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4 changed files with 130 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ Read more on =noweb=:
- Doom emacs
- Centaur
- Ha-emacs
- Crafted emacs
- DistoTube emacs config (doom)
- Purcell
- Spacemacs
I have heavily (or sparingly) taken inspirations from the first 4 of which, in no particular order within my own =.emacs=.
I have heavily (or sparingly) taken inspirations from the first 6 of which, in no particular order within my own =.emacs=.

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(setq package-enable-at-startup nil)
(setq inhibit-startup-message t)
(tool-bar-mode -1)
(set-fringe-mode 10)
(modify-all-frames-parameters '((width . 100) (height . 50)))

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@ -126,6 +126,8 @@ Hopefully I'll be consistent with the convention of using =./= for all self-defi
To search for these in completion systems, use =\./= (\o/ :D). =./= stands for DOTSLASH
** Org insert src
The function below is adapted from a blog post (link lost, sorry) which describes how you can define a function to quickly insert a src code block.
I've adapted it to automatically use =elisp :tangle yes= if the file currently being edited is in the =user-emacs-directory=, since I use a literate emacs configuration and the only time I'll use this function when I'm in the user emacs directory is when I'm editing my literate org configuration.
@ -199,7 +201,9 @@ Uses 'elisp' if currently in user-emacs-directory."
Below is two helper functions used by the above helper function.
** Utility functions for 'org-insert-src'
Used by the above function.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun ./match-line-p (regexp &optional move keep-pos start)
@ -238,6 +242,8 @@ contents of the required line."
t nil) nil) nil))))
** Org split src
Below is also another helper function for editing my literate configuration. It uses the =#+BEGIN_SRC= content from the current code block (that the cursor is in) and splits the block into two by inserting =#+END_SRC= and copying whatever =#+BEGIN_SRC <...>= that was used in the current code block.
This is extremely useful when I want to paste some chunk of code into a big code block, then I decide to split them up in order to add documentation for them.
@ -258,13 +264,19 @@ Retains src properties."
FIXME: Sometimes retaining the src properties of the backward closest to point =BEGIN_SRC= line doesn't work. When I'm editting and at some position outside of the Evil heading, using the split src function copies a =BEGIN_SRC= containing =:noweb-ref evil-config= somehow.
** Load file and directory -- Thanks!
This is used for loading my =modules/= dir in =packages.el=.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
2023-09-15 ish: Not anymore. After taking inspiration from Prot's emacs config I've decided to put modules and lisp directories into load path and =require= them rather than =load=.
I've also decided not to tangle this to not clog up my namespace (not that it matters that much lol).
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp no
(defun ./load-directory (dir)
"Load *.el files in a given directory"
(let ((load-it (lambda (f)
@ -274,7 +286,7 @@ This is used for loading my =modules/= dir in =packages.el=.
TBH this is such a small function but like, does save some parens y'know.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp no
(defun ./load-file-if-exists (file)
"Same as load-file but NOP if file does not exist"
(if (file-exists-p file)
@ -377,12 +389,14 @@ Enable =use-package= for elpaca and load my package definitions in
* Fontaine
* TODO Fontaine
This package is the only =use-package= package that is defined outside of =packages.el=.
FIXME: This doesn't work. Does this have to do with foundries?
Currently not tangled as I still have to test this.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp :noweb yes :noweb-prefix no :tangle no
(use-package fontaine

