
385 lines
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Check nat.
(* STLC *)
Inductive type : Type :=
| Bool: type
| Arrow: type -> type -> type.
Section stlc.
(*Variable V : type -> Type. *)
Context {V : type -> Type}.
Inductive term : type -> Type :=
| Var : forall t:type, V t -> term t
| Tru : term Bool
| Fals : term Bool
| App : forall (t1 t2 : type),
term (Arrow t1 t2) -> term t1 -> term t2
| Abs : forall (t1 t2 : type),
(V t1 -> term t2) -> term (Arrow t1 t2).
End stlc.
Fixpoint typeDenote (t : type) : Type :=
match t with
| Bool => bool
| Arrow t1 t2 => (typeDenote t1) -> (typeDenote t2)
Fixpoint termDenote {t : type} (e : term t) : typeDenote t :=
(*match e in (term _ t) return (typeDenote t) with*)
match e with
(* _ is for the t *)
| Var _ v => v
| Tru => true
| Fals => false
| App _ _ e1 e2 =>
(termDenote e1) (termDenote e2)
| Abs _ _ f => (* XXX: why was the fun abstr needed here?? *)
fun x => termDenote (f x)
(* CPS *)
Inductive ptype : Type :=
| PBool : ptype
| PCont : ptype -> ptype (* Continuation type *)
| PUnit : ptype (* Useful for PCont?? *)
| PProd : ptype -> ptype -> ptype.
Fixpoint ptypeDenote (t : ptype) : Type :=
match t with
| PBool => bool
| PCont t' => ptypeDenote t' -> bool (* τ → 0 *)
| PUnit => unit
| PProd t1 t2 => (ptypeDenote t1) * (ptypeDenote t2)
Section cpsterm.
(*Variable V : ptype -> Type.
Variable res : ptype.*)
Context {V : ptype -> Type} {res : ptype}.
Inductive pterm : Type :=
| PHalt : V res -> pterm
| PApp : forall (t:ptype), V (PCont t) -> V t -> pterm
| PBind : forall (t : ptype),
pprimop t -> (V t -> pterm) -> pterm
pprimop : ptype -> Type :=
| PVar : forall (t : ptype),
V t -> pprimop t
| PTrue : pprimop PBool
| PFalse : pprimop PBool
| PAbs : forall (t : ptype),
(V t -> pterm) -> pprimop (PCont t)
| PPair : forall (t1 t2 : ptype),
V t1 -> V t2 -> pprimop (PProd t1 t2)
| PFst : forall (t1 t2 : ptype),
V (PProd t1 t2) -> pprimop t1
| PSnd : forall (t1 t2 : ptype),
V (PProd t1 t2) -> pprimop t2.
(* Arguments PVar {t}. *)
End cpsterm.
Arguments PAbs {V res t}.
Arguments PPair {V res t1 t2}.
Arguments PFst {V res t1 t2}.
Arguments PSnd {V res t1 t2}.
Check PAbs.
(* Translation *)
Section splices.
Fixpoint splice {V : ptype -> Type} {res1 res2 : ptype}
(e1: pterm) (e2: V res1 -> pterm)
: @pterm V res2 :=
match e1 with
| PHalt v => e2 v
| PApp _ f x => PApp _ f x
| PBind _ p f =>
PBind _ (splicePrim p e2) (fun x => splice (f x) e2)
splicePrim {V : ptype -> Type} {res1 res2 t : ptype}
(p : @pprimop V res1 t) (e2 : V res1 -> @pterm V res2)
: @pprimop V res2 t :=
match p with
| PVar _ v => PVar _ v
| PTrue => PTrue
| PFalse => PFalse
(*| PAbs t f => *)
| PAbs f => PAbs (fun x => splice (f x) e2)
| PPair v1 v2 => PPair v1 v2
| PFst v => PFst v
| PSnd v => PSnd v
End splices.
Fixpoint cpsType (t : type) : ptype :=
match t with
| Bool => PBool
| Arrow t1 t2 => PCont (PProd (cpsType t1) (PCont (cpsType t2)))
Notation "let x := e1 in e2" := (splice e1 (fun x => e2))
(at level 80).
Check pterm.
Check @term.
: type -> Type
?V : [ |- type -> Type]
#+END_OUTPUT (Info) *)
Check PHalt.
: ?V ?res -> pterm
?V : [ |- ptype -> Type]
?res : [ |- ptype]
#+END_OUTPUT (Info) *)
Section translation.
Variable V : ptype -> Type.
Notation V' := (fun (t : type) => V (cpsType t)).
Notation "x <-- e1 ; e2" := (splice e1 (fun x => e2))
(at level 76). (* letTerm *)
Notation "x <- p ; e" := (PBind p (fun x => e))
(at level 76). (* letBind *)
Notation "\ x , e" := (PAbs (fun x => e))
(at level 78). (* fn/λ *)
Notation "'letTerm' x ':=' e1 'inside' e2" :=
(splice e1 (fun x => e2)) (at level 70).
Notation "'letBind' x ':=' e1 'inside' e2" :=
(PBind e1 (fun x => e2)) (at level 70).
Notation "'fn' x ':=' e" := (PAbs (fun x => e)) (at level 70).
