
785 lines
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;;; LISP9 Derived Syntax and Functions
;;; Nils M Holm, 2018,2019
;;; In the public domain
;;; If your country does not have a concept like the public
;;; domain, the Creative Common Zero (CC0) licence applies,
;;; see https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
nil t
(defun (cons x y) (cons x y))
(defun (car x) (car x))
(defun (cdr x) (cdr x))
(defun (caar x) (caar x))
(defun (cadr x) (cadr x))
(defun (cdar x) (cdar x))
(defun (cddr x) (cddr x))
(defun (caaar x) (car (caar x)))
(defun (caadr x) (car (cadr x)))
(defun (cadar x) (car (cdar x)))
(defun (caddr x) (car (cddr x)))
(defun (cdaar x) (cdr (caar x)))
(defun (cdadr x) (cdr (cadr x)))
(defun (cddar x) (cdr (cdar x)))
(defun (cdddr x) (cdr (cddr x)))
(defun (list . x) x)
(defun (vector . x) (listvec x))
(defun (string . x) (liststr x))
(defun (rever a)
(reconc a nil))
(defun (nrever a)
(nreconc a nil))
(defmac (cond . cs)
(if (null cs)
(if (eq 'else (caar cs))
(cons 'prog (cdar cs))
(list 'if (caar cs)
(cons 'prog (cdar cs))
(cons 'cond (cdr cs))))))
(defmac (and . xs)
(cond ((null xs) 't)
((null (cdr xs)) (car xs))
(else (list 'if (car xs)
(cons 'and (cdr xs))
(defmac (qquote x)
(cond ((vectorp x)
(list 'listvec
(list 'qquote (veclist x))))
((not (pair x))
(list 'quote x))
((eq 'unquote (car x))
(cadr x))
((and (pair (car x))
(eq 'unquote (caar x)))
(list 'cons (cadar x)
(list 'qquote (cdr x))))
((and (pair (car x))
(eq 'splice (caar x)))
(list 'conc (cadar x)
(list 'qquote (cdr x))))
(list 'cons (list 'qquote (car x))
(list 'qquote (cdr x))))))
(defmac (let bs x . xs)
((lambda (split)
(setq split
(lambda (bs vs as)
(if (null bs)
(list vs as)
(split (cdr bs)
(cons (caar bs) vs)
(cons (cadar bs) as)))))
(apply (lambda (vs as)
@((lambda ,vs ,x . ,xs) . ,as))
(split bs nil nil)))
(defun (mapcar f a . b)
(if (null b)
(let ((m1 nil))
(setq m1 (lambda (a)
(if (null a)
(cons (f (car a))
(m1 (cdr a))))))
(m1 a))
(let ((m2 nil))
(setq m2 (lambda (a b)
(if (null a)
(cons (f (car a) (car b))
(m2 (cdr a) (cdr b))))))
(m2 a (car b)))))
(defmac (labels bs x . xs)
(let ((vs (mapcar car bs))
(as (mapcar cadr bs)))
(let ((ns (mapcar (lambda (v) (list v nil)) vs))
(is (mapcar (lambda (v a) (list 'setq v a)) vs as)))
@(let ,ns ,@is ,x . ,xs))))
(defmac (or . xs)
(cond ((null xs) nil)
((null (cdr xs)) (car xs))
(else @(if* ,(car xs)
(or . ,(cdr xs))))))
(defmac (cond . cs)
(cond ((null cs) nil)
((null (cdar cs))
@(if* ,(caar cs)
(cond . ,(cdr cs))))
((eq '=> (cadar cs))
(let ((g (gensym)))
@(let ((,g ,(caar cs)))
(if ,g (,(caddr (car cs)) ,g)
(cond . ,(cdr cs))))))
((eq 'else (caar cs))
@(prog . ,(cdar cs)))
((null (cdr cs))
@(if ,(caar cs)
