
2375 lines
60 KiB

;;; LISP9 Test Suite
;;; By Nils M Holm, 2007-2019
;;; In the public domain
; This is a comment
;; Prelude
(def *Verbose* (and (> (length (cmdline)) 0)
(s= (car (cmdline)) "-v")))
(def testfile "test.tmp")
(def testfile2 "test2.tmp")
(def logfile "test.log")
(if (existsp testfile) (delete testfile))
(if (existsp logfile) (delete logfile))
(def Errors 0)
(defun (void) (if nil nil))
(defun (seq)
(let ((n 0))
(lambda ()
(setq n (+ 1 n)))))
(defun (fail expr result expected port)
(princ "test failed: " port)
(prin expr port)
(terpri port)
(princ "got result: " port)
(prin result port)
(terpri port)
(princ "expected: " port)
(prin expected port)
(terpri port))
(defun (test3 expr result expected)
(cond (*Verbose*
(prin expr)
(princ " => ")
(prin result)
(cond ((not (equal result expected))
(setq Errors (+ 1 Errors))
(fail expr result expected (outport))
(fail expr result expected (open-outfile logfile t)))))
(defmac (test form expected)
@(test3 ',form (catch-errors ('error) ,form) ,expected))
(defmac (test form expected)
@(test3 ',form ,form ,expected))
;; Syntax
; Special objects
(test t t)
(test 't t)
(test nil nil)
(test 'nil nil)
; Symbols
(test 'x 'x)
(test 'mississippi 'mississippi)
(test 'MIssissiPPi 'mississippi)
(test '!$%&*+-./^_ '!$%&*+-./^_)
; Chars
(test #\x #\x)
(test #\C #\C)
(test #\( #\()
(test #\) #\))
(test #\; #\;)
(test #\ht #\ht)
(test #\nl #\nl)
(test #\sp #\sp)
(test #\Sp #\sp)
(test #\SP #\sp)
(test #\\11 #\ht)
(test #\\12 #\nl)
(test #\\40 #\sp)
(test #\\33 #\\33)
; Strings
(test "test" "test")
(test "TeSt" "TeSt")
(test "TEST" "TEST")
(test "hello, world!" "hello, world!")
(test "\"hello, world!\"" "\"hello, world!\"")
(test "a\\/b" "a\\/b")
(test "(((;)))" "(((;)))")
(test "The word \"recursion\" has many meanings."
"The word \"recursion\" has many meanings.")
(test (sref "\t" 0) #\ht)
(test (sref "\n" 0) #\nl)
(test (sref " " 0) #\sp)
(test (sref "\123" 0) #\S)
(test (sref "\0123" 0) #\nl)
(test (sref "\0123" 1) #\3)
(test (s= "\0foo" "\0foo") t)
(test (s= "\0foo" "\0bar") nil)
(test (s< "\0bar" "\0foo") t)
; Pairs
(test nil nil)
(test '(a b c) '(a b c))
(test '(a (b) c) '(a (b) c))
(test '(((((x))))) '(((((x))))))
(test '((caar . cdar) . (cadr . cddr)) '((caar . cdar) . (cadr . cddr)))
(test '(a . (b . (c . (d . (e . ()))))) '(a b c d e))
(test '(a . (b . (c . d))) '(a b c . d))
; Vectors
(test #() #())
(test #(a b c) #(a b c))
(test #(a (b) c) #(a (b) c))
(test #(((((x))))) #(((((x))))))
(test #((caar cadar) (caadr cadadr)) #((caar cadar) (caadr cadadr)))
(test #(#(a b c) #(d e f)) #(#(a b c) #(d e f)))
(test #(#(#(#(#(x))))) #(#(#(#(#(x))))))
; Fixnums
(test 0 0)
(test 1 1)
(test 1234 1234)
(test -0 0)
(test -1 -1)
(test -1234 -1234)
(test #2r10101010 170)
(test #2r-10101010 -170)
(test #2r+10101010 170)
(test #8r1357 751)
(test #10r1234 1234)
(test #16rdef 3567)
(test #36rzz 1295)
(test #36r-zz -1295)
(test #36r+zz 1295)
;; Binding constructs
(def x 'foo)
(test x 'foo)
(def f (lambda (x) (cons x x)))
(test (f 1) '(1 . 1))
(defun (f2 x) (+ 1 x))
(test (f2 0) 1)
(defun (f3 x)
(defun (g x)
(+ x 2))
(+ 1 (g x)))
(test (f3 0) 3)
(defun (f4 x)
(defun (e x) (or (= 0 x) (o (- x 1))))
(defun (o x) (if (= 0 x) nil (e (- x 1))))
(list (e x) (o x)))
(test (f4 5) '(nil t))
(test ((lambda () nil)) nil)
(test ((lambda (x) x) 1) 1)
(test ((lambda (x y z) (list x y z)) 1 2 3) '(1 2 3))
(test (((lambda (x) (lambda (y) (cons x y))) 1) 2) '(1 . 2))
(test ((lambda (a . b) a) 'foo) 'foo)
(test ((lambda (a . b) b) 'foo) nil)
(test ((lambda (a . b) b) 'foo 'bar) '(bar))
(test ((lambda (a . b) b) 'foo 'bar 'baz) '(bar baz))
(test ((lambda (a b . c) a) 'foo 'bar) 'foo)
(test ((lambda (a b . c) b) 'foo 'bar) 'bar)
(test ((lambda (a b . c) c) 'foo 'bar) nil)
(test ((lambda (a b . c) c) 'foo 'bar 'baz) '(baz))
(test ((lambda a a)) nil)
(test ((lambda a a) 'foo) '(foo))
(test ((lambda a a) 'foo 'bar) '(foo bar))
(test ((lambda a a) 'foo 'bar 'baz) '(foo bar baz))
(test ((lambda (x) ((lambda () x))) 1) 1)
(test ((lambda () 1 2 3)) 3)
(test ((lambda (x) ((lambda () (setq x 1))) x) 0) 1)
(def compose
(lambda (f g)
(lambda args
(f (apply g args)))))
(defun (isqrt square)
((sqrt2 (lambda (x last)
(cond ((= last x)
((= last (+ 1 x))
(if (> (* x x) square) (- x 1) x))
(sqrt2 (div (+ x (div square x))
(sqrt2 square 0)))
(test ((compose isqrt *) 12 75) 30)
(test (let () 1) 1)
(test (let () 1 2 3) 3)
(test (let ((x 1)) x) 1)
(test (let ((x 1) (y 2) (z 3)) (list x y z)) '(1 2 3))
(test (let ((x 0))
(let ((x 1)
(y (* x 1)))
(test (let ((x 0))
(let ((x 1))
(let ((y (* x 1)))
; LET*
(test (let* () 1) 1)
(test (let* () 1 2 3) 3)
(test (let* ((x 'first)) x) 'first)
(test (let* ((x 'first) (y 'second) (z 'third)) (list x y z))
'(first second third))
(test (let* ((x 0))
(let* ((x 1)
(y (* x 5)))
(test (let* ((x 3)
(y (cons 2 x))
(z (cons 1 y)))
'(1 2 . 3))
(test (let* ((x 3)
(x (cons 2 x))
(x (cons 1 x)))
'(1 2 . 3))
(test (labels () 1) 1)
(test (labels () 1 2 3) 3)
(test (labels ((x 1)) x) 1)
(test (labels ((x 1) (y 2) (z 3)) (list x y z)) '(1 2 3))
(test (labels
(lambda (x)
(or (null x) (odd-p (cdr x)))))
(lambda (x)
(if (null x) nil (even-p (cdr x))))))
(list (odd-p '(i i i i i))
(even-p '(i i i i i))))
'(t nil))
(def *p1* 'value-1)
(def *p2* 'value-2)
(def *p3* 'value-3)
(test (with () *p1*) 'value-1)
(test *p1* 'value-1)
(test (with ((*p1* 'modified-1)
(*p2* 'modified-2)
(*p3* 'modified-3))
(list *p1* *p2* *p3*))
'(modified-1 modified-2 modified-3))
(test *p1* 'value-1)
(test *p2* 'value-2)
(test *p3* 'value-3)
;; Conditionals
(test (and) t)
(test (and nil) nil)
(test (and nil nil) nil)
(test (and nil t) nil)
(test (and t nil) nil)
(test (and t t) t)
(test (and 1 2 3) 3)
(test (and nil 2 3) nil)
(test (and 1 nil 3) nil)
(test (and 1 2 nil) nil)
(test (and 'foo) 'foo)
(test (and t) t)
(test (and 1) 1)
(test (and #\x) #\x)
(test (and "x") "x")
(test (and '(x)) '(x))
(test (and nil) nil)
(test (and #(x)) #(x))
(test (and (lambda (x) x) t) t)
(test (case 'a ((a b) 'first) ((c d) 'second)) 'first)
(test (case 'b ((a b) 'first) ((c d) 'second)) 'first)
(test (case 'c ((a b) 'first) ((c d) 'second)) 'second)
(test (case 'd ((a b) 'first) ((c d) 'second)) 'second)
(test (case 'x ((a b) 'first) ((c d) 'second)) (void))
(test (case 'x ((a b) 'first) (else 'default)) 'default)
(test (case 'd ((a) 'a) ((b) 'b) ((c) 'c) (else 'default)) 'default)
(test (case 'c ((a) 'a) ((b) 'b) ((c) 'c) (else 'default)) 'c)
(test (case 'b ((a) 'a) ((b) 'b) ((c) 'c) (else 'default)) 'b)
(test (case 'a ((a) 'a) ((b) 'b) ((c) 'c) (else 'default)) 'a)
(test (case 'x ((a) 'a) ((b) 'b) ((c) 'c) (else 'default)) 'default)
(test (case 'x ((b) 'b) ((c) 'c) (else 'default)) 'default)
(test (case 'x ((c) 'c) (else 'default)) 'default)
(test (case 'x (else 'default)) 'default)
(test (case 1 ((1) t)) t)
(test (case #\c ((#\c) t)) t)
(test (case 'x (else 1 2 3)) 3)
(test (case 'x ((y) nil)) (void))
(test (cond) (void))
(test (cond (t 1)) 1)
(test (cond (1 1)) 1)
(test (cond ('x 1)) 1)
(test (cond (#\x 1)) 1)
(test (cond ("x" 1)) 1)
(test (cond ('(a b c) 1)) 1)
(test (cond (#(1 2 3) 1)) 1)
(test (cond (nil 1)) (void))
(test (cond (nil 1) (t 2)) 2)
(test (cond (nil 1) (else 2)) 2)
(test (cond (else 2)) 2)
(test (cond (t 1 2 3)) 3)
(test (cond (else 1 2 3)) 3)
(test (cond (nil (nil))) (void))
(test (cond (nil)) (void))
(test (cond (nil) (t)) t)
(test (cond (1 => list)) '(1))
(test (cond (nil => list) (t => list)) '(t))
(test (cond (1)) 1)
(test (cond ('foo)) 'foo)
(test (cond (nil)) nil)
(test (cond ('(()))) '(()))
; IF
(test (if nil nil) (void))
(test (if t 1) 1)
(test (if 1 1) 1)
(test (if 'a 1) 1)
(test (if #\a 1) 1)
(test (if "a" 1) 1)
(test (if '(1 2 3) 1) 1)
(test (if nil 1) (void))
(test (if #(1 2 3) 1) 1)
(test (if t 1 2) 1)
(test (if nil 1 2) 2)
(test (if nil (nil)) (void))
; IF*
(test (if* t 2) t)
(test (if* 1 2) 1)
(test (if* 'a 2) 'a)
(test (if* #\a 2) #\a)
(test (if* "a" 2) "a")
(test (if* '(1 2 3) 2) '(1 2 3))
(test (if* #(1 2 3) 2) #(1 2 3))
(test (if* nil 2) 2)
(test (if* t (nil)) t)
