include old haskell files

This commit is contained in:
Julin S 2023-05-23 22:49:15 +05:30
parent bc96438a06
commit 3db48e8232
31 changed files with 1193 additions and 0 deletions

agda/add-assoc.agda Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
module add-assoc where
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc; _+_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; cong)
-- `+-assoc` is an identifier like `add-assoc`. Nothing special
+-assoc : Set
+-assoc = (a b c : ) a + (b + c) (a + b) + c -- enunciation
Why is this not type checking?
+-assoc = (a b c : ) a + (b + c) (a + b) + c -- enunciation
-- an object of this type is the proof
+-assoc-proof : (a b c : ) a + (b + c) (a + b) + c
+-assoc-proof zero b c = refl
+-assoc-proof (suc a) b c = cong suc (+-assoc-proof a b c) -- generated from doing case-split on 'a'
-- agda assigns a unique id to each hole
-- C-c C-, (comma) to get info about hole under cursor
-- For the above hole, it shows:
-- Goal: a + (b + c) ≡ a + b + c
-- ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
-- c :
-- b :
-- a :
-- `(a + b) + c` is shown as `a + b + c` as `+` is left associative.
-- So both are same.
{- Doing case split -}
-- With cursor on the hole, press: C-c C-c
-- It will ask name of variable to do case split on.
-- We say 'a', here.
-- Initial clause will be replaced by two new ones
-- > +-assoc-proof zero b c = {!!} -- a replaced by zero
-- > +-assoc-proof (suc a) b c = {!!} -- a replaced by (suc a)
-- doing refl (by C-c C-r) finishes first case
-- Doing C-c C-, on remaining goal says:
-- >
-- > Goal: suc (a + (b + c)) ≡ suc (a + b + c)
-- > ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
-- > c :
-- > b :
-- > a :
-- >
-- The cong function handles cases where goal is like
-- f(arg1) ≡ f(arg2)
-- in which case we only have to show that arg1 ≡ arg2
-- congruence of equality
-- we _write_ `cong suc` inside the remaining hole and do a `refl` with C-c C-r
-- to get this goal:
-- > ?2 : a + (b + c) ≡ a + b + c
-- A recursive call to `+-assoc-proof` can finish this off.
-- Write `+-assoc-proof a b c` into the last hole
-- and solve it with C-c C-space
-- So the final proof is:
-- +-assoc-proof zero b c = refl
-- +-assoc-proof (suc a) b c = cong suc (+-assoc-proof a b c) -- generated from doing case-split on 'a'

agda/hello.agda Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
-- False: a datatype without constructors
data False : Set where
-- True: a record type without fields => has
-- only a single element, which is the empty
-- record
record True : Set where
trivial : True
-- same as 'trivial = _' as agda can
-- figure out what the '_' stands for
trivial = record{}
open import Data.Bool
isTrue : Bool -> Set
isTrue true = True
isTrue false = False
data Nat : Set where
zero : Nat
suc : Nat Nat
add : Nat Nat Nat
add zero y = y
add (suc x) y = suc (add x y)
-- _<_ : Nat → Nat → Bool
-- _ < zero = false
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Bool
-- infix 40 _<_
_⇐_ : Bool
_⇐_ zero zero = false
_⇐_ zero _ = true
_⇐_ (suc x) y = _⇐_ x y
** Doubts
*** true
Anologous to Coq's
Inductive True : Prop := I.
Inductive False : Prop := .
But then again, those are propositions whereas the agda
version deals with Set.
Or is that how agda deals with propositions as well?
Had heard that there was no separation unlike in the case of Coq,
between the world of propositions and types
*** Check?
Equivalent of Check nat. of coq?
open import Data.String
s : String
s = "hello"
Here is a comment above a module.
module hello where --this is a comment! --fooo@.. jjwjw
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.String
not-comment : Bool -> Set
{- but this is OK {-
and indeed -}
they can be nested -}
s : String
s = "{- This is not a comment {- Notice the bad nesting -}"
not-comment b = {- another comment -} ? --more end-of-line
data Bool : Set where
true : Bool
false : Bool
not : Bool -> Bool
not true = false
not false = true

