[coq] add one hot encoding

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Julin S 2024-03-04 19:09:17 +05:30
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@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
(* One hot encoding *)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
(* Parameters: size and a flag indicating whether the mark has been made *)
(* Valid values have flag set to true *)
Inductive t: nat -> bool -> Type :=
| Nil: t 0 false
| Pad: forall {n: nat} {b: bool},
t n b -> t (S n) b
| Mark: forall {n: nat},
t n false -> t (S n) true.
Fixpoint markCount_aux {n: nat} {b: bool} (a: t n b): nat :=
match a with
| Nil => 0
| Pad _ _ a' => markCount_aux a'
| Mark _ a' => S (markCount_aux a')
Definition markCount {n: nat} (a: t n true): nat :=
markCount_aux a.
Lemma lmCountMark: forall (n: nat) (b: bool) (a: t n b),
markCount_aux a = if b then 1 else 0.
move => n b a.
elim: a => //=.
by move => n' a' ->.
Lemma lmCountMarkTrue: forall (n: nat) (a: t n true),
markCount a = 1.
move => n a.
exact: (lmCountMark n true a).
The command has indeed failed with message:
Illegal application:
The term "@markCount" of type "forall n : nat, t n true -> nat"
cannot be applied to the terms
"n0" : "nat"
"t" : "t n0 b"
The 2nd term has type "t n0 b" which should be a subtype of
"t n0 true".
Check Nil.
Check Pad (Mark Nil).
Check Mark (Pad Nil).
Check Pad (Mark (Pad Nil)).
Fail Check Mark (Pad (Mark (Pad Nil))).
Check Pad (Pad (Mark (Pad Nil))).
Compute (markCount (Pad (Mark Nil))).
Compute (markCount (Mark (Pad Nil))).
Compute (markCount (Pad (Mark (Pad Nil)))).
Compute (markCount (Pad (Pad (Mark (Pad Nil))))).
Fixpoint genPad (z: nat): t z false :=
match z with
| O => Nil
| S z' => Pad (genPad z')
Fixpoint padL {n: nat} (a: t n true) (z: nat): t (z+n) true.
refine (
match z with
| O => _
| S z' => Pad (padL n a z')
by [].
Fixpoint padR {n: nat} {b: bool} (a: t n b) (z: nat): t (z+n) b.
refine (
match a with
| Nil => _
| Pad _ _ a' =>
match z with
| O => _
| S z' => _
| Mark _ a' =>
match z with
| O => _
| S z' => _
- rewrite addn0.
exact: genPad z.
- rewrite add0n.
exact: (Pad a').
- rewrite addSnnS.
exact: padR _ _ (Pad (Pad a')) z'.
- rewrite add0n.
exact: Mark a'.
- rewrite addSnnS.
exact: padR _ _ (Pad (Mark a')) z'.
Compute padL (Pad (Mark Nil)) 3.
Compute padR (Pad (Mark Nil)) 3.
Example eg := Eval compute in padR (Pad (Mark Nil)) 3.
Require Import Extraction.
Extraction Language Haskell.
Recursive Extraction eg.
data T =
| Pad Nat Bool T
| Mark Nat T
eg :: T
eg =
Pad (S (S (S (S O)))) True (Pad (S (S (S O))) True (Pad (S (S O)) True (Pad
(S O) True (Mark O Nil))))
(*(1* From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect. *1) *)
(*(1* Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs". *1) *)
(*(1* *)
(*Requirements: *)
(* - Exactly one marked bit *)
(* - Size = n *)
(**) *)
(*(1* Parameters: size and a flag indicating whether the mark has been made *1) *)
(*(1* Valid only if flag is true *1) *)
(*Inductive taux: nat -> bool -> Type := *)
(*| Nil: taux 0 false *)
(*| Pad: forall {n: nat} {b: bool}, *)
(* taux n b -> taux (S n) b *)
(*| Mark: forall {n: nat}, *)
(* taux n false -> taux (S n) true. *)
(*Check Nil. *)
(*Check Pad (Mark Nil). *)
(*Check Mark (Pad Nil). *)
(*Check Pad (Mark (Pad Nil)). *)
(*Fail Check Mark (Pad (Mark (Pad Nil))). *)
(*Check Pad (Pad (Mark (Pad Nil))). *)
(*Definition t (n: nat): Type := taux (S n) true. *)
(*Fixpoint markCount_aux {n: nat} {b: bool} (a: taux n b): nat := *)
(* match a with *)
(* | Nil => 0 *)
(* | Pad a' => markCount_aux a' *)
(* | Mark a' => S (markCount_aux a') *)
(* end. *)
(*Definition markCount {n: nat} (a: t n): nat := *)
(* markCount_aux a. *)