# ~hedy's site This is my website and gemini capsule source code. Link is currently hedy.tilde.cafe on both [web](https://hedy.tilde.cafe) and [gemini](gemini://hedy.tilde.cafe). It has a blog and a few pages. The blog has mostly the same post for web/gemini and the web version has an RSS feed and the gemini version has an atom feed. I also have tags, last-update, and changelog link for each post. As to comments it's currently via email, though I plan to setup CGI-based like/comment system for gemini. Webmentions are planned too, I have linked the pingback etc links in the `` but I don't have them setup and working yet. I also want to make this a lightweight CGI-based solution. That's about it! Nothing fancy. The CSS is *pretty* minimal, but not brutalist design. It has a few custom colors, a sans-serif font stack, and some styling in the footer and nav. Everything else is partially based on top of [simple css](https://simplecss.org) and sometimes [seirdy's site](https://seirdy.one). ## todo - [ ] let gemini version also have a post page at /posts/index.gmi - [ ] minify images and use WebP - [x] provide atom feed for www - [x] show post description in list - [ ] content improvements - [ ] about - [ ] projects - [ ] syntax hilite post - [ ] gemini post - [ ] proper reply via email link