
commit 3a63656658
1 changed files with 96 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Inductive type: Type :=
| BVal: type
| NVal: type
| Arrow: type -> type -> type.
Fixpoint typeDe (t: type): Type :=
match t with
| BVal => bool
| NVal => nat
| Arrow t1 t2 => (typeDe t1) -> (typeDe t2)
Module SKI.
Inductive term: forall (τ: type), typeDe τ -> Type :=
| I: forall τ: type,
term (Arrow τ τ)
(fun x => x)
| K: forall τ1 τ2: type,
term (Arrow τ1 (Arrow τ2 τ1))
(fun v1 v2 => v1).
End SKI.
(* Definition ctxt: Type := list type. *)
Inductive ref {A: Type}: A -> list A -> Type :=
| Here: forall (a:A) (ls:list A),
ref a (a::ls)
| Further: forall (a x: A) (ls: list A),
ref a ls -> ref a (x::ls).
(* Arguments ref: clear implicits. *)
Inductive env: list type -> Type :=
| ENil: env []
| ECons: forall (τs: list type) (τ: type),
typeDe τ -> env τs -> env (τ::τs).
Fixpoint lookup {τ: type}: forall {τs: list type}, ref τ τs -> env τs -> typeDe τ.
refine(fun τs rf en => _).
refine (
match rf with
| Here _ _ =>
match en with
| ENil => _
| ECons _ _ v _ => v
| Further _ _ τs' rf' => _
refine (
match en with
| ENil => _
| ECons _ _ v _ => _
Check lookup _ _ rf' τs'.
Fixpoint lookup {τs: list type} {τ: type} (rf: ref τ τs) (en: env τs): typeDe τ.
match rf with
| Here _ _ =>
match en with
| ENil => _
| ECons _ _ v _ => _
| Further _ _ _ rf' => lookup _ _ rf' en
Inductive term: ctxt -> type -> Type :=
| Var: forall (Γ:ctxt) (τ: type),
ref τ Γ -> term Γ τ
| App: forall (Γ: ctxt) (τ1 τ2: type),
term Γ (Arrow τ1 τ2)
-> term Γ τ1
-> term Γ τ2
| Abs: forall (Γ: ctxt) (τ1 τ2: type),
term (τ1 :: Γ) τ2
-> term Γ (Arrow τ1 τ2).
(* Variables with their types *)
Inductive env: ctxt -> Type :=
| ENil: env []
| ECons: forall (Γ: ctxt) (τ: type),
typeDe τ -> env Γ -> env (τ :: Γ).
(* Find a value in an environment *)
Fixpoint lookup {Γ: ctxt} {τ: type}
(rf: ref τ Γ): typeDe τ.
refine (
match rf with
| Here a Γ' => _
| Away a _ ls rf' => lookup _ _ rf'