
82 lines
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Require Bvector. (* stdlib uses LSB first (little-endian) representation *)
Require Vector.
Require List.
(* Convert a nat list to a bitvector. Non-zero values are considered true *)
Fixpoint list2Bvec_aux (l:list nat) : Bvector.Bvector (List.length l) :=
match l return Bvector.Bvector (List.length l) with
| List.cons O xs =>
Bvector.Bcons false _ (list2Bvec_aux xs)
| List.cons _ xs =>
Bvector.Bcons true _ (list2Bvec_aux xs)
| List.nil => Bvector.Bnil
Definition list2Bvec (l:list nat) : Bvector.Bvector (List.length (List.rev l)) :=
list2Bvec_aux (List.rev l).
(* Convert a bitvector to nat. Little-endian representation assumed *)
Fixpoint bvec2nat_aux {n:nat} (cur:nat) (bv:Bvector.Bvector n): nat :=
match bv with
| Vector.cons _ x _ xs =>
if x then (Nat.pow 2 cur) + bvec2nat_aux (S cur) xs
else bvec2nat_aux (S cur) xs
| Vector.nil _ => 0
Definition bvec2nat {n:nat} (bv:Bvector.Bvector n): nat := bvec2nat_aux 0 bv.
(* Find nth bit of a bitvector *)
Definition Bnth {z i:nat} (bv: Bvector.Bvector z) (pf:i<z): bool :=
Vector.nth_order bv pf.
(* Find list of set bits in a bitvector *)
Fixpoint find_set_bits {z:nat} (bv: Bvector.Bvector z) : list nat :=
match bv with
| Vector.cons _ x _ xs =>
if x then List.cons (z-1) (find_set_bits xs)
else (find_set_bits xs)
| Vector.nil _ => List.nil
Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Compute list2Bvec [0;0;1;0]. (* 0100₂ ie, 4₁₀ *)
Check Bvector.BshiftL _ (list2Bvec [0;0;1;0]) false.
Check Vector.shiftrepeat (Vector.cons _ 0 _ (Vector.nil _)).
Require Import Vector.
Import VectorNotations.
Compute Bvector.BshiftL 1 (list2Bvec [0;0;1;0]) false.
= [false; false; true; false]
: Bvector (length [0; 0; 1; 0])
Compute bvec2nat (list2Bvec [0;0;1;0]).
(* = 2 : nat *)
Compute bvec2nat (list2Bvec [0;1;0;0]).
(* = 4 : nat *)
Compute Bnth (list2Bvec [0;0;1;0]) (_:2<_).
(* = true : bool *)
Compute Bnth (list2Bvec [0;0;1;0]) (_:1<_).
(* = false : bool *)
Compute find_set_bits (list2Bvec [0;0;1;0]). (* [2] : list nat *)
Compute find_set_bits (list2Bvec [1;0;1;0]). (* [2; 0] : list nat *)
Check Bvector.BshiftL .
Check Bcons.
Check Nat.pow.
Compute Nat.pow 2 3.
Check Vector.nth_order.
Check Vector.nth_order (list2Bvec [0;0;1;0]).
Compute Vector.nth_order (list2Bvec [0;0;1;0]) (_:0<_).