# The URL the site will be built for base_url = "https://thunix.net/~southerntofu/forge" theme = "water" compile_sass = true highlight_code = false build_search_index = false generate_rss = true default_language = "en" [extra] # The common part of the title (appended to page/section titles) title = "forge suite" color = "light" max_width_for = "body" max_width = "800px" header = "_common/header.md" menu = "_common/menu.md" stylesheets = [ "style.css", "custom.css" ] [extra.forge] # The baseURL for files tracked on the forge browse = "https://tildegit.org/forge/site/src/branch/master/" # Homepage of the forge home = "https://tildegit.org/" # Name of the forge name = "tildegit" [extra.tests] # Where to find tests results ($directory/$suite/results.toml) # Path from static/ directory, no trailing / directory = "tests" # If there are several test suites, declare them here suites = [ "forgebuild.sh", "forgebuild.rs" ] # The number of latest runs to display number = 3 # Repositories the commits originate from commiturls = [ "https://tildegit.org/forge/build.sh/commit/", "https://tildegit.org/forge/build.rs/commit/" ] [extra.tests.pipelines.forgebuild] repo = "https://tildegit.org/forge/build" url = "https://tildegit.org/forge/build/commit/$id" impl = [ { "name" = "forgebuild.sh", "repo" = "https://tildegit.org/forge/build.sh", "url" = "https://tildegit.org/forge/build.sh/commit/$id" }, { "name" = "forgebuild.rs", "repo" = "https://tildegit.org/forge/build.rs", "url" = "https://tildegit.org/forge/build.rs/commit/$id" } ] [extra.tests.pipelines.endpoints] repo = "https://tildegit.org/forge/endpoints" url = "https://tildegit.org/forge/endpoints/commit/$id" impl = [ { "name" = "endpoints.php", "repo" = "https://tildegit.org/forge/endpoints.php", url = "https://tildegit.org/forge/endpoints.php/commit/$id" } ] [extra.translations] [extra.translations.fr] source = "Source de cette page" readmore = "Lire la suite" previousPage = "Page précédente" nextPage = "Page suivante" dateFormat = "%d/%m/%Y" nothing_yet = "Il n'y a pas encore d'article dans cette section." [extra.translations.en] source = "Source for this page" readmore = "Read more" previousPage = "Previous page" nextPage = "Next page" dateFormat = "%m/%d/%Y" nothing_yet = "There is no article in this section yet." [languages.fr] generate_feed = true # there will be a feed for French content build_search_index = true [languages.en] generate_feed = true build_search_index = true