#!/bin/bash PROGNAME=${0##*/} VERSION="0.0.1" error_exit() { printf "%s: %s\n" "$PROGNAME" "${1:-"Unknown Error"}" >&2 exit 1 } usage() { printf "usage: %s [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]\n" "$PROGNAME" printf "Simple client for twtxt\n" printf "Options:\n -c, --config PATH Specify a custom config file location. -v, --verbose Enable verbose output for debugging purposes. --version Show the version and exit. -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: init Setting up twtxt. config Get or set config item. follow Add a new source to your followings. following Return the list of sources you’re following. timeline Retrieve your personal timeline. tweet Append a new tweet to your twtxt file. unfollow Remove an existing source from your... view Show feed of given source. reg list Show registers reg add Add your twtxt to registry reg users List users on the registry reg twts Fetch recent tweets from registry reg mentions search for mentions by url reg tag Search for tags " } read_config () { declare -A v=() while read -r var value; do v[$var]=$value done < $config/registry } case $1 in -h | --help) usage; exit ;; -* | --*) usage; error_exit "unknown option $1" ;; init) read -p "Your desired nickname [$USER]: " nick nick=${nick:-"$USER"} read -p "Type path to your twtxt [/home/$USER/twtxt.txt]: " path_to_twtxt path_to_twtxt=${path_to_twtxt:-"/home/$USER/twtxt.txt"} echo "" >> $path_to_twtxt read -p "Type path to your twtxt config folder [/home/$USER/.config/twtxt-c/]: " config config=${config:-"/home/$USER/.config/twtxt-c/"} mkdir -p $config read -p "URL to twtxt [https://example.com/twtxt.txt]: " url url=${url:-"https://example.com/twtxt.txt"} printf "[twtxt]\n nick = %s\n twtfile = %s\n url = %s\n" "$nick" "$path_to_twtxt" "$url" >> $config/config printf "https://twtxt.envs.net/api/plain/\nhttps://twtxt.tilde.institute/api/plain/\n" > $config/registry ;; tweet) export config=/home/$USER/.config/twtxt-c/config printf "%s\t%s\n" "$(date +'%FT%T%:z')" "$2" >> $(awk '/twtfile/ {print $3}' $config) ;; view) curl $2 2>/dev/null | grep -v "#" | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "\t" } ; {print $2}' ;; reg) case $2 in list) cat /home/$USER/.config/twtxt-c/registry ;; add) config=/home/$USER/.config/twtxt-c/ declare -A v=() while read -r line; do var=$(echo $line | awk '{print $1}' ) value=$(echo $line | awk '{print $3}' ) v[$var]=$value done < $config/config req="https://twtxt.tilde.institute/api/plain/users?url=${v[url]}&nickname=${v[nick]}" req2="https://twtxt.envs.net/api/plain/users?url=${v[url]}&nickname=${v[nick]}" echo "post these requests:" echo "curl -X POST $req" echo "curl -X POST $req2" #curl -X POST $req #curl -X POST $req2 # I have commented the actual curl request so that I accidentally re-register myself during testing ;; users) curl 'https://twtxt.tilde.institute/api/plain/users' curl 'https://twtxt.envs.net/api/plain/users' ;; twts) curl 'https://twtxt.tilde.institute/api/plain/tweets' curl 'https://twtxt.envs.net/api/plain/tweets' ;; mentions) url=$3 req="https://twtxt.tilde.institute/api/plain/mentions?url=$url" req2="https://twtxt.envs.net/api/plain/mentions?url=$url" curl $req curl $req2 ;; tag) tag=$3 req="https://twtxt.tilde.institute/api/plain/tags/$tag" req2="https://twtxt.envs.net/api/plain/tags/$tag" curl $req curl $req2 ;; esac ;; *) printf "Work in progress\n" ;; esac