; OR
(test (or) nil)
(test (or nil) nil)
(test (or nil nil) nil)
(test (or nil t) t)
(test (or t nil) t)
(test (or t t) t)
(test (or 1 2 3) 1)
(test (or nil 2 3) 2)
(test (or 1 nil 3) 1)
(test (or nil nil 3) 3)
(test (or 'foo) 'foo)
(test (or t) t)
(test (or 1) 1)
(test (or #\x) #\x)
(test (or "x") "x")
(test (or '(x)) '(x))
(test (or nil) nil)
(test (or #(x)) #(x))
;; Loops
; DO
(test (do () (t 123)) 123)
(test (prog (do () (t)) 1) 1)
(test (do ((i 1 (+ 1 i))) ((= i 10) i) i) 10)
(test (do ((i 1 (+ 1 i)) (j 17)) ((= i 10) j) i) 17)
(test (do ((i 1 (+ 1 i)) (j 2 (+ 2 j))) ((= i 10) j) i) 20)
(test (do ((i 1 (+ 1 i)) (j 2 (+ 2 j))) ((= i 10) (* i j)) i) 200)
(test (let ((j 1)) (do ((i 0 (+ 1 i))) ((= i 10) j) (setq j (+ j 3)))) 31)
(test (do ((i 1 (+ 1 i)) (j 0)) ((= i 10) j) (setq j 1)) 1)
(test (do ((i 1 (+ 1 i)) (j 0)) ((= i 10) j) 1 2 3 (setq j 1)) 1)
; named LET
(test (let loop ((i 0)) (if (< i 10) (loop (+ 1 i)) i)) 10)
(test (let loop ((i 0) (j 1)) (if (< i 10) (loop (+ 1 i) (* 2 j)) j)) 1024)
;; Sequences
(test (prog) nil)
(test (prog 1) 1)
(test (prog 1 "2") "2")
(test (prog 1 "2" #\3) #\3)
(test (let ((x (seq)) (y 0))
(prog (setq y (- y (x)))
(setq y (- y (x)))
(setq y (- y (x))))
;; Quotation
(test (quote foo) 'foo)
(test (quote quote) 'quote)
(test (quote t) t)
(test (quote 1) 1)
(test (quote #\X) #\X)
(test (quote "abc") "abc")
(test (quote ()) nil)
(test (quote (1 2 3)) '(1 2 3))
(test (quote #(1 2 3)) #(1 2 3))
(test (quote (lambda (x) x)) '(lambda (x) x))
(test '1 '1)
(test ''1 ''1)
(test '''1 '''1)
(test 'nil nil)
(test '1 1)
(test '#\b #\b)
(test '"abc" "abc")
(def x 'foo)
(test `x 'x)
(test `,x 'foo)
(test @(1 2 3) '(1 2 3))
(test @(y ,x z) '(y foo z))
(test @(1 2 3 ,(list 4 5)) '(1 2 3 (4 5)))
(test @(1 2 3 ,@(list 4 5)) '(1 2 3 4 5))
(test `#(y ,x z) #(y foo z))
(test `#(1 2 3 ,(list 4 5)) #(1 2 3 (4 5)))
(test `#(1 2 3 ,@(list 4 5)) #(1 2 3 4 5))
(test @(a b c (,x y z)) '(a b c (foo y z)))
(test @(a b c (,x ,@(list 'y 'z))) '(a b c (foo y z)))
(test @(+ 1 ,(* 2 `,(* 3 4))) '(+ 1 24))
(test @(+ 1 (car '(,@(memv 2 `,(list 1 (+ 1 1) 3))))) '(+ 1 (car '(2 3))))
;; Macros
(test (symbolp (gensym)) t)
(macro kwote (lambda (x) (list 'quote x)))
(test (kwote (list 1 2 3)) '(list 1 2 3))
(defmac (kwote x) (list 'quote x)) ; redefine
(test (kwote (list 1 2 3)) '(list 1 2 3))
(defmac (times n)
(if (= 0 n)
@(cons 1 (times ,(- n 1)))))
(test (times 0) '())
(test (times 1) '(1))
(test (times 10) '(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1))
(test (mx '(times 3)) '(cons 1 (cons 1 (cons 1 ()))))
(test (mx1 '(times 3)) '(cons 1 (times 2)))
(defmac (labels* bs x . xs)
(let ((vs (mapcar car bs))
(as (mapcar cadr bs)))
(let ((undefs (mapcar (lambda (v) (list v nil))
(updates (mapcar (lambda (v w) (list 'set! v w))
@(let ,undefs
(let ()
(test (mx '(labels* ((a 1) (b 2)) (a b)))
'((lambda (a b) (set! a 1) (set! b 2) ((lambda () (a b)))) nil nil))
(test (mx1 '(labels* ((a 1) (b 2)) (a b)))
'(let ((a nil) (b nil)) (set! a 1) (set! b 2) (let () (a b))))
;; Setters
(def x 0)
(test (prog (setq x 1) x) 1)
(test (prog ((lambda (x) (setq x 0)) 'void) x) 1)
(test (prog (let ((x 'void)) (setq x 0)) x) 1)
(test (prog (let* ((x 'void)) (setq x 0)) x) 1)
(test (prog (labels ((x 'void)) (setq x 0)) x) 1)
(test (prog (setq x 2) x) 2)
(def p (cons 1 2))
(test (prog (setcar p 'a) p) '(a . 2))
(test (prog (setcdr p 'b) p) '(a . b))
;; Type Predicates
(test (constp '(1 2 3)) t)
(test (constp (list 1 2 3)) nil)
(test (constp "foo") t)
(test (constp (mkstr 3)) nil)
(test (constp #(f o o)) t)
(test (constp (mkvec 3)) nil)
(test (charp nil) nil)
(test (charp #\c) t)
(test (charp 1) nil)
(test (charp '(pair)) nil)
(test (charp (lambda () nil)) nil)
(test (charp "string") nil)
(test (charp 'symbol) nil)
(test (charp #(vector)) nil)
(test (charp (inport)) nil)
(test (charp (outport)) nil)
(test (charp (catch (lambda (x) x))) nil)
(test (ctagp nil) nil)
(test (ctagp #\c) nil)
(test (ctagp 1) nil)
(test (ctagp '(pair)) nil)
(test (ctagp (lambda () nil)) nil)
(test (ctagp "string") nil)
(test (ctagp 'symbol) nil)
(test (ctagp #(vector)) nil)
(test (ctagp (inport)) nil)
(test (ctagp (outport)) nil)
(test (ctagp (catch (lambda (x) x))) t)
(test (eofp nil) nil)
(test (eofp #\c) nil)
(test (eofp 1) nil)
(test (eofp '(pair)) nil)
(test (eofp (lambda () nil)) nil)
(test (eofp "string") nil)
(test (eofp 'symbol) nil)
(test (eofp #(vector)) nil)
(test (eofp (inport)) nil)
(test (eofp (outport)) nil)
(test (eofp (catch (lambda (x) x))) nil)
(test (inportp nil) nil)
(test (inportp #\c) nil)
(test (inportp 1) nil)
(test (inportp '(pair)) nil)
(test (inportp (lambda () nil)) nil)
(test (inportp "string") nil)
(test (inportp 'symbol) nil)
(test (inportp #(vector)) nil)
(test (inportp (inport)) t)
(test (inportp (outport)) nil)
(test (inportp (catch (lambda (x) x))) nil)
(test (fixp nil) nil)
(test (fixp #\c) nil)
(test (fixp 1) t)
(test (fixp '(pair)) nil)
(test (fixp (lambda () nil)) nil)
(test (fixp "string") nil)
(test (fixp 'symbol) nil)
(test (fixp #(vector)) nil)
(test (fixp (inport)) nil)
(test (fixp (outport)) nil)
(test (fixp (catch (lambda (x) x))) nil)
(test (outportp nil) nil)
(test (outportp #\c) nil)
(test (outportp 1) nil)
(test (outportp '(pair)) nil)
(test (outportp (lambda () nil)) nil)
(test (outportp "string") nil)
(test (outportp 'symbol) nil)
(test (outportp #(vector)) nil)
(test (outportp (inport)) nil)
(test (outportp (outport)) t)
(test (outportp (catch (lambda (x) x))) nil)
(test (pair nil) nil)
(test (pair #\c) nil)
(test (pair 1) nil)
(test (pair '(pair)) t)
(test (pair (lambda () nil)) nil)
(test (pair "string") nil)
(test (pair 'symbol) nil)
(test (pair #(vector)) nil)
(test (pair (inport)) nil)
(test (pair (outport)) nil)
(test (pair (catch (lambda (x) x))) nil)
(test (funp nil) nil)
(test (funp #\c) nil)
(test (funp 1) nil)
(test (funp '(procedure)) nil)
(test (funp (lambda () nil)) t)
(test (funp "string") nil)
(test (funp 'symbol) nil)
(test (funp #(vector)) nil)
(test (funp (inport)) nil)
(test (funp (outport)) nil)
(test (funp (catch (lambda (x) x))) nil)
(test (funp car) t)
(test (funp 'car) nil)
(test (funp (lambda (x) (* x x))) t)
(test (funp '(lambda (x) (* x x))) nil)
(test (stringp nil) nil)
(test (stringp #\c) nil)
(test (stringp 1) nil)
(test (stringp '(pair)) nil)
(test (stringp (lambda () nil)) nil)
(test (stringp "string") t)
(test (stringp 'symbol) nil)
(test (stringp #(vector)) nil)
(test (stringp (inport)) nil)
(test (stringp (outport)) nil)
(test (stringp (catch (lambda (x) x))) nil)
(test (symbolp nil) nil)
(test (symbolp #\c) nil)
(test (symbolp 1) nil)
(test (symbolp '(pair)) nil)
(test (symbolp (lambda () nil)) nil)
(test (symbolp "string") nil)
(test (symbolp 'symbol) t)
(test (symbolp #(vector)) nil)
(test (symbolp (inport)) nil)
(test (symbolp (outport)) nil)
(test (symbolp (catch (lambda (x) x))) nil)
(test (vectorp nil) nil)
(test (vectorp #\c) nil)
(test (vectorp 1) nil)
(test (vectorp '(pair)) nil)
(test (vectorp (lambda () nil)) nil)
(test (vectorp "string") nil)
(test (vectorp 'symbol) nil)
(test (vectorp #(vector)) t)
(test (vectorp (inport)) nil)
(test (vectorp (outport)) nil)
(test (vectorp (catch (lambda (x) x))) nil)
;; Type Conversion
(test (charval #\A) 65)
(test (charval #\z) 122)
(test (charval #\nl) 10)
(test (charval #\sp) 32)
(test (char 65) #\A)
(test (char 122) #\z)
(test (char 10) #\nl)
(test (char 32) #\sp)
(test (liststr '(#\S #\t #\r #\i #\n #\g)) "String")
(test (liststr nil) "")
(test (listvec '(t foo 1 #\c "s" (1 2 3) #(u v)))
#(t foo 1 #\c "s" (1 2 3) #(u v)))
(test (listvec nil) #())
(test (strlist "String") '(#\S #\t #\r #\i #\n #\g))
(test (strlist "") nil)
(test (symbol "foo") 'foo)
(test (symbol "string->symbol") 'string->symbol)
(test (symname 'foo) "foo")
(test (symname 'a-b-c) "a-b-c")
(test (symname (symbol "miSSissiPPi")) "miSSissiPPi")
(test (symname 'Martin) "martin")
(test (eq 'bitBlt (symbol "bitBlt")) nil)
(test (eq 'JollyWog (symbol (symname 'JollyWog))) t)
(test (s= "K. Harper, M.D."
