mirror of https://github.com/garret1317/aegisub-scripts.git synced 2024-06-18 06:17:05 +00:00
garret f779a76612 [Audio Clipper] Try to get the audio first
falls back to video if it's not there
also, removed all references to only video in the gui
2021-04-06 15:42:49 +01:00

131 lines
6.2 KiB

script_name = "Audio Clipper"
script_description = "Extracts audio from the selected line(s).\nNeeds ffmpeg."
script_author = "garret"
script_version = "2021-04-06"
a = aegisub
function err(msg)
a.dialog.display({{class = "label", label = msg}}, {"OK"}, {close = "OK"})
function get_vid_dir()
local aud_dir = a.decode_path("?audio")
local vid_dir = a.decode_path("?video")
if aud_dir ~= "?audio" then
return aud_dir
elseif vid_dir ~= "?video" then -- if there is not, in fact, a video
return vid_dir
return nil
function get_vid()
local aud = a.project_properties().audio_file -- try get the audio first, if it's loaded separately
local vid = a.project_properties().video_file
if aud ~= "" then
return aud
elseif vid ~= "" then
return vid
return nil
function get_format(copy, format, custom)
if copy == true then -- if we do want to copy
if format == "" then -- format is the thing from the dropdown
err("Need a format!")
elseif format == "AAC" then -- these are the most common audio formats i've seen
return "m4a"
elseif format == "Opus" then
return "opus"
elseif format == "FLAC" then
return "flac" elseif format == "Custom" then -- but I am not all-knowing, so you can put your own
return custom
else -- if we don't want to copy (i.e. we've pressed "Just make it FLAC")
return "flac"
function make_out_path(out_path)
if out_path == "" then
err("Need an output path!")
os.execute('mkdir "'..out_path..'"') -- if it doesn't exist, it makes it, and if it does, it errors.
return out_path -- either way, the path now exists. (probably)
end -- I imagine there's a mkdir thing in lua that's better, but this works fine, so unless it breaks, i'll keep it like this.
function extract_audio(in_path, start_time, end_time, out_path, name, extension, copy)
if copy == true then
os.execute('ffmpeg -i "'..in_path..'" -codec copy -vn -ss '..start_time..'ms -to '..end_time..'ms "'..out_path..name..'.'..extension..'" -y')
-- takes the video as input, copies the streams, but doesn't include video. sets it to start at the start of the selection, and end at the end of it. outputs to our chosen out path with our chosen name and extension. overwrites anything with the same name.
os.execute('ffmpeg -i "'..in_path..'" -vn -ss '..start_time..'ms -to '..end_time..'ms "'..out_path..name..'.'..extension..'" -y')
-- same as above, but doesn't copy the stream (transcodes to flac)
function loop(subs, sel, in_path, out_path, extension, copy, delay)
a.progress.title("Extracting Audio")
local progress = 0
local progress_increment = 100 / #sel -- increment by this for every line, and the bar will eventually reach 100
for x, i in ipairs(sel) do -- x is the position of the line in our selection, i is the position in the whole sub file
if a.progress.is_cancelled() then -- if you press the cancel button
a.cancel() -- it stops (mind-blowing, i know)
local line = subs[i]
local start_time = line.start_time + delay
local end_time = line.end_time + delay
a.progress.task("Extracting line "..x)
extract_audio(in_path, start_time, end_time, out_path, x, extension, copy)
progress = progress + progress_increment
a.progress.set(100) -- in case it didn't reach 100 on its own
function gui(subs, sel)
local in_path = get_vid()
local out_path = get_vid_dir()
if in_path == nil or out_path == nil then -- if no video is loaded
in_path = "No audio/video loaded. Specify a path."
out_path = in_path -- both the same error message
out_path = out_path.."/audioclipper_output/" -- make the out path the one we actually want
local get_input={{class="label",x=0,y=0,label="Input's audio format:"},{class="dropdown",name="format",x=0,y=1,width=2,height=1,items={"AAC","Opus","FLAC","Custom"},value="Audio Format",hint="If you don't know, you should probably press \"Just make it FLAC\", or use mka."},{class="label",x=0,y=2,label="Custom Extension:"},{class="edit",name="custom",x=1,y=2,value="mka",hint="You'll probably be fine with mka, because matroska can contain pretty much anything"},{class="label",x=0,y=3,label="Delay (ms):"},{class="intedit",name="delay",x=1,y=3,value=0,hint="to prevent timing fuckery with weird raws"},{class="label",x=0,y=4,label="Input path:"},{class="edit",name="in_path",x=0,y=5,width=2,height=1,value=in_path,hint="where the audio comes from"},{class="label",x=0,y=6,label="Output path (will be created if it doesn't already exist):"},{class="edit",name="out_path",x=0,y=7,width=2,height=1,value=out_path,hint="where the audio goes"}}
local pressed, results = a.dialog.display(get_input, {"Cancel", "OK", "Just make it FLAC"})
-- there's probably something that can detect the format automatically, but I do not know what it is.
if pressed == "Cancel" then
elseif pressed == "OK" then
local do_copy = true
elseif pressed == "Just make it FLAC" then
local do_copy = false
local extension = get_format(do_copy, results.format, results.custom) -- gets file extension
local delay = results.delay
in_path = results.in_path
out_path = make_out_path(results.out_path)
loop(subs, sel, in_path, out_path, extension, copy, delay)
function non_gui(subs, sel) -- no gui, so you can bind it to a hotkey
local vid = get_vid()
if vid == nil then
err("Need an input!\nSpecify a path in the GUI, or load one in aegisub.")
loop(subs, sel, get_vid(), make_out_path(get_vid_dir().."/audioclipper_output/"), 'flac', false, 0)
-- sets sane defaults (takes the audio from the video file, and outputs to /the/video/dir/audioclipper_output/. transcodes to flac. no delay)
a.register_macro(script_name, script_description, gui)
a.register_macro(": Non-GUI macros :/"..script_name..": Just make it FLAC", script_description, non_gui) -- same section as unanimated's scripts