agda/hott.agda Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
Type = Set
data Bool : Type where
true false : Bool
not : Bool Bool
not true = false
not false = true
idBool : Bool Bool
idBool x = x
idBool' : Bool Bool
idBool' = λ (x : Bool) x
id' : (X : Type) X X
id' X x = x
id : {X : Type} X X
id x = x
idBool'' : Bool Bool
idBool'' = id' _ -- asdf
example : {P Q : Type} P (Q P)
example {P} {Q} p = f
f : Q P
f _ = p
example2 : {P Q : Type} P (Q P)
example2 {P} {Q} p = (λ q p)
-- example : {P Q : Type} → P → (Q → P)
-- example {P} {Q} p = f
-- example : {P Q : Type} → P → (Q → P)
-- example {P} {Q} p = f
-- open import binary-products
-- ex : {P Q : Type} → P x Q → Q x
data : Type where
zero :
succ :
three :
three = succ (succ (succ zero))
-- a pragma
three' :
three' = 3 -- same as three
-- Dependent types again
D : Bool Type
D true =
D false = Bool
-- 'mix-fix' operator
if_then_else : {X : Type} Bool X X X
if true then x else y = x
if false then x else y = y
if[_]_then_else_ : (X : Bool Type)
(b : Bool)
X true
X false
X b
if[ X ] true then x else y = x
if[ X ] false then x else y = y
-- Π type
unfamiliar : (b : Bool) D b
unfamiliar b = if[ D ] b then 3 else false
-- A type indexed by a type
data List (A : Type) : Type where
[] : List A
_::_ : A List A List A
ff : Type Type
ff = List
-- okay, list is indeed Type → Type
sample-list₀ : List
sample-list₀ = 0 :: (1 :: (2 :: [])) -- brackets not really needed here, it's right associative
infix 10 _::_
-- brackets not really needed here, it's right associative
-- sample-list1 : List
-- sample-list1 = 0 :: 1 :: 2 :: []
length : {X : Type} List X
length [] = 0
length (x :: xs) = succ (length xs)
-- arbitrary recursive definitions not possible. Just like Coq.
-- Recursions got to be structurally smaller.
-- On a sub-term.
-elim : {A : Type}
A 0 -- base case
((k : ) A k A (succ k)) -- induction step
(n : ) A n
-elim {A} a f = h
h : (n : ) A n
h zero = a
h (succ n) = f n IH
IH : A n
IH = h n -- induction hypothesis
-elim' : {A : Type}
A 0 -- base case
((k : ) A k A (succ k)) -- induction step
(n : ) A n
-elim' {A} a f zero = a
-elim' {A} a f (succ n) = f n (-elim' a f n)
-- Elimination principal for lists
List-elim : {X : Type} (A : List X Type)
A [] -- base case
((x : X) (xs : List X) A xs A (x :: xs)) -- induction step
(xs : List X) A xs
List-elim {X} A a f = h
h : (xs : List X)

agda/vectors.agda Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
- `C-c C-l`: saves, loads and type checks the file
-- file name has to be same as that of top-level module
module vectors where
-- This module can afterwards be imported like (in same directory)
-- `open import vectors using (Vector; _::_)`
-- Import type `` and its constructors `zero` and `suc` from `Data.Nat`
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc)
-- Define `Vector` type
-- 'a typed list'
-- the `A` argument means dependent typing. So `Vector` is actually a _family_ of types.
-- the `` in the type is an 'index' (indexed type). Here, `Vector` has only one index.
-- Here, the index represents the length of the vector.
data Vector (A : Set) : Set where
[] : Vector A zero
_::_ : {n : } (x : A) (xs : Vector A n) Vector A (suc n)
-- define precedence level of `_::_`
infixr 5 _::_
open import Data.Fin using (Fin; zero; suc)
-- > Agda allows overloading of constructor names, and disambiguates
-- > between them based on the expected type where they are used.'
-- So, `` vs `` conflict is minimized.
-- Function to get i-th element in a vector
-- generalizable variables
A : Set
n :
--lookup (A : Set) (n : ) : Vector A n → Fin n →
--lookup : Vector A n A
--lookup (x :: xs) zero = x
--lookup (x :: xs) (suc i) = lookup xs i
lookup : Vector A n Fin n A
lookup (x :: xs) zero = x
lookup (x :: xs) (suc i) = lookup xs i
{- More
** Find type of an expression
C-c C-d RET <expression>
1 :: []
(space around the `::` is needed as `1::[]` is an agda identifier)
Vector 1

