
112 lines
3.7 KiB

$additional_head='<link rel="alternate" type="text/calendar" href="https://tilderadio.org/schedule/ics.php">';
include '../header.php';
include 'schedule.php';
<h1><a href="https://tilderadio.org"><img style="width:72px;margin-top:-30px;margin-right:5px;" src="../logos/tilderadio.png">tilderadio.org</a></h1>
<h4>upcoming broadcasts</h4>
<p>all times in UTC. current time is <span id="utcdate"><?=formatdate("now")?></span>
<span class="pointer-label-wrapper">(</span><span class="pointer-label">&mdash;</span><span class="pointer-label-wrapper">)</span>.</p>
<p>this schedule is also available in <a href="https://icalendar.org/validator.html?url=https://tilderadio.org/schedule/ics.php">iCalendar format</a>. point your calendar client at <code>https://tilderadio.org/schedule/ics.php</code>.</p>
include 'calendar.php';
<table class="table table-striped">
<?php foreach ($schedule as $item): ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
let halfHour = 1800000;
// Gather schedule table cells by timestamp
const cells = document.querySelectorAll('.calendar tbody td');
let ranges = [];
for (const cell of Array.from(cells)) {
const m = /^show-(\d*)$/.exec(cell.id);
if (!m) continue;
startTime: m[1]*1000,
ranges.sort((a, b) => {
return a.startTime - b.startTime;
let currentRangeI = 0;
function getCurrentRange(now) {
for (i = currentRangeI; i < ranges.length; i++) {
const range = ranges[i];
if (!range) return;
const rangeStart = range.startTime;
if (rangeStart <= now && (rangeStart + halfHour) > now) {
return range;
// Update the timer and pointer as time passes.
// Because PHP gives the time on page load, people who disable Javascript won't be missing out on much.
let months = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"];
let daysOfWeek = ["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"];
function update_date() {
var d = new Date();
document.getElementById("utcdate").innerText = daysOfWeek[d.getUTCDay()]+" "+months[d.getUTCMonth()]+" "+d.getUTCDate().toString()+" "+d.getUTCHours().toString().padStart(2,'0')+":"+d.getUTCMinutes().toString().padStart(2,'0');
let pointer = document.getElementById("pointer");
// Create pointer in case it wasn't added in the page generation.
if (!pointer) {
pointer = document.createElement('div');
pointer.id = 'pointer';
let prevRange;
function updatePointer(d) {
// Find current cell
const range = getCurrentRange(d.getTime());
if (!range) {
// Done with schedule. Remove pointer. Need to refresh.
if (prevRange) {
prevRange = null;
// Move pointer to different cell if changed cell.
if (range !== prevRange) {
const prevCell = prevRange && prevRange.cell
if (prevCell) prevCell.classList.remove('active');
// Move pointer based on time in current cell.
const progress = (d.getTime() - range.startTime) / halfHour;
pointer.style.top = (progress * (range.cell.offsetHeight-1)).toFixed(0) + 'px';
// Update pointer immediately
updatePointer(new Date());
<?php include '../footer.php'; ?>