
49 lines
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Require Import Vector.
Require Import Bvector.
(* Import VectorNotations. *)
Definition matrix (rows cols: nat): Type :=
Vector.t (Bvector cols) rows.
(* Uses /convoy pattern/.
Fixpoint zip {A B: Type} {n:nat}
(av: Vector.t A n) (bv: Vector.t B n): Vector.t (A*B) n :=
match av in Vector.t _ n
return Vector.t B n -> Vector.t (A*B) n with
| [] => fun _ => []
| a::av' => fun bv => (a, Vector.hd bv) :: zip av' ( bv)
end bv.
Section Matrix.
Context {A: Type}.
Definition dotProduct {n:nat}
(v1 v2: Vector.t bool n): bool :=
let v12 := zip v1 v2 in
let ires := (fun '(a, b) => andb a b) v12 in
fold_right (fun elem res => xorb elem res) ires false.
Definition vecMatrixProd {rows cols: nat}
(vec: Bvector rows) (mat: matrix cols rows): Bvector cols := (fun mrow => dotProduct vec mrow) mat.
End Matrix.
Definition isAllZero {n:nat} (v: Vector.t bool n): bool :=
negb (Vector.fold_right (fun elem acc => orb elem acc) v false).
(* Make vector of size [sz] with its [i]-th bit set, where indexing
starts from 0. *)
Fixpoint seti (i sz:nat): Vector.t bool sz :=
match sz with
| O => []
| S sz' =>
match i with
| O => true :: (repeat false sz')
| S i' => false :: (seti i' sz')