# 9front + UNIX The best of both worlds Like many people I use UNIX (Linux) for "real" work, but, unlike most, I use 9front all day everyday. This is thanks to the wonderful work by the 9front people's ssh system. Here are the tools I use: sshfs(1) vt(1) ssh(1) These tools give me full access to my UNIX system from my preffered os. Here's how it works: First I connect to my UNIX machine via sshfs: sshfs fulton@tux This exposes all the files in my UNIX system's home dir under /n/ssh in my current namespace. Then I'll open my favorite editor acme with: acme -l lib/work.dump This opens the editor with my saved work preset. Of course, I'll need to build things, so I use a vt(1) - A virtual UNIX terminal and ssh(1) to get a shell. vt ssh fulton@tux This gives me a great lag free editing experience (the only time acme read or write from the server is saving files) in my favorite os, along with the build tools I need. To be honest, this is much better than what I had before no more juggling git commits to be able to move from desktop to laptop and no more laggy ssh vim instances. - Fulton