c/arr-bounds-out.c Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
int main()
int arr[2];
arr[0] = 0;
arr[2] = 2; //compcert gave no error!
printf("arr[0] = %d\n", arr[0]);
printf("arr[2] = %d\n", arr[2]); //compcert still gave no error!!
return 0;
Gave error like gcc when I tried using printf without header file:
arr-bounds-out.c:6: warning: implicit declaration of function 'printf' is invalid in C99 [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
arr-bounds-out.c:6: warning: 'printf' is declared without a function prototype
Out of bound array access gave no error! Instead printed the value:
arr[0] = 0
arr[2] = 2

c/hello.c Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
int main()
printf("hello world!\n");
return 0;

c/op-eval-order.c Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
int a()
printf("a ");
return 1;
int b()
printf("b ");
return 2;
int c()
printf("c ");
return 3;
int main()
printf("rv: %d\n", a() + b() + c());
return 0;

c/seq-point.c Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
int main()
int a = 0;
a = a++ + ++a;
//printf("%d\n", a);
return a;
a++ + ++a
0++ + ++a
0 + ++1
0 + 2
a++ + ++0
1++ + 1

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import Clash.Prelude
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
:: Applicative f
=> (a -> b -> c)
-> f a
-> f b
-> f c
foo fn x y = fn <$> x <*> y
:: Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> Signal System (Signed 8)
-> Signal System (Signed 8)
-> Signal System (Signed 8)
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable $ foo (+)
testBench :: Signal System Bool
testBench = done
--testInput = stimuliGenerator clk rst $(listToVecTH [2 :: Signed 8, 5, 7]) $(listToVecTH [3 :: Signed 8, 1, 5])
--expectOutput = outputVerifier' clk rst $(listToVecTH [5 :: Signed 8, 12])
testInput = stimuliGenerator clk rst ((2 :: Signed 8) :> 5 :> 7 :> Nil) ((3 :: Signed 8) :> 1 :> 5 :> Nil)
expectOutput = outputVerifier' clk rst ((5 :: Signed 8) :> 12 :> Nil)
done = expectOutput (topEntity clk rst en testInput)
en = enableGen
clk = tbSystemClockGen (not <$> done)
rst = systemResetGen

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
module FIR where
import Clash.Prelude
-- Dot product?
dotp :: SaturatingNum a
=> Vec (n + 1) a
-> Vec (n + 1) a
-> a
dotp as bs =
fold boundedAdd -- Sum up the resultant list
(zipWith boundedMul as bs) -- Multiply corresponding values
:: (HiddenClockResetEnable dom
, Default a
, KnownNat n
, SaturatingNum a
, NFDataX a)
=> Vec (n+1) a -> Signal dom a -> Signal dom a
fir coeffs x_t = y_t
y_t = dotp coeffs <$> bundle xs
xs = window x_t
topEntity ::
Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> Signal System (Signed 16)
-> Signal System (Signed 16)
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable (fir (2:>3:>(-2):>8:>Nil))
testBench :: Signal System Bool
testBench = done
done =
rst = tbsystemClockGen

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
module FullAdder where
-- import qualified Prelude.Bool as Bool
import Clash.Prelude
-- | A | B | S | C |
-- |---+---+---+---|
-- | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
-- | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
-- | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
-- | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
mac :: (Num a) => a -> (a, a) -> (a, a)
mac acc (x, y) = (acc + x*y, acc)
:: Bool -- ^ cin
-> (Bool, Bool) -- ^ a and b
-> (Bool, Bool) -- ^ cout and s
fulladder False (False, False) = (False, False)
fulladder True (False, False) = (False, True)
fulladder False (False, True) = (False, True)
fulladder True (False, True) = (True, False)
fulladder False (True, False) = (False, True)
fulladder True (True, False) = (True, False)
fulladder False (True, True) = (True, False)
fulladder True (True, True) = (True, True)
:: (HiddenClockResetEnable dom)
=> Signal dom (Bool, Bool) -- ^
-> Signal dom Bool -- ^
fulladderS = mealy fulladder False
:: Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> Signal System (Bool, Bool)
-> Signal System Bool
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable fulladderS
-- clashi
-- λ> :l FullAdder.hs
-- λ> :vhdl

