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Source language: STLC
Target language: CPS
Module Stlc.
(* Source language *)
Inductive type : Set :=
| Bool: type
| Arrow: type -> type -> type.
(* V is type family of variables *)
Inductive term (V:type->Type): type -> Type :=
| Tru: term V Bool
| Fls: term V Bool
| Var: forall t:type,
V t -> term V t
| App: forall t1 t2:type,
term V (Arrow t1 t2) -> term V t1 -> term V t2
| Abs: forall t1 t2:type,
(V t1 -> term V t2) -> term V (Arrow t1 t2).
Arguments Tru {V}.
Arguments Fls {V}.
Arguments Var {V t}.
Arguments App {V t1 t2}.
Arguments Abs {V t1 t2}.
Definition Term (t:type) (V:type -> Type) := term V t.
End Stlc.
Module Cps.
(* Target language *)
Inductive type : Set :=
| Bool: type
| Cont: type -> type
| Prod: type -> type -> type.
Inductive term (V:type -> Type) : type -> Type :=
| Halt: forall t:type, (* Done. No more continuation *)
V t -> term V t
| App: forall t,
V (Cont t) -> V t -> term V t
| LetBind: forall (t:type),
primop V t
-> (V t -> term V t)
-> term V t
with primop (V:type -> Type) : type -> Type :=
| Tru: primop V Bool
| Fls: primop V Bool
| Var: forall t:type,
V t -> primop V t
| Abs: forall t1 t2:type,
(V t1 -> term V t2) -> primop V (Cont t2)
| Pair: forall t1 t2:type,
V t1 -> V t2 -> primop V (Prod t1 t2)
| Fst: forall t1 t2:type,
V (Prod t1 t2) -> primop V t1
| Snd: forall t1 t2:type,
V (Prod t1 t2) -> primop V t2.
Arguments Halt {V t}.
Arguments App {V t}.
Arguments LetBind {V t}.
Arguments Tru {V}.
Arguments Fls {V}.
Arguments Var {V t}.
Arguments Abs {V t1 t2}.
Arguments Pair {V t1 t2}.
Arguments Fst {V t1 t2}.
Arguments Snd {V t1 t2}.
End Cps.
Import Stlc.
Import Cps.
Fixpoint stlcToCpsType (t: Stlc.type) : Cps.type :=
match t with
| Stlc.Bool => Cps.Bool
| Stlc.Arrow t1 t2 =>
let t1' := (stlcToCpsType t1) in
let t2' := (stlcToCpsType t2) in
Cps.Cont (Cps.Prod t1' (Cps.Cont t2'))
(* Convert Stlc terms to equivalent Cps terms *)
Fixpoint stlcToCps {sV: Stlc.type -> Type} {cV: Cps.type -> Type}
{sT: Stlc.type} {cT: Cps.type} (t: Stlc.term sV sT)
: Cps.term cV cT :=
match t with
| Stlc.Tru => LetBind Cps.Tru Cps.Halt
| Stlc.Fls => LetBind Cps.Tru Cps.Halt
| Stlc.Var v => LetBind Cps.Tru Cps.Halt
| Stlc.App f e => LetBind Cps.Tru Cps.Halt
| Stlc.Abs f => LetBind Cps.Tru Cps.Halt
match t with
| Halt v =>
| App f v =>
| LetBind op f =>