10/9/2022,bridegome,ˈbriːdɡoːmə,Noun,A bridegroom; a man recently married or to be married.,God as Christendom’s partner.,,,,,,,,,,, 10/10/2022,enfeoff,ɛnˈfɛf,Verb,"To transfer a fief to, to endow with a fief; to put in legal possession of a freehold interest.","To give up completely; to surrender, to yield.",,,,,,,,,,, 10/11/2022,soi-disant,ˌswɑːdɪˈzɑːn,Adjective,Self-styled; self-proclaimed.,,,,,,,,,,,, 10/12/2022,funambulist,fjuːˈnæmbjʊlɪst,Noun,A tightrope walker or a similar performer on a slack rope.,,,,,,,,,,,, 10/13/2022,hodiernal,ˌhoʊdiˈɝnəl,Adjective,Of or pertaining to the present day or today; hodiern.,,,,,,,,,,,, 10/14/2022,effluvium,ɨˈfluːvi.əm,Noun,"A gaseous or vaporous emission, especially a foul-smelling one.",A condition causing the shedding of hair.,,,,,,,,,,, 10/15/2022,merlon,ˈmɝlən,Noun,"Any of the upright projections between the embrasures of a battlement, originally for archers to shield behind while shooting arrows over the embrasures, or through loopholes in the merlons.",,,,,,,,,,,, 10/16/2022,cosmogony,kɑːzˈmɑːɡəni,Noun,"The study of the origin, and sometimes the development, of the universe or the solar system, in astrophysics, religion, and other fields.","Any specific theory, model, myth, or other account of the origin of the universe.",The creation of the universe.,,,,,,,,,, 10/17/2022,hexameron,hɛkˈsæmɝən,Noun,The six days in which God created the world according to the biblical creation story.,,,,,,,,,,,, 10/18/2022,machicolation,məˌtʃɪkəˈleɪʃən,Noun,"An opening between corbels that support a projecting parapet, or in the floor of a gallery or the roof of a portal, of a fortified building from which missiles can be shot or heated items dropped upon assailants attacking the base of the walls.",A projecting parapet with a series of such openings.,,,,,,,,,,, 10/19/2022,cheesewright,ˈtʃiːzɹaɪt,Noun,A cheesemaker.,,,,,,,,,,,, 10/20/2022,vernal,ˈvɝnəl,Adjective,Pertaining to or occurring in spring.,"Having characteristics like spring; fresh, young, youthful.",,,,,,,,,,, 10/21/2022,apotropaic,ˌæpətɹəˈpeɪ.ɪk,Adjective,Intended to ward off evil.,Noun,An agent intended to ward off evil.,,,,,,,,,, 10/22/2022,POETS day,ˈpoʊɪts deɪ,Noun,"Piss Off (or Push Off) Early, Tomorrow’s Saturday.","i.e., Friday, the last day of the working week.",,,,,,,,,,, 10/23/2022,autogolpe,ˈɑːtoʊɡɔlpə,Noun,"A coup d’état in which a nation’s leader, despite having come to power through legal means, dissolves or renders powerless the national legislature and unlawfully assumes extraordinary powers.",,,,,,,,,,,, 10/24/2022,bildungsroman,ˈbɪl.dʊŋzˌɹoʊ.mən,Noun,"A novel tracing the spiritual, moral, psychological, or social development and growth of the main character, usually from childhood to maturity.",,,,,,,,,,,, 10/25/2022,dilettante,ˈdɪlɪˌtɑnt,Noun,"An amateur, someone who dabbles in a field out of casual interest rather than as a profession or serious interest.",,,,,,,,,,,, 10/26/2022,sodality,soʊˈdæl.