(prog . ,(cdar cs))))
@(if ,(caar cs)
(prog . ,(cdar cs))
(cond . ,(cdr cs))))))
(defmac (case x . cs)
(defun (cases x cs)
(cond ((null cs) nil)
((eq 'else (caar cs))
@(prog . ,(cdar cs)))
@(if (memv ,x ',(caar cs))
(prog . ,(cdar cs))
,(cases x (cdr cs))))))
(let ((g (gensym)))
@(let ((,g ,x))
,(cases g cs))))
(defmac (let* bs x . xs)
(if (null bs)
@(let () ,x . ,xs)
@(let (,(car bs))
(let* ,(cdr bs) ,x . ,xs))))
(defmac (let x0 x . xs)
(if (symbolp x0)
(let ((vs (mapcar car x))
(as (mapcar cadr x)))
@((labels ((,x0 (lambda ,vs . ,xs)))
,x0) . ,as))
(let ((vs (mapcar car x0))
(as (mapcar cadr x0)))
@((lambda ,vs ,x . ,xs) . ,as))))
(defmac (with bs x . xs)
(let* ((vs (mapcar car bs))
(gs (mapcar (lambda (x) (gensym)) bs))
(as (mapcar cadr bs))
(set (mapcar (lambda (v a) @(setq ,v ,a)) vs as))
(res (mapcar (lambda (v g) @(setq ,v ,g)) vs gs))
(val (gensym)))
@((lambda ,gs
(lambda () (prog . ,res))
(lambda ()
,x . ,xs))) . ,vs)))
(defmac (do bs tst . xs)
(let ((fn (gensym))
(vs (mapcar car bs))
(as (mapcar cadr bs))
(ss (mapcar cddr bs)))
(let ((ss (mapcar (lambda (s v)
(if (null s) v (car s)))
ss vs)))
((,fn (lambda ,vs
(if ,(car tst)
(prog . ,(cdr tst))
(prog ,@xs (,fn . ,ss))))))
(,fn . ,as)))))
(defun (fold f b a)
(defun (fl a r)
(if (null a)
(fl (cdr a)
(f r (car a)))))
(fl a b))
(defun (foldr f b a)
(defun (fr a r)
(if (null a)
(fr (cdr a)
(f (car a) r))))
(fr (rever a) b))
(defun (filter p a)
(defun (fi a r)
(cond ((null a) (nrever r))
((p (car a))
(fi (cdr a) (cons (car a) r)))
(fi (cdr a) r))))
(fi a nil))
(defun (memq x a)
(cond ((null a) nil)
((eq x (car a)) a)
(else (memq x (cdr a)))))
(defun (mapcar f a . as)
(defun (map f x)
(if (null x)
(cons (f (car x))
(map f (cdr x)))))
(defun (car* x) (map car x))
(defun (cdr* x) (map cdr x))
(defun (nil* x) (memq nil x))
(defun (mapcar* as r)
(if (nil* as)
(nrever r)
(mapcar* (cdr* as)
(cons (apply f (car* as))
(mapcar* (cons a as) nil))
(defun (foreach f a . as)
(apply mapcar f a as)
(defun (length ls)
(defun (len a n)
(cond ((null a) n)
((pair a) (len (cdr a) (+ 1 n)))
(else (error "length: improper list" ls))))
(len ls 0))
(defun (nth-tail n a)
(if (= 0 n)
(nth-tail (- n 1) (cdr a))))
(defun (nth n a) (car (nth-tail n a)))
(defun (listp x)
(defun (acyclicp x y)
(cond ((eq x y) nil)
((null x))
((pair x)
(or (null (cdr x))
(and (pair (cdr x))
(acyclicp (cddr x) (cdr y)))))
(else nil)))
(or (null x)
(and (pair x)
(acyclicp (cdr x) x))))
(defun (caaaar x) (caar (caar x)))
(defun (caaadr x) (caar (cadr x)))
(defun (caadar x) (caar (cdar x)))
(defun (caaddr x) (caar (cddr x)))
(defun (cadaar x) (cadr (caar x)))
(defun (cadadr x) (cadr (cadr x)))
(defun (caddar x) (cadr (cdar x)))
(defun (cadddr x) (cadr (cddr x)))
