--- title: Projects --- # Projects Here are my projects, they might not be programming-related: - ## [one second everyday](https://github.com/forerosantiago/one-second-everyday) I'm recording one second clips everyday, I will put them together when I have a significant amount of videos (300+). - ## [forero.xyz](https://github.com/forerosantiago/site) My website, made with [hugo](https://gohugo.io), an E/N (everything/nothing) website with a really simple blog. - ## [cactus-irc](https://tildegit.org/forero/cactus-irc/) A really simple IRC bot inspired by CodingCactus' discord [Cactus bot](https://cactus-bot.codingcactus.codes/), you grow a cactus and try to become the tallest. I made this project mainly to learn how to use [irc-framework](https://github.com/kiwiirc/irc-framework). I have more projects, check my [github profile](https://github.com/forerosantiago/) to see them.