ɪ.ti,Noun,"A fraternity, a society or association.","Spiritual communion with a divine being, a fellowship.",,,,,,,,,,, 10/27/2022,lenticular,lɛnˈtɪk.jʊ.lɚ,Adjective,Of or pertaining to a lens.,Shaped like a biconvex lens.,Relating to a lenticular image.,,,,,,,,,, 10/28/2022,toilet,ˈtɔɪ.lət,Noun,"A covering of linen, silk, or tapestry, spread over a dressing table in a chamber or dressing room.",The table covered by such a cloth; a dressing table.,"Personal grooming; the process of washing, dressing and arranging the hair.","One’s style of dressing: dress, outfit.",A dressing room.,Verb,To dress and groom oneself.,,,,,, 10/29/2022,disponible,dɪˈspɑːnsəbl̩,Adjective,"Available. (Generally an error made by non-native speakers. Available is about 3,000 times more common.)",,,,,,,,,,,, 10/30/2022,miasma,miˈæzmə,Noun,"A noxious atmosphere or emanation once thought to originate from swamps and waste, and to cause disease.","A noxious atmosphere or influence, an ominous environment.",,,,,,,,,,, 10/31/2022,aetiology,ɛtiːˈɑːlədʒi,Noun,"The establishment of a cause, origin, or reason for something.",The study of causes or causation.,The study or investigation of the causes of disease; a scientific explanation for the origin of a disease.,A cause of disease or of any particular case of a disease.,,,,,,,,, 11/1/2022,emic,ˈiːmɪk,Adjective,Of or pertaining to the analysis of a cultural system or its features from the perspective of a participant in that culture.,,,,,,,,,,,, 11/2/2022,etic,ˈɛtɪk,Adjective,Of or pertaining to analysis of a culture from a perspective situated outside all cultures.,,,,,,,,,,,, 11/3/2022,efflux,ˈɛflʌks,Noun,The process of flowing out.,That which has flowed out.,,,,,,,,,,, 11/4/2022,inflood,ˈinˌflʌd,Noun,The act or process of flooding or flowing in; an inflow or influx.,Verb,"Of a river, water, etc.: to flood or flow into (a place).",To flood or flow in; to inflow.,,,,,,,,, 11/5/2022,glade,ɡleɪd,Noun,An open passage through a wood; a grassy open or cleared space in a forest.,An everglade.,An open space in the ice on a river or lake.,A bright surface of ice or snow.,A gleam of light.,A bright patch of sky; the bright space between clouds.,,,,,,, 11/6/2022,laund,lɔːnd,Noun,"A grassy plain or pasture, especially surrounded by woodland; a glade.",,,,,,,,,,,, 11/7/2022,etaoin shrdlu,ˈɛtəɔɪn ˈʃɚdluː,Noun,"Nonsense, filler text, or an example of accidental typing.",,,,,,,,,,,, 11/8/2022,Batavo-,bəˈtɑːvo,Prefix,"Relating to the Netherlands or the Dutch people, language, or culture.",,,,,,,,,,,, 11/9/2022,dehiscent,dɪˈhɪsənt,Adjective,(Of a pod or wound) characterized by splitting or bursting open.,,,,,,,,,,,, 11/10/2022,repast,ɹɪˈpæst,Noun,A meal.,A period of refreshment or rest.,Food or drink that may be consumed as a meal.,Something that is intellectually or spiritually nourishing.,"The consumption of food; also, refreshment obtained from eating; refreshment; rest.",,,,,,,, 11/11/2022,desuetude,dəˈsuːəˌtuːd,Noun,"The state when something (for example, a custom or a law) is no longer observed nor practised; disuse, obsolescence.",A cessation of practising or using something.,,,,,,,,,,, 11/12/2022,hecatomb,ˈhɛkətoʊm,Noun,"A great feast and public sacrifice to the gods, originally of a hundred oxen.","Any great sacrifice; a great number of people, animals or things, especially as sacrificed or destroyed; a large amount.",,,,,,,,,,, 11/13/2022,word salad,wɝd ˈsæləd,Noun,"A nonsensical assemblage of words, typical of patients with