(symname(symbol "K. Harper, M.D.")))
(test (eq (symbol "foo") 'foo) t)
(test (veclist #(t foo 1 #\c "s" (1 2 3) #(u v)))
'(t foo 1 #\c "s" (1 2 3) #(u v)))
(test (veclist #()) nil)
;; Function Application
(test (apply (lambda () 1) nil) 1)
(test (apply car '((a . b))) 'a)
(test (apply cdr '((a . b))) 'b)
(test (apply cons '(1 2)) '(1 . 2))
(test (apply list '(1 2 3)) '(1 2 3))
(test (apply list 1 '(2 3)) '(1 2 3))
(test (apply list 1 2 '(3)) '(1 2 3))
(test (apply list 1 2 3 nil) '(1 2 3))
(test (apply + (list 3 4)) 7)
;; Non-Local Exits
(test (catch* (lambda (k) 'foo)) 'foo)
(test (cons 'foo (catch* (lambda (ct) (throw* ct 'bar)))) '(foo . bar))
(test (cons 'foo (catch* (lambda (ct) (cons 'zzz (throw* ct 'bar)))))
'(foo . bar))
(test (catch (lambda (k) 'foo)) 'foo)
(test (cons 'foo (catch (lambda (ct) (throw ct 'bar)))) '(foo . bar))
(test (cons 'foo (catch (lambda (ct) (cons 'zzz (throw ct 'bar)))))
'(foo . bar))
(test (catch
(lambda (exit)
(foreach (lambda (x)
(if (< x 0)
(throw exit x)))
'(54 0 37 -3 245 19))
(def list-length
(lambda (obj)
(lambda (return)
(labels ((r (lambda (obj)
(cond ((null obj)
((pair obj)
(+ (r (cdr obj)) 1))
(throw return nil))))))
(r obj))))))
(test (list-length '(1 2 3 4)) 4)
(test (list-length '(a b . c)) nil)
(test (catch-errors ('caught) (error "catch me!")) 'caught)
(test (catch-errors (0) (div 1 0)) 0)
(test (let ((foo 'initial))
(lambda ()
(setq foo 'unwound))
(lambda ()
(setq foo 'wrong)))
(test (let ((foo 'initial))
(lambda (c)
(setq foo 'modified)))
(test (let ((foo 'initial))
(lambda (c)
(lambda ()
(setq foo 'unwound))
(lambda ()
(setq foo 'wrong)))))
(test (let ((foo 'initial))
(lambda (c)
(lambda ()
(setq foo 'unwound))
(lambda ()
(setq foo 'modified)
(throw c 'ignore)
(setq foo 'wrong)))))
(test (let ((foo '(initial)))
(lambda (c)
(lambda ()
(setq foo (cons 'also-unwound foo)))
(lambda ()
(lambda (k)
(lambda ()
(setq foo (cons 'unwound foo)))
(lambda ()
(setq foo '(modified))
(throw c 'ignore)
(setq foo '(wrong))))))))))
'(also-unwound unwound modified))
(def *parameter* 'default)
(test (let ((outer-parameter *parameter*))
(lambda (foo)
(unwind (lambda ()
(setq *parameter* outer-parameter))
(lambda ()
(setq *parameter* 'modified)
(throw foo 'ignore)
(setq *parameter* 'original)))))
(def *parameter* 'default)
(test (prog (catch
(lambda (foo)
(with ((*parameter* 'modified))
(throw foo 'ignore))))
;; Higher Order Functions
(test (fold cons 0 '(a b c)) '(((0 . a) . b) . c))
(test (fold + 5 '(1 2 3 4)) 15)
(test (foldr cons 0 '(a b c)) '(a b c . 0))
(test (foldr - 5 '(1 2 3 4)) 3)
(test (let ((a (list (list 'a) (list 'b) (list 'c))))
(foreach (lambda (x) (setcar x 'x)) a)
'((x) (x) (x)))
(test (let ((a (list (list 'a) (list 'b) (list 'c))))
(foreach (lambda (x y) (setcar x y)) a '(x y z))
'((x) (y) (z)))
(test (mapcar - '(1 2 3)) '(-1 -2 -3))
(test (mapcar cons '(1 2 3) '(a b c))
'((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c)))
(test (mapcar list '(1 2 3) '(a b c) '(#\x #\y #\z))
'((1 a #\x) (2 b #\y) (3 c #\z)))
(test (mapcar cadr '((a b) (d e) (g h))) '(b e h))
(test (mapcar + '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)) '(5 7 9))
(test (mapcar (lambda (n) (expt n n)) '(1 2 3 4 5))
'(1 4 27 256 3125))
;; Lists
(test (atom t) t)
(test (atom #\c) t)
(test (atom 1) t)
(test (atom '(atom)) nil)
(test (atom (lambda () t)) t)
(test (atom "string") t)
(test (atom 'symbol) t)
(test (atom #(vector)) t)
(test (atom (inport)) t)
(test (atom (outport)) t)
(test (atom (catch (lambda (x) x))) t)
(test (conc nil '(a b c)) '(a b c))
(test (conc '(a b c) nil) '(a b c))
(test (conc nil nil) nil)
(test (conc) nil)
(test (conc '(a b)) '(a b))
(test (conc '(a b) '(c d)) '(a b c d))
(test (conc '(a b) '(c d) '(e f)) '(a b c d e f))
(test (conc '(a b) 'c) '(a b . c))
(test (conc '(a) 'b) '(a . b))
(test (conc 'a) 'a)
(test (conc '(a (b)) '((c))) '(a (b) (c)))
(test (conc '(a b) '(c . d)) '(a b c . d))
(test (conc nil 'a) 'a)
(test (nconc nil (list 1 2 3)) '(1 2 3))
(test (nconc (list 1 2 3) nil) '(1 2 3))
(test (nconc nil nil) nil)
(test (nconc) nil)
(test (nconc (list 1 2)) '(1 2))
(test (nconc (list 1 2) (list 3 4)) '(1 2 3 4))
(test (nconc (list 1 2) (list 3 4) (list 5 6)) '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
(test (nconc (list 1 2) 3) '(1 2 . 3))
(test (nconc (list 1) 2) '(1 . 2))
(test (nconc 1) 1)
(test (nconc (list 1 '(2)) (list '(3))) '(1 (2) (3)))
(test (nconc (list 1 2) (cons 3 4)) '(1 2 3 . 4))
(test (nconc nil 1) 1)
(test (assoc 'c '((a . a) (b . b))) nil)
(test (assoc 'b '((a . a) (b . b))) '(b . b))
(test (assoc 'a '((a . a) (b . b))) '(a . a))
(test (assoc 'x nil) nil)
(test (assoc '(x) '(((x) . x))) '((x) . x))
(test (assoc "x" '(("x" . x))) '("x" . x))
(test (assoc 1 '((1 . x))) '(1 . x))
(test (assoc #\x '((#\x . x))) '(#\x . x))
(test (assoc (list 'a) '(((a)) ((b)) ((c)))) '((a)))
(test (assv 'c '((a . a) (b . b))) nil)
(test (assv 'b '((a . a) (b . b))) '(b . b))
(test (assv 'a '((a . a) (b . b))) '(a . a))
(test (assv 'x nil) nil)
(test (assv '(x) '(((x) . x))) nil)
(test (assv "x" '(("x" . x))) nil)
(test (assv 1 '((1 . x))) '(1 . x))
(test (assv #\x '((#\x . x))) '(#\x . x))
(test (assv 5 '((2 3) (5 7) (11 13))) '(5 7))
(test (assq 'c '((a . a) (b . b))) nil)
(test (assq 'b '((a . a) (b . b))) '(b . b))
(test (assq 'a '((a . a) (b . b))) '(a . a))
(test (assq 'x nil) nil)
(test (assq '(x) '(((x) . x))) nil)
(test (assq "x" '(("x" . x))) nil)
(def e '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
(test (assq 'a e) '(a 1))
(test (assq 'b e) '(b 2))
(test (assq 'd e) nil)
(test (assq (list 'a) '(((a)) ((b)) ((c)))) nil)
(def tree '((((1 . 2) . (3 . 4)) . ((5 . 6) . (7 . 8)))
(((9 . 10) . (11 . 12)) . ((13 . 14) . (15 . 16)))))
(test (caar tree) '((1 . 2) . (3 . 4)))
(test (cadr tree) '((9 . 10) . (11 . 12)))
(test (cdar tree) '((5 . 6) . (7 . 8)))
(test (cddr tree) '((13 . 14) . (15 . 16)))
(test (caaar tree) '(1 . 2))
(test (caadr tree) '(9 . 10))
(test (cadar tree) '(5 . 6))
(test (caddr tree) '(13 . 14))
(test (cdaar tree) '(3 . 4))
(test (cdadr tree) '(11 . 12))
(test (cddar tree) '(7 . 8))
(test (cdddr tree) '(15 . 16))
(test (caaaar tree) 1)
(test (caaadr tree) 9)
(test (caadar tree) 5)
(test (caaddr tree) 13)
(test (cadaar tree) 3)
(test (cadadr tree) 11)
(test (caddar tree) 7)
(test (cadddr tree) 15)
(test (cdaaar tree) 2)
(test (cdaadr tree) 10)
(test (cdadar tree) 6)
(test (cdaddr tree) 14)
(test (cddaar tree) 4)
(test (cddadr tree) 12)
(test (cdddar tree) 8)
(test (cddddr tree) 16)
(test (cons 1 2) '(1 . 2))
(test (cons 1 '(2)) '(1 2))
(test (cons 1 (cons 2 nil)) '(1 2))
(test (cons 'a nil) '(a))
(test (cons '(a) '(b c d)) '((a) b c d))
(test (cons "a" '(b c)) '("a" b c))
(test (cons 'a 3) '(a . 3))
(test (cons '(a b) 'c) '((a b) . c))
(test (car '(1 1)) 1)
(test (car '(1 . 2)) 1)