(defun (cdaaar x) (cdar (caar x)))
(defun (cdaadr x) (cdar (cadr x)))
(defun (cdadar x) (cdar (cdar x)))
(defun (cdaddr x) (cdar (cddr x)))
(defun (cddaar x) (cddr (caar x)))
(defun (cddadr x) (cddr (cadr x)))
(defun (cdddar x) (cddr (cdar x)))
(defun (cddddr x) (cddr (cddr x)))
(defun (eqv a b)
(cond ((eq a b))
((and (fixp a)
(fixp b)
(= a b)))
((and (charp a)
(charp b)
(c= a b)))
(else nil)))
(defun (equal a b)
(defun (equvec a b)
(and (= (vsize a) (vsize b))
(let loop ((i (- (vsize a) 1)))
(cond ((< i 0))
((equal (vref a i) (vref b i))
(loop (- i 1)))
(else nil)))))
(cond ((eq a b))
((and (pair a)
(pair b)
(equal (car a) (car b))
(equal (cdr a) (cdr b))))
((and (stringp a)
(stringp b)
(s= a b)))
((and (vectorp a)
(vectorp b)
(equvec a b)))
(else (eqv a b))))
(defun (memv x a)
(cond ((null a) nil)
((eqv x (car a)) a)
(else (memv x (cdr a)))))
(defun (member x a)
(cond ((null a) nil)
((equal x (car a)) a)
(else (member x (cdr a)))))
(defun (assq x a)
(cond ((null a) nil)
((eq x (caar a)) (car a))
(else (assq x (cdr a)))))
(defun (assv x a)
(cond ((null a) nil)
((eqv x (caar a)) (car a))
(else (assv x (cdr a)))))
(defun (asss x a)
(cond ((null a) nil)
((s= x (caar a)) (car a))
(else (s= x (cdr a)))))
(defun (assoc x a)
(cond ((null a) nil)
((equal x (caar a)) (car a))
(else (assoc x (cdr a)))))
(defmac (andb x y . z) @(bitop 1 ,x ,y . ,z))
(defmac (xorb x y . z) @(bitop 6 ,x ,y . ,z))
(defmac (orb x y . z) @(bitop 7 ,x ,y . ,z))
(defmac (norb x y . z) @(bitop 8 ,x ,y . ,z))
(defmac (eqvb x y . z) @(bitop 9 ,x ,y . ,z))
(defmac (notb x) @(bitop 12 ,x 0))
(defmac (nandb x y . z) @(bitop 14 ,x ,y . ,z))
(defmac (shlb x y . z) @(bitop 16 ,x ,y . ,z))
(defmac (shrb x y . z) @(bitop 17 ,x ,y . ,z))
(defmac (asrb x y . z) @(bitop 18 ,x ,y . ,z))
(defun (andb x y . z) (apply bitop 1 x y z))
(defun (xorb x y . z) (apply bitop 6 x y z))
(defun (orb x y . z) (apply bitop 7 x y z))
(defun (norb x y . z) (apply bitop 8 x y z))
(defun (eqvb x y . z) (apply bitop 9 x y z))
(defun (notb x) (bitop 12 x 0))
(defun (nandb x y . z) (apply bitop 14 x y z))
(defun (shlb x y . z) (apply bitop 16 x y z))
(defun (asrb x y . z) (apply bitop 17 x y z))
(defun (evenp x) (= 0 (rem x 2)))
(defun (oddp x) (not (evenp x)))
(defun (gcd x y)
(defun (gcd x y)
(cond ((= 0 x) y)
((= 0 y) x)
((< x y) (gcd x (rem y x)))
(else (gcd y (rem x y)))))
(gcd (abs x) (abs y)))
(defun (lcm x y)
(let ((cd (gcd x y)))
(abs (* cd (div x cd) (div y cd)))))
(defun (expt x y)
(defun (square x) (* x x))
(defun (expt2 x y)
(cond ((= 0 y) 1)
((evenp y) (square (expt2 x (div y 2))))
(else (* x (square (expt2 x (div y 2)))))))
(defun (nexpt y r)
(cond ((= 0 y) r)
(else (nexpt (- y 1) (* r x)))))
(if (> y 20)
(expt2 x y)
(nexpt y 1)))
