#+TITLE: Coq - [[./hlist-shallow.v][hlist.shallow.v]]: hlist with normal list under the hood - [[./hlist.v][hlist.v]]: Hlist (with notations) - [[./union.v][union.v]]: Mimicking a set operation using lists - [[./bv.v][bv.v]]: Demo of a few bitvector operations - [[./sumn.v][sumn.v]]: Sum of first n natural numbers, their squares and cubes. - [[./de-morgan.v][de-morgan.v]]: de-Morgan's laws - [[./odd-even-prop.v][odd-even-prop.v]]: Parity of ~nat~ values - [[./ltac2-demo.v][ltac2-demo.v]]: 'Hello world' with Ltac2 - [[./inf-proof.v][inf-proof.v]]: A trivial proof involving streams (ie, infinite lists) - [[./3-way-mutrec.v][3-way-mutrec.v]]: An example of a 3-way mutually recursive function - [[./iseven-proof-mode.v][iseven-proof-mode.v]]: An ~iseven~ function defined only using proof mode - [[./cpdt/][cpdt/]]: stuff from the book CPDT + [[./cpdt/ilist.v][ilist.v]]: Length indexed lists + [[./cpdt/exercises.v][exercises.v]]: a few of the old exercises from cpdt - [[./sf/][sf]]: stuff from /Software foundations/ - [[./third-party/][Snippets using third party libraries]] + [[./third-party/eqns.v][eqns.v]]: A 'hello world' using the 'equations' plugin + [[./third-party/extlib-hlist.v][extlib-hlist.v]]: Hlist using coq-ext-lib library