Don't load translations for tests, don't attempt to load folders as tasks

This commit is contained in:
southerntofu 2020-11-27 18:40:39 +01:00
parent 7d42bd7a15
commit b3c816b428

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@ -15,24 +15,38 @@ if [ ! -z $HOST ]; then
# Extract two letters from $LANG
# Check whether we use translations, or use debug output
# If LANG is not special-value "NONE", then:
# - we load the requested language if it exists, fail otherwise
# - when no language is requested, default to something (TODO)
if [[ "$LANG" != "NONE" ]]; then
# Enable colors (escape codes) as echo option
# Ensure translations have been setup
if [ -d /usr/share/forgebuild/i18n ]; then
# Extract two letters from $LANG
# Ensure translations have been setup
if [ -d /usr/share/forgebuild/i18n ]; then
elif [ -d $HOME/.local/share/forgebuild/i18n ]; then
elif [ -d $HOME/.local/share/forgebuild/i18n ]; then
echo "ERROR: could not find translations. Maybe you need to run the script?"
exit 1
# Initialize translations
[ -f $I18N_DIR/$locale.json ] && locale_strings="$(cat $I18N_DIR/$locale.json)" || locale_strings="$(cat $I18N_DIR/en.json)"
# Initialize translations
[ -f $I18N_DIR/$locale.json ] && locale_strings="$(cat $I18N_DIR/$locale.json)" || locale_strings="$(cat $I18N_DIR/en.json)"
fi # End translations initialization
# Takes one argument, looks up translation
trans() {
# If translations are disabled (for output testing),
# return the name of the requested key witout translating
[[ "$LANG" == "NONE" ]] && echo -n "$1" && exit 0
# We want translation
res="$(echo "$locale_strings" | jq ".$1")"
if [[ "$res" = "" ]]; then
echo "ERROR: Failed to translate $1"
@ -45,19 +59,22 @@ trans() {
# We set custom logging functions so that later we can decorate stuff
warn() {
[[ $INFO = 1 ]] && echo -e "\e[33m$(trans warning)\e[0m$(trans $1)" | envsubst > /dev/stderr
[[ $INFO != 1 ]] && return
[[ $COLORS = 1 ]] && echo -e "\e[33m$(trans warning)\e[0m$(trans $1)" | envsubst > /dev/stderr || echo "$(trans warning)$(trans $1)" | envsubst > /dev/stderr
info() {
[[ $INFO = 1 ]] && echo "[git-build] $(trans $1)" | envsubst
[[ $INFO != 1 ]] && return
echo "[git-build] $(trans $1)" | envsubst > /dev/stderr
error () {
echo -e "\e[31m$(trans error)\e[0m$(trans $1)" | envsubst > /dev/stderr
[[ $COLORS = 1 ]] && echo -e "\e[31m$(trans error)\e[0m$(trans $1)" | envsubst > /dev/stderr || echo "$(trans error)$(trans $1)" | envsubst > /dev/stderr
debug () {
[[ $DEBUG = 1 ]] && echo -e "\e[36m$(trans debug)\e[0m$(trans $1)" | envsubst
[[ $DEBUG != 1 ]] && return
[[ $COLORS = 1 ]] && echo -e "\e[36m$(trans debug)\e[0m$(trans $1)" | envsubst > /dev/stderr || echo "$(trans debug)$(trans $1)" | envsubst > /dev/stderr
help () {
@ -241,7 +258,8 @@ for arg in "$@"; do
if [ $FOUND_BASEDIR -eq 1 ]; then
BASEDIR="$(readlink -m $arg)"
if [ ! -d $BASEDIR ]; then
echo "ERROR: Could not find task directory: $BASEDIR"
error "missing_basedir"
exit 1
@ -259,7 +277,9 @@ for arg in "$@"; do
# Maybe it's a repo URL and we find a corresponding task?
# Used for interop (for example forgehook-notify)
elif matches="$(grep --files-with-matches --word-regexp "$arg" $BASEDIR/*.source)"; then
# --no-messages does not fail when the glob pattern doesn't match
# --regexp (compared to raw pattern) avoids leaking a wrong forgebuild argument to grep
elif matches="$(grep --no-messages --files-with-matches --word-regexp --regexp "$arg" $BASEDIR/*.source)"; then
# Iterate over the files found to extract the task name
while IFS= read -r file; do
task_name="$(basename "$file" .source)"
@ -291,8 +311,9 @@ echo "$BASHPID" > $BASEDIR/.LOCK
if [[ ${#PROJECTS[*]} = 0 ]]; then
info no_task
for file in $BASEDIR/*; do
# Skip non-executable files
# Skip non-executable files, and directories (which can be +x)
[ ! -x $file ] && continue
[ ! -f $file ] && continue
# Extract the project name from path
task="$(basename $file .source)"
export i18n_task="$task"
@ -344,7 +365,8 @@ for p_name in ${PROJECTS[*]}; do
source="$(cat $BASEDIR/$p_name.source)"
export i18n_source="$source"
info clone
if ! clone "$dvcs" "$source" "$p_dir"; then
# Suppress clone stderr, TODO: maybe save in some log file?
if ! clone "$dvcs" "$source" "$p_dir" 2> /dev/null; then
error clone_failed
exit 1