array(), 'tcp' => array()); protected $sockets_enabled = false; protected $auth_signature = null; protected $cache = null; protected $use_cache = false; public function __construct(array $options = null) { // // // if ( (extension_loaded('sockets') == true) && (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) !== 'WIN') ) { $this->sockets_enabled = true; } // // if (!empty($options)) { foreach ($options as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'nameservers') { $this->setServers($value); } else { $this->$key = $value; } } } // // switch($this->cache_type) { case 'shared': if (extension_loaded('shmop')) { $this->cache = new Net_DNS2_Cache_Shm; $this->use_cache = true; } else { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'shmop library is not available for cache', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_CACHE_SHM_UNAVAIL ); } break; case 'file': $this->cache = new Net_DNS2_Cache_File; $this->use_cache = true; break; case 'none': $this->use_cache = false; break; default: throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'un-supported cache type: ' . $this->cache_type, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_CACHE_UNSUPPORTED ); } } static public function autoload($name) { // // if (strncmp($name, 'Net_DNS2', 8) == 0) { include str_replace('_', '/', $name) . '.php'; } return; } public function setServers($nameservers) { // // // if (is_array($nameservers)) { $this->nameservers = $nameservers; } else { // // $ns = array(); // // if (is_readable($nameservers) === true) { $data = file_get_contents($nameservers); if ($data === false) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'failed to read contents of file: ' . $nameservers, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_NS_INVALID_FILE ); } $lines = explode("\n", $data); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); // // if ( (strlen($line) == 0) || ($line[0] == '#') || ($line[0] == ';') ) { continue; } // // if (strpos($line, ' ') === false) { continue; } list($key, $value) = preg_split('/\s+/', $line, 2); $key = trim(strtolower($key)); $value = trim(strtolower($value)); switch($key) { case 'nameserver': // // if ( (self::isIPv4($value) == true) || (self::isIPv6($value) == true) ) { $ns[] = $value; } else { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'invalid nameserver entry: ' . $value, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_NS_INVALID_ENTRY ); } break; case 'domain': $this->domain = $value; break; case 'search': $this->search_list = preg_split('/\s+/', $value); break; case 'options': $this->parseOptions($value); break; default: } } // // if ( (strlen($this->domain) == 0) && (count($this->search_list) > 0) ) { $this->domain = $this->search_list[0]; } } else { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'resolver file file provided is not readable: ' . $nameservers, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_NS_INVALID_FILE ); } // // if (count($ns) > 0) { $this->nameservers = $ns; } } // // $this->nameservers = array_unique($this->nameservers); // // $this->checkServers(); return true; } private function parseOptions($value) { // // if ( ($this->use_resolv_options == false) || (strlen($value) == 0) ) { return true; } $options = preg_split('/\s+/', strtolower($value)); foreach ($options as $option) { // // if ( (strncmp($option, 'timeout', 7) == 0) && (strpos($option, ':') !== false) ) { list($key, $val) = explode(':', $option); if ( ($val > 0) && ($val <= 30) ) { $this->timeout = $val; } // // } else if (strncmp($option, 'rotate', 6) == 0) { $this->ns_random = true; } } return true; } protected function checkServers($default = null) { if (empty($this->nameservers)) { if (isset($default)) { $this->setServers($default); } else { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'empty name servers list; you must provide a list of name '. 'servers, or the path to a resolv.conf file.', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_NS_INVALID_ENTRY ); } } return true; } public function signTSIG( $keyname, $signature = '', $algorithm = Net_DNS2_RR_TSIG::HMAC_MD5 ) { // // if ($keyname instanceof Net_DNS2_RR_TSIG) { $this->auth_signature = $keyname; } else { // // $this->auth_signature = Net_DNS2_RR::fromString( strtolower(trim($keyname)) . ' TSIG '. $signature ); // // $this->auth_signature->algorithm = $algorithm; } return true; } public function signSIG0($filename) { // // if (extension_loaded('openssl') === false) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'the OpenSSL extension is required to use SIG(0).', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_OPENSSL_UNAVAIL ); } // // if ($filename instanceof Net_DNS2_RR_SIG) { $this->auth_signature = $filename; } else { // // $private = new Net_DNS2_PrivateKey($filename); // // $this->auth_signature = new Net_DNS2_RR_SIG(); // // $this->auth_signature->name = $private->signname; $this->auth_signature->ttl = 0; $this->auth_signature->class = 'ANY'; // // $this->auth_signature->algorithm = $private->algorithm; $this->auth_signature->keytag = $private->keytag; $this->auth_signature->signname = $private->signname; // // $this->auth_signature->typecovered = 'SIG0'; $this->auth_signature->labels = 0; $this->auth_signature->origttl = 0; // // $t = time(); $this->auth_signature->sigincep = gmdate('YmdHis', $t); $this->auth_signature->sigexp = gmdate('YmdHis', $t + 500); // // $this->auth_signature->private_key = $private; } // // switch($this->auth_signature->algorithm) { case Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSAMD5: case Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA1: case Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA256: case Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA512: case Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_DSA: break; default: throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'only asymmetric algorithms work with SIG(0)!', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_OPENSSL_INV_ALGO ); } return true; } public function cacheable($_type) { switch($_type) { case 'AXFR': case 'OPT': return false; } return true; } public static function expandUint32($_int) { if ( ($_int < 0) && (PHP_INT_MAX == 2147483647) ) { return sprintf('%u', $_int); } else { return $_int; } } public static function isIPv4($_address) { // // if (extension_loaded('filter') == true) { if (filter_var($_address, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4) == false) { return false; } } else { // // if (inet_pton($_address) === false) { return false; } // // if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$/', $_address) == 0) { return false; } } return true; } public static function isIPv6($_address) { // // if (extension_loaded('filter') == true) { if (filter_var($_address, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) == false) { return false; } } else { // // if (inet_pton($_address) === false) { return false; } // // if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$/', $_address) == 1) { return false; } } return true; } public static function expandIPv6($_address) { if (strpos($_address, '::') !== false) { $part = explode('::', $_address); $part[0] = explode(':', $part[0]); $part[1] = explode(':', $part[1]); $missing = array(); $x = (8 - (count($part[0]) + count($part[1]))); for ($i = 0; $i < $x; $i++) { $missing[] = '0000'; } $missing = array_merge($part[0], $missing); $part = array_merge($missing, $part[1]); } else { $part = explode(':', $_address); } foreach ($part as &$p) { while (strlen($p) < 4) { $p = '0' . $p; } } unset($p); $result = implode(':', $part); if (strlen($result) == 39) { return $result; } else { return false; } } protected function sendPacket(Net_DNS2_Packet $request, $use_tcp) { // // $data = $request->get(); if (strlen($data) < Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNS_HEADER_SIZE) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'invalid or empty packet for sending!', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_PACKET_INVALID, null, $request ); } reset($this->nameservers); // // if ($this->ns_random == true) { shuffle($this->nameservers); } // // $response = null; $ns = ''; while (1) { // // $ns = each($this->nameservers); if ($ns === false) { if (is_null($this->last_exception) == false) { throw $this->last_exception; } else { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'every name server provided has failed', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_NS_FAILED ); } } $ns = $ns[1]; // // $max_udp_size = Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNS_MAX_UDP_SIZE; if ($this->dnssec == true) { $max_udp_size = $this->dnssec_payload_size; } if ( ($use_tcp == true) || (strlen($data) > $max_udp_size) ) { try { $response = $this->sendTCPRequest($ns, $data, ($request->question[0]->qtype == 'AXFR') ? true : false); } catch(Net_DNS2_Exception $e) { $this->last_exception = $e; $this->last_exception_list[$ns] = $e; continue; } // // } else { try { $response = $this->sendUDPRequest($ns, $data); // // if ($response->header->tc == 1) { $response = $this->sendTCPRequest($ns, $data); } } catch(Net_DNS2_Exception $e) { $this->last_exception = $e; $this->last_exception_list[$ns] = $e; continue; } } // // if ($request->header->id != $response->header->id) { $this->last_exception = new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'invalid header: the request and response id do not match.', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_HEADER_INVALID, null, $request, $response ); $this->last_exception_list[$ns] = $this->last_exception; continue; } // // // if ($response->header->qr != Net_DNS2_Lookups::QR_RESPONSE) { $this->last_exception = new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'invalid header: the response provided is not a response packet.', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_HEADER_INVALID, null, $request, $response ); $this->last_exception_list[$ns] = $this->last_exception; continue; } // // if ($response->header->rcode != Net_DNS2_Lookups::RCODE_NOERROR) { $this->last_exception = new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'DNS request failed: ' . Net_DNS2_Lookups::$result_code_messages[$response->header->rcode], $response->header->rcode, null, $request, $response ); $this->last_exception_list[$ns] = $this->last_exception; continue; } break; } return $response; } private function sendTCPRequest($_ns, $_data, $_axfr = false) { // // $start_time = microtime(true); // // if ( (!isset($this->sock['tcp'][$_ns])) || (!($this->sock['tcp'][$_ns] instanceof Net_DNS2_Socket)) ) { // // if ($this->sockets_enabled === true) { $this->sock['tcp'][$_ns] = new Net_DNS2_Socket_Sockets( Net_DNS2_Socket::SOCK_STREAM, $_ns, $this->dns_port, $this->timeout ); // // } else { $this->sock['tcp'][$_ns] = new Net_DNS2_Socket_Streams( Net_DNS2_Socket::SOCK_STREAM, $_ns, $this->dns_port, $this->timeout ); } // // if (strlen($this->local_host) > 0) { $this->sock['tcp'][$_ns]->bindAddress( $this->local_host, $this->local_port ); } // // if ($this->sock['tcp'][$_ns]->open() === false) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( $this->sock['tcp'][$_ns]->last_error, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_NS_SOCKET_FAILED ); } } // // if ($this->sock['tcp'][$_ns]->write($_data) === false) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( $this->sock['tcp'][$_ns]->last_error, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_NS_SOCKET_FAILED ); } // // $size = 0; $result = null; $response = null; // // if ($_axfr == true) { $soa_count = 0; while (1) { // // $result = $this->sock['tcp'][$_ns]->read($size, ($this->dnssec == true) ? $this->dnssec_payload_size : Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNS_MAX_UDP_SIZE); if ( ($result === false) || ($size < Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNS_HEADER_SIZE) ) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( $this->sock['tcp'][$_ns]->last_error, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_NS_SOCKET_FAILED ); } // // $chunk = new Net_DNS2_Packet_Response($result, $size); // // if (is_null($response) == true) { $response = clone $chunk; // // if ($response->header->rcode != Net_DNS2_Lookups::RCODE_NOERROR) { break; } // // foreach ($response->answer as $index => $rr) { // // if ($rr->type == 'SOA') { $soa_count++; } } // // if ($soa_count >= 2) { break; } else { continue; } } else { // // foreach ($chunk->answer as $index => $rr) { // // if ($rr->type == 'SOA') { $soa_count++; } // // $response->answer[] = $rr; } // // if ($soa_count >= 2) { break; } } } // // } else { $result = $this->sock['tcp'][$_ns]->read($size, ($this->dnssec == true) ? $this->dnssec_payload_size : Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNS_MAX_UDP_SIZE); if ( ($result === false) || ($size < Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNS_HEADER_SIZE) ) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( $this->sock['tcp'][$_ns]->last_error, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_NS_SOCKET_FAILED ); } // // $response = new Net_DNS2_Packet_Response($result, $size); } // // $response->response_time = microtime(true) - $start_time; // // $response->answer_from = $_ns; $response->answer_socket_type = Net_DNS2_Socket::SOCK_STREAM; // // return $response; } private function sendUDPRequest($_ns, $_data) { // // $start_time = microtime(true); // // if ( (!isset($this->sock['udp'][$_ns])) || (!($this->sock['udp'][$_ns] instanceof Net_DNS2_Socket)) ) { // // if ($this->sockets_enabled === true) { $this->sock['udp'][$_ns] = new Net_DNS2_Socket_Sockets( Net_DNS2_Socket::SOCK_DGRAM, $_ns, $this->dns_port, $this->timeout ); // // } else { $this->sock['udp'][$_ns] = new Net_DNS2_Socket_Streams( Net_DNS2_Socket::SOCK_DGRAM, $_ns, $this->dns_port, $this->timeout ); } // // if (strlen($this->local_host) > 0) { $this->sock['udp'][$_ns]->bindAddress( $this->local_host, $this->local_port ); } // // if ($this->sock['udp'][$_ns]->open() === false) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( $this->sock['udp'][$_ns]->last_error, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_NS_SOCKET_FAILED ); } } // // if ($this->sock['udp'][$_ns]->write($_data) === false) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( $this->sock['udp'][$_ns]->last_error, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_NS_SOCKET_FAILED ); } // // $size = 0; $result = $this->sock['udp'][$_ns]->read($size, ($this->dnssec == true) ? $this->dnssec_payload_size : Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNS_MAX_UDP_SIZE); if (( $result === false) || ($size < Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNS_HEADER_SIZE)) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( $this->sock['udp'][$_ns]->last_error, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_NS_SOCKET_FAILED ); } // // $response = new Net_DNS2_Packet_Response($result, $size); // // $response->response_time = microtime(true) - $start_time; // // $response->answer_from = $_ns; $response->answer_socket_type = Net_DNS2_Socket::SOCK_DGRAM; // // return $response; } } ?> $max) { $max = $val; } $bm[$current_window][$val] = 1; $bm[$current_window]['length'] = ceil(($max + 1) / 8); } $output = ''; foreach ($bm as $window => $bitdata) { $bitstr = ''; for ($i=0; $i< $bitdata['length'] * 8; $i++) { if (isset($bitdata[$i])) { $bitstr .= '1'; } else { $bitstr .= '0'; } } $output .= pack('CC', $window, $bitdata['length']); $output .= pack('H*', self::bigBaseConvert($bitstr)); } return $output; } public static function bigBaseConvert($number) { $result = ''; $bin = substr(chunk_split(strrev($number), 4, '-'), 0, -1); $temp = preg_split('[-]', $bin, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); for ($i = count($temp)-1;$i >= 0;$i--) { $result = $result . base_convert(strrev($temp[$i]), 2, 16); } return strtoupper($result); } } ?