(test (car '(a b c)) 'a)
(test (car '((a) b c d)) '(a))
(test (cdr '((a) b c d)) '(b c d))
(test (cdr '(1 . 2)) 2)
(test (cdr '(1 2)) '(2))
(test (length nil) 0)
(test (length '(1)) 1)
(test (length '(1 2 3)) 3)
(test (length '(a (b) (c d e))) 3)
(test (list) nil)
(test (list nil) '(()))
(test (list 'x) '(x))
(test (list (list 'x)) '((x)))
(test (list 'a 'b) '(a b))
(test (list 'a 'b 'c) '(a b c))
(test (list 'a 'b 'c 'd) '(a b c d))
(test (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e) '(a b c d e))
(test (list 'a (+ 3 4) 'c) '(a 7 c))
(test (nth 0 '(1 2 3)) 1)
(test (nth 1 '(1 2 3)) 2)
(test (nth 2 '(1 2 3)) 3)
(test (nth-tail 0 '(1 2 3)) '(1 2 3))
(test (nth-tail 1 '(1 2 3)) '(2 3))
(test (nth-tail 2 '(1 2 3)) '(3))
(test (nth-tail 3 '(1 2 3)) '())
(test (listp nil) t)
(test (listp #\c) nil)
(test (listp 1) nil)
(test (listp '(pair)) t)
(test (listp (lambda () nil)) nil)
(test (listp "string") nil)
(test (listp 'symbol) nil)
(test (listp #(vector)) nil)
(test (listp (inport)) nil)
(test (listp (outport)) nil)
(test (listp (catch (lambda (x) x))) nil)
(test (listp nil) t)
(test (listp '(1)) t)
(test (listp '(1 . ())) t)
(test (listp '(1 2 3)) t)
(test (listp '(1 . 2)) nil)
(test (listp '(1 2 . 3)) nil)
(let ((cyclic2 (list 1 2))
(cyclic3 (list 1 2 3)))
(setcdr (cdr cyclic2) cyclic2)
(setcdr (cddr cyclic3) cyclic3)
(if (listp cyclic2)
(fail '(listp 'cyclic2) t)
(test (listp 'cyclic2) nil))
(if (listp cyclic3)
(fail '(listp 'cyclic3) t)
(test (listp 'cyclic3) nil)))
(test (member 'c '(a b)) nil)
(test (member 'b '(a b)) '(b))
(test (member 'a '(a b)) '(a b))
(test (member 'x nil) nil)
(test (member '(x) '((x))) '((x)))
(test (member "x" '("x")) '("x"))
(test (member 1 '(1)) '(1))
(test (member #\x '(#\x)) '(#\x))
(test (member (list 'a) '(b (a) c)) '((a) c))
(test (memv 'c '(a b)) nil)
(test (memv 'b '(a b)) '(b))
(test (memv 'a '(a b)) '(a b))
(test (memv 'x nil) nil)
(test (memv '(x) '((x))) nil)
(test (memv "x" '("x")) nil)
(test (memv 1 '(1)) '(1))
(test (memv #\x '(#\x)) '(#\x))
(test (memv 101 '(100 101 102)) '(101 102))
(test (memq 'c '(a b)) nil)
(test (memq 'b '(a b)) '(b))
(test (memq 'a '(a b)) '(a b))
(test (memq 'x nil) nil)
(test (memq '(x) '((x))) nil)
(test (memq "x" '("x")) nil)
(test (memq (list 'a) '(b (a) c)) nil)
(test (null nil) t)
(test (null #\c) nil)
(test (null 1) nil)
(test (null '(pair)) nil)
(test (null (lambda () nil)) nil)
(test (null "string") nil)
(test (null 'symbol) nil)
(test (null #(vector)) nil)
(test (null (inport)) nil)
(test (null (outport)) nil)
(test (null nil) t)
(test (reconc nil '(1 2 3)) '(1 2 3))
(test (reconc '(4 1 3) '(1 5 9)) '(3 1 4 1 5 9))
(test (reconc '(3 2 1) 4) '(1 2 3 . 4))
(test (reconc nil '(1 2 3)) '(1 2 3))
(test (reconc (list 4 1 3) '(1 5 9)) '(3 1 4 1 5 9))
(test (reconc (list 3 2 1) 4) '(1 2 3 . 4))
(test (rever '(1)) '(1))
(test (rever '(1 2 3)) '(3 2 1))
(test (rever nil) nil)
(test (rever '(a (b c) d (e (f)))) '((e (f)) d (b c) a))
(test (nrever (list 1 2 3)) '(3 2 1))
(test (nrever nil) nil)
;; Arithmetics
(test (+ 1234 987) 2221)
(test (+ 1234 -987) 247)
(test (+ -1234 987) -247)
(test (+ -1234 -987) -2221)
(test (+ 987 1234) 2221)
(test (+ 987 -1234) -247)
(test (+ -987 1234) 247)
(test (+ -987 -1234) -2221)
(test (+ 1234 0) 1234)
(test (+ 0 1234) 1234)
(test (+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) 55)
(test (+ 1) 1)
(test (+) 0)
(test (- 1234 987) 247)
(test (- 1234 -987) 2221)
(test (- -1234 987) -2221)
(test (- -1234 -987) -247)
(test (- 987 1234) -247)
(test (- 987 -1234) 2221)
(test (- -987 1234) -2221)
(test (- -987 -1234) 247)
(test (- 1234 0) 1234)
(test (- 0 1234) -1234)
(test (- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) -53)
(test (- 1234) -1234)
(test (- 0) 0)
(test (* 123 54) 6642)
(test (* 123 -54) -6642)
(test (* -123 54) -6642)
(test (* -123 -54) 6642)
(test (* 54 123) 6642)
(test (* 54 -123) -6642)
(test (* -54 123) -6642)
(test (* -54 -123) 6642)
(test (* 123 1) 123)
(test (* 1 123) 123)
(test (* 123 0) 0)
(test (* 0 123) 0)
(test (* 1 2 3 4 5) 120)
(test (* 2) 2)
(test (*) 1)
(test (< 123 987) t)
(test (< 123 -987) nil)
(test (< -123 987) t)
(test (< -123 -987) nil)
(test (< 987 123) nil)
(test (< 987 -123) nil)
(test (< -987 123) t)
(test (< -987 -123) t)
(test (< -123 -123) nil)
(test (< 123 123) nil)
(test (< 123 0) nil)
(test (< 0 123) t)
(test (< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) t)
(test (< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9) nil)
(test (<= 123 987) t)
(test (<= 123 -987) nil)
(test (<= -123 987) t)
(test (<= -123 -987) nil)
(test (<= 987 123) nil)
(test (<= 987 -123) nil)
(test (<= -987 123) t)
(test (<= -987 -123) t)
(test (<= -123 -123) t)
(test (<= 123 123) t)
(test (<= 123 0) nil)
(test (<= 0 123) t)
(test (<= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) t)
(test (<= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9) t)
(test (= 123 987) nil)
(test (= 123 -987) nil)
(test (= -123 987) nil)
(test (= -123 -987) nil)
(test (= 987 123) nil)
(test (= 987 -123) nil)
(test (= -987 123) nil)
(test (= -987 -123) nil)
(test (= -123 123) nil)
(test (= 123 -123) nil)
(test (= 123 123) t)
(test (= -123 -123) t)
(test (= 0 0) t)
(test (= 0 123) nil)
(test (= 123 0) nil)
(test (= 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) t)
(test (= 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0) nil)
(test (> 123 987) nil)
(test (> 123 -987) t)
(test (> -123 987) nil)
(test (> -123 -987) t)
(test (> 987 123) t)
(test (> 987 -123) t)
(test (> -987 123) nil)
(test (> -987 -123) nil)
(test (> -123 -123) nil)
(test (> 123 123) nil)
(test (> 123 0) t)
(test (> 0 123) nil)
(test (> 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0) t)
(test (> 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1) nil)
(test (>= 123 987) nil)
(test (>= 123 -987) t)
(test (>= -123 987) nil)
(test (>= -123 -987) t)
(test (>= 987 123) t)
(test (>= 987 -123) t)
(test (>= -987 123) nil)
(test (>= -987 -123) nil)
(test (>= -123 -123) t)
(test (>= 123 123) t)
(test (>= 123 0) t)
(test (>= 0 123) nil)
(test (>= 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0) t)
(test (>= 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1) t)
(test (abs 0) 0)
(test (abs 123) 123)
(test (abs -123) 123)
(defun (mask x) (bitop 1 #2r1111 x))
(test (mask (bitop 0 #2r0011 #2r0101)) 0)
(test (mask (bitop 1 #2r0011 #2r0101)) 1)
(test (mask (bitop 2 #2r0011 #2r0101)) 2)
(test (mask (bitop 3 #2r0011 #2r0101)) 3)
(test (mask (bitop 4 #2r0011 #2r0101)) 4)
(test (mask (bitop 5 #2r0011 #2r0101)) 5)
(test (mask (bitop 6 #2r0011 #2r0101)) 6)
(test (mask (bitop 7 #2r0011 #2r0101)) 7)
(test (mask (bitop 8 #2r0011 #2r0101)) 8)
(test (mask (bitop 9 #2r0011 #2r0101)) 9)
(test (mask (bitop 10 #2r0011 #2r0101)) 10)
(test (mask (bitop 11 #2r0011 #2r0101)) 11)
