--- title: "Tilde.Cafe Spotlight" date: 2022-03-27T15:50:41+08:00 draft: false outputs: - html slug: cafe-spotlight description: "Shiny cool stuff by fellow tilde.cafe users" --- Here are some cool stuff made by fellow tilde.cafe users that I found. ## Gallery by [~tweska](https://tilde.cafe/~tweska/) A gallery of all WWW user homepages on ~cafe [Take a look >>>>](https://tilde.cafe/~tweska/gallery/) ## Brainfuck online by [~samhunter](https://tilde.cafe/~samhunter) An online BF interpreter (JavaScript required). [Check it out!](https://tilde.cafe/~samhunter/bf) ## Cool CSS Animation by [~gladiator](https://tilde.cafe/~gladiator/) Some interesting animation made entirely with HTML and CSS! [![a preview of the animation](../gladiator.png)](https://tilde.cafe/~gladiator) ## ~chrono's blog by [~chrono](https://tilde.cafe/~chrono/) Joel hosts a blog over on his homepage where he also lists some games he built. Here are a few blog posts which I found interesting: * [2022-03-15 Logging out of YouTube](https://chrono.tilde.cafe/posts/logging-out-of-youtube.html) * [2022-01-14 Mutt Wizard](https://chrono.tilde.cafe/posts/mutt-wizard.html) * [2021-08-31 Backup your dotfiles using stow](https://chrono.tilde.cafe/posts/backup-your-dotfiles-using-stow.html) * [2021-07-01 Adventures with ssh, git and rofi scripts](https://chrono.tilde.cafe/posts/adventures-with-ssh,-git-and-rofi-scripts.html) ## ~wwwgem's posts by [~wwwgem](https://tilde.cafe/~wwwgem/) * [2021-05-03 shellcheck: check your bash scripts](https://tilde.cafe/~wwwgem/system/04-shellcheckus.html) * [2021-04-23 Commandline: fd, rga and bat](https://tilde.cafe/~wwwgem/system/03-fd_rga_batus.html) They have some cool scripts too! --- Is there anything I missed? Email me any suggestions on things to include :)