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;; _____ _
;; | ___| __ ___ __| |
;; | |_ | '__/ _ \/ _` |
;; | _|| | | __/ (_| |
;; |_| |_| \___|\__,_|
;; A simple set of text editing functions
;; This is the first "real" program for NW-lisp
;; will experiment with style and manual things
;; fred is a very simple *buffer* editor for NWL
;; A buffer editor is just a text editor that
;; doesn't care where the buffer comes from
;; fred will have to main modes of operation
;; interactive and non-interactive
;; interactive will be basically a lispy ed
;; non interactive will be a collection of
;; functions that deal with text in buffers
;; the most basic is a random access char editor
;; (sref) and (sset) let us change chars at random
;; we just need to be able to add and remove stings
;; at random.
(defun (fred-insert-string buf pos s) ;; insert string s after offset pos in buffer buf and return the new state of buf
(sconc (substr buf 0 pos) s (substr buf (+ pos 1) (ssize buf))))
(defun (fred-cut-string buf spos epos)
(sconc (substr buf 0 spos) (substr buf epos (ssize buf)))) ;; cut the chars starting at spos and ending at epos
(defun (fred-append-buffer buf s)
(sconc buf s))
;; now we need an interface based on cursor position
;; fred-buffer: (pos buf)
;; fred-backspace, fred-insert
(defun (fred-backspace buf cpos)
(if (eqv cpos (ssize buf))
(substr buf 0 ( - cpos 1))
(sconc (substr buf 0 (- cpos 1) (substr buf (+ cpos 1) (ssize buf))))))
(defun (fred-insert buf cpos s)
(if (eqv cpos (ssize buf)
(sconc buf s)
(fred-insert-string buf cpos s))))
;; now we have the most basic editing commands
;; Lets get some cursor moving commands
;; (fred-next-nl) (fred-prev-nl)
;; (fred-next-line) (fred-prev-line)
;; (fred-start-line) (fred-end-line)
(defun (fred-next-nl buf cpos)
(defun (fred-prev-nl buf cpos)
(defun (fred-start-line buf cpos)
(+ (fred-prev-nl buf cpos) 1)) ;; go back until you find a new line and then add one to that
(defun (fred-end-line buf cpos)
(- (fred-next-nl buf cpos) 1)) ;; go forword until a newline - minus one
(defun (fred-next-line buf cpos)
(+ (fred-next-nl buf cpos) 1)) ;; go forward until new line - plus one
(defun (fed-prev-line buf cpos)
(- (fred-prev-nl buf cpos) 1)) ;; go back until new line - minus one