(test (mask (bitop 12 #2r0011 #2r0101)) 12)
(test (mask (bitop 13 #2r0011 #2r0101)) 13)
(test (mask (bitop 14 #2r0011 #2r0101)) 14)
(test (mask (bitop 15 #2r0011 #2r0101)) 15)
(test (bitop 16 2 3) 16)
(test (bitop 17 16 3) 2)
(test (evenp 0) t)
(test (evenp 1) nil)
(test (evenp 2) t)
(test (expt 2 0) 1)
(test (expt 2 1) 2)
(test (expt 2 2) 4)
(test (expt -3 3) -27)
(test (oddp 0) nil)
(test (oddp 1) t)
(test (oddp 2) nil)
(test (gcd 18 12) 6)
(test (gcd 32 -36) 4)
(test (lcm 12 18) 36)
(test (lcm 32 -36) 288)
(test (max 1) 1)
(test (max 1 2) 2)
(test (max 5 7 3 1 6 9 8 2 0 4) 9)
(test (max -1 0 1) 1)
(test (min 1) 1)
(test (min 1 2) 1)
(test (min 5 7 3 1 6 9 8 2 0 4) 0)
(test (min -1 0 1) -1)
(test (mod 123 1234) 123)
(test (mod 123 -1234) -1111)
(test (mod -123 1234) 1111)
(test (mod -123 -1234) -123)
(test (mod 1234 123) 4)
(test (mod 1234 -123) -119)
(test (mod -1234 123) 119)
(test (mod -1234 -123) -4)
(test (mod 1234 123) 4)
(test (mod 1234 -123) -119)
(test (mod -1234 123) 119)
(test (mod -1234 -123) -4)
(test (mod 13 4) 1)
(test (rem 13 4) 1)
(test (mod -13 4) 3)
(test (rem -13 4) -1)
(test (mod 13 -4) -3)
(test (rem 13 -4) 1)
(test (mod -13 -4) -1)
(test (rem -13 -4) -1)
(test (not t) nil)
(test (not nil) t)
(test (not '()) t)
(test (not #\c) nil)
(test (not 1) nil)
(test (not '(pair)) nil)
(test (not (lambda () nil)) nil)
(test (not "string") nil)
(test (not 'symbol) nil)
(test (not #(vector)) nil)
(test (not (inport)) nil)
(test (not (outport)) nil)
(test (not (catch (lambda (x) x))) nil)
(test (div 123 1234) 0)
(test (div 123 -1234) 0)
(test (div -123 1234) 0)
(test (div -123 -1234) 0)
(test (div 1234 123) 10)
(test (div 1234 -123) -10)
(test (div -1234 123) -10)
(test (div -1234 -123) 10)
(test (div 1234 1234) 1)
(test (div 1234 -1234) -1)
(test (div -1234 1234) -1)
(test (div -1234 -1234) 1)
(test (rem 123 1234) 123)
(test (rem 123 -1234) 123)
(test (rem -123 1234) -123)
(test (rem -123 -1234) -123)
(test (rem 1234 123) 4)
(test (rem 1234 -123) 4)
(test (rem -1234 123) -4)
(test (rem -1234 -123) -4)
(test (rem 1234 1234) 0)
(test (rem 1234 -1234) 0)
(test (rem -1234 1234) 0)
(test (rem -1234 -1234) 0)
; Equivalence
(test (eq 'x 'x) t)
(test (eq eq eq) t)
(test (eq nil nil) t)
(test (eq 'x 'y) nil)
(test (eq 'x '(x . y)) nil)
(test ((lambda (x) (eq x x)) '(x . y)) t)
(test (eq t t) t)
(test (eq nil nil) t)
(test (eq (list 'pair) (list 'pair)) nil)
(test (eq (lambda () nil) (lambda () nil)) nil)
(test (eq 'symbol 'symbol) t)
(test (eq (vector 'vector) (vector 'vector)) nil)
(test (eq car car) t)
(test (let ((x '(a))) (eq x x)) t)
(test (let ((x #())) (eq x x)) t)
(test (let ((p (lambda (x) x))) (eq p p)) t)
(test (eqv nil nil) t)
(test (eqv #\c #\c) t)
(test (eqv 1 1) t)
(test (eqv (list 'pair) (list 'pair)) nil)
(test (eqv (lambda () nil) (lambda () nil)) nil)
(test (eqv 'symbol 'symbol) t)
(test (eqv (vector 'vector) (vector 'vector)) nil)
(test (eqv 'a 'a) t)
(test (eqv 'a 'b) nil)
(test (eqv 2 2) t)
(test (eqv nil nil) t)
(test (eqv 1000 1000) t)
(test (eqv (cons 1 2) (cons 1 2)) nil)
(test (eqv (lambda () 1) (lambda () 2)) nil)
(test (let ((p (lambda (x) x))) (eqv p p)) t)
(def gen-counter
(lambda ()
(let ((n 0))
(lambda () (setq n (+ n 1)) n))))
(test (let ((g (gen-counter))) (eqv g g)) t)
(test (eqv (gen-counter) (gen-counter)) nil)
(def gen-loser
(lambda ()
(let ((n 0))
(lambda () (setq n (+ n 1)) 27))))
(test (let ((g (gen-loser))) (eqv g g)) t)
(test (labels ((f (lambda () (if (eqv f g) 'f 'both)))
(g (lambda () (if (eqv f g) 'g 'both))))
(eqv (f) (g)))
(test (let ((x '(a))) (eqv x x)) t)
(test (equal nil nil) t)
(test (equal #\c #\c) t)
(test (equal 1 1) t)
(test (equal '(pair) '(pair)) t)
(test (equal '(pair (1)) '(pair (2))) nil)
(test (equal (lambda () nil) (lambda () nil)) nil)
(test (equal "string" "string") t)
(test (equal 'symbol 'symbol) t)
(test (equal #(vector) #(vector)) t)
(test (equal #(vector (list) vector) #(vector (list) vector)) t)
(test (equal #(vector #(vector) vector) #(vector #(vector) vector)) t)
(test (equal #(vector #(vec1) vector) #(vector #(vec2) vector)) nil)
(test (equal tree tree) t)
(test (equal nil #\c) nil)
(test (equal nil 1) nil)
(test (equal nil '(pair)) nil)
(test (equal nil (lambda () nil)) nil)
(test (equal nil "string") nil)
(test (equal nil 'symbol) nil)
(test (equal nil #(vector)) nil)
(test (equal nil (inport)) nil)
(test (equal nil (outport)) nil)
(test (equal #\c 1) nil)
(test (equal #\c '(pair)) nil)
(test (equal #\c (lambda () nil)) nil)
(test (equal #\c "string") nil)
(test (equal #\c 'symbol) nil)
(test (equal #\c #(vector)) nil)
(test (equal #\c (inport)) nil)
(test (equal #\c (outport)) nil)
(test (equal 1 '(pair)) nil)
(test (equal 1 (lambda () nil)) nil)
(test (equal 1 "string") nil)
(test (equal 1 'symbol) nil)
(test (equal 1 #(vector)) nil)
(test (equal 1 (inport)) nil)
(test (equal 1 (outport)) nil)
(test (equal '(pair) (lambda () nil)) nil)
(test (equal '(pair) "string") nil)
(test (equal '(pair) 'symbol) nil)
(test (equal '(pair) #(vector)) nil)
(test (equal '(pair) (inport)) nil)
(test (equal '(pair) (outport)) nil)
(test (equal (lambda () nil) "string") nil)
(test (equal (lambda () nil) 'symbol) nil)
(test (equal (lambda () nil) #(vector)) nil)
(test (equal (lambda () nil) (inport)) nil)
(test (equal (lambda () nil) (outport)) nil)
(test (equal "string" 'symbol) nil)
(test (equal "string" #(vector)) nil)
(test (equal "string" (inport)) nil)
(test (equal "string" (outport)) nil)
(test (equal 'symbol #(vector)) nil)
(test (equal 'symbol (inport)) nil)
(test (equal 'symbol (outport)) nil)
(test (equal #(vector) (inport)) nil)
(test (equal #(vector) (outport)) nil)
(test (equal (inport) (outport)) nil)
(test (let ((x (list 1))) (equal x x)) t)
(test (equal '(a (b c) (d (e . f) g)) '(a (b c) (d (e . f) g))) t)
(test (equal '(a (b c) (d (e . x) g)) '(a (b c) (d (e . f) g))) nil)
(test (equal #(a (b c) (d (e . f) g)) #(a (b c) (d (e . f) g))) t)
(test (equal #(a (b c) (d (e . x) g)) #(a (b c) (d (e . f) g))) nil)
;; Chars
(test (alphac #\a) t)
(test (alphac #\A) t)
(test (alphac #\z) t)
(test (alphac #\Z) t)
(test (alphac #\@) nil)
(test (alphac #\[) nil)
(test (alphac #\`) nil)
(test (alphac #\{) nil)
(test (downcase #\a) #\a)
(test (downcase #\A) #\a)
(test (downcase #\z) #\z)
(test (downcase #\Z) #\z)
(test (downcase #\@) #\@)
(test (downcase #\[) #\[)
(test (downcase #\`) #\`)
(test (downcase #\{) #\{)
(test (lowerc #\a) t)
(test (lowerc #\A) nil)
(test (lowerc #\z) t)
(test (lowerc #\Z) nil)
(test (lowerc #\@) nil)
(test (lowerc #\[) nil)
(test (lowerc #\`) nil)
(test (lowerc #\{) nil)
(test (numeric #\0) t)
(test (numeric #\9) t)
(test (numeric #\/) nil)
(test (numeric #\:) nil)
(test (upcase #\a) #\A)
(test (upcase #\A) #\A)
(test (upcase #\z) #\Z)
(test (upcase #\Z) #\Z)
(test (upcase #\@) #\@)
(test (upcase #\[) #\[)