schizophrenia, Wernicke’s aphasia, and some other mental disorders.",Meaningless text generated by a computer.,An intentionally nonsensical and voluminous statement.,,,,,,,,,, 11/14/2022,cryptolect,ˈkɹɪptəˌlɛkt,Noun,A secretive language form used by a subculture; an arcane cant.,,,,,,,,,,,, 11/15/2022,derisible,dəˈɹɪzəbəl,Adjective,"Deserving derision, i.e., deserving disdain or contempt.",,,,,,,,,,,, 11/16/2022,verisimilitude,vɛɹɪsɪˈmɪlɪtuːd,Noun,"The property of seeming true, of resembling reality; resemblance to reality, realism.",A statement which merely appears to be true.,(of a story) Faithfulness to its own rules; internal cohesion.,,,,,,,,,, 11/17/2022,spangled,ˈspæŋ.ɡəld,Noun,Possessing spangles.,(Spangles are small sparkling decorations.),,,,,,,,,,, 11/18/2022,konjac,ˈkoʊn.jæk,Noun,A foul-smelling plant grown in Asia (Amorphophallus konjac).,,,,,,,,,,,, 11/19/2022,perspicacity,ˌpɜːɹ.spɪˈkæs.ɪ.ti,Noun,Acute discernment or understanding; insight.,The human faculty or power to mentally grasp or understand clearly.,Keen eyesight.,,,,,,,,,, 11/20/2022,abele,əˈbil,Noun,The white poplar (Populus alba).,,,,,,,,,,,, 11/21/2022,dolichocephalic,ˌdɑlɪkoʊsəˈfælɪk,Noun,Having a head that is long from front to back (relative to its width from left to right).,,,,,,,,,,,, 11/22/2022,adytum,ˈædɪtəm,Noun,"The innermost sanctuary or shrine in a temple, from where oracles were given.",A private chamber; a sanctum.,,,,,,,,,,, 11/23/2022,bewray,bɪˈɹeɪ,Verb,To accuse; malign; speak evil of.,"To reveal, divulge, or make something known; disclose.","To reveal or disclose and show the presence or true character of, especially if unintentionally or incidentally, or else if perfidiously, prejudicially, or to one’s discredit.",To expose or rat someone out.,To expose to harm.,To expose a deception.,,,,,,, 11/24/2022,welkin,ˈwɛlkən,Noun,The sky which appears to an observer on the Earth as a dome in which celestial bodies are visible; the firmament.,"The upper atmosphere occupied by clouds, flying birds, etc.",The place above the Earth where God or other deities live; heaven.,,,,,,,,,, 11/25/2022,synagogical,ˌsɪ.nəˈɡɑɡɪkəl,Adjective,Of or pertaining to a synagogue.,,,,,,,,,,,, 11/26/2022,prozymite,ˈpɹɑzəˌmaɪt,Noun,"One who administers the Eucharist with leavened bread, in particular a member of the Eastern Orthodox Church.",,,,,,,,,,,, 11/27/2022,azymite,ˈæzɪmaɪt,Noun,"One who administers the Eucharist with unleavened bread, in particular a member of the Latin Church or Roman Catholic Church.",,,,,,,,,,,, 11/28/2022,superpermutation,ˈsupɚpɝmjuːˌteɪʃən,Noun,"For some value n, a string that contains each permutation of n symbols as a substring.",,,,,,,,,,,, 11/29/2022,mouthbrooder,ˈmaʊθˌbɹudɚ,Noun,"Any animal that cares for its offspring, either eggs or juveniles, by holding them in its mouth for extended periods of time.",,,,,,,,,,,, 11/30/2022,yepsen,ˈjɛp.sən,Noun,Amount that can be held in two hands cupped together.,Two hands cupped together.,,,,,,,,,,, 12/1/2022,gowpen,ˈɡaʊpən,Noun,A bowl made of the two hands cupped together.,,,,,,,,,,,, 12/2/2022,uguisubari,ˌuːɡuː.iːsuːˈbɑːɹi,Noun,"A wooden floor specifically designed to creak or “chirp” at the slightest pressure, thus warning the inhabitants