
61 lines
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(* From *)
Inductive radix2: Set :=
| x0: radix2
| x2p0: radix2 -> radix2
| x2p1: radix2 -> radix2.
Print Decimal.
Definition of_uint_dec (u : Decimal.uint) : option radix2 :=
let fix f u := match u with
| Decimal.Nil => Some x0
| Decimal.D0 u =>
match f u with
| Some u => Some (x2p0 u)
| None => None
| Decimal.D1 u =>
match f u with
| Some u => Some (x2p1 u)
| None => None
| _ => None end in
f (Decimal.rev u).
Definition of_uint (u : Number.uint) : option radix2 :=
match u with
| Number.UIntDecimal u => of_uint_dec u
| Number.UIntHexadecimal _ => None
(* Printing stuff *)
Definition to_uint_dec (x : radix2) : Decimal.uint :=
let fix f x :=
match x with
| x0 => Decimal.Nil
| x2p0 x => Decimal.D0 (f x)
| x2p1 x => Decimal.D1 (f x)
end in
Decimal.rev (f x).
Definition to_uint (x : radix2) : Number.uint := Number.UIntDecimal (to_uint_dec x).
Declare Scope radix2_scope.
Delimit Scope radix2_scope with r2.
Number Notation radix2 of_uint to_uint : radix2_scope.
Check 01%r2.
(* 01%r2 : radix2 *)
Fail Check 02%r2.
The command has indeed failed with message:
Cannot interpret this number as a value of type radix2
Check (x2p1 x0).
(* 1%r2 : radix2 *)
Check (x2p1 (x2p0 x0)).
(* 01%r2 : radix2 *)