Require Import List. Import ListNotations. Definition lstHd {A: Type} (ls: list A) : length ls <> 0 -> A. Proof. refine ( match ls with | [] => fun pf => _ | x :: _ => fun _ => x end). contradiction. Defined. Module Vec. Definition t (A: Type) (sz: nat): Type := {ls: list A | length ls = sz}. Context {A: Type} {sz: nat}. Definition hd (v: t A (S sz)): A. refine ( match v with | exist _ l pf => _ end). induction l. - discriminate pf. - exact a. Show Proof. Defined. Definition tl (v: t A (S sz)): t A sz. refine (let (l, _) := v in _). induction l. - discriminate e. - simpl in e. Search (S _ = S _). rewrite (PeanoNat.Nat.succ_inj (length l) sz) in e. + f_equal in e. exact (exist _ l . Defined. Fixpoint zip {A B: Type} {n:nat} (av: Vec A n) (bv: Vec B n): Vec (A*B) n := match av with | [] => [] | a::av' => Definition dotProduct {n:nat} (v1 v2: Vec bool n): csr.A := let v12 := zip v1 v2 in let ires := (fun '(a, b) => csr.multn a b) v12 in fold_right (fun elem res => csr.addtn elem res) ires End Vec. Definition match av in Vec _ n return Vec B n -> Vec (A*B) n with | [] => fun _ => [] | a::av' => fun bv => (a, Vector.hd bv) :: zip av' ( bv) end bv.