(defun (mod x y)
(let ((r (rem x y)))
(cond ((= 0 r) 0)
((eq (< x 0) (< y 0)) r)
(else (+ y r)))))
(defun (scopy s)
(substr s 0 (ssize s)))
(defun (terpri . p)
(if (and (pair p)
(pair (cdr p)))
(error "terpri: too many arguments"))
(apply writec #\nl p))
(defun (print . xs)
(cond ((null xs) (princ "\n"))
((null (cdr xs))
(princ (car xs))
(princ "\n"))
(prin (car xs))
(writec #\sp)
(apply print (cdr xs)))))
(defun (printc . xs)
(cond ((null xs) (princ "\n"))
((null (cdr xs))
(princ (car xs))
(princ "\n"))
(princ (car xs))
(writec #\sp)
(apply printc (cdr xs)))))
(defun (readln . p)
(let loop ((c (apply readc p))
(a nil))
(cond ((eofp c)
(if (null a)
(liststr (nrever a))))
((c= #\nl c)
(liststr (nrever a)))
(loop (apply readc p)
(cons c a))))))
(defun (with-infile s f)
(let ((oi (inport))
(i (open-infile s)))
(lambda ()
(set-inport oi)
(close-port i))
(lambda ()
(set-inport i)
(defun (with-outfile s f)
(let ((oo (outport))
(o (open-outfile s)))
(lambda ()
(set-outport oo)
(close-port o))
(lambda ()
(set-outport o)
(defun (with-inport s f)
(let ((i (open-infile s)))
(lambda ()
(close-port i))
(lambda ()
(f i)))))
(defun (with-outport s f)
(let ((o (open-outfile s)))
(lambda ()
(close-port o))
(lambda ()
(f o)))))
(def *unwind* nil)
(defun (catch x)
(let ((r (catch*
(lambda (c)
(setq *unwind* (cons c *unwind*))
(x c)))))
(setq *unwind* (cdr *unwind*))
(defun (throw c v)
(let loop ()
(cond ((null *unwind*)
(throw* c v))
((funp (car *unwind*))
(let ((w (car *unwind*)))
(setq *unwind* (cdr *unwind*))
((eq c (car *unwind*))
(throw* c v))
(setq *unwind* (cdr *unwind*))
(defun (unwind u f)
(setq *unwind* (cons u *unwind*))
(let ((v (f)) (w nil))
(setq w (car *unwind*))
(setq *unwind* (cdr *unwind*))
(defmac (catch-errors v x . xs)
(let ((g (gensym))
(r (gensym))
(et (gensym))
(ev (gensym)))
@(let ((,et *Errtag*)
(,ev *Errval*))
(let ((,r (catch*
(lambda (,g)
(setq *Errval*
,(if (null v) g (car v)))
(setq *Errtag* ,g)
,x . ,xs))))
(setq *Errtag* ,et)
(setq *Errval* ,ev)
(defun (save)
(if *imagefile*
(dump-image *imagefile*)
(error "save: no image loaded, use \"dump-image\"")))
(defun (cmdline) (cmdline))
(defun (errport) (errport))
(defun (inport) (inport))
(defun (outport) (outport))
(defun (gc) (gc))
(defun (gensym) (gensym))
(defun (obtab) (obtab))
(defun (quit) (quit))
(defun (symtab) (symtab))
(defun (abs x) (abs x))
(defun (alphac x) (alphac x))
(defun (atom x) (atom x))
(defun (catch* x) (catch* x))
(defun (char x) (char x))
(defun (charp x) (charp x))
(defun (charval x) (charval x))
(defun (close-port x) (close-port x))
(defun (ctagp x) (ctagp x))
(defun (constp x) (constp x))
(defun (delete x) (delete x))
(defun (downcase x) (downcase x))
(defun (dump-image x) (dump-image x))