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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
module LastReg where
import Clash.Prelude
:: Maybe b -- ^ trigger (reset) value
-> Maybe a -- ^ value saved in register
-> Maybe a -- ^ output value of last
lastval (Just _) reg = reg
lastval Nothing _ = Nothing
:: Maybe a -- ^ v signal value
-> Maybe a -- ^ value saved in register
-> Maybe a -- ^ next value for register
lastregnextval Nothing Nothing = Nothing
lastregnextval Nothing (Just reg) = Just reg
lastregnextval (Just v) _ = Just v
:: (HiddenClockResetEnable dom,
NFDataX a)
=> Signal dom (Maybe a) -- ^ v signal
-> Signal dom (Maybe b) -- ^ r (reset) signal
-> Signal dom (Maybe a) -- ^ output signal
lastS v rst = lastval <$> rst <*> reg
reg = register Nothing (lastregnextval <$> v <*> reg)
:: Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> Signal System (Maybe Int)
-> Signal System (Maybe Int)
-> Signal System (Maybe Int)
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable lastS
-- import qualified Data.List as L
-- *LastReg L> L.take 6 $ simulate @System (lastS (fromList [Just 1, Just 2, Nothing, Just 3, Just 4, Nothing])) [Nothing, Just 1, Just 1, Nothing, Nothing, Just 1]
-- [Nothing,Just 2,Just 2,Nothing,Nothing,Just 4]
-- -- | Calculate output, next state
-- -- output Nothing means no change in state
-- last
-- ::
-- -> Maybe a -- ^ current state
-- -> Maybe a -- ^ v
-- -> Maybe b -- ^ r
-- -> Maybe a -- ^ new state
-- -> Maybe a -- ^ output
-- last Nothing Nothing _ = (Nothing, Nothing)
-- last Nothing (Just x) _ = (Just x, Nothing)
-- last (Just s) Nothing Nothing = (Just s, Nothing)
-- last (Just s) Nothing (Just _) = (Just s, Just s)
-- last (Just s) (Just x) Nothing = (Just x, Nothing)
-- last (Just s) (Just x) (Just _) = (Just x, Just s)

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
-- | Multiply and accumulate
module MAC where
import Clash.Prelude
-- | Multiply and accumulate
mac' :: (Num a) =>
a -- ^ accumulator
-> (a, a) -- ^ next arguments
-> a -- ^ new accumulator
mac' acc (x, y) = acc + (x*y)
mac :: (Num a) => a -> (a, a) -> (a, a)
mac acc (x, y) = (acc + x*y, acc)
macS :: (HiddenClockResetEnable dom, Num a, NFDataX a) =>
Signal dom (a, a) -- ^
-> Signal dom a -- ^
macS = mealy mac 0
-- s = a
-- i = (a, a)
-- s,o = (a, a)
-- ie,
-- s,i,o = a,a,a
:: Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> Signal System (Int, Int)
-> Signal System Int
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable macS

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
module Merge where
import Clash.Prelude
:: Maybe a
-> Maybe a
-> Maybe a
merge (Just x) _ = Just x
merge Nothing y = y
:: Applicative f
=> f (Maybe a)
-> f (Maybe a)
-> f (Maybe a)
mergef x y = Merge.merge <$> x <*> y
:: Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> Signal System (Maybe (Signed 8))
-> Signal System (Maybe (Signed 8))
-> Signal System (Maybe (Signed 8))
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable $ mergef

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
module MulVecMatrix where
import Clash.Prelude
import qualified Data.List as L
row1 = 1 :> 2 :> 3 :> Nil
row2 = 4 :> 5 :> 6 :> Nil
row3 = 7 :> 8 :> 9 :> Nil
matrix = row1 :> row2 :> row3 :> Nil
-- [[1, 2, 3],
-- [4, 5, 6],
-- [7, 8, 9]]
dotProduct v1 v2 = foldr (+) 0
(zipWith (*) v1 v2)
-- λ> dotProduct [1,2,3] [4,5,6]
-- 32
mulVecMatrix m v = map (dotProduct v) m
topEntity :: Vec 3 (Signed 16) -> Vec 3 (Signed 16)
topEntity = mulVecMatrix matrix
{-# NOINLINE topEntity #-}
import Clash.Explicit.Testbench
testBench :: Signal System Bool
testBench = done
testInput = stimuliGenerator clk rst ((2 :> 3 :> 4 :> Nil) :> Nil)
expectedOutput = outputVerifier' clk rst ((20 :> 47 :> 74 :> Nil) :> Nil)
done = expectedOutput (topEntity <$> testInput)
clk = tbSystemClockGen (not <$> done)
rst = systemResetGen

