use std::env; use std::collections::HashMap; use structopt::StructOpt; mod log; mod db; mod dvcs; mod cli; fn main() { let home_dir = env::var("HOME").expect("$HOME not defined. WTF?"); let base_dir = format!("{}/.git-build", home_dir); let db = db::Database::from_folder(&base_dir); let cmd = cli::Cli::from_args(); println!("{:?}", cmd); let truc = db.tasks(); for task in truc { let mut context = HashMap::new(); context.insert("$i18n_task","WTF")); log::debug("found_task", Some(&context)); if task.cloned == false { // Maybe the task has a source we should clone? if let Some(source) = &task.source { if !task.dvcs.clone(source) { context.insert("$i18n_source", &source); log::error("clone_failed", Some(&context)); // Skip further processing continue } } // Otherwise, it's a sourceless task continue } // So the cloned repo is here maybe update? } }