# Thunix Ansible Playbook Clone repo, then execute playbook as follows: ```/usr/local/bin/ansible-playbook -i /var/thunix/hosts /var/thunix/site.yml``` ## Intro If you're wondering what this repo is, it's a set of files (YAML files) that are executed by a package known as ["Ansible"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ansible_(software)). Docs for how these files are structured to be used can be found [here](https://docs.ansible.com/). There are three roles currently being used: common, webservers, and shell. Pretty straightfoward, common applies to all machines in the inventory. webservers applies to the summit box. shell is for the phoenix box. So, when you need to add a user, get a package installed, etc etc, please keep the above in mind, and do your changes in the correct role. * TODO - Maybe rename roles to boxes? Dunno yet. ## Common tasks ### Adding a user to phoenix To add a user to phoenix, just copy one of the files in ./roles/shell/tasks/users to a new file in that same directory. Edit the file, changing the applicable info (user name, keys, homedir, etc etc etc). Then, add that file's path to ./roles/shells/tasks/users.yml. Run the playbook against phoenix: ```ansible-playbook -i ./hosts site.yml --limit phoenix.thunix.cf``` ### Adding a Package To install a new package on a machine, just find the package name, and add it to the end of ./role/{which role}/tasks/packages.yml. Run ansible-playbook against the machine you want (Or all of them): ```ansible-playbook -i ./hosts site.yml``` ## Don't * Don't commit right to master. Create a git branch, commit changes there, and do a test run of ansible against it. Master runs automatically, and we never want master in a broken state. * Don't be afraid to make a PR! Worst case, the PR is rejected. That's fine, nobody will be offended. What will likely happen is it'll be merged in if it doesn't break master. It might get tweaked a bit, but that's all. * If you have a problem/request, and don't know how to make it happen, open a ticket. Even if you know how to fix it, open a ticket, to link to your PR. It makes a good place to discuss proposed changes. * ASK! If you have a question/concern, feel free to ask in IRC. [Come chat with us! (irc.tilde.chat:6697/#thunix)](https://web.tilde.chat/?join=thunix) ![chat badge](https://tilde.chat/badges/badge.php?channel=%23thunix)