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
module SevenSegment where
import Clash.Prelude
:: KnownNat n
=> BitVector n
-> Vec 7 Bool
foo inp =
case (toInteger inp) of
0 -> (True :> True :> True :> True :> True :> True :> True :> Nil) -- 0
1 -> (False :> True :> True :> False :> False :> False :> False :> Nil) -- 1
_ -> (True :> True :> False :> False :> True :> False :> True :> Nil) -- Unknown
:: (KnownNat n,
Functor f)
=> f (BitVector n)
-> f (Vec 7 Bool)
bar inp = foo <$> inp
:: Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> Signal System (BitVector 7)
-> Signal System (Vec 7 Bool)
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable bar
GHC: Setting up GHC took: 0.006s
GHC: Compiling and loading modules took: 0.227s
Clash: Parsing and compiling primitives took 0.205s
GHC+Clash: Loading modules cumulatively took 0.553s
Clash: Compiling SevenSegment.topEntity
Clash: Normalization took 0.027s
[WARNING] Dubious primitive instantiation for GHC.Integer.Type.eqInteger#: GHC.Integer.Type.eqInteger#: Integers are dynamically sized in simulation, but fixed-length after synthesis. Use carefully. (disable with -fclash-no-prim-warn)
Clash: Netlist generation took 0.001s
Clash: Compiling SevenSegment.topEntity took 0.031s
Clash: Total compilation took 0.585s
-- XXX: std.textio is imported in the vhdl generated. That's not synthesisable, right?

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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
module Streams where
import Clash.Prelude
type ClockType = Int
-- data Stream a =
-- Cons a (Stream a)
-- merge
-- :: Stream (Maybe a)
-- -> Stream (Maybe a)
-- -> Stream (Maybe a)
-- merge (Cons (Just x') xs) (Cons _ ys) = Cons (Just x') (merge xs ys)
-- merge (Cons Nothing xs) (Cons y' ys) = Cons y' (merge xs ys)
-- merge' :: (Maybe a, Maybe a) -> Maybe a
-- merge' (Just x, _) = Just x
-- merge' (_, y) = y
:: Maybe a -- State: Unused
-> (Maybe a, Maybe a) -- Input: values from 2 streams
-> (Maybe a, Maybe a) -- Output, next state
merge _ (Just x, _) = (Nothing, Just x)
merge _ (_, y) = (Nothing, y)
:: Maybe ClockType -- State: Remaining time
-> (Maybe ClockType, Maybe ()) -- Input: d,r values
-> (Maybe ClockType, Maybe ()) -- Output, next state
-- XXX: Got to limit ClockType to greater than 0
delay (Just 0) (Nothing, Nothing) = (Nothing, Just ()) -- fire. No new delay.
delay (Just 0) (Just d, _) = (Just (d-1), Just ()) -- fire. New delay with/without reset signal
delay _ (Nothing, Just ()) = (Nothing, Nothing) -- reset when it wasn't about to fire
delay _ (Just d, Just r) = (Just (d-1), Nothing) -- set when it wasn't about to fire
:: (HiddenClockResetEnable dom,
Num a,
NFDataX a)
=> Signal dom (Maybe a, Maybe a)
-> Signal dom (Maybe a)
mergeS = mealy Streams.merge Nothing
-- delayS
-- :: (HiddenClockResetEnable dom,
-- --Num a,
-- NFDataX a)
-- => Signal dom (Maybe a, Maybe ())
-- -> Signal dom (Maybe ())
-- -- XXX: There's a Clash.Prelude.delay: Could be something we can use
-- delayS = mealy Streams.delay Nothing
:: HiddenClockResetEnable dom
=> Signal dom (Maybe ClockType, Maybe ())
-> Signal dom (Maybe ())
delayS = mealy Streams.delay Nothing
-- topEntity ::
-- Clock System
-- -> Reset System
-- -> Enable System
-- -> Signal System (Maybe Int, Maybe Int)
-- -> Signal System (Maybe Int)
-- topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable Streams.mergeS
topEntity ::
Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> Signal System (Maybe ClockType, Maybe ())
-> Signal System (Maybe ())
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable Streams.delayS
-- XXX: How to pass functions as arguments to clash functions