>cache_data[$key]); } public function get($key) { if (isset($this->cache_data[$key])) { if ($this->cache_serializer == 'json') { return json_decode($this->cache_data[$key]['object']); } else { return unserialize($this->cache_data[$key]['object']); } } else { return false; } } public function put($key, $data) { $ttl = 86400 * 365; // // $data->rdata = ''; $data->rdlength = 0; // // // foreach ($data->answer as $index => $rr) { if ($rr->ttl < $ttl) { $ttl = $rr->ttl; } $rr->rdata = ''; $rr->rdlength = 0; } foreach ($data->authority as $index => $rr) { if ($rr->ttl < $ttl) { $ttl = $rr->ttl; } $rr->rdata = ''; $rr->rdlength = 0; } foreach ($data->additional as $index => $rr) { if ($rr->ttl < $ttl) { $ttl = $rr->ttl; } $rr->rdata = ''; $rr->rdlength = 0; } $this->cache_data[$key] = array( 'cache_date' => time(), 'ttl' => $ttl ); if ($this->cache_serializer == 'json') { $this->cache_data[$key]['object'] = json_encode($data); } else { $this->cache_data[$key]['object'] = serialize($data); } } protected function clean() { if (count($this->cache_data) > 0) { // // $now = time(); foreach ($this->cache_data as $key => $data) { $diff = $now - $data['cache_date']; if ($data['ttl'] <= $diff) { unset($this->cache_data[$key]); } else { $this->cache_data[$key]['ttl'] -= $diff; $this->cache_data[$key]['cache_date'] = $now; } } } } protected function resize() { if (count($this->cache_data) > 0) { // // if ($this->cache_serializer == 'json') { $cache = json_encode($this->cache_data); } else { $cache = serialize($this->cache_data); } // // if (strlen($cache) > $this->cache_size) { while (strlen($cache) > $this->cache_size) { // // $smallest_ttl = time(); $smallest_key = null; foreach ($this->cache_data as $key => $data) { if ($data['ttl'] < $smallest_ttl) { $smallest_ttl = $data['ttl']; $smallest_key = $key; } } // // unset($this->cache_data[$smallest_key]); // // if ($this->cache_serializer == 'json') { $cache = json_encode($this->cache_data); } else { $cache = serialize($this->cache_data); } } } if ( ($cache == 'a:0:{}') || ($cache == '{}') ) { return null; } else { return $cache; } } return null; } } ?>_request = $request; $this->_response = $response; // // // // if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '>=') == true) { parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous); } else { parent::__construct($message, $code); } } public function getRequest() { return $this->_request; } public function getResponse() { return $this->_response; } } ?>set($packet); } else { $this->id = $this->nextPacketId(); $this->qr = Net_DNS2_Lookups::QR_QUERY; $this->opcode = Net_DNS2_Lookups::OPCODE_QUERY; $this->aa = 0; $this->tc = 0; $this->rd = 1; $this->ra = 0; $this->z = 0; $this->ad = 0; $this->cd = 0; $this->rcode = Net_DNS2_Lookups::RCODE_NOERROR; $this->qdcount = 1; $this->ancount = 0; $this->nscount = 0; $this->arcount = 0; } } public function nextPacketId() { if (++Net_DNS2_Lookups::$next_packet_id > 65535) { Net_DNS2_Lookups::$next_packet_id = 1; } return Net_DNS2_Lookups::$next_packet_id; } public function __toString() { $output = ";;\n;; Header:\n"; $output .= ";;\t id = " . $this->id . "\n"; $output .= ";;\t qr = " . $this->qr . "\n"; $output .= ";;\t opcode = " . $this->opcode . "\n"; $output .= ";;\t aa = " . $this->aa . "\n"; $output .= ";;\t tc = " . $this->tc . "\n"; $output .= ";;\t rd = " . $this->rd . "\n"; $output .= ";;\t ra = " . $this->ra . "\n"; $output .= ";;\t z = " . $this->z . "\n"; $output .= ";;\t ad = " . $this->ad . "\n"; $output .= ";;\t cd = " . $this->cd . "\n"; $output .= ";;\t rcode = " . $this->rcode . "\n"; $output .= ";;\t qdcount = " . $this->qdcount . "\n"; $output .= ";;\t ancount = " . $this->ancount . "\n"; $output .= ";;\t nscount = " . $this->nscount . "\n"; $output .= ";;\t arcount = " . $this->arcount . "\n"; return $output; } public function set(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { // // if ($packet->rdlength < Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNS_HEADER_SIZE) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'invalid header data provided; to small', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_HEADER_INVALID ); } $offset = 0; // // $this->id = ord($packet->rdata[$offset]) << 8 | ord($packet->rdata[++$offset]); ++$offset; $this->qr = (ord($packet->rdata[$offset]) >> 7) & 0x1; $this->opcode = (ord($packet->rdata[$offset]) >> 3) & 0xf; $this->aa = (ord($packet->rdata[$offset]) >> 2) & 0x1; $this->tc = (ord($packet->rdata[$offset]) >> 1) & 0x1; $this->rd = ord($packet->rdata[$offset]) & 0x1; ++$offset; $this->ra = (ord($packet->rdata[$offset]) >> 7) & 0x1; $this->z = (ord($packet->rdata[$offset]) >> 6) & 0x1; $this->ad = (ord($packet->rdata[$offset]) >> 5) & 0x1; $this->cd = (ord($packet->rdata[$offset]) >> 4) & 0x1; $this->rcode = ord($packet->rdata[$offset]) & 0xf; $this->qdcount = ord($packet->rdata[++$offset]) << 8 | ord($packet->rdata[++$offset]); $this->ancount = ord($packet->rdata[++$offset]) << 8 | ord($packet->rdata[++$offset]); $this->nscount = ord($packet->rdata[++$offset]) << 8 | ord($packet->rdata[++$offset]); $this->arcount = ord($packet->rdata[++$offset]) << 8 | ord($packet->rdata[++$offset]); // // $packet->offset += Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNS_HEADER_SIZE; return true; } public function get(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { $data = pack('n', $this->id) . chr( ($this->qr << 7) | ($this->opcode << 3) | ($this->aa << 2) | ($this->tc << 1) | ($this->rd) ) . chr( ($this->ra << 7) | ($this->ad << 5) | ($this->cd << 4) | $this->rcode ) . chr($this->qdcount << 8) . chr($this->qdcount) . chr($this->ancount << 8) . chr($this->ancount) . chr($this->nscount << 8) . chr($this->nscount) . chr($this->arcount << 8) . chr($this->arcount); $packet->offset += Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNS_HEADER_SIZE; return $data; } } ?> 0, 'A' => 1, 'NS' => 2, 'MD' => 3, 'MF' => 4, 'CNAME' => 5, 'SOA' => 6, 'MB' => 7, 'MG' => 8, 'MR' => 9, 'NULL' => 10, 'WKS' => 11, 'PTR' => 12, 'HINFO' => 13, 'MINFO' => 14, 'MX' => 15, 'TXT' => 16, 'RP' => 17, 'AFSDB' => 18, 'X25' => 19, 'ISDN' => 20, 'RT' => 21, 'NSAP' => 22, 'NSAP_PTR' => 23, 'SIG' => 24, 'KEY' => 25, 'PX' => 26, 'GPOS' => 27, 'AAAA' => 28, 'LOC' => 29, 'NXT' => 30, 'EID' => 31, 'NIMLOC' => 32, 'SRV' => 33, 'ATMA' => 34, 'NAPTR' => 35, 'KX' => 36, 'CERT' => 37, 'A6' => 38, 'DNAME' => 39, 'SINK' => 40, 'OPT' => 41, 'APL' => 42, 'DS' => 43, 'SSHFP' => 44, 'IPSECKEY' => 45, 'RRSIG' => 46, 'NSEC' => 47, 'DNSKEY' => 48, 'DHCID' => 49, 'NSEC3' => 50, 'NSEC3PARAM' => 51, 'TLSA' => 52, 'HIP' => 55, 'NINFO' => 56, 'RKEY' => 57, 'TALINK' => 58, // 'CDS' => 59, 'CDNSKEY' => 60, 'OPENPGPKEY' => 61, 'CSYNC' => 62, 'SPF' => 99, 'UINFO' => 100, 'UID' => 101, 'GID' => 102, 'UNSPEC' => 103, 'NID' => 104, 'L32' => 105, 'L64' => 106, 'LP' => 107, 'EUI48' => 108, 'EUI64' => 109, 'TKEY' => 249, 'TSIG' => 250, 'IXFR' => 251, 'AXFR' => 252, 'MAILB' => 253, 'MAILA' => 254, 'ANY' => 255, 'URI' => 256, 'CAA' => 257, 'TA' => 32768, 'DLV' => 32769 ); public static $rr_qtypes_by_id = array(); public static $rr_qtypes_by_name = array( 'IXFR' => 251, 'AXFR' => 252, 'MAILB' => 253, 'MAILA' => 254, 'ANY' => 255 ); public static $rr_metatypes_by_id = array(); public static $rr_metatypes_by_name = array( 'OPT' => 41, 'TKEY' => 249, 'TSIG' => 250 ); public static $rr_types_class_to_id = array(); public static $rr_types_id_to_class = array( 1 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_A', 2 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_NS', 5 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_CNAME', 6 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_SOA', 11 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_WKS', 12 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_PTR', 13 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_HINFO', 15 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_MX', 16 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_TXT', 17 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_RP', 18 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_AFSDB', 19 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_X25', 20 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_ISDN', 21 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_RT', 22 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_NSAP', 24 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_SIG', 25 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_KEY', 26 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_PX', 28 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_AAAA', 29 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_LOC', 31 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_EID', 32 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_NIMLOC', 33 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_SRV', 34 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_ATMA', 35 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_NAPTR', 36 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_KX', 37 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_CERT', 39 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_DNAME', 41 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_OPT', 42 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_APL', 43 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_DS', 44 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_SSHFP', 45 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_IPSECKEY', 46 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_RRSIG', 47 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_NSEC', 48 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_DNSKEY', 49 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_DHCID', 50 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_NSEC3', 51 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_NSEC3PARAM', 52 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_TLSA', 55 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_HIP', 58 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_TALINK', 59 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_CDS', 60 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_CDNSKEY', 61 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_OPENPGPKEY', 62 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_CSYNC', 99 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_SPF', 104 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_NID', 105 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_L32', 106 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_L64', 107 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_LP', 108 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_EUI48', 109 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_EUI64', 249 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_TKEY', 250 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_TSIG', 255 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_ANY', 256 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_URI', 257 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_CAA', 32768 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_TA', 32769 => 'Net_DNS2_RR_DLV' ); public static $classes_by_id = array(); public static $classes_by_name = array( 'IN' => self::RR_CLASS_IN, 'CH' => self::RR_CLASS_CH, 'HS' => self::RR_CLASS_HS, 'NONE' => self::RR_CLASS_NONE, 'ANY' => self::RR_CLASS_ANY ); public static $result_code_messages = array( self::RCODE_NOERROR => 'The request completed successfully.', self::RCODE_FORMERR => 'The name server was unable to interpret the query.', self::RCODE_SERVFAIL => 'The name server was unable to process this query due to a problem with the name server.', self::RCODE_NXDOMAIN => 'The domain name referenced in the query does not exist.', self::RCODE_NOTIMP => 'The name server does not support the requested kind of query.', self::RCODE_REFUSED => 'The name server refuses to perform the specified operation for policy reasons.', self::RCODE_YXDOMAIN => 'Name Exists when it should not.', self::RCODE_YXRRSET => 'RR Set Exists when it should not.', self::RCODE_NXRRSET => 'RR Set that should exist does not.', self::RCODE_NOTAUTH => 'Server Not Authoritative for zone.', self::RCODE_NOTZONE => 'Name not contained in zone.', self::RCODE_BADSIG => 'TSIG Signature Failure.', self::RCODE_BADKEY => 'Key not recognized.', self::RCODE_BADTIME => 'Signature out of time window.', self::RCODE_BADMODE => 'Bad TKEY Mode.', self::RCODE_BADNAME => 'Duplicate key name.', self::RCODE_BADALG => 'Algorithm not supported.', self::RCODE_BADTRUNC => 'Bad truncation.' ); public static $algorithm_name_to_id = array(); public static $algorithm_id_to_name = array( self::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RES => 'RES', self::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSAMD5 => 'RSAMD5', self::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_DH => 'DH', self::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_DSA => 'DSA', self::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_ECC => 'ECC', self::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA1 => 'RSASHA1', self::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_DSANSEC3SHA1 => 'DSA-NSEC3-SHA1', self::DSNSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA1NSEC3SHA1 => 'RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1', self::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA256 => 'RSASHA256', self::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA512 => 'RSASHA512', self::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_ECCGOST => 'ECC-GOST', self::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_INDIRECT => 'INDIRECT', self::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_PRIVATEDNS => 'PRIVATEDNS', self::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_PRIVATEOID => 'PRIVATEOID' ); public static $digest_name_to_id = array(); public static $digest_id_to_name = array( self::DNSSEC_DIGEST_RES => 'RES', self::DNSSEC_DIGEST_SHA1 => 'SHA-1' ); public static $protocol_by_id = array(); public static $protocol_by_name = array( 'ICMP' => 1, 'IGMP' => 2, 'GGP' => 3, 'ST' => 5, 'TCP' => 6, 'UCL' => 7, 'EGP' => 8, 'IGP' => 9, 'BBN-RCC-MON' => 10, 'NVP-II' => 11, 'PUP' => 12, 'ARGUS' => 13, 'EMCON' => 14, 'XNET' => 15, 'CHAOS' => 16, 'UDP' => 17, 'MUX' => 18, 'DCN-MEAS' => 19, 'HMP' => 20, 'PRM' => 21, 'XNS-IDP' => 22, 'TRUNK-1' => 23, 'TRUNK-2' => 24, 'LEAF-1' => 25, 'LEAF-2' => 26, 'RDP' => 27, 'IRTP' => 28, 'ISO-TP4' => 29, 'NETBLT' => 30, 'MFE-NSP' => 31, 'MERIT-INP' => 32, 'SEP' => 33, 'CFTP' => 62, 'SAT-EXPAK' => 64, 'MIT-SUBNET' => 65, 'RVD' => 66, 'IPPC' => 67, 'SAT-MON' => 69, 'IPCV' => 71, 'BR-SAT-MON' => 76, 'WB-MON' => 78, 'WB-EXPAK' => 79 ); } ?>header->__toString(); foreach ($this->question as $x) { $output .= $x->__toString() . "\n"; } foreach ($this->answer as $x) { $output .= $x->__toString() . "\n"; } foreach ($this->authority as $x) { $output .= $x->__toString() . "\n"; } foreach ($this->additional as $x) { $output .= $x->__toString() . "\n"; } return $output; } public function get() { $data = $this->header->get($this); foreach ($this->question as $x) { $data .= $x->get($this); } foreach ($this->answer as $x) { $data .= $x->get($this); } foreach ($this->authority as $x) { $data .= $x->get($this); } foreach ($this->additional as $x) { $data .= $x->get($this); } return $data; } public function compress($name, &$offset) { $names = explode('.', $name); $compname = ''; while (!empty($names)) { $dname = join('.', $names); if (isset($this->_compressed[$dname])) { $compname .= pack('n', 0xc000 | $this->_compressed[$dname]); $offset += 2; break; } $this->_compressed[$dname] = $offset; $first = array_shift($names); $length = strlen($first); if ($length <= 0) { continue; } // // if ($length > 63) { $length = 63; $first = substr($first, 0, $length); } $compname .= pack('Ca*', $length, $first); $offset += $length + 1; } if (empty($names)) { $compname .= pack('C', 0); $offset++; } return $compname; } public static function pack($name) { $offset = 0; $names = explode('.', $name); $compname = ''; while (!empty($names)) { $first = array_shift($names); $length = strlen($first); $compname .= pack('Ca*', $length, $first); $offset += $length + 1; } $compname .= "\0"; $offset++; return $compname; } public static function expand(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet, &$offset) { $name = ''; while (1) { if ($packet->rdlength < ($offset + 1)) { return null; } $xlen = ord($packet->rdata[$offset]); if ($xlen == 0) { ++$offset; break; } else if (($xlen & 0xc0) == 0xc0) { if ($packet->rdlength < ($offset + 2)) { return null; } $ptr = ord($packet->rdata[$offset]) << 8 | ord($packet->rdata[$offset+1]); $ptr = $ptr & 0x3fff; $name2 = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $ptr); if (is_null($name2)) { return null; } $name .