add few old coq files

This commit is contained in:
Julin S 2023-05-22 14:41:06 +05:30
parent 086e8fbaf5
commit dfe68734ba
9 changed files with 407 additions and 11 deletions

24 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
- haskell
- sml
- agda
- coq
- pvs
- apl
- c
- cpp
- rust
- python
- lua
- bash
- nusmv
- risc-v
- verilog
- vhdl
- misc

View File

@ -6,9 +6,13 @@
- [[./sumn.v][sumn.v]]: Sum of first n natural numbers, their squares and cubes.
- [[./de-morgan.v][de-morgan.v]]: de-Morgan's laws
- [[./odd-even-prop.v][odd-even-prop.v]]: Parity of ~nat~ values
- [[./ltac2-demo.v][ltac2-demo.v]]: 'Hello world' with Ltac2
- [[./inf-proof.v][inf-proof.v]]: A trivial proof involving streams (ie, infinite lists)
- [[./3-way-mutrec.v][3-way-mutrec.v]]: An example of a 3-way mutually recursive function
- [[./iseven-proof-mode.v][iseven-proof-mode.v]]: An ~iseven~ function defined only using proof mode
- [[./cpdt/][cpdt/]]: stuff from the book CPDT
+ [[./cpdt/ilist.v][cpdt/ilist.v]]: Length indexed lists
+ [[./cpdt/exercises.v][cpdt/exercises.v]]: a few of the old exercises from cpdt
+ [[./cpdt/ilist.v][ilist.v]]: Length indexed lists
+ [[./cpdt/exercises.v][exercises.v]]: a few of the old exercises from cpdt
- [[./sf/][sf]]: stuff from /Software foundations/
- [[./third-party/][Snippets using third party libraries]]
+ [[./third-party/eqns.v][eqns.v]]: A 'hello world' using the 'equations' plugin

View File

@ -114,6 +114,18 @@ Qed.
(* Well... that was easier than what I expected..
Dependent types do pay off, I guess.. *)
Require List.
Fixpoint listToIlist {A:Type} (l:list A): ilist A (List.length l) :=
match l with
| List.nil => INil
| List.cons x xs => ICons x (listToIlist xs)
Fixpoint ilistToList {A:Type} {n:nat} (l:ilist A n): list A :=
match l with
| INil => nil
| ICons x xs => List.cons x (ilistToList xs)
Module IListNotations.
Declare Scope ilist_scope.
@ -144,3 +156,12 @@ Compute iget [1; 2] (Next First).
(* = 2 : nat *)
Fail Compute iget [1; 2] (Next (Next First)).
Compute listToIlist (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 (cons 0 nil)))).
(* = [3; 2; 1; 0]
: ilist nat (length (3 :: 2 :: 1 :: 0 :: nil))
Compute ilistToList (listToIlist (cons 3 (cons 2 (cons 1 (cons 0 nil))))).
(* = (3 :: 2 :: 1 :: 0 :: nil)%list
: list nat

coq/inf-proof.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
Require Import Streams.
CoInductive stream_eq {A:Type} : Stream A -> Stream A -> Prop :=
| Stream_eq : forall (h:A) (tl1 tl2:Stream A),
stream_eq tl1 tl2 -> stream_eq (Cons h tl1) (Cons h tl2).
CoFixpoint zeros : Stream nat := Cons 0 zeros.
CoFixpoint ones : Stream nat := Cons 1 ones.
Definition ones' := map S zeros.
Definition sUnfold {A:Type} (s:Stream A) : Stream A :=
match s with
| Cons x xs => Cons x xs
(* From Pierre Castéran *)
Lemma stm_unfold {A: Type} (s: Stream A) :
s = match s with Cons a s' => Cons a s' end.
now destruct s.
Inductive starts_with {A: Type} (a:A): Stream A -> Prop :=
starts_hd : forall s, starts_with a (Cons a s).
Goal Streams.Exists (starts_with 3) (const 3).
left; rewrite (stm_unfold (const 3)); split.
Goal Streams.Exists (starts_with 3) (Cons 4 (const 3)).
right; left.
rewrite (stm_unfold (const 3)).
By the way, here's an infinite list
This is like `foo = 3 : foo` in Haskell.
CoFixpoint incStream (n:nat):Stream nat :=
Cons n (incStream (S n)).
Compute Streams.hd ( (incStream 1)).

coq/iseven-proof-mode.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Fixpoint iseven (n:nat): bool.
induction n.
- exact true.
- destruct n.
* exact false.
* exact (iseven n).