of any surreptitious approach.",,,,,,,,,,,, 12/3/2022,regolith,ˈɹɛɡəlɪθ,Noun,"The layer of loose rock, dust, sand, and soil, resting on the bedrock, that constitutes the surface layer of most dry land on Earth, the Moon, and other large solid aggregated celestial objects. Submarine regolith also exists.",,,,,,,,,,,, 12/4/2022,updation,ʌpˈdeɪʃən,Noun,The act or process of updating.,An instance of that process: an update.,,,,,,,,,,, 12/5/2022,antejentacular,ˌæn.tədʒɛnˈtækjəlɚ,Adjective,Occurring before breakfast.,,,,,,,,,,,, 12/6/2022,breviloquent,bɹɛˈvɪl.ə.kwənt,Adjective,Exhibiting brevity in speech; concise.,,,,,,,,,,,, 12/7/2022,chyron,ˈkaɪɹɑn,Noun,"A set of graphics or words at the bottom of a television screen, sometimes unrelated to the current viewing content.",,,,,,,,,,,, 12/8/2022,peregrinate,ˈpɛ.ɹɪ.ɡɹəˌneɪt,Verb,"To travel from place to place, or from one country to another, especially on foot; hence, to sojourn in foreign countries.","To travel through a specific place, e.g., “to peregrinate a country”.",,,,,,,,,,, 12/9/2022,eke,ik,Noun,An addition.,A small stand on which a beehive is placed.,A spacer put between or over or under hive parts to make more space.,Verb,"To add to, to augment; to increase; to lengthen.",Adverb,Also; in addition to.,,,,,, 12/10/2022,disphotic,dɪsˈfoʊtɪk,Adjective,"Having enough light to see, but not enough to carry out photosynthesis.",,,,,,,,,,,, 12/11/2022,nudiustertian,nʊdi.əsˈtɝʃɪən,Adjective,Of or relating to the day before yesterday; very recent.,,,,,,,,,,,, 12/12/2022,allodial,əˈloʊdiəl,Adjective,"Pertaining to land owned by someone absolutely, without any feudal obligations; held without acknowledgement of any superior; allodial title.",Noun,Anything held allodially.,,,,,,,,,, 12/13/2022,otiose,ˈoʊ.ti.oʊs,Adjective,Having no effect.,Done in a careless or perfunctory manner.,Reluctant to work or to exert oneself.,"Of a person, possessing a bored indolence.","Having no reason for existing; having no point, reason, or purpose.",,,,,,,, 12/14/2022,sera,ˈsɪɹə,Noun,Plural of serum.,,,,,,,,,,,, 12/15/2022,paracosm,ˈpæɹəˌkɒzəm,Noun,"A detailed imaginary world, especially one created by a child.",,,,,,,,,,,, 12/16/2022,definiendum,dəfɪniˈɛndəm,Noun,The word or phrase defined in a definition.,,,,,,,,,,,, 12/17/2022,pome,poʊm,Noun,"A type of fruit in which the often edible flesh arises from the swollen base of the flower and not from the carpels, such as an apple.","A ball of silver or other metal, filled with hot water and used by a Roman Catholic priest in cold weather to warm his hands during the service.",,,,,,,,,,, 12/18/2022,gnomess,noʊmɪs,Noun,A female gnome.,,,,,,,,,,,, 12/19/2022,gigot,ˈdʒɪɡət,Noun,A leg of lamb or mutton.,"Short for “gigot sleeve”, a type of sleeve shaped like a leg of mutton.",,,,,,,,,,, 12/20/2022,slaked,sleɪkt,Noun,Allayed; quenched; extinguished.,Mixed with water so that a true chemical combination has taken place.,Verb,Simple past tense and past participle of slake.,,,,,,,,, 12/21/2022,chirurgeonly,kaɪˈɹɝdʒənli,Adjective,"Having the characteristics of a chirurgeon, that is, a doctor or surgeon.",,,,,,,,,,,, 12/22/2022,dithyrambic,daɪθəˈɹæmbɪk,Adjective,"Of, pertaining to, or resembling a dithyramb, that