= $name2; $offset += 2; break; } else { ++$offset; if ($packet->rdlength < ($offset + $xlen)) { return null; } $elem = ''; $elem = substr($packet->rdata, $offset, $xlen); $name .= $elem . '.'; $offset += $xlen; } } return trim($name, '.'); } public static function label(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet, &$offset) { $name = ''; if ($packet->rdlength < ($offset + 1)) { return null; } $xlen = ord($packet->rdata[$offset]); ++$offset; if (($xlen + $offset) > $packet->rdlength) { $name = substr($packet->rdata, $offset); $offset = $packet->rdlength; } else { $name = substr($packet->rdata, $offset, $xlen); $offset += $xlen; } return $name; } public function copy(Net_DNS2_Packet $packet) { $this->header = $packet->header; $this->question = $packet->question; $this->answer = $packet->answer; $this->authority = $packet->authority; $this->additional = $packet->additional; return true; } public function reset() { $this->header->id = $this->header->nextPacketId(); $this->rdata = ''; $this->rdlength = 0; $this->offset = 0; $this->answer = array(); $this->authority = array(); $this->additional = array(); $this->_compressed = array(); return true; } public static function formatIPv6($address) { return Net_DNS2::expandIPv6($address); } } ?>parseFile($file); } } public function parseFile($file) { // // if (extension_loaded('openssl') === false) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'the OpenSSL extension is required to use parse private key.', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_OPENSSL_UNAVAIL ); } // // if (is_readable($file) == false) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'invalid private key file: ' . $file, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_OPENSSL_INV_PKEY ); } // // $keyname = basename($file); if (strlen($keyname) == 0) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'failed to get basename() for: ' . $file, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_OPENSSL_INV_PKEY ); } // // if (preg_match("/K(.*)\.\+(\d{3})\+(\d*)\.private/", $keyname, $matches)) { $this->signname = $matches[1]; $this->algorithm = intval($matches[2]); $this->keytag = intval($matches[3]); } else { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'file ' . $keyname . ' does not look like a private key file!', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_OPENSSL_INV_PKEY ); } // // $data = file($file, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES|FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); if (count($data) == 0) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'file ' . $keyname . ' is empty!', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_OPENSSL_INV_PKEY ); } foreach ($data as $line) { list($key, $value) = explode(':', $line); $key = trim($key); $value = trim($value); switch(strtolower($key)) { case 'private-key-format': $this->_key_format = $value; break; case 'algorithm': if ($this->algorithm != $value) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'Algorithm mis-match! filename is ' . $this->algorithm . ', contents say ' . $value, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_OPENSSL_INV_ALGO ); } break; // // case 'modulus': $this->_modulus = $value; break; case 'publicexponent': $this->_public_exponent = $value; break; case 'privateexponent': $this->_private_exponent = $value; break; case 'prime1': $this->_prime1 = $value; break; case 'prime2': $this->_prime2 = $value; break; case 'exponent1': $this->_exponent1 = $value; break; case 'exponent2': $this->_exponent2 = $value; break; case 'coefficient': $this->_coefficient = $value; break; // // case 'prime(p)': $this->prime = $value; break; case 'subprime(q)': $this->subprime = $value; break; case 'base(g)': $this->base = $value; break; case 'private_value(x)': $this->private_value = $value; break; case 'public_value(y)': $this->public_value = $value; break; default: throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'unknown private key data: ' . $key . ': ' . $value, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_OPENSSL_INV_PKEY ); } } // // $args = array(); switch($this->algorithm) { // // case Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSAMD5: case Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA1: case Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA256: case Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA512: $args = array( 'rsa' => array( 'n' => base64_decode($this->_modulus), 'e' => base64_decode($this->_public_exponent), 'd' => base64_decode($this->_private_exponent), 'p' => base64_decode($this->_prime1), 'q' => base64_decode($this->_prime2), 'dmp1' => base64_decode($this->_exponent1), 'dmq1' => base64_decode($this->_exponent2), 'iqmp' => base64_decode($this->_coefficient) ) ); break; // // case Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_DSA: $args = array( 'dsa' => array( 'p' => base64_decode($this->prime), 'q' => base64_decode($this->subprime), 'g' => base64_decode($this->base), 'priv_key' => base64_decode($this->private_value), 'pub_key' => base64_decode($this->public_value) ) ); break; default: throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'we only currently support RSAMD5 and RSASHA1 encryption.', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_OPENSSL_INV_PKEY ); } // // $this->instance = openssl_pkey_new($args); if ($this->instance === false) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( openssl_error_string(), Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_OPENSSL_ERROR ); } // // $this->filename = $file; return true; } } ?>set($packet); } else { $this->qname = ''; $this->qtype = 'A'; $this->qclass = 'IN'; } } public function __toString() { return ";;\n;; Question:\n;;\t " . $this->qname . '. ' . $this->qtype . ' ' . $this->qclass . "\n"; } public function set(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { // // $this->qname = $packet->expand($packet, $packet->offset); if ($packet->rdlength < ($packet->offset + 4)) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'invalid question section: to small', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_QUESTION_INVALID ); } // // $type = ord($packet->rdata[$packet->offset++]) << 8 | ord($packet->rdata[$packet->offset++]); $class = ord($packet->rdata[$packet->offset++]) << 8 | ord($packet->rdata[$packet->offset++]); // // $type_name = Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_by_id[$type]; $class_name = Net_DNS2_Lookups::$classes_by_id[$class]; if ( (!isset($type_name)) || (!isset($class_name)) ) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'invalid question section: invalid type (' . $type . ') or class (' . $class . ') specified.', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_QUESTION_INVALID ); } // // $this->qtype = $type_name; $this->qclass = $class_name; return true; } public function get(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { // // $type = Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_by_name[$this->qtype]; $class = Net_DNS2_Lookups::$classes_by_name[$this->qclass]; if ( (!isset($type)) || (!isset($class)) ) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'invalid question section: invalid type (' . $this->qtype . ') or class (' . $this->qclass . ') specified.', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_QUESTION_INVALID ); } $data = $packet->compress($this->qname, $packet->offset); $data .= chr($type << 8) . chr($type) . chr($class << 8) . chr($class); $packet->offset += 4; return $data; } } ?>checkServers(Net_DNS2::RESOLV_CONF); // // if ($type == 'IXFR') { $type = 'AXFR'; } // // if ( (strpos($name, '.') === false) && ($type != 'PTR') ) { $name .= '.' . strtolower($this->domain); } // // $packet = new Net_DNS2_Packet_Request($name, $type, $class); // // if ( ($this->auth_signature instanceof Net_DNS2_RR_TSIG) || ($this->auth_signature instanceof Net_DNS2_RR_SIG) ) { $packet->additional[] = $this->auth_signature; $packet->header->arcount = count($packet->additional); } // // if ($this->dnssec == true) { // // $opt = new Net_DNS2_RR_OPT(); // // $opt->do = 1; $opt->class = $this->dnssec_payload_size; // // $packet->additional[] = $opt; $packet->header->arcount = count($packet->additional); } // // if ($this->dnssec_ad_flag == true) { $packet->header->ad = 1; } if ($this->dnssec_cd_flag == true) { $packet->header->cd = 1; } // // // $packet_hash = ''; if ( ($this->use_cache == true) && ($this->cacheable($type) == true) ) { // // $this->cache->open( $this->cache_file, $this->cache_size, $this->cache_serializer ); // // $packet_hash = md5( $packet->question[0]->qname . '|' . $packet->question[0]->qtype ); if ($this->cache->has($packet_hash)) { return $this->cache->get($packet_hash); } } // // if ($this->recurse == false) { $packet->header->rd = 0; } else { $packet->header->rd = 1; } // // // $response = $this->sendPacket( $packet, ($type == 'AXFR') ? true : $this->use_tcp ); // // // if ( ($this->strict_query_mode == true) && ($response->header->ancount > 0) ) { $found = false; // // foreach ($response->answer as $index => $object) { if ( (strcasecmp($object->name, $name) == 0) && ($object->type == $type) && ($object->class == $class) ) { $found = true; break; } } // // // if ($found == false) { $response->answer = array(); $response->header->ancount = 0; } } // // if ( ($this->use_cache == true) && ($this->cacheable($type) == true) ) { $this->cache->put($packet_hash, $response); } return $response; } public function iquery(Net_DNS2_RR $rr) { // // $this->checkServers(Net_DNS2::RESOLV_CONF); // // $packet = new Net_DNS2_Packet_Request($rr->name, 'A', 'IN'); // // $packet->question = array(); $packet->header->qdcount = 0; // // $packet->header->opcode = Net_DNS2_Lookups::OPCODE_IQUERY; // // $packet->answer[] = $rr; $packet->header->ancount = 1; // // if ( ($this->auth_signature instanceof Net_DNS2_RR_TSIG) || ($this->auth_signature instanceof Net_DNS2_RR_SIG) ) { $packet->additional[] = $this->auth_signature; $packet->header->arcount = count($packet->additional); } // // return $this->sendPacket($packet, $this->use_tcp); } } ?>set($packet, $rr) == false) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'failed to generate resource record', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_RR_INVALID ); } } else { $class = Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_class_to_id[get_class($this)]; if (isset($class)) { $this->type = Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_by_id[$class]; } $this->class = 'IN'; $this->ttl = 86400; } } public function __toString() { return $this->name . '. ' . $this->ttl . ' ' . $this->class . ' ' . $this->type . ' ' . $this->rrToString(); } protected function formatString($string) { return '"' . str_replace('"', '\"', trim($string, '"')) . '"'; } protected function buildString(array $chunks) { $data = array(); $c = 0; $in = false; foreach ($chunks as $r) { $r = trim($r); if (strlen($r) == 0) { continue; } if ( ($r[0] == '"') && ($r[strlen($r) - 1] == '"') && ($r[strlen($r) - 2] != '\\') ) { $data[$c] = $r; ++$c; $in = false; } else if ($r[0] == '"') { $data[$c] = $r; $in = true; } else if ( ($r[strlen($r) - 1] == '"') && ($r[strlen($r) - 2] != '\\') ) { $data[$c] .= ' ' . $r; ++$c; $in = false; } else { if ($in == true) { $data[$c] .= ' ' . $r; } else { $data[$c++] = $r; } } } foreach ($data as $index => $string) { $data[$index] = str_replace('\"', '"', trim($string, '"')); } return $data; } public function set(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet, array $rr) { $this->name = $rr['name']; $this->type = Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_by_id[$rr['type']]; // // if ($this->type == 'OPT') { $this->class = $rr['class']; } else { $this->class = Net_DNS2_Lookups::$classes_by_id[$rr['class']]; } $this->ttl = $rr['ttl']; $this->rdlength = $rr['rdlength']; $this->rdata = substr($packet->rdata, $packet->offset, $rr['rdlength']); return $this->rrSet($packet); } public function get(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { $data = ''; $rdata = ''; // // $data = $packet->compress($this->name, $packet->offset); // // if ($this->type == 'OPT') { // // $this->preBuild(); // // $data .= pack( 'nnN', Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_by_name[$this->type], $this->class, $this->ttl ); } else { $data .= pack( 'nnN', Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_by_name[$this->type], Net_DNS2_Lookups::$classes_by_name[$this->class], $this->ttl ); } // // $packet->offset += 10; // // if ($this->rdlength != -1) { $rdata = $this->rrGet($packet); } // // $data .= pack('n', strlen($rdata)) . $rdata; return $data; } public static function parse(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { $object = array(); // // $object['name'] = $packet->expand($packet, $packet->offset); if (is_null($object['name'])) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'failed to parse resource record: failed to expand name.', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_PARSE_ERROR ); } if ($packet->rdlength < ($packet->offset + 10)) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'failed to parse resource record: packet too small.', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_PARSE_ERROR ); } // // $object['type'] = ord($packet->rdata[$packet->offset++]) << 8 | ord($packet->rdata[$packet->offset++]); $object['class'] = ord($packet->rdata[$packet->offset++]) << 8 | ord($packet->rdata[$packet->offset++]); $object['ttl'] = ord($packet->rdata[$packet->offset++]) << 24 | ord($packet->rdata[$packet->offset++]) << 16 | ord($packet->rdata[$packet->offset++]) << 8 | ord($packet->rdata[$packet->offset++]); $object['rdlength'] = ord($packet->rdata[$packet->offset++]) << 8 | ord($packet->rdata[$packet->offset++]); if ($packet->rdlength < ($packet->offset + $object['rdlength'])) { return null; } // // $o = null; $class = Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_id_to_class[$object['type']]; if (isset($class)) { $o = new $class($packet, $object); if ($o) { $packet->offset += $object['rdlength']; } } else { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'un-implemented resource record type: ' . $object['type'], Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_RR_INVALID ); } return $o; } public function cleanString($data) { return strtolower(rtrim($data, '.')); } public static function fromString($line) { if (strlen($line) == 0) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'empty config line provided.', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_PARSE_ERROR ); } $name = ''; $type = ''; $class = 'IN'; $ttl = 86400; // // $values = preg_split('/[\s]+/', $line); if (count($values) < 3) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'failed to parse config: minimum of name, type and rdata required.', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_PARSE_ERROR ); } // // $name = trim(strtolower(array_shift($values)), '.'); // // foreach ($values as $value) { switch($value) { case is_numeric($value): $ttl = array_shift($values); break; // // case ($value === 0): $ttl = array_shift($values); break; case isset(Net_DNS2_Lookups::$classes_by_name[strtoupper($value)]): $class = strtoupper(array_shift($values)); break; case isset(Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_by_name[strtoupper($value)]): $type = strtoupper(array_shift($values)); break 2; break; default: throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'invalid config line provided: unknown file: ' . $value, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_PARSE_ERROR ); } } // // $o = null; $class_name = Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_id_to_class[ Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_by_name[$type] ]; if (isset($class_name)) { $o = new $class_name; if (!is_null($o)) { // // $o->name = $name; $o->class = $class; $o->ttl = $ttl; // // if ($o->rrFromString($values) === false) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'failed to parse rdata for config: ' . $line, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_PARSE_ERROR ); } } else { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'failed to create new RR record for type: ' . $type, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_RR_INVALID ); } } else { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'un-implemented resource record type: '. $type, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_RR_INVALID ); } return $o; } } ?