gelim(1) # NAME gelim - a friendly line-mode gemini client # SYNOPSIS _gelim_ [OPTIONS] [URL] # OPTIONS \--help, -h get cli help/usage \--input, -i _string_ append "?" + _string_ percent-encoded to _URL_ (will be ignored if URL not provided) \--no-interactive, -I don't enter the line-mode interface (useful for just wanting to view _URL_ then exit) \--search , -s _string_ search _string_ with the search engine. this takes priority over _URL_ and --input (which means _URL_ and --input will be ignored if this flag is used) # INTERFACE just run _gelim_ and optionally provide a url. it will start the line-mode interface. at the prompt, you can directly enter a url, link index, or otherwise a command. ## COMMANDS \help, h, ? get help for the interface \quit, exit, q, x exit the program \back, b go to previous url in history \forward, f go to next url in history \history print history \reload, r reload current page \links, link, peek, l _number_ get link for link-index _number_ (what the link links to). if no _number_ specified, it prints a list of all the links in the current page \url, current, cur, u print current url \search, s _query_... search _query_ with search engine