(test (upcase #\`) #\`)
(test (upcase #\{) #\{)
(test (upperc #\a) nil)
(test (upperc #\A) t)
(test (upperc #\z) nil)
(test (upperc #\Z) t)
(test (upperc #\@) nil)
(test (upperc #\[) nil)
(test (upperc #\`) nil)
(test (upperc #\{) nil)
(test (whitec #\0) nil)
(test (whitec #\9) nil)
(test (whitec #\a) nil)
(test (whitec #\z) nil)
(test (whitec #\ ) t)
(test (whitec #\sp) t)
(test (whitec #\nl) t)
(test (whitec (char 9)) t)
(test (whitec (char 10)) t)
(test (whitec (char 12)) t)
(test (whitec (char 13)) t)
(test (c< #\+ #\+) nil)
(test (c< #\+ #\-) t)
(test (c< #\A #\A) nil)
(test (c< #\A #\a) t)
(test (c< #\a #\A) nil)
(test (c< #\a #\a) nil)
(test (c< #\A #\Z) t)
(test (c< #\A #\z) t)
(test (c< #\a #\Z) nil)
(test (c< #\a #\z) t)
(test (c< #\Z #\A) nil)
(test (c< #\Z #\a) t)
(test (c< #\z #\A) nil)
(test (c< #\z #\a) nil)
(test (c< #\a #\b #\c) t)
(test (c< #\a #\a #\b) nil)
(test (c< #\c #\c #\b) nil)
(test (c< #\c #\b #\a) nil)
(test (c<= #\+ #\+) t)
(test (c<= #\+ #\-) t)
(test (c<= #\A #\A) t)
(test (c<= #\A #\a) t)
(test (c<= #\a #\A) nil)
(test (c<= #\a #\a) t)
(test (c<= #\A #\Z) t)
(test (c<= #\A #\z) t)
(test (c<= #\a #\Z) nil)
(test (c<= #\a #\z) t)
(test (c<= #\Z #\A) nil)
(test (c<= #\Z #\a) t)
(test (c<= #\z #\A) nil)
(test (c<= #\z #\a) nil)
(test (c<= #\a #\b #\c) t)
(test (c<= #\a #\a #\b) t)
(test (c<= #\c #\c #\b) nil)
(test (c<= #\c #\b #\a) nil)
(test (c= #\+ #\+) t)
(test (c= #\+ #\-) nil)
(test (c= #\A #\A) t)
(test (c= #\A #\a) nil)
(test (c= #\a #\A) nil)
(test (c= #\a #\a) t)
(test (c= #\A #\Z) nil)
(test (c= #\A #\z) nil)
(test (c= #\a #\Z) nil)
(test (c= #\a #\z) nil)
(test (c= #\Z #\A) nil)
(test (c= #\Z #\a) nil)
(test (c= #\z #\A) nil)
(test (c= #\z #\a) nil)
(test (c= #\a #\a #\a) t)
(test (c= #\a #\a #\b #\a) nil)
(test (c> #\+ #\+) nil)
(test (c> #\+ #\-) nil)
(test (c> #\A #\A) nil)
(test (c> #\A #\a) nil)
(test (c> #\a #\A) t)
(test (c> #\a #\a) nil)
(test (c> #\A #\Z) nil)
(test (c> #\A #\z) nil)
(test (c> #\a #\Z) t)
(test (c> #\a #\z) nil)
(test (c> #\Z #\A) t)
(test (c> #\Z #\a) nil)
(test (c> #\z #\A) t)
(test (c> #\z #\a) t)
(test (c> #\a #\b #\c) nil)
(test (c> #\a #\a #\b) nil)
(test (c> #\c #\c #\b) nil)
(test (c> #\c #\b #\a) t)
(test (c>= #\+ #\+) t)
(test (c>= #\+ #\-) nil)
(test (c>= #\A #\A) t)
(test (c>= #\A #\a) nil)
(test (c>= #\a #\A) t)
(test (c>= #\a #\a) t)
(test (c>= #\A #\Z) nil)
(test (c>= #\A #\z) nil)
(test (c>= #\a #\Z) t)
(test (c>= #\a #\z) nil)
(test (c>= #\Z #\A) t)
(test (c>= #\Z #\a) nil)
(test (c>= #\z #\A) t)
(test (c>= #\z #\a) t)
(test (c>= #\a #\b #\c) nil)
(test (c>= #\a #\a #\b) nil)
(test (c>= #\c #\c #\b) t)
(test (c>= #\c #\b #\a) t)
;; Strings
(test (mkstr 0) "")
(test (mkstr 1) " ")
(test (mkstr 3 #\x) "xxx")
(test (numstr 0) "0")
(test (numstr 123) "123")
(test (numstr -123) "-123")
(test (numstr 0 2) "0")
(test (numstr 0 36) "0")
(test (numstr 12345 2) "11000000111001")
(test (numstr 12345 8) "30071")
(test (numstr 12345 16) "3039")
(test (numstr 12345 36) "9ix")
(test (numstr -12345 36) "-9ix")
(test (string) "")
(test (string #\x) "x")
(test (string #\a #\b #\c) "abc")
(test (strnum "") nil)
(test (strnum "+") nil)
(test (strnum "-") nil)
(test (strnum "0") 0)
(test (strnum "123") 123)
(test (strnum "-123") -123)
(test (strnum " 1") nil)
(test (strnum "1 ") nil)
(test (strnum "+1 ") nil)
(test (strnum "-1 ") nil)
(test (strnum "0" 2) 0)
(test (strnum "0" 36) 0)
(test (strnum "11000000111001" 2) 12345)
(test (strnum "30071" 8) 12345)
(test (strnum "3039" 16) 12345)
(test (strnum "9ix" 36) 12345)
(test (strnum "-9ix" 36) -12345)
(test (sconc "" "") "")
(test (sconc "foo") "foo")
(test (sconc "abc" "") "abc")
(test (sconc "" "def") "def")
(test (sconc) "")
(test (sconc "abc") "abc")
(test (sconc "abc" "def") "abcdef")
(test (sconc "abc" "def" "xyz") "abcdefxyz")
(test (scopy "") "")
(test (scopy "foobarbaz") "foobarbaz")
(test (si< "test" "test") nil)
(test (si< "test" "tesa") nil)
(test (si< "test" "tesz") t)
(test (si< "TEST" "tesa") nil)
(test (si< "TEST" "tesz") t)
(test (si< "test" "TESA") nil)
(test (si< "test" "TESZ") t)
(test (si< "TEST" "TESA") nil)
(test (si< "TEST" "TESZ") t)
(test (si< "test" "tes") nil)
(test (si< "test" "test0") t)
(test (si< "test0" "test") nil)
(test (si<= "test" "test") t)
(test (si<= "test" "tesa") nil)
(test (si<= "test" "tesz") t)
(test (si<= "TEST" "tesa") nil)
(test (si<= "TEST" "tesz") t)
(test (si<= "test" "TESA") nil)
(test (si<= "test" "TESZ") t)
(test (si<= "TEST" "TESA") nil)
(test (si<= "TEST" "TESZ") t)
(test (si<= "test" "tes") nil)
(test (si<= "test" "test0") t)
(test (si<= "test0" "test") nil)
(test (si= "abc" "abc") t)
(test (si= "abC" "abc") t)
(test (si= "aBc" "abc") t)
(test (si= "aBC" "abc") t)
(test (si= "Abc" "abc") t)
(test (si= "AbC" "abc") t)
(test (si= "ABc" "abc") t)
(test (si= "ABC" "abc") t)
(test (si= "aBc" "AbC") t)
(test (si= "abc" "abd") nil)
(test (si= "abc" "abcd") nil)
(test (si= "abcd" "abc") nil)
(test (si> "test" "test") nil)
(test (si> "test" "tesa") t)
(test (si> "test" "tesz") nil)
(test (si> "TEST" "tesa") t)
(test (si> "TEST" "tesz") nil)
(test (si> "test" "TESA") t)
(test (si> "test" "TESZ") nil)
(test (si> "TEST" "TESA") t)
(test (si> "TEST" "TESZ") nil)
(test (si> "test" "tes") t)
(test (si> "test" "test0") nil)
(test (si> "test0" "test") t)
(test (si>= "test" "test") t)
(test (si>= "test" "tesa") t)
(test (si>= "test" "tesz") nil)
(test (si>= "TEST" "tesa") t)
(test (si>= "TEST" "tesz") nil)
(test (si>= "test" "TESA") t)
(test (si>= "test" "TESZ") nil)
(test (si>= "TEST" "TESA") t)
(test (si>= "TEST" "TESZ") nil)
(test (si>= "test" "tes") t)
(test (si>= "test" "test0") nil)
(test (si>= "test0" "test") t)
(test (let ((s (mkstr 1))) (sfill s #\x) s) "x")
(test (let ((s (mkstr 3))) (sfill s #\z) s) "zzz")
(test (ssize "") 0)
(test (ssize "a") 1)
(test (ssize "ab") 2)
(test (ssize "abc") 3)
(test (ssize "Hello, World!") 13)
(test (sref "abc" 0) #\a)
(test (sref "abc" 1) #\b)
(test (sref "abc" 2) #\c)
(def s (string #\1 #\2 #\3))
(test (prog (sset s 0 #\a) s) "a23")
(test (prog (sset s 2 #\c) s) "a2c")
(test (prog (sset s 1 #\b) s) "abc")
(test (s< "test" "test") nil)
(test (s< "test" "tesa") nil)
(test (s< "test" "tesz") t)
(test (s< "TEST" "tesa") t)
(test (s< "TEST" "tesz") t)
(test (s< "test" "TESA") nil)
(test (s< "test" "TESZ") nil)
(test (s< "TEST" "TESA") nil)
(test (s< "TEST" "TESZ") t)
(test (s< "test" "tes") nil)
(test (s< "test" "test0") t)
(test (s< "test0" "test") nil)
(test (s<= "test" "test") t)
(test (s<= "test" "tesa") nil)
(test (s<= "test" "tesz") t)
(test (s<= "TEST" "tesa") t)
(test (s<= "TEST" "tesz") t)
(test (s<= "test" "TESA") nil)
(test (s<= "test" "TESZ") nil)
(test (s<= "TEST" "TESA") nil)
(test (s<= "TEST" "TESZ") t)
(test (s<= "test" "tes") nil)
(test (s<= "test" "test0") t)
(test (s<= "test0" "test") nil)
