Update readme for neovim

This commit is contained in:
hedy 2023-11-01 21:44:22 +08:00
parent 853bdc6306
commit 72af1a8367
Signed by: hedy
GPG Key ID: B51B5A8D1B176372
2 changed files with 35 additions and 80 deletions

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@ -151,11 +151,11 @@ return {
config = true
{ 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim', tag = '0.1.4',
enabled = vim.fn.has("nvim-0.9") == 1,
dependencies = {
{ 'nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim', build = 'make' },
enabled = vim.fn.has("nvim-0.9") == 1,
config = function() require('plugins/telescope') end,
{ "folke/todo-comments.nvim",
@ -382,19 +382,17 @@ return {
-- Treesitter!
{ "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter", build = ":TSUpdate",
{ "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter",
enabled = vim.fn.has('nvim-0.9') == 1,
build = ":TSUpdate",
version = false,
event = "VeryLazy",
cmd = { "TSUpdateSync", "TSUpdate", "TSInstall", "Inspect", "InspectTree" },
config = function() require("plugins/treesitter") end,
{ "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-context",
dependencies = "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter",
after = "nvim-treesitter",
{ "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects",
dependencies = "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter",
after = "nvim-treesitter",
dependencies = {
{ "windwp/nvim-ts-autotag",
-- Automatically add closing tags for HTML and JSX

