add some older files

This commit is contained in:
Julin S 2023-10-28 23:38:24 +05:30
parent 024945dd43
commit 5897e8d04b
6 changed files with 261 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -3,3 +3,10 @@ From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra.
Lemma sum_odd_3: \sum_(0 <= i < 3.*2 | odd i) i = 3^2.
Proof. by rewrite unlock /=. Qed.
Lemma sum_nat_const_I3 n : \sum_(i in 'I_3) n = #|'I_3| * n.
rewrite big_const.
rewrite iter_addn_0.
by rewrite mulnC.

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@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
(** * Using [exists] *)
(* *)
Goal forall w:seq nat,
(exists w1 w2: seq nat, w = (w1 ++ w2)%list /\ (length w)==0%nat) -> w = [::].
(exists w1 w2: seq nat, w = (w1 ++ w2)%list /\ (length w)==0%nat) -> w = [::].
move=> w [w1 [w2]].
by case; case: w; case: w1; case: w2.
move=> w [w1 [w2]].
by case; case: w; case: w1; case: w2. (**)
move=> w [w1 [w2]] [_].
rewrite size_eq0.
by apply/eqP.

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@ -22,3 +22,6 @@ Proof.
rewrite /fun_of_matrix /=.
by rewrite ffunE.
Check castmx.
Print erefl.

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@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ Check \matrix_(i<3, j<7) if (i==j:>nat) then 1%:Z else 0.
Fail Check \matrix_(i<3, j<7) if (i:nat)==j then 1 else 0.
Fail Check \matrix_(i<3, j<7) (fun i:'I_3 j => if i==j then 1 else 0).
Check 1%:M.
Check const_mx (Some false): 'M_3.
Definition M2 : 'M[int]_(2,2) := \matrix_(i,j < 2) 3%:Z.
Example eg1: 'M[int]_ (3, 7) := \matrix_(i<3, j<7) 8%:Z.
@ -122,6 +123,32 @@ Print Scope Z_scope.
Print Scopes.
Example eg3 := \matrix_(i<3, j<7)
(fun i j => if i==j :> nat then 1 else 0%:Z).
Locate "&&".
Example eg6 := \matrix_(i<3, j<7)
(if (i==0) && (j==1) then (Some true) else (Some false)).
(* Example eg6 := \matrix_(i<3, j<7) *)
(* (if (i==0) && (j==1) then 1 else 0%:Z). *)
(* Example eg6 := \matrix_(i<3, j<7) *)
(* (if ((i==0) && (j==1)) then 1 else 0%:Z). *)
(* Example eg6 := \matrix_(i<3, j<7) *)
(* (fun i j => if ((i=0:>nat) && (j=1):>nat) then 1 else 0%:Z). *)
(* Example eg6 := \matrix_(i<3, j<7) *)
(* (fun i j => if (i=0 && j=1):>nat then 1 else 0%:Z). *)
Example eg7: 'rV_2 :=
\row_(i<2) (if i==0 then true else false).
Check 1%:M: 'M_2.
Check eg7.
Example eg8: 'cV_2 :=
\col_(i<2) (if i!=0 then true else false).
Check eg7 *m eg8.
Example eg7ob: 'rV_2 :=
\row_(i<2) (if i==0 then Some true else Some false).
Example eg8ob: 'cV_2 :=
\col_(i<2) (if i!=0 then Some true else Some false).
Example eg4 := \matrix_(i<3, j<3) (i+j).
@ -204,6 +231,26 @@ Check 'M[bool]_(3, 4).
(* 'M_(3, 4) : predArgType *)
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Lemma sum_odd_n (n: nat) : \sum_(0 <= i < n.*2 | odd i) i = n^2.
elim: n => [//=|n IH]; first by rewrite double0 -mulnn muln0 big_geq.
rewrite (@big_cat_nat _ _ _ n.*2) //=; last by rewrite -!addnn leq_add.
rewrite IH -!mulnn mulSnr mulnSr -addnA.
congr (_ + _).
rewrite big_ltn_cond ?ifF ?odd_double //.
rewrite big_ltn_cond /ifT ?oddS ?odd_double //=.
by rewrite big_geq ?addn0 -addnn addnS // -addnn addSn.
Fail Check MatrixFormula.seq_of_rV eg4.
From CoqEAL Require Import hrel param refinements trivial_seq seqmx.

