
158 lines
3.2 KiB

Require Import List.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Even.
Require Import Recdef.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Relations.
(* ** Attempt 3 *)
Record bag := mkBag {
nblack: nat
; nwhite: nat
Print relation.
relation = fun A : Type => A -> A -> Prop
: Type -> Type
Arguments relation _%type_scope
Inductive step : relation bag :=
| bb : forall b w,
step (mkBag (S (S b)) w) (mkBag b (S w))
| ww : forall b w,
step (mkBag b (S (S w))) (mkBag b (S w))
| bw : forall b w,
step (mkBag (S b) (S w)) (mkBag (S b) w).
Print clos_refl_trans.
Inductive clos_refl_trans (A : Type) (R : relation A) (x : A) : A -> Prop :=
rt_step : forall y : A, R x y -> clos_refl_trans A R x y
| rt_refl : clos_refl_trans A R x x
| rt_trans : forall y z : A,
clos_refl_trans A R x y ->
clos_refl_trans A R y z -> clos_refl_trans A R x z
Arguments clos_refl_trans _%type_scope
Arguments rt_step _%type_scope
Arguments rt_refl _%type_scope
Arguments rt_trans _%type_scope
Check step.
Check clos_refl_trans bag step.
Definition process : bag -> bag -> Prop := clos_refl_trans _ step.
Definition invariant (bin bout:bag) : Prop :=
Nat.odd (nblack bin) = Nat.odd (nblack bout).
Lemma step_invariant (bin bout:bag)
: step bin bout -> invariant bin bout.
inversion 1; unfold invariant; simpl; trivial.
inversion 1.
- unfold invariant.
Theorem process_invariant (bin bout:bag)
: process bin bout -> invariant bin bout.
induction H.*)
induction 1.
- apply step_invariant.
exact H.
- reflexivity.
- unfold invariant.
transitivity (Nat.odd (nblack y)).
* transitivity (IH.
(* ** Attempt 2 *)
Notation black := false.
Notation white := true.
Fixpoint proc (bag:list bool) : list bool :=
match bag with
| (a::b::ls) =>
match a, b with
| black, black => proc (white::ls)
| white, white => proc (white::ls)
| _, _ => proc (black::ls)
| _ => bag
Function proc_rec (bag:list bool) {measure length bag} : list bool :=
match bag with
| nil | [_] => bag
| _::_::ls => proc_rec (proc_rec bag)
(*| _ => bag*)
Definition b := false.
Check b.
Compute match b with
| true => true
| false => true
Fixpoint proc (bag:list bool) {struct bag} : list bool :=
match bag with
| (a::b::ls) =>
match a, b with
| false, false => proc (true::ls)
| true, true => proc (true::ls)
| _, _ => proc (false::ls)
| _ => bag
Compute Nat.even 3.
Compute even 3.
Check filter.
: forall A : Type, (A -> bool) -> list A -> list A
Check count_occ.
Definition booleqb (a b:bool):bool := negb (xorb a b).
Compute filter (fun x=>x) [].
Definition count (l:list bool) (val:bool) : nat :=
length (filter (fun elem => booleqb elem val) l).
Compute count [true; false; true] true.
Compute Nat.odd 1.
Goal forall (p q : Prop), p -> p->q -> q.
Theorem proc_odd_b : forall bag:list bool,
(length bag) > 0 -> odd (count bag false) -> proc bag = [false].
induction bag.
- simpl.
inversion H.
- induction a.
* intuition.
* apply IHbag in H.