is, an impassioned hymn or speech.","Passionate, intoxicated with enthusiasm.",,,,,,,,,,, 12/23/2022,esquamulose,iˈskweɪmjʊloʊs,Adjective,Not covered in scales or scale-like objects; having a smooth skin or outer covering.,,,,,,,,,,,, 12/24/2022,emollient,ɪˈmɒlɪənt,Adjective,Something which softens or lubricates the skin; moisturizer.,"Anything soothing the mind, or that makes something more acceptable.",,,,,,,,,,, 12/25/2022,rent,ɹɛnt,Noun,A tear or rip in some surface.,A division or schism.,Verb,Simple past tense and past participle of rend.,Adjective,That has been torn or rent; ripped; torn.,,,,,,, 12/26/2022,bit bucket,ˈbɪt ˌbʌkət,Noun,"A container for holding chad (small punched-out pieces of paper) from paper tape or punch cards used with teleprinters, early computers, and other machines; a chad box.",The supposed place where bits go when they fall off the end of a register during a shift operation; the notional resting place of lost or missing digital information.,,,,,,,,,,, 12/27/2022,sphexish,ˈsfɛksɪʃ,Adjective,"Of animal behaviour: deterministic, preprogrammed.",,,,,,,,,,,, 12/28/2022,abb,æb,Noun,A type of yarn for the warp.,"A rough wool from the inferior parts of the fleece, used for the woof or weft.",A filling pick used in weaving.,,,,,,,,,, 12/29/2022,aba,əˈbɑ,Noun,"A coarse, often striped, felted fabric from the Middle East, woven from goat or camel hair.","A loose-fitting sleeveless garment, made from aba or silk, traditionally worn by Arabs.",,,,,,,,,,, 12/30/2022,abob,əˈbɑb,Adverb,Afloat; bouncing on the surface of a liquid.,Adjective,Same as above.,,,,,,,,,, 12/31/2022,owlful,ˈaʊlfʊl,Adjective,Full of owls.,,,,,,,,,,,, 1/1/2023,reptatorial,ˌɹɛp.təˈtɔ.ɹɪ.əl,Adjective,"Crawling, creeping.",,,,,,,,,,,, 1/2/2023,onocentaur,ɑnəˈsɛntɑɹ,Noun,"A centaur with the body of an ass, instead of a prototypical horse",,,,,,,,,,,, 1/3/2023,sputcheon,ˈspʌtʃən,Noun,The metal lining of a scabbard’s mouth.,,,,,,,,,,,, 1/4/2023,polychrestic,ˌpɑlɪˈkɹɛs.tɪk,Adjective,"A medicine that serves for many uses, or that cures many diseases.",,,,,,,,,,,, 1/5/2023,ravel,ˈɹævəl,Verb,To entwine or (en)tangle confusedly.,"To form or knit out of discrete elements, like weaving fabric from threads.","To unwind, pull apart, fray, unpick, or unravel.","To pull out from a piece of fabric, or a skein or reel.",To confuse or perplex.,"To undo the intricacies of; to clarify, to disentangle.","To destroy or ruin, like unravelling fabric.","To become untwisted or unwound; to become unwoven; to fray, to unravel.",To become entangled or snarled.,Noun,"A tangled mess; an entanglement, a snarl, a tangle.","A confusing, intricate, or perplexing situation; a complication.","A thread which has unravelled from fabric; also, a situation of fabric, coming apart; an unravelling." 