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
module TimeMealy where
import Clash.Prelude
-- | Transition function to be used for time TeSSLa operation
:: Int -- ^ state: current time
-> a -- ^ input: irrelevant
-> (Int, Int) -- ^ nextstate,output. output is current state itself
timefn t _ = (t+1, t)
:: HiddenClockResetEnable dom
=> Signal dom a
-> Signal dom Int
timeS = mealy timefn 0
:: Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> Signal System (Maybe (Signed 8))
-> Signal System Int
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable timeS
-- import qualified Data.List as L
-- *TimeMealy L> L.take 4 $ simulate @System timeS [1::Int, 2, 3, 4]
-- [0,1,2,3]

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
module TimeReg where
import Clash.Prelude
:: Maybe a -- ^ signal value
-> Int -- ^ time value present in register
-> Maybe Int -- ^ output
time Nothing _ = Nothing
time _ t = Just t
:: HiddenClockResetEnable dom
=> Signal dom (Maybe a)
-> Signal dom (Maybe Int)
timeS x = time <$> x <*> r
r = register 0 (r + 1)
:: Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> Signal System (Maybe (Signed 8))
-> Signal System (Maybe Int)
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable timeS
-- import qualified Data.List as L
-- *TimeReg L> L.take 5 $ simulate @System timeS [Just 0, Just 1, Nothing, Just 3, Nothing]
-- [Just 0,Just 1,Nothing,Just 3,Nothing]
-- old output
-- import qualified Data.List as L
-- *TimeReg L> L.take 4 $ simulate @System timeS [Just 1::Maybe (Signed 8), Just 2, Nothing, Just 3, Just 4]
-- *TimeReg L> L.take 4 $ simulate @System timeS [Just 1, Just 2, Nothing, Just 3, Just 4]
-- [Just 0,Just 1,Nothing,Just 3]
-- [Just 1, Just 2, Nothing, Just 3, Just 4]
-- [Just 0,Just 1,Nothing,Just 3]

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
module TimeSState where
import Clash.Prelude
newtype SState a = SState a deriving Show
instance Functor SState where
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> SState a -> SState b
fmap f (SState x) = SState (f x)
-- *TimeMealy L> (\x -> x + 1) <$> (SState 3)
-- SState 4
instance Applicative SState where
-- pure :: a -> SState a
pure x = SState x
-- (<*>) :: SState (a -> b) -> SState a -> SState b
(SState f) <*> (SState x) = SState (f x)
-- *TimeMealy L> (+) <$> (SState 3) <*> (SState 2)
-- SState 5
instance Monad SState where
-- (>>=) :: SState a -> (a -> SState b) -> SState b
(SState x) >>= f = f x
:: Clock System
-> Reset System
-> Enable System
-> Signal System (Maybe (Signed 8))
-> Signal System Int
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable timeS

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import Clash.Prelude
foo :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
foo False x y = x
foo True x y = y
:: (Clock System,
Reset System,
Enable System)
-> Signal System Bool
-> Signal System Int
-> Signal System Int
-> Signal System Int
topEntity sel a b = exposeClockResetEnable $ (mux foo) <$> a <*> b
mux [True] [1] [2]
mux (pure True :-) (1 :-) (2 :-)
mux (True) (1) (2)

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
data Stream a =
Cons a (Stream a)
deriving Show
-- | Return first n elements from a stream as a list
:: Int -- ^ Number of elements to take
-> Stream a -- ^ Input stream
-> [a] -- ^ List of elements from input stream
streamTake 0 xs = []
streamTake n (Cons x xs) = x : streamTake (n-1) xs
x = Cons 0 $ Cons 1 $ Cons 2 x
- *Main> streamTake 5 x
- [0,1,2,0,1]
- }

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
data Foo d a = Nil d a
| Cons a (Foo d a)
--data Vect n a = Cons a (Vect n a)
--data Vect (n::Int) a = Cons a (Vect n a)
--data Vect n a = Cons a (Vect n a)
-- | Nil a
--a = Nil 3
--Is it possible to have a type which accepts two arguments? I was trying to have something like ` data Vect (n::Int) a = Cons a (Vect n a)`

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
-- Tuple2
data T2 a b = T2 a b deriving Show
-- ghci> T2 2 3
-- T2 2 3
-- ghci> T2 2 True
-- T2 2 True
instance Functor m => Functor (T2 m) where
fmap f (T2 a) = T2 (\x -> fmap g (a x))
g, (r,s) = (f r, s)