>type = $type; $this->host = $host; $this->port = $port; $this->timeout = $timeout; } public function __destruct() { $this->close(); } public function bindAddress($address, $port = 0) { $this->local_host = $address; $this->local_port = $port; return true; } abstract public function open(); abstract public function close(); abstract public function write($data); abstract public function read(&$size, $max_size); } ?>_packet = new Net_DNS2_Packet_Request( strtolower(trim($zone, " \n\r\t.")), 'SOA', 'IN' ); // // $this->_packet->header->opcode = Net_DNS2_Lookups::OPCODE_UPDATE; } private function _checkName($name) { if (!preg_match('/' . $this->_packet->question[0]->qname . '$/', $name)) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'name provided (' . $name . ') does not match zone name (' . $this->_packet->question[0]->qname . ')', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_PACKET_INVALID ); } return true; } public function signature($keyname, $signature) { return $this->signTSIG($keyname, $signature); } public function add(Net_DNS2_RR $rr) { $this->_checkName($rr->name); // // if (!in_array($rr, $this->_packet->authority)) { $this->_packet->authority[] = $rr; } return true; } public function delete(Net_DNS2_RR $rr) { $this->_checkName($rr->name); $rr->ttl = 0; $rr->class = 'NONE'; // // if (!in_array($rr, $this->_packet->authority)) { $this->_packet->authority[] = $rr; } return true; } public function deleteAny($name, $type) { $this->_checkName($name); $class = Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_id_to_class[ Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_by_name[$type] ]; if (!isset($class)) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'unknown or un-supported resource record type: ' . $type, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_RR_INVALID ); } $rr = new $class; $rr->name = $name; $rr->ttl = 0; $rr->class = 'ANY'; $rr->rdlength = -1; $rr->rdata = ''; // // if (!in_array($rr, $this->_packet->authority)) { $this->_packet->authority[] = $rr; } return true; } public function deleteAll($name) { $this->_checkName($name); // // $rr = new Net_DNS2_RR_ANY; $rr->name = $name; $rr->ttl = 0; $rr->type = 'ANY'; $rr->class = 'ANY'; $rr->rdlength = -1; $rr->rdata = ''; // // if (!in_array($rr, $this->_packet->authority)) { $this->_packet->authority[] = $rr; } return true; } public function checkExists($name, $type) { $this->_checkName($name); $class = Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_id_to_class[ Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_by_name[$type] ]; if (!isset($class)) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'unknown or un-supported resource record type: ' . $type, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_RR_INVALID ); } $rr = new $class; $rr->name = $name; $rr->ttl = 0; $rr->class = 'ANY'; $rr->rdlength = -1; $rr->rdata = ''; // // if (!in_array($rr, $this->_packet->answer)) { $this->_packet->answer[] = $rr; } return true; } public function checkValueExists(Net_DNS2_RR $rr) { $this->_checkName($rr->name); $rr->ttl = 0; // // if (!in_array($rr, $this->_packet->answer)) { $this->_packet->answer[] = $rr; } return true; } public function checkNotExists($name, $type) { $this->_checkName($name); $class = Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_id_to_class[ Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_by_name[$type] ]; if (!isset($class)) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'unknown or un-supported resource record type: ' . $type, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_RR_INVALID ); } $rr = new $class; $rr->name = $name; $rr->ttl = 0; $rr->class = 'NONE'; $rr->rdlength = -1; $rr->rdata = ''; // // if (!in_array($rr, $this->_packet->answer)) { $this->_packet->answer[] = $rr; } return true; } public function checkNameInUse($name) { $this->_checkName($name); // // $rr = new Net_DNS2_RR_ANY; $rr->name = $name; $rr->ttl = 0; $rr->type = 'ANY'; $rr->class = 'ANY'; $rr->rdlength = -1; $rr->rdata = ''; // // if (!in_array($rr, $this->_packet->answer)) { $this->_packet->answer[] = $rr; } return true; } public function checkNameNotInUse($name) { $this->_checkName($name); // // $rr = new Net_DNS2_RR_ANY; $rr->name = $name; $rr->ttl = 0; $rr->type = 'ANY'; $rr->class = 'NONE'; $rr->rdlength = -1; $rr->rdata = ''; // // if (!in_array($rr, $this->_packet->answer)) { $this->_packet->answer[] = $rr; } return true; } public function packet() { // // $p = $this->_packet; // // if ( ($this->auth_signature instanceof Net_DNS2_RR_TSIG) || ($this->auth_signature instanceof Net_DNS2_RR_SIG) ) { $p->additional[] = $this->auth_signature; } // // $p->header->qdcount = count($p->question); $p->header->ancount = count($p->answer); $p->header->nscount = count($p->authority); $p->header->arcount = count($p->additional); return $p; } public function update(&$response = null) { // // $this->checkServers(Net_DNS2::RESOLV_CONF); // // if ( ($this->auth_signature instanceof Net_DNS2_RR_TSIG) || ($this->auth_signature instanceof Net_DNS2_RR_SIG) ) { $this->_packet->additional[] = $this->auth_signature; } // // $this->_packet->header->qdcount = count($this->_packet->question); $this->_packet->header->ancount = count($this->_packet->answer); $this->_packet->header->nscount = count($this->_packet->authority); $this->_packet->header->arcount = count($this->_packet->additional); // // if ( ($this->_packet->header->qdcount == 0) || ($this->_packet->header->nscount == 0) ) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'empty headers- nothing to send!', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_PACKET_INVALID ); } // // $response = $this->sendPacket($this->_packet, $this->use_tcp); // // $this->_packet->reset(); // // return true; } } ?>cache_size = $size; $this->cache_file = $cache_file; $this->cache_serializer = $serializer; // // if ( (file_exists($this->cache_file) == true) && (filesize($this->cache_file) > 0) ) { // // $fp = @fopen($this->cache_file, 'r'); if ($fp !== false) { // // flock($fp, LOCK_EX); // // $data = fread($fp, filesize($this->cache_file)); $decoded = null; if ($this->cache_serializer == 'json') { $decoded = json_decode($data, true); } else { $decoded = unserialize($data); } if (is_array($decoded) == true) { $this->cache_data = $decoded; } else { $this->cache_data = array(); } // // flock($fp, LOCK_UN); // // fclose($fp); // // $this->clean(); } } } public function __destruct() { // // if (strlen($this->cache_file) == 0) { return; } // // $fp = fopen($this->cache_file, 'a+'); if ($fp !== false) { // // flock($fp, LOCK_EX); // // fseek($fp, 0, SEEK_SET); // // $data = @fread($fp, filesize($this->cache_file)); if ( ($data !== false) && (strlen($data) > 0) ) { // // $c = $this->cache_data; $decoded = null; if ($this->cache_serializer == 'json') { $decoded = json_decode($data, true); } else { $decoded = unserialize($data); } if (is_array($decoded) == true) { $this->cache_data = array_merge($c, $decoded); } } // // ftruncate($fp, 0); // // $this->clean(); // // $data = $this->resize(); if (!is_null($data)) { // // fwrite($fp, $data); } // // flock($fp, LOCK_UN); // // fclose($fp); } } } ?>cache_size = $size; $this->cache_file = $cache_file; $this->cache_serializer = $serializer; // // if (!file_exists($cache_file)) { if (file_put_contents($cache_file, '') === false) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'failed to create empty SHM file: ' . $cache_file, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_CACHE_SHM_FILE ); } } // // $this->_cache_file_tok = ftok($cache_file, 't'); if ($this->_cache_file_tok == -1) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'failed on ftok() file: ' . $this->_cache_file_tok, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_CACHE_SHM_FILE ); } // // $this->_cache_id = @shmop_open($this->_cache_file_tok, 'w', 0, 0); if ($this->_cache_id !== false) { // // $allocated = shmop_size($this->_cache_id); if ($allocated > 0) { // // $data = trim(shmop_read($this->_cache_id, 0, $allocated)); if ( ($data !== false) && (strlen($data) > 0) ) { // // $decoded = null; if ($this->cache_serializer == 'json') { $decoded = json_decode($data, true); } else { $decoded = unserialize($data); } if (is_array($decoded) == true) { $this->cache_data = $decoded; } else { $this->cache_data = array(); } // // $this->clean(); } } } } public function __destruct() { // // if (strlen($this->cache_file) == 0) { return; } $fp = fopen($this->cache_file, 'r'); if ($fp !== false) { // // flock($fp, LOCK_EX); // // if ($this->_cache_id === false) { // // $this->_cache_id = @shmop_open( $this->_cache_file_tok, 'w', 0, 0 ); if ($this->_cache_id === false) { // // $this->_cache_id = @shmop_open( $this->_cache_file_tok, 'c', 0, $this->cache_size ); } } // // $allocated = shmop_size($this->_cache_id); // // $data = trim(shmop_read($this->_cache_id, 0, $allocated)); // // if ( ($data !== false) && (strlen($data) > 0) ) { // // $c = $this->cache_data; $decoded = null; if ($this->cache_serializer == 'json') { $decoded = json_decode($data, true); } else { $decoded = unserialize($data); } if (is_array($decoded) == true) { $this->cache_data = array_merge($c, $decoded); } } // // shmop_delete($this->_cache_id); // // $this->clean(); // // $data = $this->resize(); if (!is_null($data)) { // // $this->_cache_id = @shmop_open( $this->_cache_file_tok, 'c', 0644, $this->cache_size ); if ($this->_cache_id === false) { return; } $o = shmop_write($this->_cache_id, $data, 0); } // // shmop_close($this->_cache_id); // // flock($fp, LOCK_UN); // // fclose($fp); } } } ?>set($name, $type, $class); } public function set($name, $type = 'A', $class = 'IN') { // // $this->header = new Net_DNS2_Header; // // $q = new Net_DNS2_Question(); // // if ($name != '.') { $name = trim(strtolower($name), " \t\n\r\0\x0B."); } $type = strtoupper(trim($type)); $class = strtoupper(trim($class)); // // if (empty($name)) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'empty query string provided', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_PACKET_INVALID ); } // // if ($type == '*') { $type = 'ANY'; } // // if ( (!isset(Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_by_name[$type])) || (!isset(Net_DNS2_Lookups::$classes_by_name[$class])) ) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'invalid type (' . $type . ') or class (' . $class . ') specified.', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_PACKET_INVALID ); } if ($type == 'PTR') { // // // if (Net_DNS2::isIPv4($name) == true) { // // $name = implode('.', array_reverse(explode('.', $name))); $name .= ''; } else if (Net_DNS2::isIPv6($name) == true) { // // $e = Net_DNS2::expandIPv6($name); if ($e !== false) { $name = implode( '.', array_reverse(str_split(str_replace(':', '', $e))) ); $name .= ''; } else { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'unsupported PTR value: ' . $name, Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_PACKET_INVALID ); } } } // // $q->qname = $name; $q->qtype = $type; $q->qclass = $class; $this->question[] = $q; // // $this->answer = array(); $this->authority = array(); $this->additional = array(); return true; } } ?>set($data, $size); } public function set($data, $size) { // // $this->rdata = $data; $this->rdlength = $size; // // // $this->header = new Net_DNS2_Header($this); // // // if ($this->header->tc == 1) { return false; } // // for ($x = 0; $x < $this->header->qdcount; ++$x) { $this->question[$x] = new Net_DNS2_Question($this); } // // for ($x = 0; $x < $this->header->ancount; ++$x) { $o = Net_DNS2_RR::parse($this); if (!is_null($o)) { $this->answer[] = $o; } } // // for ($x = 0; $x < $this->header->nscount; ++$x) { $o = Net_DNS2_RR::parse($this); if (!is_null($o)) { $this->authority[] = $o; } } // // for ($x = 0; $x < $this->header->arcount; ++$x) { $o = Net_DNS2_RR::parse($this); if (!is_null($o)) { $this->additional[] = $o; } } return true; } } ?>address; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $value = array_shift($rdata); if (Net_DNS2::isIPv4($value) == true) { $this->address = $value; return true; } return false; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { $this->address = inet_ntop($this->rdata); if ($this->address !== false) { return true; } } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { $packet->offset += 4; return inet_pton($this->address); } } ?>address; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { // // $value = array_shift($rdata); if (Net_DNS2::isIPv6($value) == true) { $this->address = $value; return true; } return false; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { // // if ($this->rdlength == 16) { // // $x = unpack('n8', $this->rdata); if (count($x) == 8) { $this->address = vsprintf('%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x', $x); return true; } } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { $packet->offset += 16; return inet_pton($this->address); } } ?>subtype . ' ' . $this->cleanString($this->hostname) . '.'; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->subtype = array_shift($rdata); $this->hostname = $this->cleanString(array_shift($rdata)); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('nsubtype', $this->rdata); $this->subtype = $x['subtype']; $offset = $packet->offset + 2; $this->hostname = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $offset); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->hostname) > 0) { $data = pack('n', $this->subtype); $packet->offset += 2; $data .= $packet->compress($this->hostname, $packet->offset); return $data; } return null; } } ?>apl_items as $item) { if ($item['n'] == 1) { $out .= '!'; } $out .= $item['address_family'] . ':' . $item['afd_part'] . '/' . $item['prefix'] . ' '; } return trim($out); } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { foreach ($rdata as $item) { if (preg_match('/^(!?)([1|2])\:([^\/]*)\/([0-9]{1,3})$/', $item, $m)) { $i = array( 'address_family' => $m[2], 'prefix' => $m[4], 'n' => ($m[1] == '!') ? 1 : 0, 'afd_part' => strtolower($m[3]) ); $address = $this->_trimZeros( $i['address_family'], $i['afd_part'] ); $i['afd_length'] = count(explode('.', $address)); $this->apl_items[] = $i; } } return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { $offset = 0; while ($offset < $this->rdlength) { // // $x = unpack( 'naddress_family/Cprefix/Cextra', substr($this->rdata, $offset) ); $item = array( 'address_family' => $x['address_family'], 'prefix' => $x['prefix'], 'n' => ($x['extra'] >> 7) & 0x1, 'afd_length' => $x['extra'] & 0xf ); switch($item['address_family']) { case 1: $r = unpack( 'C*', substr($this->rdata, $offset + 4, $item['afd_length']) ); if (count($r) < 4) { for ($c=count($r)+1; $c<4+1; $c++) { $r[$c] = 0; } } $item['afd_part'] = implode('.', $r); break; case 2: $r = unpack( 'C*', substr($this->rdata, $offset + 4, $item['afd_length']) ); if (count($r) < 8) { for ($c=count($r)+1; $c<8+1; $c++) { $r[$c] = 0; } } $item['afd_part'] = sprintf( '%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x', $r[1], $r[2], $r[3], $r[4], $r[5], $r[6], $r[7], $r[8] ); break; default: return false; } $this->apl_items[] = $item; $offset += 4 + $item['afd_length']; } return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (count($this->apl_items) > 0) { $data = ''; foreach ($this->apl_items as $item) { // // $data .= pack( 'nCC', $item['address_family'], $item['prefix'], ($item['n'] << 7) | $item['afd_length'] ); switch($item['address_family']) { case 1: $address = explode( '.', $this->_trimZeros($item['address_family'], $item['afd_part']) ); foreach ($address as $b) { $data .= chr($b); } break; case 2: $address = explode( ':', $this->_trimZeros($item['address_family'], $item['afd_part']) ); foreach ($address as $b) { $data .= pack('H', $b); } break; default: return null; } } $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } return null; } private function _trimZeros($family, $address) { $a = array(); switch($family) { case 1: $a = array_reverse(explode('.', $address)); break; case 2: $a = array_reverse(explode(':', $address)); break; default: return ''; } foreach ($a as $value) { if ($value === '0') { array_shift($a); } } $out = ''; switch($family) { case 1: $out = implode('.', array_reverse($a)); break; case 2: $out = implode(':', array_reverse($a)); break; default: return ''; } return $out; } } ?