View File

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ on many [tildes](https://tildeverse.org), I make this set of configuration as
cross-platform as possible.
I also try to use `$HOME` or `~` in place of `/home/name` because on Mac it's
`/Users/name` and my username is not always the same. This also aids
portability for others looking to reference my config.
`/Users/name` and my username is not always the same. This also aids portability
for others looking to reference my config.
Used on (aka loosely tested on):
- MacOS
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ that handles clipboard operations with windows.
- 2023-10: Heavily refactored my neovim config (I've also changed my neovim
theme from dracula to tundra)
- 2023-09: I've switched from neovim to Doom, and to my own Emacs!
- 2023-06: (nvim) Switched from vim to full-lua set up
@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ Mirrors: [tildegit (gitea)](https://tildegit.org/hedy/dotfiles) |
* [Local](#local)
* [Editor](#editor)
* [Vim and nvim](#vim-and-nvim)
* [New NVIM setup (lua)](#new-nvim-setup-lua)
* [New neovim setup (lua)](#new-neovim-setup-lua)
* [TODO for neovim](#todo-for-neovim)
* [Vanilla Emacs](#vanilla-emacs)
* [Doom emacs](#doom-emacs)
@ -220,20 +222,18 @@ Other local files recognized:
### Vim and nvim
Minimum supported version: NVIM 0.5.0
Recommended version: NVIM 0.9.0+
The [bin/nv](./bin/nv) script is an alias to neovim, and runs vim if neovim is
not installed.
For vim I use Vundle as my plugin manager just because I discovered vim before
nvim and Vundle before vim-plug. My [`vimrc`](.vimrc) is largely unmaintained
pieces of configuration copied from other people's configs. The set of plugins
are mostly maintained (as in me modifying what plugins to use), except for
auto-pairs if I remember correctly.
Sometimes when I change a plugin for nvim and change it for vim too, if I have
extra time.
The vim config is usable, but largely unmaintained. It can be used on systems
without neovim or with an unsupported version of neovim.
<summary> Legacy NVIM setup </summary>
<summary> Legacy neovim setup </summary>
I use vim-plug as my plugin manager for nvim because it is shorter to type. And
it installs plugins asynchronously.
@ -255,11 +255,11 @@ remove it in the future.
LSP servers - See comments in `.config/nvim/lua/lsp.lua`.
I'll probably also optimize my vim config so that it can be fast and clean -
available for quick editting. No auto-complete, no fancy themes, just some
available for quick editing. No auto-complete, no fancy themes, just some
must-have utilities.
##### New NVIM setup (lua)
#### New neovim setup (lua)
Since 2023-06-30, I've switched to `init.lua` 🎉
@ -269,72 +269,31 @@ Since 2023-06-30, I've switched to `init.lua` 🎉
- Icons: nvim-web-devicons
- Status line: lualine
A decision like this was as a difficult one to make as projects like fish
switching from C++ to Rust (like WTF?)
But my reasoning is like theirs, my startup time has improved significantly and
this switch came with many other advantages including opening up a world of many
modern, speedy plugins with very useful (not exactly due to being trendy)
Yes, I still use dracula theme.
Yes, I still don't use fancy separators for my status line.
Yes, I still don't use a dashboard, nor open up a sidebar of file explorer
Ever since then, my startup time has improved significantly and this switch came
with many other advantages including opening up a world of many modern, speedy
plugins with very useful (not exactly due to being trendy) functionalities.
I like to choose plugins that are fast, customizable, and generally does not
have feature creep.
**Regarding bufferline**
lualine provides tabline support, which displays the list of buffers at the top
of the window where vim tabs are supposed to be.
If there is another plugin that provides similar customization capabilities as
lualine but does not have tabline, I would happily switch to that.
Even though I don't use tabs much, I prefer to have the list of buffers at the
bottom on the command line rather than taking up space at the top.
No, I don't wish to have hover events, "x"-close buttons, filetype icons on the
buffer line. My nvim should be a lightweight editor that has particular useful
capabilities from IDEs.
**LSP and completion**
I use the official lsp-config plus nvim-cmp.
For cmp, I have sources for latex (useful symbol input), emojis (useful for
docs), buffer (sometimes useful, mostly noisy), git (oh well), calc (also useful
for docs), path (useful for shell scripts and docs), cmdline (avoid opening the
browser search too much), and snippy.
Linting is triggered on save. I use nvim-lint.
I plan to use treesitter soon. Features I'm particularly looking for is speed,
indent context highlight (indicates current indent level), and perhaps block
Treesitter plugin is enabled conditionally if neovim version >= 0.9.
Unfortunately it requires newer nvim releases, so I wait for a bit first, like I
did for nvim-0.5 to become more ubiquitous for switching to lua config.
Note that a proper C/C++ compiler toolchain is required for building the
No, I don't use telescope yet due to the version requirement.
For fuzzy opening of files I have mini.files and `:e fuzzy/path/autocompletion`
provided by nvim-cmp.
Or I would use a file browser outside of neovim like ranger and open from there.
No, I don't use neovim like an IDE, and no I am not one of those emacs-as-an-OS
people. It's only an editor :)
Telescope plugin is enabled conditionally if neovim version >= 0.9.
- `dotscripts/setup/nvim` (no longer needed as I no longer use vim-plug)
@ -353,12 +312,13 @@ software.
- [x] Make use of Lazy loading
- [x] Fix ftplugin + lazy ft handle
- [x] Use Tree sitter
- [ ] Ensure conditionally loaded plugins (from nvim version) work as expected
### Vanilla Emacs
I use chemacs2 for switching emacs profiles (emacs < v29) and it allows me to
use both vanilla emacs and doom emacs at the same time. See
I use chemacs2 for switching emacs profiles (for emacs < v29) and it allows me
to use both vanilla emacs and doom emacs at the same time. See
**Setup**: `dotscripts/setup/emacs`. This script is pretty heavily tested and
@ -382,7 +342,8 @@ emacs in 2023-09. The configuration there is somewhat up to date, but not
guaranteed as I don't really use doom anymore.
The emacs directory would be at `.doomemacs` (because `.emacs.d` is for
chemacs). Relevant environment variables are set in `.exportenvs`, also see
## Terminal
@ -394,11 +355,7 @@ they are platform-dependent.
## Gemini and Spartan client
My amfora config at `.config/amfora` uses the default theme with mostly default
settings. I don't use amfora all that often because I also use elpher,
lagrange, and gelim. I plan to have a custom newtab page as well as a custom
theme in the future. Because gelim doesn't support client certificates yet, I
only mostly use amfora for capsules that want a client certificate.
My primary client is Gelim on the terminal and Lagrange otherwise.
Gelim config is at `.config/gelim`. gelim is my own gemini and spartan client
for the terminal that isn't a full-blown TUI and tries to stay simple whilst