(test (s= "abc" "abc") t)
(test (s= "aBc" "abc") nil)
(test (s= "abc" "abd") nil)
(test (s= "abc" "abcd") nil)
(test (s= "abcd" "abc") nil)
(test (s> "test" "test") nil)
(test (s> "test" "tesa") t)
(test (s> "test" "tesz") nil)
(test (s> "TEST" "tesa") nil)
(test (s> "TEST" "tesz") nil)
(test (s> "test" "TESA") t)
(test (s> "test" "TESZ") t)
(test (s> "TEST" "TESA") t)
(test (s> "TEST" "TESZ") nil)
(test (s> "test" "tes") t)
(test (s> "test" "test0") nil)
(test (s> "test0" "test") t)
(test (s>= "test" "test") t)
(test (s>= "test" "tesa") t)
(test (s>= "test" "tesz") nil)
(test (s>= "TEST" "tesa") nil)
(test (s>= "TEST" "tesz") nil)
(test (s>= "test" "TESA") t)
(test (s>= "test" "TESZ") t)
(test (s>= "TEST" "TESA") t)
(test (s>= "TEST" "TESZ") nil)
(test (s>= "test" "tes") t)
(test (s>= "test" "test0") nil)
(test (s>= "test0" "test") t)
(test (substr "" 0 0) "")
(test (substr "abc" 0 0) "")
(test (substr "abc" 0 1) "a")
(test (substr "abc" 0 2) "ab")
(test (substr "abc" 0 3) "abc")
(test (substr "abc" 1 1) "")
(test (substr "abc" 1 2) "b")
(test (substr "abc" 1 3) "bc")
(test (substr "abc" 2 2) "")
(test (substr "abc" 2 3) "c")
(test (substr "abc" 3 3) "")
;; Vectors
(test (mkvec 0) #())
(test (mkvec 1) #(nil))
(test (mkvec 3 'x) #(x x x))
(test (vector) #())
(test (vector 'x) #(x))
(test (vector 1 2 3) #(1 2 3))
(test (vector (vector 'x)) #(#(x)))
(test (let ((v (vector))) (vfill v 'x) v) #())
(test (let ((v (vector 1 2 3))) (vfill v 'z) v) #(z z z))
(test (vconc #() #()) #())
(test (vconc #(f o o)) #(f o o))
(test (vconc #(a b c) #()) #(a b c))
(test (vconc #() #(d e f)) #(d e f))
(test (vconc) #())
(test (vconc #(a b c)) #(a b c))
(test (vconc #(a b c) #(d e f)) #(a b c d e f))
(test (vconc #(a b c) #(d e f) #(x y z)) #(a b c d e f x y z))
(test (vsize #()) 0)
(test (vsize #(a)) 1)
(test (vsize #(a b)) 2)
(test (vsize #(a b c)) 3)
(test (vsize #(1 2 3 #(4 5 6) 7 8 9)) 7)
(test (vref #(a b c) 0) 'a)
(test (vref #(a b c) 1) 'b)
(test (vref #(a b c) 2) 'c)
(def v (vector 1 2 3))
(test (prog (vset v 0 'a) v) #(a 2 3))
(test (prog (vset v 2 'c) v) #(a 2 c))
(test (prog (vset v 1 'b) v) #(a b c))
(test (subvec #() 0 0) #())
(test (subvec #(a b c) 0 0) #())
(test (subvec #(a b c) 0 1) #(a))
(test (subvec #(a b c) 0 2) #(a b))
(test (subvec #(a b c) 0 3) #(a b c))
(test (subvec #(a b c) 1 1) #())
(test (subvec #(a b c) 1 2) #(b))
(test (subvec #(a b c) 1 3) #(b c))
(test (subvec #(a b c) 2 2) #())
(test (subvec #(a b c) 2 3) #(c))
(test (subvec #(a b c) 3 3) #())
(test (let ((vec (vector 0 '(2 2 2 2) "Anna")))
(vset vec 1 '("Sue" "Sue"))
#(0 ("Sue" "Sue") "Anna"))
(test (veclist #(dah dah didah)) '(dah dah didah))
(test (listvec '(dididit dah)) #(dididit dah))
(test (let ((v (mkvec 5)))
(foreach (lambda (i)
(vset v i (* i i)))
'(0 1 2 3 4))
#(0 1 4 9 16))
;; External Representation
(test (format nil) "nil")
(test (format t) "t")
(test (format 'foo) "foo")
(test (format ''foo) "'foo")
(test (format -123) "-123")
(test (format #\x) "#\\x")
(test (format #\sp) "#\\sp")
(test (format "") "\"\"")
(test (format "text") "\"text\"")
(test (format ()) "nil")
(test (format '(a b c)) "(a b c)")
(test (format '(a (b) c)) "(a (b) c)")
(test (format #()) "#()")
(test (format '#(a b c)) "#(a b c)")
(test (format '#(a #(b) c)) "#(a #(b) c)")
(test (read "nil") '(nil))
(test (read "t") '(t))
(test (read "foo") '(foo))
(test (read "'foo") '('foo))
(test (read "-123") '(-123))
(test (read "#\\x") '(#\x))
(test (read "#\\sp") '(#\sp))
(test (read "\"\"") '(""))
(test (read "\"text\"") '("text"))
(test (read "()") '(nil))
(test (read "(a b c)") '((a b c)))
(test (read "(a (b) c)") '((a (b) c)))
(test (read "#()") '(#()))
(test (read "#(a b c)") '(#(a b c)))
(test (read "#(a #(b) c)") '(#(a #(b) c)))
(test (read "1 2 3") '(1))
(test (read ")(") "unexpected ')'")
;; Input / Output
(test (inportp (inport)) t)
(test (outportp (outport)) t)
(test (outportp (errport)) t)
(if (existsp testfile) (delete testfile))
(test (with-outport testfile
(lambda (out)
(prin '(this is a test 1) out)
(close-port out)
(with-inport testfile read)))
'(this is a test 1))
(delete testfile)
(test (let ((out (open-outfile testfile)))
(prin '(this is a test 2) out)
(close-port out)
(let ((in (open-infile testfile)))
(let ((x (read in)))
(close-port in)
'(this is a test 2))
(delete testfile)
(test (let ((out (open-outfile testfile)))
(princ "Hello-World" out)
(close-port out)
(let ((in (open-infile testfile)))
(let ((x (read in)))
(close-port in)
(test (prog (with-outfile testfile
(lambda () (prin '(this is a test 3))))
(with-infile testfile read))
'(this is a test 3))
(test (prog (with-outfile testfile2
(lambda () (prin '(this is a test 4))))
(rename testfile2 testfile)
(with-infile testfile read))
'(this is a test 4))
(defun (visibility-check x)
(delete testfile)
(let ((out (open-outfile testfile)))
(prin x out)
(princ #\sp out)
(princ x out)
(princ #\sp out)
(prin 'the-end out)
(close-port out)
(let ((in (open-infile testfile)))
(let ((vis (read in)))
(let ((invis (read in)))
(close-port in)
(list vis invis))))))
(test (visibility-check nil) '(nil nil))
(test (visibility-check 1) '(1 1))
(test (visibility-check 12341234)
'(12341234 12341234))
(test (visibility-check -12341234)
'(-12341234 -12341234))
(test (visibility-check #\A) '(#\A a))
(test (visibility-check "x y") '("x y" x))
(test (visibility-check 'foo) '(foo foo))
(test (visibility-check '(1 2 3)) '((1 2 3) (1 2 3)))
(test (visibility-check #(1 2 3)) '(#(1 2 3) #(1 2 3)))
(test (visibility-check " ") '(" " the-end))
(test (visibility-check #\sp) '(#\sp the-end))
(test (visibility-check #\nl) '(#\nl the-end))
(delete testfile)
(test (prog (with-outfile testfile print)
(with-infile testfile readc))
(delete testfile)
(test (prog (close-port (open-outfile testfile))
(let* ((in (open-infile testfile))
(e (read in)))
(close-port in)
(eofp e)))
(delete testfile)
(def foo 'bar)
(let ((out (open-outfile testfile)))
(prin '(def foo 'baz) out)
(close-port out))
(load "test.tmp")
(test foo 'baz)
(defun (with-range lo hi fn)
(if (< hi lo)
(let ((c (fn lo)))
(cons c (with-range (+ 1 lo) hi fn)))))
(delete testfile)
(test (with-outport testfile
(lambda (out)
(with-range 32 126
(lambda (x)
(writec (char x) out)
(char x)))))
(with-range 32 126 char))
(defun (while-not-eof input fn)
(let ((c (fn input)))
(if (eofp c)
(cons c (while-not-eof input fn)))))
(test (let ((in (open-infile testfile)))
(while-not-eof in readc))
(with-range 32 126 char))
(test (let ((in (open-infile testfile)))
(let ((c (peekc in)))
(cons c (while-not-eof in readc))))
(cons #\sp (with-range 32 126 char)))
(test (prog (with-outfile testfile
(lambda ()
(princ "hello")))
(with-infile testfile readln))
(test (prog (with-outfile testfile
(lambda ()
(princ "hello\nworld\n")))
(with-infile testfile readln))
; Does GC close unused files?