(defun (eofp x) (eofp x))
(defun (existsp x) (existsp x))
(defun (fixp x) (fixp x))
(defun (flush x) (flush x))
(defun (format x) (format x))
(defun (funp x) (funp x))
(defun (inportp x) (inportp x))
(defun (liststr x) (liststr x))
(defun (listvec x) (listvec x))
(defun (load x) (load x))
(defun (lowerc x) (lowerc x))
(defun (mx x) (mx x))
(defun (mx1 x) (mx1 x))
(defun (not x) (not x))
(defun (null x) (null x))
(defun (numeric x) (numeric x))
(defun (open-infile x) (open-infile x))
(defun (outportp x) (outportp x))
(defun (pair x) (pair x))
(defun (set-inport x) (set-inport x))
(defun (set-outport x) (set-outport x))
(defun (ssize x) (ssize x))
(defun (stringp x) (stringp x))
(defun (strlist x) (strlist x))
(defun (symbol x) (symbol x))
(defun (symbolp x) (symbolp x))
(defun (symname x) (symname x))
(defun (syscmd x) (syscmd x))
(defun (untag x) (untag x))
(defun (upcase x) (upcase x))
(defun (upperc x) (upperc x))
(defun (veclist x) (veclist x))
(defun (vectorp x) (vectorp x))
(defun (vsize x) (vsize x))
(defun (whitec x) (whitec x))
(defun (div x y) (div x y))
(defun (eq x y) (eq x y))
(defun (nreconc x y) (nreconc x y))
(defun (rem x y) (rem x y))
(defun (reconc x y) (reconc x y))
(defun (reanme x y) (rename x y))
(defun (setcar x y) (setcar x y))
(defun (setcdr x y) (setcdr x y))
(defun (sfill x y) (sfill x y))
(defun (sref x y) (sref x y))
(defun (throw* x y) (throw* x y))
(defun (vfill x y) (vfill x y))
(defun (vref x y) (vref x y))
(defun (+ . x) (fold (lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 0 x))
(defun (* . x) (fold (lambda (x y) (* x y)) 1 x))
(defun (conc . x) (fold (lambda (x y) (conc x y)) nil x))
(defun (nconc . x) (fold (lambda (x y) (nconc x y)) nil x))
(defun (sconc . x) (fold (lambda (x y) (sconc x y)) "" x))
(defun (vconc . x) (fold (lambda (x y) (vconc x y)) #() x))
(defun (peekc . x)
(cond ((null x)
((null (cdr x))
(peekc (car x)))
(error "peekc: too many arguments"))))
(defun (read . x)
(cond ((null x)
((null (cdr x))
(read (car x)))
(error "read: too many arguments"))))
(defun (readc . x)
(cond ((null x)
((null (cdr x))
(readc (car x)))
(error "readc: too many arguments"))))
(defun (bitop op x y . z)
(fold (lambda (x y) (bitop op x y))
(cons y z)))
(defun (- x . y)
(if (null y)
(- x)
(fold (lambda (x y) (- x y)) x y)))
(defun (max x . y)
(if (null y)
(fold (lambda (x y) (max x y)) x y)))
(defun (min x . y)
(if (null y)
(fold (lambda (x y) (min x y)) x y)))
(defun (error x . y)
(cond ((null y)
(error x))
((null (cdr y))
(error x (car y)))
(error "error: too many arguments"))))
(defun (mkstr x . y)
(cond ((null y)
(mkstr x))
((null (cdr y))
(mkstr x (car y)))
(error "mkstr: too many arguments"))))
(defun (mkvec x . y)
