[Audio Clipper] Make stream-copying work again

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garret 2021-04-10 22:56:04 +01:00
parent 53ce4e3bc5
commit 2731b73287
1 changed files with 5 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
script_name = "Audio Clipper"
script_description = "Extracts audio from the selected line(s).\nNeeds ffmpeg."
script_author = "garret"
script_version = "2021-04-06"
script_version = "2021-04-10"
a = aegisub
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ function extract_audio(in_path, start_time, end_time, out_path, name, extension,
if copy == true then
os.execute('ffmpeg -i "'..in_path..'" -codec copy -vn -ss '..start_time..'ms -to '..end_time..'ms "'..out_path..name..'.'..extension..'" -y')
-- takes the video as input, copies the streams, but doesn't include video. sets it to start at the start of the selection, and end at the end of it. outputs to our chosen out path with our chosen name and extension. overwrites anything with the same name.
elseif copy == false then
os.execute('ffmpeg -i "'..in_path..'" -vn -ss '..start_time..'ms -to '..end_time..'ms "'..out_path..name..'.'..extension..'" -y')
-- same as above, but doesn't copy the stream (transcodes to flac)
@ -105,15 +105,15 @@ function gui(subs, sel)
if pressed == "Cancel" then
elseif pressed == "OK" then
local do_copy = true
do_copy = true
elseif pressed == "Just make it FLAC" then
local do_copy = false
do_copy = false
local extension = get_format(do_copy, results.format, results.custom) -- gets file extension
local delay = results.delay
in_path = results.in_path
out_path = make_out_path(results.out_path)
loop(subs, sel, in_path, out_path, extension, copy, delay)
loop(subs, sel, in_path, out_path, extension, do_copy, delay)
function non_gui(subs, sel) -- no gui, so you can bind it to a hotkey