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2021-08-27 12:41:48 +00:00
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I was going to have training but it was canceled because Bogotá had had public order problems. Instead I was supposed to do my own training, but I was really lazy so I decided to do something very very calm." />
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I was going to have training but it was canceled because Bogotá had had public order problems. Instead I was supposed to do my own training, but I was really lazy so I decided to do something very very calm."/>
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<meta property="og:description" content="Day: 3 Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2021 This was just a normal day, I spent my day in online classes and homework.
I was going to have training but it was canceled because Bogotá had had public order problems. Instead I was supposed to do my own training, but I was really lazy so I decided to do something very very calm." />
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<a href="">Day 3</a>
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<li><strong>Day:</strong> 3</li>
<li><strong>Date:</strong> Wednesday, August 26, 2021</li>
<p>This was just a normal day, I spent my day in online classes and homework.</p>
<p>I was going to have training but it was canceled because Bogotá had had public order problems. Instead I was supposed to do my own training, but I was really lazy so I decided to do something very very calm.</p>
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2021-08-26 13:15
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