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
-- |
import Control.Monad
-- import Control.Monad.State -- For [state]
newtype State s a = State {
-- a 'state processor'
runState :: s -> (a, s)
-- | | |
-- initial state | |
-- 'output value' |
-- Final state
state :: (s -> (a, s)) -> State s a
state = State
instance Functor (State s) where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative (State s) where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad (State s) where
return :: a -> State s a
return x = state (\s -> (x, s))
(>>=) :: State s a -> (a -> State s b) -> State s b

haskell/unsorted/tree.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
data Tree a = Empty
| Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
deriving Show
-- | Assuming that 0 won't occur
-- Find maximum value in a tree
maxOfTree :: Tree Int -> Int
maxOfTree Empty = 0
maxOfTree (Node l x r) = max x (max (maxOfTree l) (maxOfTree r))
-- | Replace all elements in a tree with a value
replaceElems :: Tree Int -> Int -> Tree Int
replaceElems Empty x = Empty
replaceElems (Node l _ r) x = Node (replaceElems l x) x (replaceElems r x)
-- | Replace all elements in a tree with its maximum value
maxT :: Tree Int -> Tree Int
maxT t = replaceElems t (maxOfTree t)
sampleTree = Node (Node Empty 2 Empty) 3 (Node Empty 4 Empty)
rv = maxT sampleTree
-- Node (Node Empty 4 Empty) 4 (Node Empty 4 Empty)

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
data Tree a = Empty
| Node (Tree a) a (Tree a) deriving Show
singleton :: a -> Tree a
singleton x = Node Empty x Empty
-- Return tree with all elements replaced by given value
ofShape :: Tree a -> a -> Tree a
ofShape Empty _ = Empty
ofShape (Node lt _ rt) x = Node (ofShape lt x) x (ofShape rt x)
-- Helper function does the following
-- Input :: a value x and a tree t
-- Output :: a tuple (t',m) where t' is a tree of the same shape as t but with
-- x at each of the nodes, and m is the maximum of all elements in t
helper :: Int -> Tree Int -> (Tree Int, Int)
helper _ Empty = (Empty, 0)
helper x (Node lt u rt) = (Node ls x rs, lmax `max` u `max` rmax)
where (ls,lmax) = helper x lt
(rs, rmax)= helper x rt
onePass :: Tree Int -> Tree Int
onePass t = tx
where (tx, mx) = helper mx t
mytree :: Tree Int
mytree = Node (singleton 8) 4 (Node (singleton 5) 2 (singleton 1))

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
mergefn :: (Maybe a1) -> (Maybe a1) -> Maybe a1
mergefn a b =
case a of {
Just _ -> a;
Nothing -> b}
- *Main> mergefn (Just 3) Nothing
- Just 3
- *Main> mergefn Nothing (Just 3)
- Just 3
merge :: (Functor a2) -> (Applicative a2) -> ((Maybe a1) -> (Maybe a1) ->
Maybe a1) -> a2 -> a2 -> a2
merge ftor appl _ a b =
ap ftor appl (fmap ftor mergefn a) b
mergefn :: (Maybe a1) -> (Maybe a1) -> Maybe a1
mergefn a b =
case a of {
Just _ -> a;
Nothing -> b}

misc/acl2-hello.lisp Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
(defun mem (e x)
(if (consp x)
(if (equal e (car list))
(mem e (cdr x))

misc/bluespec/Makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
build: $(FILENAME)
bsc -sim -g $(MODNAME) $(FILENAME)
link: $(MODNAME).ba
bsc -sim -e $(MODNAME) -o a.out
sim: a.out
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf *.so *.out *.h *.o *.ba *.bo *.cxx *.h

misc/bluespec/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package Top where
-- module name is mkTop
-- Empty is the interface part.
-- mkTop module has no interface. ie, no methods.
-- So it cannot interact with its environment.
mkTop :: Module Empty
-- mkTop's definition
mkTop =
-- a rule named `"rl_print_answer"`
-- Here, always executed because of the True, I guess.
"rl_print_answer": when True ==> do
-- `$display` prints messages (with a newline appended)
$display "Hello, World!"
$display "answer is: %0d (or, in hex: 0x%0h)\n" 42 42
-- halts whole simulation to terminate. So, this rule can fire only once