; Set NFILES to a number that is greater than NPORTS in ls9.c
(let ((NFILES 100))
(test (labels
(lambda (n)
(open-infile testfile)
(if (< n 1)
(open (- n 1))))))
(open NFILES))
(with-outfile testfile
(lambda ()
(print '(def foo 'bar))))
(test (prog (load testfile) foo) 'bar)
(with-outfile testfile
(lambda ()
(print '(defun (foo x)
(or (= 0 x)
(cons 1 (foo (- x 1))))))))
(test (prog (load testfile) (foo 7)) '(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . t))
;; Misc
(test (let ((g (gc)))
(and (listp g)
(= (length g) 2))
(fixp (car g))
(fixp (cadr g)))
;; APPLY of built-in functions
(test (listp (apply cmdline '())) t)
(test (listp (apply gc'())) t)
(test (inportp (apply inport '())) t)
(test (outportp (apply outport '())) t)
(test (outportp (apply errport '())) t)
(test (symbolp (apply gensym '())) t)
(test (apply abs '(-1)) 1)
(test (apply car '((a . b))) 'a)
(test (apply cdr '((a . b))) 'b)
(test (apply caar '(((a . b) . (c . d)))) 'a)
(test (apply cadr '(((a . b) . (c . d)))) 'c)
(test (apply cdar '(((a . b) . (c . d)))) 'b)
(test (apply cddr '(((a . b) . (c . d)))) 'd)
(test (apply caaar (list tree)) '(1 . 2))
(test (apply caadr (list tree)) '(9 . 10))
(test (apply cadar (list tree)) '(5 . 6))
(test (apply caddr (list tree)) '(13 . 14))
(test (apply cdaar (list tree)) '(3 . 4))
(test (apply cdadr (list tree)) '(11 . 12))
(test (apply cddar (list tree)) '(7 . 8))
(test (apply cdddr (list tree)) '(15 . 16))
(test (apply caaaar (list tree)) 1)
(test (apply caaadr (list tree)) 9)
(test (apply caadar (list tree)) 5)
(test (apply caaddr (list tree)) 13)
(test (apply cadaar (list tree)) 3)
(test (apply cadadr (list tree)) 11)
(test (apply caddar (list tree)) 7)
(test (apply cadddr (list tree)) 15)
(test (ctagp (apply catch (list (lambda (x) x)))) t)
(test (apply ctagp (list (catch (lambda (x) x)))) t)
(test (apply cdaaar (list tree)) 2)
(test (apply cdaadr (list tree)) 10)
(test (apply cdadar (list tree)) 6)
(test (apply cdaddr (list tree)) 14)
(test (apply cddaar (list tree)) 4)
(test (apply cddadr (list tree)) 12)
(test (apply cdddar (list tree)) 8)
(test (apply cddddr (list tree)) 16)
(test (apply charval '(#\A)) 65)
(test (apply constp '((1 2 3))) t)
(test (apply alphac '(#\M)) t)
(test (apply downcase '(#\M)) #\m)
(test (apply lowerc '(#\m)) t)
(test (apply numeric '(#\5)) t)
(test (apply upperc '(#\M)) t)
(test (apply upcase '(#\m)) '#\M)
(test (apply whitec '(#\sp)) t)
(test (apply charp '(#\A)) t)
(test (apply eofp '(x)) nil)
(test (apply evenp '(2)) t)
(test (apply inportp @(,(inport))) t)
(test (apply char '(65)) #\A)
(test (apply fixp '(5)) t)
(test (prog (apply flush @(,(outport))) t) t)
(test (apply length '((1 2 3))) 3)
(test (apply liststr '((#\f #\o #\b))) "fob")
(test (apply listvec '((1 2 3))) '#(1 2 3))
(test (apply mx '(foo)) 'foo)
(test (apply mx1 '(foo)) 'foo)
(test (apply not '(nil)) t)
(test (apply null '(nil)) t)
(test (apply oddp '(3)) t)
(test (apply outportp @(,(outport))) t)
(test (apply pair @((a . b))) t)
(test (apply funp @(,(lambda (x) x))) t)
(test (apply rever '((1 2 3))) '(3 2 1))
(test (apply nrever (list (list 1 2 3))) '(3 2 1))
(test (apply strlist '("foo")) '(#\f #\o #\o))
(test (apply symbol '("foo")) 'foo)
(test (apply ssize '("foo")) 3)
(test (apply stringp '("foo")) t)
(test (apply symname '(foo)) "foo")
(test (apply symbolp '(foo)) t)
(test (apply untag '(nil)) nil)
(test (apply veclist '(#(foo bar baz))) '(foo bar baz))
(test (apply vsize '(#(foo bar baz))) 3)
(test (apply vectorp '(#(foo bar baz))) t)
(test (apply assq '(b ((a) (b) (c)))) '(b))
(test (apply assv '(2 ((1) (2) (3)))) '(2))
(test (apply c< '(#\a #\b)) t)
(test (apply c<= '(#\a #\b)) t)
(test (apply c= '(#\a #\b)) nil)
(test (apply c> '(#\a #\b)) nil)
(test (apply c>= '(#\a #\b)) nil)
(test (apply cons '(a b)) '(a . b))
(test (apply eq '(x x)) t)
(test (apply eqv '(5 5)) t)
(test (apply nreconc @(,(list 1 2 3) (4 5 6))) '(3 2 1 4 5 6))
(test (apply nth '(1 (1 2 3))) 2)
(test (apply nth-tail '(1 (1 2 3))) '(2 3))
(test (apply div '(14 4)) 3)
(test (apply reconc '((1 2 3) (4 5 6))) '(3 2 1 4 5 6))
(test (apply rem '(14 4)) 2)
(test (apply setcar (list (cons 1 2) 0)) '(0 . 2))
(test (apply setcdr (list (cons 1 2) 0)) '(1 . 0))
(test (apply s< '("foo" "bar")) nil)
(test (apply s<= '("foo" "bar")) nil)
(test (apply s= '("foo" "bar")) nil)
(test (apply s> '("foo" "bar")) t)
(test (apply s>= '("foo" "bar")) t)
(test (apply si< '("Foo" "bar")) nil)
(test (apply si<= '("Foo" "bar")) nil)
(test (apply si= '("Foo" "bar")) nil)
(test (apply si> '("Foo" "bar")) t)
(test (apply si>= '("Foo" "bar")) t)
(test (apply stringp '("foo")) t)
(test (apply sref '("abc" 1)) #\b)
(test (apply sfill (list (string #\x #\x #\x) #\z)) "zzz")
(test (apply sset (list (string #\f #\o #\o) 2 #\b)) "fob")
(test (catch (lambda (x) (apply throw (list x 'foo)))) 'foo)
(test (apply vfill (list (vector 'x 'x 'x) 'zzz)) '#(zzz zzz zzz))
(test (apply vref '(#(a b c) 1)) 'b)
(test (apply vset (list (vector 'f 'o 'o) 2 'b)) #(f o b))
(test (apply substr '("abcdef" 2 4)) "cd")
(test (apply subvec '(#(a b c d e f) 2 4)) #(c d))
(test (ssize (apply mkstr '(10))) 10)
(test (apply mkstr '(10 #\x)) "xxxxxxxxxx")
(test (vsize (apply mkvec '(10))) 10)
(test (apply mkvec '(10 x)) '#(x x x x x x x x x x))
(test (apply numstr '(123)) "123")
(test (apply numstr '(123 8)) "173")
(test (apply strnum '("123")) 123)
(test (apply strnum '("123" 8)) 83)
(test (apply + '()) 0)
(test (apply + '(1)) 1)
(test (apply + '(1 2)) 3)
(test (apply + '(1 2 3 4 5)) 15)
(test (apply * '()) 1)
(test (apply * '(2)) 2)
(test (apply * '(2 3)) 6)
(test (apply * '(1 2 3 4 5)) 120)
(test (apply conc '()) ())
(test (apply conc '(foo)) 'foo)
(test (apply conc '((foo) (bar))) '(foo bar))
(test (apply conc '((foo) (bar) (baz))) '(foo bar baz))
(test (apply nconc '()) ())
(test (apply nconc @(foo)) 'foo)
(test (apply nconc @(,(list 'foo) (bar))) '(foo bar))
(test (apply nconc @(,(list 'foo) ,(list 'bar) (baz))) '(foo bar baz))
(test (apply sconc '()) "")
(test (apply sconc '("foo")) "foo")
(test (apply sconc '("foo" "bar")) "foobar")
(test (apply sconc '("foo" "-" "bar" "-" "baz")) "foo-bar-baz")
(test (apply vconc '()) '#())
(test (apply vconc '(#(foo))) '#(foo))
(test (apply vconc '(#(foo) #(bar))) '#(foo bar))
(test (apply vconc '(#(foo) #(bar) #(baz))) '#(foo bar baz))
(test (apply bitop '(1 7 14)) 6)
(test (apply bitop '(1 7 14 4)) 4)
(test (apply max '(1)) 1)
(test (apply max '(1 2)) 2)
(test (apply max '(1 2 3)) 3)
(test (apply min '(1)) 1)
(test (apply min '(1 2)) 1)
(test (apply min '(1 2 3)) 1)
(test (apply - '(1)) -1)
(test (apply - '(1 2)) -1)
(test (apply - '(1 2 3 4 5)) -13)
(test (apply = '(1 1)) t)
(test (apply = '(1 1 1)) t)
(test (apply = '(1 1 1 1 1)) t)
(test (apply < '(1 2)) t)
(test (apply < '(1 2 3)) t)
(test (apply < '(1 2 3 4 5)) t)
(test (apply <= '(1 2)) t)
(test (apply <= '(1 2 2)) t)
(test (apply <= '(1 2 3 3 5)) t)
(test (apply > '(2 1)) t)
(test (apply > '(3 2 1)) t)
(test (apply > '(5 4 3 2 1)) t)
(test (apply >= '(2 1)) t)
(test (apply >= '(3 2 2)) t)
(test (apply >= '(5 4 4 2 1)) t)
(test (apply apply @(,cons (a b))) '(a . b))
(test (apply apply @(,list a b (c d))) '(a b c d))
;; Regression Tests
(def x 1)
(defun (g) x)
(defun (f0)
(let ((x 0))
(setq x (g))
(defun (f1)
(let ((x 0))
(let ()
(setq x (g))
(test (f0) 1)
(test (f1) 1)
(defun (f2)
(let ((x 2))
(let ((r (g)))
(test (f2) 1)
;; Postlude
(cond ((= 0 Errors)
(princ "Everything fine!"))
(princ Errors)
(if (> Errors 1)
(princ " errors.")
(princ " error."))))
(if (existsp testfile) (delete testfile))