hedy 6b6aded2d7
feat: Show tags, adjust structure
- gmi: Show last mod along with post date in post meta
- both: Show simple list of tags at the end of a post
  - for web: This makes tags look like "tags" rather than "word-links",
    with removed text underline and added background color to the links.
    Small opacity/brightness change applied on hover for both dark and
    light modes.
- web: Adjust content structuring
  - hr before footnotes is removed. The footnotes is now borderless (hr
    is still visible on browsers without CSS)
  - Add upper border on footer (implemented by using bottom border on
    after content, which is now visible regardless of whether content
  - Boldify footnotes heading - creates a visual separation in place of
    removed hr
- web: Adjust color of light text - it's now lighter and bluer to fit
  the background.
2024-04-18 17:17:01 +08:00
posts feat: Show tags, adjust structure 2024-04-18 17:17:01 +08:00
tags Switch to TOML frontmatter for content and archetypes 2024-04-11 11:42:22 +08:00
_index.gmi Fix link for space elevator 2024-04-11 10:11:18 +08:00 Move hero stuff out of content into index.html template 2024-04-13 14:44:43 +08:00
about.gmi Update about 2024-04-06 20:54:31 +08:00 Switch to TOML frontmatter for content and archetypes 2024-04-11 11:42:22 +08:00
cafe-spotlight.gmi Add Misc page and ~Cafe Spotlight for gemini 2023-01-25 18:54:48 +08:00 Switch to TOML frontmatter for content and archetypes 2024-04-11 11:42:22 +08:00
misc.gmi Add Misc page and ~Cafe Spotlight for gemini 2023-01-25 18:54:48 +08:00 Switch to TOML frontmatter for content and archetypes 2024-04-11 11:42:22 +08:00
projects.gmi content: about/index.* -> about.* and for projects 2021-08-25 11:39:41 +08:00 Switch to TOML frontmatter for content and archetypes 2024-04-11 11:42:22 +08:00