import io import json import typing as t from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass from pathlib import Path import httpx import inquirer import typer from rich.console import Console try: from importlib.metadata import version except ImportError: from importlib_metadata import version __version__ = version("oxo") app = typer.Typer() BASE_URL = typer.Option("", envvar="OXO_BASE_URL") TOKEN_CACHE_DIR: t.Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, envvar="OXO_TOKEN_CACHE_DIR") err_console = Console(stderr=True, color_system=None) @dataclass(frozen=True) class TokenData: token: str oxo_url: str @property def curl_rm(self): return f"curl -s -Ftoken={self.token} -Fdelete= {self.oxo_url}" @property def curl_expiry(self, expiry_time="NUMHOURS"): return f"curl -s -Ftoken={self.token} -Fexpires={expiry_time} {self.oxo_url}" def post_to( base_url: str, *, data: t.Iterable[t.Dict], expires: t.Optional[int], token_dir: t.Optional[Path], use_long_name: bool, ) -> str: retval = [] with httpx.Client() as client: data_dict = {} if expires: data_dict["expires"] = expires if use_long_name: data_dict["secret"] = use_long_name for d in data: if isinstance(d.get("file"), io.BufferedReader): res =, files=d, data=data_dict) else: res =, data={**d, **data_dict}) res.raise_for_status() remote_url = res.text.strip() token = res.headers.get("x-token") if token: token_data = TokenData( token=token, oxo_url=remote_url, ) err_console.print(f"To remove post, {token_data.curl_rm}") err_console.print( f"To update expiration date, {token_data.curl_expiry}" ) if token_dir: # todo rewrite when drop 3.7 if d.get("url"): fname = d.get("url").rpartition("/")[2] elif d.get("file").name: fname = Path(d.get("file").name).name else: raise ValueError(f"{d}") token_dir.joinpath(f"{fname}.token").write_text( json.dumps(asdict(token_data)) ) retval.append(remote_url) return " ".join(retval) def post_files( base_url, files: t.List[Path], *, expires: t.Optional[int], token_dir: t.Optional[Path], use_long_name: bool, ): return post_to( base_url, data=({"file":"rb")} for f in files), expires=expires, token_dir=token_dir, use_long_name=use_long_name, ) def post_repost( base_url, urls: t.List[str], *, expires: t.Optional[int], token_dir: t.Optional[Path], use_long_name: bool, ): return post_to( base_url, data=({"url": u.strip()} for u in urls), expires=expires, token_dir=token_dir, use_long_name=use_long_name, ) def post_shorten( base_url, urls: t.List[str], *, expires: t.Optional[int], token_dir: t.Optional[Path], ): return post_to( base_url, data=({"shorten": u.strip()} for u in urls), expires=expires, token_dir=token_dir, use_long_name=False, ) def version_callback(value: bool): if value: typer.echo(f"{__version__}") raise typer.Exit() @app.callback() def main( version: t.Optional[bool] = typer.Option( None, "--version", callback=version_callback, is_eager=True, help="Show the version and exit.", ), ): """A command line utility for compliant pastebins. To use a different 0x0 site, set `OXO_BASE_URL` in your environment, or specify it in the relevant subcommand. """ def configure_token_dir(token_cache_dir: Path) -> Path: if token_cache_dir: token_dir = Path(token_cache_dir).expanduser().resolve() if not token_dir.is_dir(): typer.secho( f"token_dir={token_dir} is not a directory; cannot store tokens here.", fg=typer.colors.RED, err=True, ) raise typer.Exit(-1) token_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) else: token_dir = None return token_dir @app.command() def files( files: t.List[Path] = typer.Argument( ..., min=1, exists=True, file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, resolve_path=True ), use_long_name: bool = typer.Option( False, help="If true, create a harder to guess name." ), base_url: str = BASE_URL, expires: t.Optional[int] = typer.Option( None, help="Expiration time, in hours or epoch milliseconds" ), token_cache_dir: str = TOKEN_CACHE_DIR, ): """Upload one or more files. If one is provided by the 0x0 site used on a successful upload, a management token will be printed to stderr along with instructions on how to use it to delete or adjust the expiration time on the uploaded file(s). If `--token-cache-dir` is passed or `OXO_TOKEN_CACHE_DIR` is set, the management token will also be cached as a json file in that directory. The cache directory will be created on first use. """ token_dir = configure_token_dir(token_cache_dir) typer.echo( post_files( base_url, files, expires=expires, token_dir=token_dir, use_long_name=use_long_name, ) ) @app.command() def repost( urls: t.List[str] = typer.Argument(..., min=1), use_long_name: bool = typer.Option( False, help="If true, create a harder to guess name." ), base_url=BASE_URL, expires: t.Optional[int] = typer.Option( None, help="Expiration time, in hours or epoch milliseconds" ), token_cache_dir: str = TOKEN_CACHE_DIR, ): """Repost one or more urls.""" token_dir = configure_token_dir(token_cache_dir) typer.echo( post_repost( base_url, urls, expires=expires, token_dir=token_dir, use_long_name=use_long_name, ) ) @app.command() def shorten( urls: t.List[str] = typer.Argument(..., min=1), base_url=BASE_URL, expires: t.Optional[int] = typer.Option( None, help="Expiration time, in hours or epoch milliseconds" ), token_cache_dir: str = TOKEN_CACHE_DIR, ): """Shorten one or more urls.""" token_dir = configure_token_dir(token_cache_dir) if base_url == BASE_URL.default: typer.secho( f"Warning: shortening is often disabled " f"for {base_url}, command may fail", fg=typer.colors.RED, err=True, ) typer.echo(post_shorten(base_url, urls, expires, token_dir)) def did_confirm(token: TokenData, filename: Path) -> bool: confirm = inquirer.Confirm( "delete", message=f"delete {} ({token.oxo_url})?", default=True ) res = inquirer.prompt([confirm]) return res["delete"] @app.command() def delete( token_cache_dir: Path = typer.Argument("", envvar="OXO_TOKEN_CACHE_DIR"), interactive: bool = typer.Option( False, help="If True, prompt for each token found." ), ): """Delete uploaded files if tokens are found on disk at `token_cache_dir`.""" token_files = token_cache_dir.glob("*.token") tokens = [] good_tokens = [] for token in token_files: try: tokens.append(TokenData(**json.loads(token.read_text()))) good_tokens.append(token) except Exception as e: typer.secho(f"Ignoring {token}: {e}", err=True, fg=typer.colors.YELLOW) with httpx.Client() as client: for token, token_file in zip(tokens, good_tokens): try: if (interactive and did_confirm(token, token_file)) or not interactive: res = token.oxo_url, data=dict(token=token.token, delete="") ) res.raise_for_status() typer.echo(f"Removed {token.oxo_url} {res.text.strip()}") token_file.unlink() typer.echo(f"Removed stale token {token_file}") except Exception as e: typer.secho(e, err=True, fg=typer.colors.RED)