(cond ((null y)
(mkvec x))
((null (cdr y))
(mkvec x (car y)))
(error "mkstr: too many arguments"))))
(defun (numstr x . y)
(cond ((null y)
(numstr x))
((null (cdr y))
(numstr x (car y)))
(error "numstr: too many arguments"))))
(defun (strnum x . y)
(cond ((null y)
(strnum x))
((null (cdr y))
(strnum x (car y)))
(error "strnum: too many arguments"))))
(defun (open-outfile x . y)
(cond ((null y)
(open-outfile x))
((null (cdr y))
(open-outfile x (car y)))
(error "open-outfile: too many arguments"))))
(defun (prin x . y)
(cond ((null y)
(prin x))
((null (cdr y))
(prin x (car y)))
(error "prin: too many arguments"))))
(defun (princ x . y)
(cond ((null y)
(princ x))
((null (cdr y))
(princ x (car y)))
(error "princ: too many arguments"))))
(defun (writec x . y)
(cond ((null y)
(writec x))
((null (cdr y))
(writec x (car y)))
(error "writec: too many arguments"))))
(defun (%compare op a)
(let loop ((a a))
(cond ((null (cdr a)))
((op (car a) (cadr a))
(loop (cdr a)))
(else nil))))
(defun (< x . y) (%compare (lambda (x y) (< x y)) (cons x y)))
(defun (<= x . y) (%compare (lambda (x y) (<= x y)) (cons x y)))
(defun (= x . y) (%compare (lambda (x y) (= x y)) (cons x y)))
(defun (> x . y) (%compare (lambda (x y) (> x y)) (cons x y)))
(defun (>= x . y) (%compare (lambda (x y) (>= x y)) (cons x y)))
(defun (c< x . y) (%compare (lambda (x y) (c< x y)) (cons x y)))
(defun (c<= x . y) (%compare (lambda (x y) (c<= x y)) (cons x y)))
(defun (c= x . y) (%compare (lambda (x y) (c= x y)) (cons x y)))
(defun (c> x . y) (%compare (lambda (x y) (c> x y)) (cons x y)))
(defun (c>= x . y) (%compare (lambda (x y) (c>= x y)) (cons x y)))
(defun (s< x . y) (%compare (lambda (x y) (s< x y)) (cons x y)))
(defun (s<= x . y) (%compare (lambda (x y) (s<= x y)) (cons x y)))
(defun (s= x . y) (%compare (lambda (x y) (s= x y)) (cons x y)))
(defun (s> x . y) (%compare (lambda (x y) (s> x y)) (cons x y)))
(defun (s>= x . y) (%compare (lambda (x y) (s>= x y)) (cons x y)))
(defun (si< x . y) (%compare (lambda (x y) (si< x y)) (cons x y)))
(defun (si<= x . y) (%compare (lambda (x y) (si<= x y)) (cons x y)))
(defun (si= x . y) (%compare (lambda (x y) (si= x y)) (cons x y)))
(defun (si> x . y) (%compare (lambda (x y) (si> x y)) (cons x y)))
(defun (si>= x . y) (%compare (lambda (x y) (si>= x y)) (cons x y)))
(defun (sset x y z) (sset x y z))
(defun (substr x y z) (substr x y z))
(defun (subvec x y z) (subvec x y z))
(defun (vset x y z) (vset x y z))
(defun (apply f . as)
(let loop ((as as)
(a nil))
(cond ((null as)
(error "apply: too few arguments"))
((null (cdr as))
(if (pair (car as))
(apply f (conc (nrever a) (car as)))
(error "apply: expected list" (car as))))
(loop (cdr as)
(cons (car as) a))))))