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@ -5,8 +5,17 @@ Require Import Bvector.
Definition matrix (rows cols: nat): Type :=
Vector.t (Bvector cols) rows.
Axiom zip: forall {A B: Type} {n:nat},
Vector.t A n -> Vector.t B n -> Vector.t (A*B) n.
(* Uses /convoy pattern/.
Fixpoint zip {A B: Type} {n:nat}
(av: Vector.t A n) (bv: Vector.t B n): Vector.t (A*B) n :=
match av in Vector.t _ n
return Vector.t B n -> Vector.t (A*B) n with
| [] => fun _ => []
| a::av' => fun bv => (a, Vector.hd bv) :: zip av' ( bv)
end bv.
Section Matrix.
Context {A: Type}.
@ -20,10 +29,20 @@ Section Matrix.
Definition vecMatrixProd {rows cols: nat}
(vec: Bvector rows) (mat: matrix cols rows): Bvector cols := (fun mrow => dotProduct vec mrow) mat.
Definition vecMatrixProd {rows cols: nat}
(vec: Bvector rows) (mat: matrix cols rows): Bvector cols := (fun mrow => dotProduct vec mrow) mat.
End Matrix.
Definition isAllZero {n:nat} (v: Vector.t bool n): bool :=
negb (Vector.fold_right (fun elem acc => orb elem acc) v false).
(* Make vector of size [sz] with its [i]-th bit set, where indexing
starts from 0. *)
Fixpoint seti (i sz:nat): Vector.t bool sz :=
match sz with
| O => []
| S sz' =>
match i with
| O => true :: (repeat false sz')
| S i' => false :: (seti i' sz')