Fixpoint cpsTerm {t : type} (e : @term V' t)
: @pterm V (cpsType t) :=
match e with
| Var _ x => PHalt x
| Tru => PBind PTrue (fun x => PHalt x)
| Fals => PBind PFalse (fun x => PHalt x)
| App _ _ e1 e2 =>
f <-- (cpsTerm e1) ;
x <-- (cpsTerm e2) ;
k <- \r, PHalt (V:=V) x ;
p <- (PPair x k) ;
(PApp f p)
| Abs _ _ e' =>
(*f <- \r , *)
f <- PAbs V (fun p =>
x <- PFst p ;
k <- PSnd p ;
r <-- cpsTerm (e' x0) ;
PApp k r) ;
PHalt f
Let f := PAbs V (fun p =>
Let x := PFst p inside
Let k := PSnd p inside
splice (cpsTerm (e' x)) (fun x' => PApp k r))
PHalt f
End translation.
Definition foo (l m n:nat) : nat -> nat := plus n.
Check foo.
Check foo 3.
Fixpoint ptermDenote {result : ptype}
(e : pterm ptypeDenote result)
(k : (ptypeDenote result) -> bool) : bool :=
match e with
| PHalt _ _ v => k v
| PApp _ _ _ f x => f x (* f is the continuation function *)
| PBind _ _ _ p f => ptermDenote (f (pprimopDenote p k)) k
pprimopDenote {result t : ptype}
(p : pprimop ptypeDenote result t)
(k : ptypeDenote result -> bool) : ptypeDenote t :=
match p with
| PVar _ _ t v => v
| PTrue _ _ => true
| PFalse _ _ => false
| PAbs _ _ t f => fun x => ptermDenote (f x) k
| PPair _ _ t1 t2 v1 v2 => (v1, v2)
| PFst _ _ t1 t2 v => fst v
| PSnd _ _ t1 t2 v => snd v
Inductive type : Type :=
| Bool : type
| Arrow : type -> type -> type.
Section term.
Variable var : type -> Type.
Inductive term : type -> Type :=
| Var: forall (t : type), var t -> term t
| App: forall (t1 t2 : type),
term (Arrow t1 t2) -> term t1 -> term t2
| Abs: forall (t1 t2 : type),
var t1 -> term t2 -> term (Arrow t1 t2)
| Tru: term Bool
| Fals: term Bool.
End term.
(* CPS syntax *)
(* Types τ ::= bool | τ→0 | τxτ *)
Inductive ctype : Type :=
| TCBool : ctype
| TCCont : ctype -> ctype
| TCUnit : ctype
| TCProd : ctype -> ctype -> ctype.
Section var.
Variable var : ctype -> Type.
Variable result : ctype.
Inductive cterm : Type :=
(* CPS over *)
| CHalt : var result -> cterm
| CApp : forall (t : ctype),
var (TCCont t) -> var t -> cterm
(* let binding *)
| CBind : forall (t : ctype),
primop t -> (var t -> cterm) -> cterm
primop : ctype -> Type :=
| CopVar : forall (t : ctype),
var t -> primop t
| CopTru : primop TCBool
| CopFals : primop TCBool
| CopAbs : forall (t : ctype),
(var t -> cterm) -> primop (TCCont t)
| CopPair : forall (t1 t2 : ctype),
var t1 -> var t2 -> primop (TCProd t1 t2)
| CopFst : forall (t1 t2 : ctype),
var (TCProd t1 t2) -> primop t1
| CopSnd : forall (t1 t2 : ctype),
var (TCProd t1 t2) -> primop t2.
End var.
(* CPS types to coq types *)
Fixpoint ctypeDenote (t : ctype) : Type :=
match t with
| TCBool => bool
(* why to bool ?*)
| TCCont t' => ctypeDenote t' -> bool
| TCUnit => unit
| TCProd t1 t2 => ((ctypeDenote t1) * (ctypeDenote t2))%type
Check Var.
: forall (var : type -> Type) (t : type), var t -> term var t
Check App.
: forall (var : type -> Type) (t1 t2 : type),
term var (Arrow t1 t2) -> term var t1 -> term var t2
Fixpoint ctermDenote (t : cterm) : Type :=
match t with
| CHalt : var result -> cterm
| CApp : forall (t : ctype),
var (TCCont t) -> var t -> cterm
| CBind : forall (t : ctype),
primop t -> (var t -> cterm) -> cterm
primopDenote (result: ) (t: cterm) (op : primop) : ctermDenote t
Inductive type : Type :=
| Nat: type
| Func: type -> type -> type.
(* HOAS. Strict positivity failed!
Inductive term : type -> Type :=
| Const: term Nat
| Plus: term Nat -> term Nat -> term Nat
| Abs: forall (t1 t2 : type),
term t1 -> term t2 -> term (Func t1 t2)
| App: forall (t1 t2 : type),
term (Func t1 t2) -> term t1 -> term t2
(* let x = e1 in e2 *)
(* λx.e2) e1 *)
(* Let e1 (λx.e2) *)
| Let: forall (t1 t2: type),
term t1 -> (term t1 -> term t2) -> term t2.
Inductive term (var: type -> Type) :=
| Var : forall t:type, var t -> term (var t).
Section var.
Variable var : type -> Type.
Inductive term : type -> Type :=
| Var : forall t:type, var t -> term t.
Inductive term: Type :=
| App: term -> term -> term
| Abs: (term -> term) -> term.
(* PHOAS *)
Inductive term (T: Type) : Type :=
| Var: T -> term T
| App: term T -> term T -> term T
| Abs: (T -> term T) -> term T.
Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Inductive member {A : Type} (elem: A) : list A -> Type :=
| First : forall ls: list A, member elem (elem: ls).
| Next: forall (x:A) (ls:list A),
member ls -> member (x :: ls).