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@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ Helper variables adopted from Doom Emacs I'm not sure if I'll ever use.
(defconst HAS-NATIVECOMP (featurep 'native-compile))
TODO: autoload emoji
* Theme
I sometimes switch between these (sub-headings). To switch, set =:tangle yes/no=.
@ -302,6 +300,12 @@ TODO: Like my neovim config, keep visual selection after shifting width.
(setq evil-shift-width 2)
Allow evil motion keys to go across lines. If point is at beginning of line, and I use left arrow or =h=, point will then be at the end of the previous line.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp :noweb-ref evil-config :tangle no
(setq evil-cross-lines t)
Set undo system to allow redos.
@ -737,9 +741,6 @@ With references from System Crafter's crafted-emacs configuration
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(use-package cape
;;:after math-symbol-lists
:elpaca (:repo "~/projects/cape/")
;;:elpaca (:repo "hedyhli/cape")
;;:defer t
;; Add useful defaults completion sources from cape
;; (add-to-list 'completion-at-point-functions #'cape-file)
@ -780,17 +781,111 @@ It's like how copilot gives you a completion after your cursor... but this is co
Also like fish's autosuggestion.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp :noweb yes
(use-package corfu-candidate-overlay
(corfu-candidate-overlay-mode 1) ;; This is global
(set-face-attribute 'corfu-candidate-overlay-face nil :foreground "dim grey")
;; Use TAB to accept a completion, how cool is that!
(define-key evil-insert-state-map (kbd "TAB") 'corfu-candidate-overlay-complete-at-point)
(define-key evil-insert-state-map (kbd "TAB") './insert-state-tab)
The function below is the handler for the TAB key in evil insert state. The gist of what it does starts in the =(if at-heading [...])= block. The extra code before which is explained in the comment.
The last time I used Doom, it doesn't support using =org-cycle= if point is at the end of line on an org heading. I have to move it *ON* the heading text for it to =org-cycle=.
The first snippet below was my first attempt at this issue, before I checked the source code for corfu candidate overlay to obtain code for checking whether CAP is possible at point. The first snippet sort of works but is not as good, see the excessive comments.
The second snippet is the tangled one, it works (for now).
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp :tangle no
(defun ./insert-state-tab ()
"Handle TAB key in insert state.
Confirm candidate overlay or call `org-cycle' depending on position of
current point.
If it is at an org heading, or at the end of line that contains a
folded org heading, then `org-cycle' is called. Otherwise
(if (org-at-heading-p)
(let ((current-char (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (+ (point) 1)))
(current-line (buffer-substring-no-properties
(line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))))
(if (and (string= current-char "\n") (org-invisible-p2))
;; If point is at the very end of an org heading
;; `org-at-heading-p' returns nil so I have to check it
;; another way.
;; I'm honestly not sure if there is a case where the
;; condition above evaluates to true but we don't actually
;; want to `org-cycle', so I added a message.
;; `end-of-line' actually moves point to position BEFORE
;; the ellipsis char where as evil's end of line moves
;; it after (as with if position is selected with mouse,
;; click at the end of line of folded org heading).
;; Initially I wanted to use this to put point in the
;; "visible" end of line position and use `org-cycle',
;; which should work (when called interactively). But
;; for some reason it didn't work when using this
;; function so I decided to use `evil-open-fold'
;; instead.
;; Surprisingly evil's fold on org works even if point
;; is on the (weird) end of folded heading line
;; position, which as mentioned above is where
;; `org-at-heading-p' returns nil.
;; TODO: Possibly a bug with org itself?
(save-excursion ;; Point is still moved out of the heading line!
(message "Assumed to be at end of folded org heading line. \
If org-cycle is unwanted here. Please edit ./insert-state-tab function")))
;; Reaching here if '(and (string= [...]) [...])' not true.
;; REVIEW: A way to fix all the excessive comments above is
;; to have a way of determining whether corfu-candidate CAP
;; could act, rather than checking with org. If
;; candidate-overlay cannot act I could just call
;; `evil-open-fold' and not bother with `org-cycle' at all.
;; Is it possible with this implementation to add further
;; functionality to this TAB key? I need a way to check if
;; candidate-overlay is visible.
Even though it ends up with repeated =corfu-candidate-overlay= checks, it's a cleaner and easier to maintain (and extend) implementation than the one above.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp :noweb-ref insert-state-tab-cmd :tangle no
(defun ./insert-state-tab ()
"Handle TAB key in insert state.
If corfu-candidate-overlay's overlay is active, calls
`corfu-candidate-overlay--get-overlay-property', otherwise
`evil-toggle-fold'. See my for this section for why I
didn't use `org-cycle' here."
(if (overlayp corfu-candidate-overlay--overlay)
;; This check is taken exactly from the implementation of
;; `corfu-candidate-overlay-complete-at-point's (as of
;; writing).
(if (and (overlayp corfu-candidate-overlay--overlay)
(not (string= (corfu-candidate-overlay--get-overlay-property 'after-string) "")))
(evil-toggle-fold) ;; This shows a helpful message too, if cannot fold at point!
* Which-Key
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
@ -893,7 +988,6 @@ Org superstar is like org-bullets but with additional customizations as well as
* Eglot & tree sitter
Eglot is now included in Emacs from version 29.