(* https://ocaml.org/learn/tutorials/up_and_running.html [dune init exe proof_false] made this [let () = print_endline "Hello, World!"] *) let rec inf arg = inf arg (* # let rec inf arg = inf arg;; val inf : 'a -> 'b = *) (* Let's say that [void] represents the False type *) type void = {nope : 'a . 'a} (* Warning! Eager evaluation for function args. ie, the following line is an infinite loop and wouldn't finish. *) let ff : void = inf () (* Here, [ff] is a value of False type ([void]). ie, [ff] is a proof of False. That means that we just gave a proof for False, which is absurd. It's okay in OCaml as it's not intended to make proofs, unlike Coq. Coq would never allow this. To avoid proofs of False type, we need to avoid infinite loops. But we have a problem there. Because that would mean that the coq compiler would need to figure out which programs would terminate and which won't. And that's the famous Halting problem, which states that no program can accurately say if another program would terminate (ie, halt) or not. ie, Halting problem is an undecidable problem. Therefore, it's impossible for coq compiler to accurately weed out non-terminating programs. So it does the next best thing. It disallows recursions which aren't structurally decreasing. Unfortunately this also means that some valid programs would also be rejected. Every function call is made upon a 'smaller' form of an argument. And eventually the argument we will reach a base case where the argument is small enough that no more recursion would be possbile (as the arg can no longer be made 'smaller'). `{struct}` *) (* [dune build] [dune exec ./proof_false.exec] The .exe is needed in linux as well. *)