
117 lines
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Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Inductive hlist {A:Type} (B: A -> Type): list A -> Type :=
| HNil: hlist _ []
| HCons: forall (t:A) (ts:list A),
B t -> hlist _ ts -> hlist _ (t::ts).
Arguments HNil {A B}.
Arguments HCons {A B t ts}.
Inductive member {A:Type} (elem:A): list A -> Type :=
| HFirst: forall l:list A, member elem (elem::l)
| HNext: forall (a:A) (l:list A),
member elem l -> member elem (a::l).
Fixpoint hget {A:Type} {B:A->Type} {ts:list A}
(l: hlist B ts) (elem: A): member elem ts -> B elem :=
match l with
(* *)
Definition hhd {A:Type} {t:A} {ts:list A} {B:A -> Type}
(l: hlist B (t::ts)): B t :=
match l in hlist _ typs return
match typs with
| [] => unit
| ty::_ => B ty
end with
| HNil => tt
| HCons x xs => x
Definition htl {A:Type} {t:A} {ts:list A} {B:A -> Type}
(l: hlist B (t::ts)) : hlist B ts :=
match l in hlist _ typs return
match typs with
| [] => unit
| _::tys => hlist _ tys
end with
| HNil => tt
| HCons x xs => xs
Fixpoint happ {A:Type} {ts1 ts2: list A} {B:A -> Type}
(l1: hlist B ts1) (l2: hlist B ts2): hlist B (ts1++ts2) :=
match l1 with
| HNil => l2
| HCons x xs => HCons x (happ xs l2)
Fixpoint hrev {A:Type} {ts: list A} {B:A -> Type}
(l: hlist B ts): hlist B (rev ts) :=
match l in hlist _ typs return
match typs with
| [] => hlist _ []
| xs => hlist _ (rev xs)
end with
| HNil => HNil
| HCons x xs =>
happ (HCons x HNil) xs
Example eg1 := HCons 3 HNil: hlist (fun x:Set=>x) [nat].
Example eg2 := HCons 3 (HCons true HNil): hlist (fun x:Set=>x) [nat; bool].
Example eg3 := HCons (0,3) HNil
: hlist (fun x:Set=>(x*nat)%type) [nat].
Check HCons 0 HNil : hlist (fun x:Type=>x) [nat:Type].
Fail Check HCons 0 HNil : hlist (fun x:Type=>x) [nat].
Fail Check HCons 3 (HCons true HNil) : hlist (fun x:Set=>x) [nat; nat].
Module HListNotations.
Declare Scope hlist_scope.
Delimit Scope hlist_scope with hlist.
Notation "« »" := HNil : hlist_scope.
Notation "« x »" := (HCons x HNil) : hlist_scope.
Notation "« x ; .. ; y »" := (HCons x .. (HCons y HNil) ..) : hlist_scope.
Infix "++" := happ: hlist_scope.
End HListNotations.
Require Import String.
Open Scope string.
Import HListNotations.
Open Scope hlist.
Check «3; true» : hlist (fun x:Set=>x) [nat; bool].
(* « 3; true » : hlist (fun x : Set => x) [nat; bool] *)
Check «» : hlist (fun x:Set=>x) [].
(* « » : hlist (fun x : Set => x) [] *)
Check « "hi" » : hlist (fun x:Set=>x) [string].
(* « "hi" » : hlist (fun x : Set => x) [string] *)
Check «(0,3); (1,true)» : hlist (fun x:Set=>(nat*x)%type) [nat; bool].
(* « (0, 3); (1, true) » *)
Compute hhd eg1.
(* = 3 : nat *)
Compute hhd eg3.
(* = (0, 3) : nat * nat *)
Compute htl eg1.
(* = « » : hlist (fun x : Set => x) [] *)
Compute htl eg2.
(* = « true » : hlist (fun x : Set => x) [bool] *)
Compute eg1 ++ eg2 ++ eg2.
(* = « 3; 3; true; 3; true » *)