import plugin, re, subprocess @plugin.command("latest","") def on_latest(self,channel,nick,count="5"): if re.match(r"\d+",count): count = int(count) if count < 1: count = 1 # ...nice try, smartass if count > 5: count = 5 # don't spam the channel self.say(channel, "{}: Latest {} {}. (See for more!)".format(nick, count, (count == 1 and "entry" or "entries"))) else: self.say(channel, "{}: Latest entries matching '{}'. (See for more!)".format(nick, count)) output = subprocess.check_output(["/usr/local/bin/latest",str(count)]).decode("utf-8").split("\n") output = filter(None,output) for line in output: self.say(channel,"{}: {}".format(nick,line))