
171 lines
3.9 KiB

Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
(* Print fold_left. *)
(* Print fold_right. *)
Definition compose {A B C: Type}
(g: B -> C) (f: A -> B): A -> C := fun a =>
g (f a).
Infix "" := compose (at level 45, right associativity).
Section Folds.
Context {A B: Type}.
Variable (f: A -> B -> B).
Fixpoint foldr (acc: B) (l: list A): B :=
match l with
| [] => acc
| x::xs => f x (foldr acc xs)
End Folds.
Section Folds.
Context {A B: Type}.
Variable (f: A -> B -> B).
Variable (g: list A -> B).
Variable (acc: B).
Theorem univFold:
g [] = acc /\
(forall (x:A) (xs:list A),
g (x::xs) = f x (g xs))
<-> forall (l:list A),
g l = foldr f acc l.
- intros [HNil HCons] l.
induction l.
+ simpl; trivial.
+ simpl.
rewrite <- IHl.
rewrite (HCons a l).
- intros H.
+ apply H.
+ intros x xs.
rewrite (H (x::xs)).
rewrite (H xs).
(* Theorem univFold: *)
(* g [] = acc *)
(* -> (forall (x:A) (xs:list A), *)
(* g (x::xs) = f x (g xs)) *)
(* -> forall (l:list A), *)
(* g l = foldr f acc l. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* intros HNil HCons l. *)
(* induction l. *)
(* - simpl; trivial. *)
(* - simpl. *)
(* rewrite <- IHl. *)
(* rewrite (HCons a l). *)
(* reflexivity. *)
(* Qed. *)
End Folds.
Section Folds.
Context {A B: Type}.
Variable (f g: A -> B -> B).
Variable (h: B -> B).
Variable (acc acc': B).
Theorem fusionFold:
h acc' = acc
-> (forall (a:A) (b:B),
h (g a b) = f a (h b))
-> forall l:list A,
(h (foldr g acc')) l = (foldr f acc) l.
intros HNil HCons l.
unfold compose.
induction l.
- simpl; apply HNil.
- simpl.
rewrite HCons.
rewrite IHl.
(* Theorem fusionFold': *)
(* h acc' = acc *)
(* /\ (forall (a:A) (b:B), *)
(* h (g a b) = f a (h b)) *)
(* <-> forall l:list A, *)
(* (h ∘ (foldr g acc')) l = (foldr f acc) l. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* unfold compose. *)
(* split. *)
(* - intros [HNil HCons] l. *)
(* induction l. *)
(* + simpl; apply HNil. *)
(* + simpl. *)
(* rewrite HCons. *)
(* rewrite IHl. *)
(* reflexivity. *)
(* - intros H. *)
(* split. *)
(* + assert (foldr g acc' [] = acc') as H1; try reflexivity. *)
(* rewrite <- H1. *)
(* assert ((h (foldr g acc' [])) = (h ∘ foldr g acc') []) as H2; try reflexivity. *)
(* rewrite H2. *)
(* assert (((foldr f acc) []) = (h ∘ foldr g acc') []) as H3; try reflexivity. *)
(* * simpl. *)
(* unfold compose. *)
(* rewrite (H []). *)
(* simpl; reflexivity. *)
(* * unfold compose. *)
(* rewrite (H []). *)
(* simpl; reflexivity. *)
(* + intros a b. *)
(* Qed. *)
End Folds.
Section UnivEg.
Fixpoint sumlist (l: list nat): nat :=
match l with
| x::l' => x + sumlist l'
| [] => 0
Compute sumlist [1;2;3;4;5].
(* = 15 : nat *)
Compute ((Nat.add 1) sumlist) [1;2;3;4;5].
(* = 16 : nat *)
Lemma sumlistLemma: forall (x:nat) (xs:list nat),
S (x + sumlist xs) = x + S (sumlist xs).
intros x xs.
induction x.
- simpl; trivial.
- simpl.
rewrite IHx.
Example sumfold: forall l:list nat,
((Nat.add 1) sumlist) l = foldr Nat.add 1 l.
intros l.
apply univFold.
- unfold compose.
simpl; reflexivity.
- intros x xs.
unfold compose.
(* [ring] could also be used at this stage *)
(* Require Import Arith. *)
(* ring. *)
apply sumlistLemma.
Qed. (* No induction was needed! *)
End UnivEg.
Section FusionEg.
End FusionEg.
Compute foldr Nat.add 0 [1;2;3;4;5]. (* = 15 : nat *)