>address; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $value = array_shift($rdata); if (ctype_xdigit($value) == true) { $this->format = 0; $this->address = $value; } else if (is_numeric($value) == true) { $this->format = 1; $this->address = $value; } else { return false; } return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('Cformat/N*address', $this->rdata); $this->format = $x['format']; if ($this->format == 0) { $a = unpack('@1/H*address', $this->rdata); $this->address = $a['address']; } else if ($this->format == 1) { $this->address = substr($this->rdata, 1, $this->rdlength - 1); } else { return false; } return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { $data = chr($this->format); if ($this->format == 0) { $data .= pack('H*', $this->address); } else if ($this->format == 1) { $data .= $this->address; } else { return null; } $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } } ?>flags . ' ' . $this->tag . ' "' . trim($this->cleanString($this->value), '"') . '"'; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->flags = array_shift($rdata); $this->tag = array_shift($rdata); $this->value = trim($this->cleanString(implode($rdata, ' ')), '"'); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('Cflags/Ctag_length', $this->rdata); $this->flags = $x['flags']; $offset = 2; $this->tag = substr($this->rdata, $offset, $x['tag_length']); $offset += $x['tag_length']; $this->value = substr($this->rdata, $offset); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->value) > 0) { $data = chr($this->flags); $data .= chr(strlen($this->tag)) . $this->tag . $this->value; $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } return null; } } ?> 'Reserved', self::CERT_FORMAT_PKIX => 'PKIX', self::CERT_FORMAT_SPKI => 'SPKI', self::CERT_FORMAT_PGP => 'PGP', self::CERT_FORMAT_IPKIX => 'IPKIX', self::CERT_FORMAT_ISPKI => 'ISPKI', self::CERT_FORMAT_IPGP => 'IPGP', self::CERT_FORMAT_ACPKIX => 'ACPKIX', self::CERT_FORMAT_IACPKIX => 'IACPKIX', self::CERT_FORMAT_URI => 'URI', self::CERT_FORMAT_OID => 'OID' ); public $format; public $keytag; public $algorithm; public $certificate; public function __construct(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet = null, array $rr = null) { parent::__construct($packet, $rr); // // $this->cert_format_name_to_id = array_flip($this->cert_format_id_to_name); } protected function rrToString() { return $this->format . ' ' . $this->keytag . ' ' . $this->algorithm . ' ' . base64_encode($this->certificate); } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { // // $this->format = array_shift($rdata); if (!is_numeric($this->format)) { $mnemonic = strtoupper(trim($this->format)); if (!isset($this->cert_format_name_to_id[$mnemonic])) { return false; } $this->format = $this->cert_format_name_to_id[$mnemonic]; } else { if (!isset($this->cert_format_id_to_name[$this->format])) { return false; } } $this->keytag = array_shift($rdata); // // $this->algorithm = array_shift($rdata); if (!is_numeric($this->algorithm)) { $mnemonic = strtoupper(trim($this->algorithm)); if (!isset(Net_DNS2_Lookups::$algorithm_name_to_id[$mnemonic])) { return false; } $this->algorithm = Net_DNS2_Lookups::$algorithm_name_to_id[ $mnemonic ]; } else { if (!isset(Net_DNS2_Lookups::$algorithm_id_to_name[$this->algorithm])) { return false; } } // // // $this->certificate = base64_decode(implode(' ', $rdata)); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('nformat/nkeytag/Calgorithm', $this->rdata); $this->format = $x['format']; $this->keytag = $x['keytag']; $this->algorithm = $x['algorithm']; // // $this->certificate = substr($this->rdata, 5, $this->rdlength - 5); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->certificate) > 0) { $data = pack('nnC', $this->format, $this->keytag, $this->algorithm) . $this->certificate; $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } return null; } } ?>cleanString($this->cname) . '.'; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->cname = $this->cleanString(array_shift($rdata)); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { $offset = $packet->offset; $this->cname = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $offset); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->cname) > 0) { return $packet->compress($this->cname, $packet->offset); } return null; } } ?>serial . ' ' . $this->flags; // // foreach ($this->type_bit_maps as $rr) { $out .= ' ' . strtoupper($rr); } return $out; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->serial = array_shift($rdata); $this->flags = array_shift($rdata); $this->type_bit_maps = $rdata; return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('@' . $packet->offset . '/Nserial/nflags', $packet->rdata); $this->serial = Net_DNS2::expandUint32($x['serial']); $this->flags = $x['flags']; // // $this->type_bit_maps = Net_DNS2_BitMap::bitMapToArray( substr($this->rdata, 6) ); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { // // $data = pack('Nn', $this->serial, $this->flags); // // $data .= Net_DNS2_BitMap::arrayToBitMap($this->type_bit_maps); // // $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } } ?>id_type, $this->digest_type); $out .= base64_decode($this->digest); return base64_encode($out); } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $data = base64_decode(array_shift($rdata)); if (strlen($data) > 0) { // // $x = unpack('nid_type/Cdigest_type', $data); $this->id_type = $x['id_type']; $this->digest_type = $x['digest_type']; // // $this->digest = base64_encode(substr($data, 3, strlen($data) - 3)); return true; } return false; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('nid_type/Cdigest_type', $this->rdata); $this->id_type = $x['id_type']; $this->digest_type = $x['digest_type']; // // $this->digest = base64_encode( substr($this->rdata, 3, $this->rdlength - 3) ); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->digest) > 0) { $data = pack('nC', $this->id_type, $this->digest_type) . base64_decode($this->digest); $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } return null; } } ?>cleanString($this->dname) . '.'; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->dname = $this->cleanString(array_shift($rdata)); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { $offset = $packet->offset; $this->dname = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $offset); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->dname) > 0) { return $packet->compress($this->dname, $packet->offset); } return null; } } ?>flags . ' ' . $this->protocol . ' ' . $this->algorithm . ' ' . $this->key; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->flags = array_shift($rdata); $this->protocol = array_shift($rdata); $this->algorithm = array_shift($rdata); $this->key = implode(' ', $rdata); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('nflags/Cprotocol/Calgorithm', $this->rdata); // // // $this->flags = $x['flags']; $this->protocol = $x['protocol']; $this->algorithm = $x['algorithm']; $this->key = base64_encode(substr($this->rdata, 4)); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->key) > 0) { $data = pack('nCC', $this->flags, $this->protocol, $this->algorithm); $data .= base64_decode($this->key); $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } return null; } } ?>keytag . ' ' . $this->algorithm . ' ' . $this->digesttype . ' ' . $this->digest; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->keytag = array_shift($rdata); $this->algorithm = array_shift($rdata); $this->digesttype = array_shift($rdata); $this->digest = implode('', $rdata); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('nkeytag/Calgorithm/Cdigesttype', $this->rdata); $this->keytag = $x['keytag']; $this->algorithm = $x['algorithm']; $this->digesttype = $x['digesttype']; // // $digest_size = 0; if ($this->digesttype == 1) { $digest_size = 20; } else if ($this->digesttype == 2) { $digest_size = 32; } // // $x = unpack('H*', substr($this->rdata, 4, $digest_size)); $this->digest = $x[1]; return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->digest) > 0) { $data = pack( 'nCCH*', $this->keytag, $this->algorithm, $this->digesttype, $this->digest ); $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } return null; } } ?>rdata; } } ?>address; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $value = array_shift($rdata); // // $a = explode('-', $value); if (count($a) != 6) { return false; } // // foreach ($a as $i) { if (ctype_xdigit($i) == false) { return false; } } // // $this->address = strtolower($value); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { $x = unpack('C6', $this->rdata); if (count($x) == 6) { $this->address = vsprintf('%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x', $x); return true; } } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { $data = ''; $a = explode('-', $this->address); foreach ($a as $b) { $data .= chr(hexdec($b)); } $packet->offset += 6; return $data; } } ?>address; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $value = array_shift($rdata); // // $a = explode('-', $value); if (count($a) != 8) { return false; } // // foreach ($a as $i) { if (ctype_xdigit($i) == false) { return false; } } // // $this->address = strtolower($value); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { $x = unpack('C8', $this->rdata); if (count($x) == 8) { $this->address = vsprintf( '%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x', $x ); return true; } } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { $data = ''; $a = explode('-', $this->address); foreach ($a as $b) { $data .= chr(hexdec($b)); } $packet->offset += 8; return $data; } } ?>formatString($this->cpu) . ' ' . $this->formatString($this->os); } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $data = $this->buildString($rdata); if (count($data) == 2) { $this->cpu = $data[0]; $this->os = $data[1]; return true; } return false; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { $offset = $packet->offset; $this->cpu = trim(Net_DNS2_Packet::label($packet, $offset), '"'); $this->os = trim(Net_DNS2_Packet::label($packet, $offset), '"'); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->cpu) > 0) { $data = chr(strlen($this->cpu)) . $this->cpu; $data .= chr(strlen($this->os)) . $this->os; $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } return null; } } ?>pk_algorithm . ' ' . $this->hit . ' ' . $this->public_key . ' '; foreach ($this->rendezvous_servers as $index => $server) { $out .= $server . '. '; } return trim($out); } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->pk_algorithm = array_shift($rdata); $this->hit = strtoupper(array_shift($rdata)); $this->public_key = array_shift($rdata); // // if (count($rdata) > 0) { $this->rendezvous_servers = preg_replace('/\.$/', '', $rdata); } // // $this->hit_length = strlen(pack('H*', $this->hit)); $this->pk_length = strlen(base64_decode($this->public_key)); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('Chit_length/Cpk_algorithm/npk_length', $this->rdata); $this->hit_length = $x['hit_length']; $this->pk_algorithm = $x['pk_algorithm']; $this->pk_length = $x['pk_length']; $offset = 4; // // $hit = unpack('H*', substr($this->rdata, $offset, $this->hit_length)); $this->hit = strtoupper($hit[1]); $offset += $this->hit_length; // // $this->public_key = base64_encode( substr($this->rdata, $offset, $this->pk_length) ); $offset += $this->pk_length; // // $offset = $packet->offset + $offset; while ( ($offset - $packet->offset) < $this->rdlength) { $this->rendezvous_servers[] = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand( $packet, $offset ); } return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ( (strlen($this->hit) > 0) && (strlen($this->public_key) > 0) ) { // // $data = pack( 'CCnH*', $this->hit_length, $this->pk_algorithm, $this->pk_length, $this->hit ); // // $data .= base64_decode($this->public_key); // // $packet->offset += strlen($data); // // foreach ($this->rendezvous_servers as $index => $server) { $data .= $packet->compress($server, $packet->offset); } return $data; } return null; } } ?>precedence . ' ' . $this->gateway_type . ' ' . $this->algorithm . ' '; switch($this->gateway_type) { case self::GATEWAY_TYPE_NONE: $out .= '. '; break; case self::GATEWAY_TYPE_IPV4: case self::GATEWAY_TYPE_IPV6: $out .= $this->gateway . ' '; break; case self::GATEWAY_TYPE_DOMAIN: $out .= $this->gateway . '. '; break; } $out .= $this->key; return $out; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { // // $precedence = array_shift($rdata); $gateway_type = array_shift($rdata); $algorithm = array_shift($rdata); $gateway = strtolower(trim(array_shift($rdata))); $key = array_shift($rdata); // // switch($gateway_type) { case self::GATEWAY_TYPE_NONE: $gateway = ''; break; case self::GATEWAY_TYPE_IPV4: if (Net_DNS2::isIPv4($gateway) == false) { return false; } break; case self::GATEWAY_TYPE_IPV6: if (Net_DNS2::isIPv6($gateway) == false) { return false; } break; case self::GATEWAY_TYPE_DOMAIN: break; default: return false; } // // switch($algorithm) { case self::ALGORITHM_NONE: $key = ''; break; case self::ALGORITHM_DSA: case self::ALGORITHM_RSA: break; default: return false; } // // $this->precedence = $precedence; $this->gateway_type = $gateway_type; $this->algorithm = $algorithm; $this->gateway = $gateway; $this->key = $key; return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('Cprecedence/Cgateway_type/Calgorithm', $this->rdata); $this->precedence = $x['precedence']; $this->gateway_type = $x['gateway_type']; $this->algorithm = $x['algorithm']; $offset = 3; // // switch($this->gateway_type) { case self::GATEWAY_TYPE_NONE: $this->gateway = ''; break; case self::GATEWAY_TYPE_IPV4: $this->gateway = inet_ntop(substr($this->rdata, $offset, 4)); $offset += 4; break; case self::GATEWAY_TYPE_IPV6: $ip = unpack('n8', substr($this->rdata, $offset, 16)); if (count($ip) == 8) { $this->gateway = vsprintf('%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x', $ip); $offset += 16; } else { return false; } break; case self::GATEWAY_TYPE_DOMAIN: $doffset = $offset + $packet->offset; $this->gateway = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $doffset); $offset = ($doffset - $packet->offset); break; default: return false; } // // switch($this->algorithm) { case self::ALGORITHM_NONE: $this->key = ''; break; case self::ALGORITHM_DSA: case self::ALGORITHM_RSA: $this->key = base64_encode(substr($this->rdata, $offset)); break; default: return false; } return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { // // $data = pack( 'CCC', $this->precedence, $this->gateway_type, $this->algorithm ); // // switch($this->gateway_type) { case self::GATEWAY_TYPE_NONE: break; case self::GATEWAY_TYPE_IPV4: case self::GATEWAY_TYPE_IPV6: $data .= inet_pton($this->gateway); break; case self::GATEWAY_TYPE_DOMAIN: $data .= chr(strlen($this->gateway)) . $this->gateway; break; default: return null; } // // switch($this->algorithm) { case self::ALGORITHM_NONE: break; case self::ALGORITHM_DSA: case self::ALGORITHM_RSA: $data .= base64_decode($this->key); break; default: return null; } $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } } ?>formatString($this->isdnaddress) . ' ' . $this->formatString($this->sa); } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $data = $this->buildString($rdata); if (count($data) >= 1) { $this->isdnaddress = $data[0]; if (isset($data[1])) { $this->sa = $data[1]; } return true; } return false; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { $this->isdnaddress = Net_DNS2_Packet::label($packet, $packet->offset); // // if ( (strlen($this->isdnaddress) + 1) < $this->rdlength) { $this->sa = Net_DNS2_Packet::label($packet, $packet->offset); } else { $this->sa = ''; } return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->isdnaddress) > 0) { $data = chr(strlen($this->isdnaddress)) . $this->isdnaddress; if (!empty($this->sa)) { $data .= chr(strlen($this->sa)); $data .= $this->sa; } $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } return null; } } ?>preference . ' ' . $this->cleanString($this->exchange) . '.'; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->preference = array_shift($rdata); $this->exchange = $this->cleanString(array_shift($rdata)); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('npreference', $this->rdata); $this->preference = $x['preference']; // // $offset = $packet->offset + 2; $this->exchange = Net_DNS2_Packet::label($packet, $offset); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->exchange) > 0) { $data = pack('nC', $this->preference, strlen($this->exchange)) . $this->exchange; $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } return null; } } ?