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@ -40,14 +40,179 @@ let rec flatten = function
(* # flatten ([[1;2];[3;4]]);; *)
(* - : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4] *)
let remove_stutter l =
let remove_stutter l = snd (List.fold_right
(fun x (prev, res) ->
match prev with
| None -> (Some x, x::res)
| Some prev' ->
if x=prev' then (prev, res)
else (Some x, x::res))
l (None, [])
l (None, []))
(* # remove_stutter [1;2;2;3;1;1;1;4;4;2;2];; *)
(* - : int option * int list = (Some 1, [1; 2; 3; 1; 4; 2]) *)
(* - : int list = [1; 2; 3; 1; 4; 2] *)
(* *)
type expr
= Var of string
| App of expr * expr
| Lam of string * expr
(* prettify: expr -> string *)
let rec prettify e =
match e with
| Var v -> v
| App (e1, e2) -> "(" ^ (prettify e1) ^ " " ^ (prettify e2) ^ ")"
| Lam (v, e') -> "λ" ^ v ^ "." ^ (prettify e')
let mem v vars = List.exists (fun x -> x=v) vars
(* # mem "b" ["a";"b";"c"];; *)
(* - : bool = true *)
(* *)
(* # mem "x" ["a";"b";"c"];; *)
(* - : bool = false *)
let remove v vars = List.filter (fun x -> not (v=x)) vars
(* # remove "b" ["a";"b";"c"];; *)
(* - : string list = ["a"; "c"] *)
(* *)
(* # remove "x" ["a";"b";"c"];; *)
(* - : string list = ["a"; "b"; "c"] *)
(* union: string list -> string list -> string list *)
let union s1 s2 =
remove_stutter (List.sort (s1 @ s2))
(* # union ["a"; "c"; "b"] ["d"; "b"; "x"; "a"];; *)
(* - : String.t list = ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"; "x"] *)
let add a l =
let l' =
(if List.exists (fun x -> x=a) l then l
else a::l) in
(fun x y ->
if x < y then -1
else if x = y then 0
else 1) l'
(* # add "b" ["a";"c"];; *)
(* - : string list = ["a"; "b"; "c"] *)
(* *)
(* # add "a" ["c"; "a"];; *)
(* - : string list = ["a"; "c"] *)
let varcount = ref 0
let fresh s =
let v = !varcount in
s ^ (string_of_int v)
(* free_variables: expr -> string list *)
let rec free_variables = function
| Var v -> [v]
| App (e1, e2) ->
let fv1 = free_variables e1 in
let fv2 = free_variables e2 in
union fv1 fv2
| Lam (v, e') ->
let fv = free_variables e' in
remove v fv
(* # free_variables (Lam ("x", Var "x"));; *)
(* - : String.t list = [] *)
(* *)
(* # free_variables (Lam ("x", Var "y"));; *)
(* - : String.t list = ["y"] *)
(* substitute : expr -> string -> expr -> expr *)
(* substitute e1 var e2 means e1[e2/var] *)
let rec substitute e var repl =
match e with
| Var v -> repl
| App (e1, e2) -> App (substitute e1 var repl, substitute e2 var repl)
| Lam (v, body) ->
if v=var then
(* A bound variable. Can be interfered with only on a beta-reduction *)
let v' =
(* Avoid free variable capture *)
if mem v (free_variables repl) then fresh v
else v in
let body' = substitute body var repl in
Lam (v', body')
(* (λy.x)[(λz.z w)/x] is (λy.λz.z w) *)
(* # substitute (Lam ("y", Var "x")) "x" (Lam ("z", App (Var "z", (Var "w"))));; *)
(* - : expr = Lam ("y", Lam ("z", App (Var "z", Var "w"))) *)
(* *)
(* (λx.x)[y/x] is (λx.x) *)
(* # substitute (Lam ("x", Var "x")) "x" (Var "y");; *)
(* - : expr = Lam ("x", Var "x") *)
(* *)
(* (λx.y)[x/y] is (λx0. x) *)
(* # substitute (Lam ("x", Var "y")) "y" (Var "x");; *)
(* - : expr = Lam ("x0", Var "x") *)
(* reduce_cbv : expr -> expr * bool *)
let reduce_cbv e =
match e with
| App (e1, e2) ->
(match e1 with
| Lam (v, e') -> (substitute e' v e2, true)
| _ ->
(* Still got space to reduce *)
let (e1', flag) = reduce_cbv e1 in
(App (e1', e2), flag))
| _ -> (e, false)
(* # let e, flag = *)
(* reduce_cbv ( *)
(* App ( *)
(* App ( *)
(* Lam ("x", Var "x"), *)
(* Lam ("x", Var "x")), *)
(* Lam ("z", *)
(* App (Lam ("x", Var "x"), *)
(* Var "z")))) in (prettify e, flag);; *)
(* - : string * bool = ("(λx.x λz.(λx.x z))", true) *)
(* prettify ( *)
(* App ( *)
(* Lam ("x", Var "x), *)
(* Lam ("z", *)
(* App ( *)
(* Lam ("x", Var "x), *)
(* Var "z")))) *)
(* App (Lam ("z", *)
(* Lam ("x", Var "x")), *)
(* Var "z" *)
(* let expr, reduced = reduce_cbv (parse_string "(λx.x) (λz.(λx.x) z)") in *)
(* assert (reduced = true && *)
(* alpha_equiv expr (parse_string "λz.(λx.x) z")); *)
(* let expr, reduced = reduce_cbv (parse_string "λz.(λx.x) z") in *)
(* assert (reduced = false && *)
(* alpha_equiv expr (parse_string "λz.(λx.x) z")); *)
(* let expr, reduced = reduce_cbv (parse_string "(λx.y) ((λx.x x) (λx.x x))") in *)
(* assert (reduced = true && *)
(* alpha_equiv expr (parse_string "(λx.y) ((λx.x x) (λx.x x))")); *)
(* let expr, reduced = reduce_cbv (parse_string "x y z") in *)
(* assert (reduced = false && *)
(* alpha_equiv expr (parse_string "x y z")) *)
let rec reduce_normal e =
let e', flag = reduce_cbv e in
if flag then reduce_normal e'
else e'