coq/ltac2-demo.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
Thanks to Yiyun Liu.
From Ltac2 Require Import Ltac2.
(* Int is a primitive datatype in ltac2 *)
Ltac2 Eval 1.
Ltac2 Eval Int.add 1 2.
(* Lambda *)
Ltac2 Eval (fun x => x).
Ltac2 Eval (fun x => Int.add x x).
Ltac2 Eval (fun x => Int.add x x) 5.
(* let binding *)
Ltac2 Eval let f := (fun x => Int.add x x) in f 5.
(* An ltac2 function *)
Ltac2 double_int := (fun x => Int.add x x).
Ltac2 Eval double_int 4.
(* Syntactic sugar for the above *)
Ltac2 double_int2 x := Int.add x x.
Ltac2 Eval double_int2 4.
(* Type annotations also possible *)
Ltac2 double_int3 (x:int) := Int.add x x.
(* Like ltac1, no termination check *)
Ltac2 is_even x := Int.equal (Int.mod x 2).
Ltac2 rec collatz n :=
if Int.le n 1 then 0
(* TODO: Comment lines in emacs *)
(* ALlgebraic datateyp *)
Ltac2 Type rec PNat :=
[ Z | S (PNat) ].
Ltac2 rec padd (m:PNat) (n:PNat) :=
match m with
| Z => n
| S m' => S (padd m' n)
(* Looks like a less powerful version of ocaml *)
Ltac2 Type rec 'a Tree :=
[ Empty | Node ('a, 'a Tree, 'a) ].
(* No deptypes in ltac2 *)
Fail Ltac2 rec treeSize (t: 'a Tree) :=
match t with
| Empty => 0
| Node l v r => Int.add 1 (Int.add (treeSize l) (treeSize r))
Ltac2 Eval '1. (* Gallina term ! *)
Ltac2 Eval '(1,2). (* Gallina term ! *)
Ltac2 Type ('a, 'b) Pair := { fst: 'a; snd: 'b }.
Ltac2 Eval {fst:=1; snd:=2}.
Ltac2 Eval {fst:=1; snd:=2}.(fst).
(* We can refer to Gallina top-level defns *)
Definition four := 4.
Ltac2 Eval 'four.
(* ' is like constr: in ltac1 *)
Ltac2 Eval (1,true).
Fail Ltac2 Eval four. (* Fails because not an ltac2 variable *)
Fail Ltac2 Eval fst (1,2). (* TODO *)
Ltac2 Eval Int.le 2 3.
(* Gallina term! *)
Ltac2 rec int_n n :=
match Int.le n 0 with
| true => '0
| false =>
let n' := int_n (Int.sub n 1) in
'(1 + $n') (* The $ is like the ' in lisp *)
Ltac2 Eval int_n 2.
(* - : constr = constr:(1 + (1 + 0)) *)
(* The constructed Gallina terms won't be evaluated. So no type checking *)
Ltac2 rec int_n2 n :=
match Int.le n 0 with
| true => 'true
| false =>
let n' := int_n (Int.sub n 1) in
'(1 + $n') (* The $ is like the ' in lisp *)
Ltac2 Eval Constr.equal '(fun x:nat => x) '(fun z:nat => z).
(* - : bool = true *)
(* No type annotations => somethign like evar might show up. ie, holes *)
Ltac2 Eval Constr.equal '(fun x => x) '(fun z:nat => z).
(* - : bool = false *)
Ltac2 Eval Constr.equal '(1 + 1) '2.
(* - : bool = false *)
Ltac2 Eval Constr.equal '(1 + 1) (int_n 1).
(* - : bool = false *)
(* Querying proof state *)
Ltac2 Eval Control.hyps.
Ltac2 Eval Control.hyps ().
Section foo.
Variable x : nat.
Ltac2 Eval Control.hyps ().
- : (ident * constr option * constr) list = [(@x, None, constr:(nat))]
Variable y : nat.
Ltac2 Eval Control.hyps ().
- : (ident * constr option * constr) list = [(@x, None, constr:(nat));
(@y, None, constr:(nat))]
Parameter z : nat. (* Not change in hyps! *)
Ltac2 Eval Control.hyps ().
- : (ident * constr option * constr) list = [(@x, None, constr:(nat));
(@y, None, constr:(nat))]
End foo.
Module modfoo.
Parameter x : nat.
Ltac2 Eval Control.hyps ().
(* - : (ident * constr option * constr) list = [] *)
End modfoo.
Ltac2 Eval Control.enter (fun _ => Control.goal (); ()).
Ltac2 Eval Control.enter.
(* Mutable cells *)
Ltac2 mutable x_mut := 3.
Ltac2 Eval x_mut.
Ltac2 Set x_mut := 2.
Ltac2 Eval x_mut.
Ltac2 x_immut := 3.
Fail Ltac2 Set x_immut := 2.
(* The tactic x_immut is not declared as mutable *)
(* Can access old value of a mutable variable with [as] *)
Ltac2 mutable f x := Int.add x 1.
Ltac2 Eval f 3. (* 4 *)
Ltac2 Set f as oldf := fun x => Int.add 10 (oldf x).
Ltac2 Eval f 3. (* 14 *)
(*********** Printing **********)
From Ltac2 Require Import Message.
Fail Message.print (Message.of_string "unqualified calls").
Fail Message.print '(1 + 1).
Fail Ltac2 Eval Int.mod 2 3.
(* Gives a list of hypotheses *)
(* TODO:
- Is it possible to mix ltac1 and ltac2
- Where to find ltac2 docs
- How usable is ltac2 at the moment? Maturity-wise? Earlier something being buggy (auto?) was mentioned.
- ast print of gllaina term constructed there's a pirnt function or something in library as string
+ there is something int to string
+ Gives your more control in some sense. You can get out when you want.
- semicolon is different in ltac2. got to iterate manually or something
- auto is buggy in ltac2?
- Ltac2 have states?
- evar is a goal, but all goals aren't evar?? said by Irene Yoon??