>preference . ' ' . $this->locator32; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->preference = array_shift($rdata); $this->locator32 = array_shift($rdata); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('npreference/C4locator', $this->rdata); $this->preference = $x['preference']; // // $this->locator32 = $x['locator1'] . '.' . $x['locator2'] . '.' . $x['locator3'] . '.' . $x['locator4']; return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->locator32) > 0) { // // $n = explode('.', $this->locator32); // // return pack('nC4', $this->preference, $n[0], $n[1], $n[2], $n[3]); } return null; } } ?>preference . ' ' . $this->locator64; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->preference = array_shift($rdata); $this->locator64 = array_shift($rdata); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('npreference/n4locator', $this->rdata); $this->preference = $x['preference']; // // $this->locator64 = dechex($x['locator1']) . ':' . dechex($x['locator2']) . ':' . dechex($x['locator3']) . ':' . dechex($x['locator4']); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->locator64) > 0) { // // $n = explode(':', $this->locator64); // // return pack( 'n5', $this->preference, hexdec($n[0]), hexdec($n[1]), hexdec($n[2]), hexdec($n[3]) ); } return null; } } ?>version == 0) { return $this->_d2Dms($this->latitude, 'LAT') . ' ' . $this->_d2Dms($this->longitude, 'LNG') . ' ' . sprintf('%.2fm', $this->altitude) . ' ' . sprintf('%.2fm', $this->size) . ' ' . sprintf('%.2fm', $this->horiz_pre) . ' ' . sprintf('%.2fm', $this->vert_pre); } return ''; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { // // // $res = preg_match( '/^(\d+) \s+((\d+) \s+)?(([\d.]+) \s+)?(N|S) \s+(\d+) ' . '\s+((\d+) \s+)?(([\d.]+) \s+)?(E|W) \s+(-?[\d.]+) m?(\s+ ' . '([\d.]+) m?)?(\s+ ([\d.]+) m?)?(\s+ ([\d.]+) m?)?/ix', implode(' ', $rdata), $x ); if ($res) { // // $latdeg = $x[1]; $latmin = (isset($x[3])) ? $x[3] : 0; $latsec = (isset($x[5])) ? $x[5] : 0; $lathem = strtoupper($x[6]); $this->latitude = $this->_dms2d($latdeg, $latmin, $latsec, $lathem); // // $londeg = $x[7]; $lonmin = (isset($x[9])) ? $x[9] : 0; $lonsec = (isset($x[11])) ? $x[11] : 0; $lonhem = strtoupper($x[12]); $this->longitude = $this->_dms2d($londeg, $lonmin, $lonsec, $lonhem); // // $version = 0; $this->size = (isset($x[15])) ? $x[15] : 1; $this->horiz_pre = ((isset($x[17])) ? $x[17] : 10000); $this->vert_pre = ((isset($x[19])) ? $x[19] : 10); $this->altitude = $x[13]; return true; } return false; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack( 'Cver/Csize/Choriz_pre/Cvert_pre/Nlatitude/Nlongitude/Naltitude', $this->rdata ); // // $this->version = $x['ver']; if ($this->version == 0) { $this->size = $this->_precsizeNtoA($x['size']); $this->horiz_pre = $this->_precsizeNtoA($x['horiz_pre']); $this->vert_pre = $this->_precsizeNtoA($x['vert_pre']); // // if ($x['latitude'] < 0) { $this->latitude = ($x['latitude'] + self::REFERENCE_LATLON) / self::CONV_DEG; } else { $this->latitude = ($x['latitude'] - self::REFERENCE_LATLON) / self::CONV_DEG; } if ($x['longitude'] < 0) { $this->longitude = ($x['longitude'] + self::REFERENCE_LATLON) / self::CONV_DEG; } else { $this->longitude = ($x['longitude'] - self::REFERENCE_LATLON) / self::CONV_DEG; } // // $this->altitude = ($x['altitude'] - self::REFERENCE_ALT) / 100; return true; } else { return false; } return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->version == 0) { $lat = 0; $lng = 0; if ($this->latitude < 0) { $lat = ($this->latitude * self::CONV_DEG) - self::REFERENCE_LATLON; } else { $lat = ($this->latitude * self::CONV_DEG) + self::REFERENCE_LATLON; } if ($this->longitude < 0) { $lng = ($this->longitude * self::CONV_DEG) - self::REFERENCE_LATLON; } else { $lng = ($this->longitude * self::CONV_DEG) + self::REFERENCE_LATLON; } $packet->offset += 16; return pack( 'CCCCNNN', $this->version, $this->_precsizeAtoN($this->size), $this->_precsizeAtoN($this->horiz_pre), $this->_precsizeAtoN($this->vert_pre), $lat, $lng, ($this->altitude * 100) + self::REFERENCE_ALT ); } return null; } private function _precsizeNtoA($prec) { $mantissa = (($prec >> 4) & 0x0f) % 10; $exponent = (($prec >> 0) & 0x0f) % 10; return $mantissa * $this->_powerOfTen[$exponent]; } private function _precsizeAtoN($prec) { $exponent = 0; while ($prec >= 10) { $prec /= 10; ++$exponent; } return ($prec << 4) | ($exponent & 0x0f); } private function _dms2d($deg, $min, $sec, $hem) { $deg = $deg - 0; $min = $min - 0; $sign = ($hem == 'W' || $hem == 'S') ? -1 : 1; return ((($sec/60+$min)/60)+$deg) * $sign; } private function _d2Dms($data, $latlng) { $deg = 0; $min = 0; $sec = 0; $msec = 0; $hem = ''; if ($latlng == 'LAT') { $hem = ($data > 0) ? 'N' : 'S'; } else { $hem = ($data > 0) ? 'E' : 'W'; } $data = abs($data); $deg = (int)$data; $min = (int)(($data - $deg) * 60); $sec = (int)(((($data - $deg) * 60) - $min) * 60); $msec = round((((((($data - $deg) * 60) - $min) * 60) - $sec) * 1000)); return sprintf('%d %02d %02d.%03d %s', $deg, $min, $sec, round($msec), $hem); } } ?>preference . ' ' . $this->fqdn . '.'; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->preference = array_shift($rdata); $this->fqdn = trim(array_shift($rdata), '.'); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('npreference', $this->rdata); $this->preference = $x['preference']; $offset = $packet->offset + 2; // // $this->fqdn = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $offset); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->fqdn) > 0) { $data = pack('n', $this->preference); $packet->offset += 2; $data .= $packet->compress($this->fqdn, $packet->offset); return $data; } return null; } } ?>preference . ' ' . $this->cleanString($this->exchange) . '.'; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->preference = array_shift($rdata); $this->exchange = $this->cleanString(array_shift($rdata)); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('npreference', $this->rdata); $this->preference = $x['preference']; // // $offset = $packet->offset + 2; $this->exchange = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $offset); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->exchange) > 0) { $data = pack('n', $this->preference); $packet->offset += 2; $data .= $packet->compress($this->exchange, $packet->offset); return $data; } return null; } } ?>order . ' ' . $this->preference . ' ' . $this->formatString($this->flags) . ' ' . $this->formatString($this->services) . ' ' . $this->formatString($this->regexp) . ' ' . $this->cleanString($this->replacement) . '.'; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->order = array_shift($rdata); $this->preference = array_shift($rdata); $data = $this->buildString($rdata); if (count($data) == 4) { $this->flags = $data[0]; $this->services = $data[1]; $this->regexp = $data[2]; $this->replacement = $this->cleanString($data[3]); return true; } return false; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('norder/npreference', $this->rdata); $this->order = $x['order']; $this->preference = $x['preference']; $offset = $packet->offset + 4; $this->flags = Net_DNS2_Packet::label($packet, $offset); $this->services = Net_DNS2_Packet::label($packet, $offset); $this->regexp = Net_DNS2_Packet::label($packet, $offset); $this->replacement = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $offset); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ( (isset($this->order)) && (strlen($this->services) > 0) ) { $data = pack('nn', $this->order, $this->preference); $data .= chr(strlen($this->flags)) . $this->flags; $data .= chr(strlen($this->services)) . $this->services; $data .= chr(strlen($this->regexp)) . $this->regexp; $packet->offset += strlen($data); $data .= $packet->compress($this->replacement, $packet->offset); return $data; } return null; } } ?>preference . ' ' . $this->nodeid; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->preference = array_shift($rdata); $this->nodeid = array_shift($rdata); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('npreference/n4nodeid', $this->rdata); $this->preference = $x['preference']; // // $this->nodeid = dechex($x['nodeid1']) . ':' . dechex($x['nodeid2']) . ':' . dechex($x['nodeid3']) . ':' . dechex($x['nodeid4']); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->nodeid) > 0) { // // $n = explode(':', $this->nodeid); // // return pack( 'n5', $this->preference, hexdec($n[0]), hexdec($n[1]), hexdec($n[2]), hexdec($n[3]) ); } return null; } } ?>rdata; } } ?>cleanString($this->nsdname) . '.'; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->nsdname = $this->cleanString(array_shift($rdata)); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { $offset = $packet->offset; $this->nsdname = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $offset); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->nsdname) > 0) { return $packet->compress($this->nsdname, $packet->offset); } return null; } } ?>cleanString($this->afi) . '.' . $this->cleanString($this->idi) . '.' . $this->cleanString($this->dfi) . '.' . $this->cleanString($this->aa) . '.' . $this->cleanString($this->rsvd) . '.' . $this->cleanString($this->rd) . '.' . $this->cleanString($this->area) . '.' . $this->cleanString($this->id) . '.' . $this->sel; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $data = strtolower(trim(array_shift($rdata))); // // $data = str_replace(array('.', '0x'), '', $data); // // $x = unpack('A2afi/A4idi/A2dfi/A6aa/A4rsvd/A4rd/A4area/A12id/A2sel', $data); // // if ($x['afi'] == 47) { $this->afi = '0x' . $x['afi']; $this->idi = $x['idi']; $this->dfi = $x['dfi']; $this->aa = $x['aa']; $this->rsvd = $x['rsvd']; $this->rd = $x['rd']; $this->area = $x['area']; $this->id = $x['id']; $this->sel = $x['sel']; return true; } return false; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength == 20) { // // $this->afi = dechex(ord($this->rdata[0])); // // if ($this->afi == 47) { // // $x = unpack( 'Cafi/nidi/Cdfi/C3aa/nrsvd/nrd/narea/Nidh/nidl/Csel', $this->rdata ); $this->afi = sprintf('0x%02x', $x['afi']); $this->idi = sprintf('%04x', $x['idi']); $this->dfi = sprintf('%02x', $x['dfi']); $this->aa = sprintf( '%06x', $x['aa1'] << 16 | $x['aa2'] << 8 | $x['aa3'] ); $this->rsvd = sprintf('%04x', $x['rsvd']); $this->rd = sprintf('%04x', $x['rd']); $this->area = sprintf('%04x', $x['area']); $this->id = sprintf('%08x', $x['idh']) . sprintf('%04x', $x['idl']); $this->sel = sprintf('%02x', $x['sel']); return true; } } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->afi == 0x47) { // // $aa = unpack('A2x/A2y/A2z', $this->aa); // // $id = unpack('A8a/A4b', $this->id); // $data = pack( 'CnCCCCnnnNnC', hexdec($this->afi), hexdec($this->idi), hexdec($this->dfi), hexdec($aa['x']), hexdec($aa['y']), hexdec($aa['z']), hexdec($this->rsvd), hexdec($this->rd), hexdec($this->area), hexdec($id['a']), hexdec($id['b']), hexdec($this->sel) ); if (strlen($data) == 20) { $packet->offset += 20; return $data; } } return null; } } ?>cleanString($this->next_domain_name) . '.'; foreach ($this->type_bit_maps as $rr) { $data .= ' ' . $rr; } return $data; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->next_domain_name = $this->cleanString(array_shift($rdata)); $this->type_bit_maps = $rdata; return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $offset = $packet->offset; $this->next_domain_name = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $offset); // // $this->type_bit_maps = Net_DNS2_BitMap::bitMapToArray( substr($this->rdata, $offset - $packet->offset) ); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->next_domain_name) > 0) { $data = $packet->compress($this->next_domain_name, $packet->offset); $bitmap = Net_DNS2_BitMap::arrayToBitMap($this->type_bit_maps); $packet->offset += strlen($bitmap); return $data . $bitmap; } return null; } } ?>algorithm . ' ' . $this->flags . ' ' . $this->iterations . ' '; // // if ($this->salt_length > 0) { $out .= $this->salt; } else { $out .= '-'; } // // $out .= ' ' . $this->hashed_owner_name; // // foreach ($this->type_bit_maps as $rr) { $out .= ' ' . strtoupper($rr); } return $out; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->algorithm = array_shift($rdata); $this->flags = array_shift($rdata); $this->iterations = array_shift($rdata); // // $salt = array_shift($rdata); if ($salt == '-') { $this->salt_length = 0; $this->salt = ''; } else { $this->salt_length = strlen(pack('H*', $salt)); $this->salt = strtoupper($salt); } $this->hashed_owner_name = array_shift($rdata); $this->hash_length = strlen(base64_decode($this->hashed_owner_name)); $this->type_bit_maps = $rdata; return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('Calgorithm/Cflags/niterations/Csalt_length', $this->rdata); $this->algorithm = $x['algorithm']; $this->flags = $x['flags']; $this->iterations = $x['iterations']; $this->salt_length = $x['salt_length']; $offset = 5; if ($this->salt_length > 0) { $x = unpack('H*', substr($this->rdata, $offset, $this->salt_length)); $this->salt = strtoupper($x[1]); $offset += $this->salt_length; } // // $x = unpack('@' . $offset . '/Chash_length', $this->rdata); $offset++; // // $this->hash_length = $x['hash_length']; if ($this->hash_length > 0) { $this->hashed_owner_name = base64_encode( substr($this->rdata, $offset, $this->hash_length) ); $offset += $this->hash_length; } // // $this->type_bit_maps = Net_DNS2_BitMap::bitMapToArray( substr($this->rdata, $offset) ); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { // // $salt = pack('H*', $this->salt); $this->salt_length = strlen($salt); // // $data = pack( 'CCnC', $this->algorithm, $this->flags, $this->iterations, $this->salt_length ); $data .= $salt; // // $data .= chr($this->hash_length); if ($this->hash_length > 0) { $data .= base64_decode($this->hashed_owner_name); } // // $data .= Net_DNS2_BitMap::arrayToBitMap($this->type_bit_maps); $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } } ?>algorithm . ' ' . $this->flags . ' ' . $this->iterations . ' '; // // if ($this->salt_length > 0) { $out .= $this->salt; } else { $out .= '-'; } return $out; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->algorithm = array_shift($rdata); $this->flags = array_shift($rdata); $this->iterations = array_shift($rdata); $salt = array_shift($rdata); if ($salt == '-') { $this->salt_length = 0; $this->salt = ''; } else { $this->salt_length = strlen(pack('H*', $salt)); $this->salt = strtoupper($salt); } return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { $x = unpack('Calgorithm/Cflags/niterations/Csalt_length', $this->rdata); $this->algorithm = $x['algorithm']; $this->flags = $x['flags']; $this->iterations = $x['iterations']; $this->salt_length = $x['salt_length']; if ($this->salt_length > 0) { $x = unpack('H*', substr($this->rdata, 5, $this->salt_length)); $this->salt = strtoupper($x[1]); } return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { $salt = pack('H*', $this->salt); $this->salt_length = strlen($salt); $data = pack( 'CCnC', $this->algorithm, $this->flags, $this->iterations, $this->salt_length ) . $salt; $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } } ?>key; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->key = array_shift($rdata); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { $this->key = base64_encode($this->rdata); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->key) > 0) { $data = base64_decode($this->key); $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } return null; } } ?>type = 'OPT'; $this->rdlength = 0; $this->option_length = 0; $this->extended_rcode = 0; $this->version = 0; $this->do = 0; $this->z = 0; // // if ( (!is_null($packet)) && (!is_null($rr)) ) { parent::__construct($packet, $rr); } } protected function rrToString() { return $this->option_code . ' ' . $this->option_data; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->option_code = array_shift($rdata); $this->option_data = array_shift($rdata); $this->option_length = strlen($this->option_data); $x = unpack('Cextended/Cversion/Cdo/Cz', pack('N', $this->ttl)); $this->extended_rcode = $x['extended']; $this->version = $x['version']; $this->do = ($x['do'] >> 7); $this->z = $x['z']; return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { // // $x = unpack('Cextended/Cversion/Cdo/Cz', pack('N', $this->ttl)); $this->extended_rcode = $x['extended']; $this->version = $x['version']; $this->do = ($x['do'] >> 7); $this->z = $x['z']; // // if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('noption_code/noption_length', $this->rdata); $this->option_code = $x['option_code']; $this->option_length = $x['option_length']; // // $this->option_data = substr($this->rdata, 4); } return true; } protected function preBuild() { // // $ttl = unpack( 'N', pack('CCCC', $this->extended_rcode, $this->version, ($this->do << 7), 0) ); $this->ttl = $ttl[1]; return; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { // // if ($this->option_code) { $data = pack('nn', $this->option_code, $this->option_length) . $this->option_data; $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } return null; } } ?