1/6/2023,mirative,ˈmɪɹətɪv,Noun,A grammatical mood that expresses surprise at unexpected revelations or new information.,An instance of a form of a word which conveys this mood.,Adjective,Of or relating to the mirative mood.,,,,,,,,, 1/7/2023,balconic,ˈbælkənɪk,Adjective,Of or pertaining to balconies.,,,,,,,,,,,, 1/8/2023,holm,hoʊm,Noun,"Small island, islet.","An island in a lake, river or estuary; an eyot.","Rich flat land near a river, prone to being completely flooded; a river-meadow; bottomland.","A common evergreen oak of Europe, Quercus ilex; the holm oak.",,,,,,,,, 1/9/2023,introjection,ɪntɹoʊˈdʒɛkʃən,Noun,The process whereby the ideas of another are unconsciously incorporated into one's own psyche.,,,,,,,,,,,, 1/10/2023,adsorbent,ædˈzɔɹ.bn̩t,Adjective,"Tending to adsorb, i.e., of a liquid or gas, tending to accumulate and form a thin film on a solid surface.",Noun,The solid or liquid in the process of adsorption on which the adsorbate accumulates.,,,,,,,,,, 1/11/2023,ostensive definition,ɑˈstɛns.ɪv ˌdɛfɪˈnɪʃn̩,Noun,A way of demonstrating the meaning of a term by presenting examples and counterexamples.,,,,,,,,,,,, 1/12/2023,cephalad,ˈsɛfəlæd,Adverb,"Towards the head (or anterior extremity), a direction that in humans corresponds to superior.",,,,,,,,,,,, 1/13/2023,doxastic,dɑkˈsæstɪk,Adjective,"Of, pertaining to, or depending on opinion; conjectural.",,,,,,,,,,,, 1/14/2023,putsch,pʊtʃ,Noun,A coup d’état; an illegal effort to forcibly overthrow the current government.,,,,,,,,,,,, 1/15/2023,voluntell,ˌvɑlənˈtɛl,Verb,To tell or force someone to volunteer to do something.,,,,,,,,,,,, 1/16/2023,heteronym,ˈhɛt.ə.ɹoʊ.nɪm,Noun,"A word having the same spelling as another, but a different pronunciation and meaning.",A fictitious character created by an author for the purpose of writing in a different style.,,,,,,,,,,, 1/17/2023,propinquity,pɹoʊˈpɪŋ.kwɪ.ti,Noun,Nearness or proximity.,Affiliation or similarity.,,,,,,,,,,, 1/18/2023,preprandial,ˌpɹiːˈpɹæn.di.əl,Adjective,"Occurring before a meal, especially dinner.",,,,,,,,,,,, 1/19/2023,loupe,luːp,Noun,"A magnifying glass, usually mounted in an eyepiece, often used by jewellers and watchmakers.",A type of short-range binoculars used by surgeons and dentists.,,,,,,,,,,, 1/20/2023,solecism,ˈsoʊlɪsɪzəm,Noun,An erroneous or improper usage.,Error in the use of language.,A faux pas or breach of etiquette; a transgression against the norms of expected behavior.,,,,,,,,,, 1/21/2023,interdigitation,ˌɪntɚdɪdʒɪˈteɪʃən,Noun,The holding of hands with fingers interlinked.,An interlinking that resembles the fingers of two hands being locked together.,,,,,,,,,,, 1/22/2023,debuccalize,diːˈbʌ.kə.laɪz,Verb,To undergo a sound change in which a consonant loses its original place of articulation and becomes [h] or [ʔ].,,,,,,,,,,,, 1/23/2023,eristic,ɛˈɹɪs.tɪk,Adjective,"Provoking strife, controversy or discord.",Noun,One who makes specious arguments; one who is disputatious.,A type of dialogue or argument where the participants do not have any reasonable goal.,,,,,,,,, 1/24/2023,philomath,ˈfɪləmæθ,Noun,A lover of learning; a scholar.,An astrologer or predictor.,,,,,,,,,,, 1/25/2023,alexipharmic,əˌlɛksəˈfɑɹmɪk,Noun,"A medical remedy or an antidote for protecting the body against a harmful substance, especially a poison or venom.",Adjective,Of or pertaining to an alexipharmic; acting as an alexipharmic by protecting against or warding off the ill effects of a harmful substance.,,,,,,,,,, 1/26/2023,gnomic,ˈnoʊmɪk,Adjective,Mysterious and often incomprehensible yet seemingly wise.,Expressing general truths or aphorisms.,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,