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
(* coq-ext-lib *)
(* *)
(* *)
From ExtLib Require Import HList.
Module HListNotations.
@ -26,6 +28,7 @@ Check «3; true» : hlist (fun x:Set=>x) [nat; bool].
Example eg1 := «3» : hlist (fun x:Set=>x) [nat].
Example eg2 := «2; true»: hlist (fun x:Set=>x) [nat; bool].
Example eg3 := «(0,3)» : hlist (fun x:Set=>(x*nat)%type) [nat].
Example eg4 := «2; true; "h"; (2,3)»: hlist (fun x:Set=>x) [nat; bool; string; (nat*nat)%type].
Check «» : hlist (fun x:Set=>x) [].
@ -59,13 +62,40 @@ From ExtLib Require Import Member.
(* Kinda like the relation between [sumbool] and [bool] *)
Print member.
Lemma pf1 : member nat [nat]. constructor. Qed.
Lemma pf2 : member nat [nat; bool]. constructor. Qed.
Print pf1.
(** Indexing *)
Compute hlist_get (MZ _ _) eg2.
(* = 2 : nat *)
Compute hlist_get (MN _ (MZ _ _)) eg2.
(* = true : bool *)
Compute hlist_get (MN _ (MN _ (MZ _ _))) eg4.
(* = "h" : string *)
Compute hlist_get (MN _ (MN _ (MN _ (MZ _ _)))) eg4.
(* = (2, 3) : nat * nat *)
Check hlist_get pf1 eg1.
Compute hlist_get pf1 eg1.
Check hlist_get (pf1:member nat _) eg1.
Compute hlist_get (pf1:member nat _) eg1.
Compute S (hlist_get (pf1:member nat _) eg1).
Compute (hlist_get (pf2:member nat _) eg2).
(** Getting nth element *)
Compute hlist_nth eg4 2.
(* = "h"
: match nth_error [nat; bool; string; (nat * nat)%type] 2 with
| Some t => t
| None => unit
Compute nth_error[nat; bool; string; (nat * nat)%type] 2.
(* = Some string : option Set *)
Unset Printing Notations.
(** Converting list to hlist ?? *)
Compute hlist_gen _ [1].
(* = Hcons (?f 1) Hnil
: hlist ?F (cons 1 nil) *)
Compute hlist_gen (fun x=>x) [1].
(* = Hcons 1 Hnil
: hlist (fun _ : nat => nat) (cons 1 nil) *)
(** Converting hlist to list ?? *)
(* *)
Fail Check hlist_erase eg1.

View File

@ -5,3 +5,6 @@ ACL2 proof assistant:
Maude model cheker:
- my-nat.maude
- minlog-hello.scm

misc/minlog-hello.scm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
; Execute current line (cursor placed after closing parenthesis): C-x C-e
; Execute region: C-c C-r
; undo: (undo) or (undo n)
; End scheme session: (exit)
; ----------------------------------------------------
; Parenthesis associate to right
; (A -> (B -> C)) -> ((A -> B) -> (A -> C))
; which is same as
; (A -> B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> (A -> C)
; ----------------------------------------------------
; ; Writing the formula:
; Declare predicate variables A, B, C
(add-pvar-name "A" "B" "C" (make-arity))
; Minlog output:
;> ok, predicate variable A: (arity) added
;ok, predicate variable B: (arity) added
;ok, predicate variable C: (arity) added
(set-goal "(A -> B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> (A -> C)")
; Minlog output:
; ?_1:(A -> B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> A -> C
; Assume (A -> B -> C)
(assume 1)
; Minlog output:
;> ok, we now have the new goal
; 1:A -> B -> C
;?_2:(A -> B) -> A -> C
; Assume (A -> B)
(assume 2)
; Minlog output:
;> ok, we now have the new goal
; 1:A -> B -> C
; 2:A -> B
;?_3:A -> C
; Assume A
(assume 3)
; Minlog output:
;> ok, we now have the new goal
; 1:A -> B -> C
; 2:A -> B
; 3:A