>ptrdname, '.') . '.'; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->ptrdname = rtrim(implode(' ', $rdata), '.'); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { $offset = $packet->offset; $this->ptrdname = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $offset); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->ptrdname) > 0) { return $packet->compress($this->ptrdname, $packet->offset); } return null; } } ?>preference . ' ' . $this->cleanString($this->map822) . '. ' . $this->cleanString($this->mapx400) . '.'; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->preference = $rdata[0]; $this->map822 = $this->cleanString($rdata[1]); $this->mapx400 = $this->cleanString($rdata[2]); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('npreference', $this->rdata); $this->preference = $x['preference']; $offset = $packet->offset + 2; $this->map822 = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $offset); $this->mapx400 = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $offset); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->map822) > 0) { $data = pack('n', $this->preference); $packet->offset += 2; $data .= $packet->compress($this->map822, $packet->offset); $data .= $packet->compress($this->mapx400, $packet->offset); return $data; } return null; } } ?>cleanString($this->mboxdname) . '. ' . $this->cleanString($this->txtdname) . '.'; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->mboxdname = $this->cleanString($rdata[0]); $this->txtdname = $this->cleanString($rdata[1]); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { $offset = $packet->offset; $this->mboxdname = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $offset); $this->txtdname = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $offset); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->mboxdname) > 0) { return $packet->compress($this->mboxdname, $packet->offset) . $packet->compress($this->txtdname, $packet->offset); } return null; } } ?>typecovered . ' ' . $this->algorithm . ' ' . $this->labels . ' ' . $this->origttl . ' ' . $this->sigexp . ' ' . $this->sigincep . ' ' . $this->keytag . ' ' . $this->cleanString($this->signname) . '. ' . $this->signature; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->typecovered = strtoupper(array_shift($rdata)); $this->algorithm = array_shift($rdata); $this->labels = array_shift($rdata); $this->origttl = array_shift($rdata); $this->sigexp = array_shift($rdata); $this->sigincep = array_shift($rdata); $this->keytag = array_shift($rdata); $this->signname = $this->cleanString(array_shift($rdata)); foreach ($rdata as $line) { $this->signature .= $line; } $this->signature = trim($this->signature); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack( 'ntc/Calgorithm/Clabels/Norigttl/Nsigexp/Nsigincep/nkeytag', $this->rdata ); $this->typecovered = Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_by_id[$x['tc']]; $this->algorithm = $x['algorithm']; $this->labels = $x['labels']; $this->origttl = Net_DNS2::expandUint32($x['origttl']); // // $this->sigexp = gmdate('YmdHis', $x['sigexp']); $this->sigincep = gmdate('YmdHis', $x['sigincep']); // // $this->keytag = $x['keytag']; // // $offset = $packet->offset + 18; $sigoffset = $offset; $this->signname = strtolower( Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $sigoffset) ); $this->signature = base64_encode( substr($this->rdata, 18 + ($sigoffset - $offset)) ); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->signature) > 0) { // // preg_match( '/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/', $this->sigexp, $e ); preg_match( '/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/', $this->sigincep, $i ); // // $data = pack( 'nCCNNNn', Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_by_name[$this->typecovered], $this->algorithm, $this->labels, $this->origttl, gmmktime($e[4], $e[5], $e[6], $e[2], $e[3], $e[1]), gmmktime($i[4], $i[5], $i[6], $i[2], $i[3], $i[1]), $this->keytag ); // // $names = explode('.', strtolower($this->signname)); foreach ($names as $name) { $data .= chr(strlen($name)); $data .= $name; } $data .= "\0"; // // $data .= base64_decode($this->signature); $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } return null; } } ?>preference . ' ' . $this->cleanString($this->intermediatehost) . '.'; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->preference = $rdata[0]; $this->intermediatehost = $this->cleanString($rdata[1]); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('npreference', $this->rdata); $this->preference = $x['preference']; $offset = $packet->offset + 2; $this->intermediatehost = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $offset); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->intermediatehost) > 0) { $data = pack('n', $this->preference); $packet->offset += 2; $data .= $packet->compress($this->intermediatehost, $packet->offset); return $data; } return null; } } ?>typecovered . ' ' . $this->algorithm . ' ' . $this->labels . ' ' . $this->origttl . ' ' . $this->sigexp . ' ' . $this->sigincep . ' ' . $this->keytag . ' ' . $this->cleanString($this->signname) . '. ' . $this->signature; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->typecovered = strtoupper(array_shift($rdata)); $this->algorithm = array_shift($rdata); $this->labels = array_shift($rdata); $this->origttl = array_shift($rdata); $this->sigexp = array_shift($rdata); $this->sigincep = array_shift($rdata); $this->keytag = array_shift($rdata); $this->signname = $this->cleanString(array_shift($rdata)); foreach ($rdata as $line) { $this->signature .= $line; } $this->signature = trim($this->signature); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack( 'ntc/Calgorithm/Clabels/Norigttl/Nsigexp/Nsigincep/nkeytag', $this->rdata ); $this->typecovered = Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_by_id[$x['tc']]; $this->algorithm = $x['algorithm']; $this->labels = $x['labels']; $this->origttl = Net_DNS2::expandUint32($x['origttl']); // // $this->sigexp = gmdate('YmdHis', $x['sigexp']); $this->sigincep = gmdate('YmdHis', $x['sigincep']); // // $this->keytag = $x['keytag']; // // $offset = $packet->offset + 18; $sigoffset = $offset; $this->signname = strtolower( Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $sigoffset) ); $this->signature = base64_encode( substr($this->rdata, 18 + ($sigoffset - $offset)) ); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { // // preg_match( '/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/', $this->sigexp, $e ); preg_match( '/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/', $this->sigincep, $i ); // // $data = pack( 'nCCNNNn', Net_DNS2_Lookups::$rr_types_by_name[$this->typecovered], $this->algorithm, $this->labels, $this->origttl, gmmktime($e[4], $e[5], $e[6], $e[2], $e[3], $e[1]), gmmktime($i[4], $i[5], $i[6], $i[2], $i[3], $i[1]), $this->keytag ); // // $names = explode('.', strtolower($this->signname)); foreach ($names as $name) { $data .= chr(strlen($name)); $data .= $name; } $data .= chr('0'); // // if ( (strlen($this->signature) == 0) && ($this->private_key instanceof Net_DNS2_PrivateKey) && (extension_loaded('openssl') === true) ) { // // $new_packet = new Net_DNS2_Packet_Request('', 'SOA', 'IN'); // // $new_packet->copy($packet); // // array_pop($new_packet->additional); $new_packet->header->arcount = count($new_packet->additional); // // $sigdata = $data . $new_packet->get(); // // $algorithm = 0; switch($this->algorithm) { // // case Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSAMD5: $algorithm = OPENSSL_ALGO_MD5; break; // // case Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA1: $algorithm = OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1; break; // // case Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA256: if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.8', '<') == true) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'SHA256 support is only available in PHP >= 5.4.8', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_OPENSSL_INV_ALGO ); } $algorithm = OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256; break; // // case Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA512: if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.8', '<') == true) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'SHA512 support is only available in PHP >= 5.4.8', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_OPENSSL_INV_ALGO ); } $algorithm = OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA512; break; // // case Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_DSA: case Net_DNS2_Lookups::DSNSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA1NSEC3SHA1: case Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_DSANSEC3SHA1: default: throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'invalid or unsupported algorithm', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_OPENSSL_INV_ALGO ); break; } // // if (openssl_sign($sigdata, $this->signature, $this->private_key->instance, $algorithm) == false) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( openssl_error_string(), Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_OPENSSL_ERROR ); } // // switch($this->algorithm) { // // case Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSAMD5: case Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA1: case Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA256: case Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNSSEC_ALGORITHM_RSASHA512: $this->signature = base64_encode($this->signature); break; } } // // $data .= base64_decode($this->signature); $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } } ?>cleanString($this->mname) . '. ' . $this->cleanString($this->rname) . '. ' . $this->serial . ' ' . $this->refresh . ' ' . $this->retry . ' ' . $this->expire . ' ' . $this->minimum; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->mname = $this->cleanString($rdata[0]); $this->rname = $this->cleanString($rdata[1]); $this->serial = $rdata[2]; $this->refresh = $rdata[3]; $this->retry = $rdata[4]; $this->expire = $rdata[5]; $this->minimum = $rdata[6]; return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $offset = $packet->offset; $this->mname = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $offset); $this->rname = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $offset); // // $x = unpack( '@' . $offset . '/Nserial/Nrefresh/Nretry/Nexpire/Nminimum/', $packet->rdata ); $this->serial = Net_DNS2::expandUint32($x['serial']); $this->refresh = Net_DNS2::expandUint32($x['refresh']); $this->retry = Net_DNS2::expandUint32($x['retry']); $this->expire = Net_DNS2::expandUint32($x['expire']); $this->minimum = Net_DNS2::expandUint32($x['minimum']); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->mname) > 0) { $data = $packet->compress($this->mname, $packet->offset); $data .= $packet->compress($this->rname, $packet->offset); $data .= pack( 'N5', $this->serial, $this->refresh, $this->retry, $this->expire, $this->minimum ); $packet->offset += 20; return $data; } return null; } } ?>priority . ' ' . $this->weight . ' ' . $this->port . ' ' . $this->cleanString($this->target) . '.'; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->priority = $rdata[0]; $this->weight = $rdata[1]; $this->port = $rdata[2]; $this->target = $this->cleanString($rdata[3]); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('npriority/nweight/nport', $this->rdata); $this->priority = $x['priority']; $this->weight = $x['weight']; $this->port = $x['port']; $offset = $packet->offset + 6; $this->target = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $offset); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->target) > 0) { $data = pack('nnn', $this->priority, $this->weight, $this->port); $packet->offset += 6; $data .= $packet->compress($this->target, $packet->offset); return $data; } return null; } } ?>algorithm . ' ' . $this->fp_type . ' ' . $this->fingerprint; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { // // // $algorithm = array_shift($rdata); $fp_type = array_shift($rdata); $fingerprint = strtolower(implode('', $rdata)); // // if ( ($algorithm != self::SSHFP_ALGORITHM_RSA) && ($algorithm != self::SSHFP_ALGORITHM_DSS) ) { return false; } // // if ($fp_type != self::SSHFP_FPTYPE_SHA1) { return false; } $this->algorithm = $algorithm; $this->fp_type = $fp_type; $this->fingerprint = $fingerprint; return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('Calgorithm/Cfp_type', $this->rdata); $this->algorithm = $x['algorithm']; $this->fp_type = $x['fp_type']; // // if ( ($this->algorithm != self::SSHFP_ALGORITHM_RSA) && ($this->algorithm != self::SSHFP_ALGORITHM_DSS) ) { return false; } // // if ($this->fp_type != self::SSHFP_FPTYPE_SHA1) { return false; } // // $fp = unpack('H*a', substr($this->rdata, 2)); $this->fingerprint = strtolower($fp['a']); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->fingerprint) > 0) { $data = pack( 'CCH*', $this->algorithm, $this->fp_type, $this->fingerprint ); $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } return null; } } ?>cleanString($this->previous) . '. ' . $this->cleanString($this->next) . '.'; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->previous = $this->cleanString($rdata[0]); $this->next = $this->cleanString($rdata[1]); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { $offset = $packet->offset; $this->previous = Net_DNS2_Packet::label($packet, $offset); $this->next = Net_DNS2_Packet::label($packet, $offset); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ( (strlen($this->previous) > 0) || (strlen($this->next) > 0) ) { $data = chr(strlen($this->previous)) . $this->previous . chr(strlen($this->next)) . $this->next; $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } return null; } } ?> 'Reserved', self::TSIG_MODE_SERV_ASSIGN => 'Server Assignment', self::TSIG_MODE_DH => 'Diffie-Hellman', self::TSIG_MODE_GSS_API => 'GSS-API', self::TSIG_MODE_RESV_ASSIGN => 'Resolver Assignment', self::TSIG_MODE_KEY_DELE => 'Key Deletion' ); protected function rrToString() { $out = $this->cleanString($this->algorithm) . '. ' . $this->mode; if ($this->key_size > 0) { $out .= ' ' . trim($this->key_data, '.') . '.'; } else { $out .= ' .'; } return $out; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { // // $this->algorithm = $this->cleanString(array_shift($rdata)); $this->mode = array_shift($rdata); $this->key_data = trim(array_shift($rdata), '.'); // // $this->inception = time(); $this->expiration = time() + 86400; $this->error = 0; $this->key_size = strlen($this->key_data); $this->other_size = 0; $this->other_data = ''; return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $offset = $packet->offset; $this->algorithm = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $offset); // // $x = unpack( '@' . $offset . '/Ninception/Nexpiration/nmode/nerror/nkey_size', $packet->rdata ); $this->inception = Net_DNS2::expandUint32($x['inception']); $this->expiration = Net_DNS2::expandUint32($x['expiration']); $this->mode = $x['mode']; $this->error = $x['error']; $this->key_size = $x['key_size']; $offset += 14; // // if ($this->key_size > 0) { $this->key_data = substr($packet->rdata, $offset, $this->key_size); $offset += $this->key_size; } // // $x = unpack('@' . $offset . '/nother_size', $packet->rdata); $this->other_size = $x['other_size']; $offset += 2; // // if ($this->other_size > 0) { $this->other_data = substr( $packet->rdata, $offset, $this->other_size ); } return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->algorithm) > 0) { // // $this->key_size = strlen($this->key_data); $this->other_size = strlen($this->other_data); // // $data = Net_DNS2_Packet::pack($this->algorithm); // // $data .= pack( 'NNnnn', $this->inception, $this->expiration, $this->mode, 0, $this->key_size ); // // if ($this->key_size > 0) { $data .= $this->key_data; } // // $data .= pack('n', $this->other_size); if ($this->other_size > 0) { $data .= $this->other_data; } $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } return null; } } ?>cert_usage . ' ' . $this->selector . ' ' . $this->matching_type . ' ' . base64_encode($this->certificate); } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->cert_usage = array_shift($rdata); $this->selector = array_shift($rdata); $this->matching_type = array_shift($rdata); $this->certificate = base64_decode(implode('', $rdata)); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('Cusage/Cselector/Ctype', $this->rdata); $this->cert_usage = $x['usage']; $this->selector = $x['selector']; $this->matching_type = $x['type']; // // $this->certificate = substr($this->rdata, 3, $this->rdlength - 3); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->certificate) > 0) { $data = pack( 'CCC', $this->cert_usage, $this->selector, $this->matching_type ) . $this->certificate; $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } return null; } } ?> 'md5', self::HMAC_SHA1 => 'sha1', self::HMAC_SHA224 => 'sha224', self::HMAC_SHA256 => 'sha256', self::HMAC_SHA384 => 'sha384', self::HMAC_SHA512 => 'sha512' ); public $algorithm; public $time_signed; public $fudge; public $mac_size; public $mac; public $original_id; public $error; public $other_length; public $other_data; public $key; protected function rrToString() { $out = $this->cleanString($this->algorithm) . '. ' . $this->time_signed . ' ' . $this->fudge . ' ' . $this->mac_size . ' ' . base64_encode($this->mac) . ' ' . $this->original_id . ' ' . $this->error . ' '. $this->other_length; if ($this->other_length > 0) { $out .= ' ' . $this->other_data; } return $out; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { // // // $this->key = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', array_shift($rdata)); // // $this->algorithm = self::HMAC_MD5; $this->time_signed = time(); $this->fudge = 300; $this->mac_size = 0; $this->mac = ''; $this->original_id = 0; $this->error = 0; $this->other_length = 0; $this->other_data = ''; // // $this->class = 'ANY'; $this->ttl = 0; return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $newoffset = $packet->offset; $this->algorithm = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $newoffset); $offset = $newoffset - $packet->offset; // // $x = unpack( '@' . $offset . '/ntime_high/Ntime_low/nfudge/nmac_size', $this->rdata ); $this->time_signed = Net_DNS2::expandUint32($x['time_low']); $this->fudge = $x['fudge']; $this->mac_size = $x['mac_size']; $offset += 10; // // if ($this->mac_size > 0) { $this->mac = substr($this->rdata, $offset, $this->mac_size); $offset += $this->mac_size; } // // $x = unpack( '@' . $offset . '/noriginal_id/nerror/nother_length', $this->rdata ); $this->original_id = $x['original_id']; $this->error = $x['error']; $this->other_length = $x['other_length']; // // // if ($this->error == Net_DNS2_Lookups::RCODE_BADTIME) { if ($this->other_length != 6) { return false; } // // $x = unpack( 'nhigh/nlow', substr($this->rdata, $offset + 6, $this->other_length) ); $this->other_data = $x['low']; } return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->key) > 0) { // // $new_packet = new Net_DNS2_Packet_Request('', 'SOA', 'IN'); // // $new_packet->copy($packet); // // array_pop($new_packet->additional); $new_packet->header->arcount = count($new_packet->additional); // // $sig_data = $new_packet->get(); // // $sig_data .= Net_DNS2_Packet::pack($this->name); // // $sig_data .= pack( 'nN', Net_DNS2_Lookups::$classes_by_name[$this->class], $this->ttl ); // // $sig_data .= Net_DNS2_Packet::pack(strtolower($this->algorithm)); // // $sig_data .= pack( 'nNnnn', 0, $this->time_signed, $this->fudge, $this->error, $this->other_length ); if ($this->other_length > 0) { $sig_data .= pack('nN', 0, $this->other_data); } // // $this->mac = $this->_signHMAC( $sig_data, base64_decode($this->key), $this->algorithm ); $this->mac_size = strlen($this->mac); // // $data = Net_DNS2_Packet::pack(strtolower($this->algorithm)); // // $data .= pack( 'nNnn', 0, $this->time_signed, $this->fudge, $this->mac_size ); $data .= $this->mac; // // if ($this->error == Net_DNS2_Lookups::RCODE_BADTIME) { $this->other_length = strlen($this->other_data); if ($this->other_length != 6) { return null; } } else { $this->other_length = 0; $this->other_data = ''; } // // $data .= pack( 'nnn', $packet->header->id, $this->error, $this->other_length ); if ($this->other_length > 0) { $data .= pack('nN', 0, $this->other_data); } $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } return null; } private function _signHMAC($data, $key = null, $algorithm = self::HMAC_MD5) { // // if (extension_loaded('hash')) { if (!isset(self::$hash_algorithms[$algorithm])) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'invalid or unsupported algorithm', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_PARSE_ERROR ); } return hash_hmac(self::$hash_algorithms[$algorithm], $data, $key, true); } // // if ($algorithm != self::HMAC_MD5) { throw new Net_DNS2_Exception( 'only HMAC-MD5 supported. please install the php-extension ' . '"hash" in order to use the sha-family', Net_DNS2_Lookups::E_PARSE_ERROR ); } // // if (is_null($key)) { return pack('H*', md5($data)); } $key = str_pad($key, 64, chr(0x00)); if (strlen($key) > 64) { $key = pack('H*', md5($key)); } $k_ipad = $key ^ str_repeat(chr(0x36), 64); $k_opad = $key ^ str_repeat(chr(0x5c), 64); return $this->_signHMAC( $k_opad . pack('H*', md5($k_ipad . $data)), null, $algorithm ); } } ?>text) == 0) { return '""'; } $data = ''; foreach ($this->text as $t) { $data .= $this->formatString($t) . ' '; } return trim($data); } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $data = $this->buildString($rdata); if (count($data) > 0) { $this->text = $data; } return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { $length = $packet->offset + $this->rdlength; $offset = $packet->offset; while ($length > $offset) { $this->text[] = Net_DNS2_Packet::label($packet, $offset); } return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { $data = null; foreach ($this->text as $t) { $data .= chr(strlen($t)) . $t; } $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } } ?>priority . ' ' . $this->weight . ' "' . $this->cleanString($this->target) . '"'; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->priority = $rdata[0]; $this->weight = $rdata[1]; // // $this->target = trim($this->cleanString($rdata[2]), '"'); return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('npriority/nweight', $this->rdata); $this->priority = $x['priority']; $this->weight = $x['weight']; $offset = $packet->offset + 4; $this->target = Net_DNS2_Packet::expand($packet, $offset); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->target) > 0) { $data = pack('nn', $this->priority, $this->weight); $packet->offset += 4; $data .= $packet->compress(trim($this->target, '"'), $packet->offset); return $data; } return null; } } ?>address . ' ' . $this->protocol; foreach ($this->bitmap as $port) { $data .= ' ' . $port; } return $data; } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $this->address = strtolower(trim(array_shift($rdata), '.')); $this->protocol = array_shift($rdata); $this->bitmap = $rdata; return true; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { // // $x = unpack('Naddress/Cprotocol', $this->rdata); $this->address = long2ip($x['address']); $this->protocol = $x['protocol']; // // $port = 0; foreach (unpack('@5/C*', $this->rdata) as $set) { $s = sprintf('%08b', $set); for ($i=0; $i<8; $i++, $port++) { if ($s[$i] == '1') { $this->bitmap[] = $port; } } } return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->address) > 0) { $data = pack('NC', ip2long($this->address), $this->protocol); $ports = array(); $n = 0; foreach ($this->bitmap as $port) { $ports[$port] = 1; if ($port > $n) { $n = $port; } } for ($i=0; $ioffset += strlen($data); return $data; } return null; } } ?>formatString($this->psdnaddress); } protected function rrFromString(array $rdata) { $data = $this->buildString($rdata); if (count($data) == 1) { $this->psdnaddress = $data[0]; return true; } return false; } protected function rrSet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if ($this->rdlength > 0) { $this->psdnaddress = Net_DNS2_Packet::label($packet, $packet->offset); return true; } return false; } protected function rrGet(Net_DNS2_Packet &$packet) { if (strlen($this->psdnaddress) > 0) { $data = chr(strlen($this->psdnaddress)) . $this->psdnaddress; $packet->offset += strlen($data); return $data; } return null; } } ?>host) == true) { $this->sock = @socket_create( AF_INET, $this->type, ($this->type == Net_DNS2_Socket::SOCK_STREAM) ? SOL_TCP : SOL_UDP ); } else if (Net_DNS2::isIPv6($this->host) == true) { $this->sock = @socket_create( AF_INET6, $this->type, ($this->type == Net_DNS2_Socket::SOCK_STREAM) ? SOL_TCP : SOL_UDP ); } else { $this->last_error = 'invalid address type: ' . $this->host; return false; } if ($this->sock === false) { $this->last_error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return false; } @socket_set_option($this->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1); // // if (strlen($this->local_host) > 0) { $result = @socket_bind( $this->sock, $this->local_host, ($this->local_port > 0) ? $this->local_port : null ); if ($result === false) { $this->last_error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return false; } } // // if (@socket_set_nonblock($this->sock) === false) { $this->last_error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return false; } // // @socket_connect($this->sock, $this->host, $this->port); $read = null; $write = array($this->sock); $except = null; // // $result = @socket_select($read, $write, $except, $this->timeout); if ($result === false) { $this->last_error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return false; } else if ($result == 0) { $this->last_error = 'timeout on write select for connect()'; return false; } return true; } public function close() { if (is_resource($this->sock) === true) { @socket_close($this->sock); } return true; } public function write($data) { $length = strlen($data); if ($length == 0) { $this->last_error = 'empty data on write()'; return false; } $read = null; $write = array($this->sock); $except = null; // // $result = @socket_select($read, $write, $except, $this->timeout); if ($result === false) { $this->last_error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return false; } else if ($result == 0) { $this->last_error = 'timeout on write select()'; return false; } // // if ($this->type == Net_DNS2_Socket::SOCK_STREAM) { $s = chr($length >> 8) . chr($length); if (@socket_write($this->sock, $s) === false) { $this->last_error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return false; } } // // $size = @socket_write($this->sock, $data); if ( ($size === false) || ($size != $length) ) { $this->last_error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return false; } return true; } public function read(&$size, $max_size) { $read = array($this->sock); $write = null; $except = null; // // if (@socket_set_nonblock($this->sock) === false) { $this->last_error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return false; } // // $result = @socket_select($read, $write, $except, $this->timeout); if ($result === false) { $this->last_error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return false; } else if ($result == 0) { $this->last_error = 'timeout on read select()'; return false; } $data = ''; $length = $max_size; // // if ($this->type == Net_DNS2_Socket::SOCK_STREAM) { if (($size = @socket_recv($this->sock, $data, 2, 0)) === false) { $this->last_error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return false; } $length = ord($data[0]) << 8 | ord($data[1]); if ($length < Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNS_HEADER_SIZE) { return false; } } // // // if (@socket_set_block($this->sock) === false) { $this->last_error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return false; } // // // // $data = ''; $size = 0; while (1) { $chunk_size = @socket_recv($this->sock, $chunk, $length, MSG_WAITALL); if ($chunk_size === false) { $size = $chunk_size; $this->last_error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); return false; } $data .= $chunk; $size += $chunk_size; $length -= $chunk_size; if ( ($length <= 0) || ($this->type == Net_DNS2_Socket::SOCK_DGRAM) ) { break; } } return $data; } } ?> array()); // // if (strlen($this->local_host) > 0) { $opts['socket']['bindto'] = $this->local_host; if ($this->local_port > 0) { $opts['socket']['bindto'] .= ':' . $this->local_port; } } // // $this->_context = @stream_context_create($opts); // // $errno; $errstr; switch($this->type) { case Net_DNS2_Socket::SOCK_STREAM: if (Net_DNS2::isIPv4($this->host) == true) { $this->sock = @stream_socket_client( 'tcp://' . $this->host . ':' . $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $this->_context ); } else if (Net_DNS2::isIPv6($this->host) == true) { $this->sock = @stream_socket_client( 'tcp://[' . $this->host . ']:' . $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $this->_context ); } else { $this->last_error = 'invalid address type: ' . $this->host; return false; } break; case Net_DNS2_Socket::SOCK_DGRAM: if (Net_DNS2::isIPv4($this->host) == true) { $this->sock = @stream_socket_client( 'udp://' . $this->host . ':' . $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $this->_context ); } else if (Net_DNS2::isIPv6($this->host) == true) { $this->sock = @stream_socket_client( 'udp://[' . $this->host . ']:' . $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $this->_context ); } else { $this->last_error = 'invalid address type: ' . $this->host; return false; } break; default: $this->last_error = 'Invalid socket type: ' . $this->type; return false; } if ($this->sock === false) { $this->last_error = $errstr; return false; } // // @stream_set_blocking($this->sock, 0); @stream_set_timeout($this->sock, $this->timeout); return true; } public function close() { if (is_resource($this->sock) === true) { @fclose($this->sock); } return true; } public function write($data) { $length = strlen($data); if ($length == 0) { $this->last_error = 'empty data on write()'; return false; } $read = null; $write = array($this->sock); $except = null; // // $result = stream_select($read, $write, $except, $this->timeout); if ($result === false) { $this->last_error = 'failed on write select()'; return false; } else if ($result == 0) { $this->last_error = 'timeout on write select()'; return false; } // // if ($this->type == Net_DNS2_Socket::SOCK_STREAM) { $s = chr($length >> 8) . chr($length); if (@fwrite($this->sock, $s) === false) { $this->last_error = 'failed to fwrite() 16bit length'; return false; } } // // $size = @fwrite($this->sock, $data); if ( ($size === false) || ($size != $length) ) { $this->last_error = 'failed to fwrite() packet'; return false; } return true; } public function read(&$size, $max_size) { $read = array($this->sock); $write = null; $except = null; // // @stream_set_blocking($this->sock, 0); // // $result = stream_select($read, $write, $except, $this->timeout); if ($result === false) { $this->last_error = 'error on read select()'; return false; } else if ($result == 0) { $this->last_error = 'timeout on read select()'; return false; } $data = ''; $length = $max_size; // // if ($this->type == Net_DNS2_Socket::SOCK_STREAM) { if (($data = fread($this->sock, 2)) === false) { $this->last_error = 'failed on fread() for data length'; return false; } $length = ord($data[0]) << 8 | ord($data[1]); if ($length < Net_DNS2_Lookups::DNS_HEADER_SIZE) { return false; } } // // // @stream_set_blocking($this->sock, 1); // // $data = ''; // // // if ($this->type == Net_DNS2_Socket::SOCK_STREAM) { $chunk = ''; $chunk_size = $length; // // while (1) { $chunk = fread($this->sock, $chunk_size); if ($chunk === false) { $this->last_error = 'failed on fread() for data'; return false; } $data .= $chunk; $chunk_size -= strlen($chunk); if (strlen($data) >= $length) { break; } } } else { // // $data = fread($this->sock, $length); if ($length === false) { $this->last_error = 'failed on fread() for data'; return false; } } $size = strlen($data); return $data; } } ?>