# pfstats ## Description dataviz projet to view the images created by [pfstat](https://www.benzedrine.ch/pfstat.html) project. *BSD Licensed 2-Clause* ⇒ pfstat.conf: personnal config files for IPv4, IPv6 (no Queue), for pfstat - network interface: **em0** - directory web: `/var/www/htdocs/pfstat` ⇒ pfstat.html: Responsive web page for project pfstat - CSS: pure-min.css, styles.css - JS: ui.js — short JS to manipulate UI correctly. - based on PureCSS Framework ⇒ convert-img.sh: script sh to convert JPEG image to Webp and Avif format *(tested on pdksh, on OpenBSD 6.9)* --- ## Installation 1. Install pfstat package: `# pkg_add pfstat` 2. Copy pfstat.conf to /etc 3. Set and active httpd 4. Set crontab 5. Install needed packages for convert-img.sh: `# pkg_add libavif libwebp` --- ## Configuration ### PF ⇒ modify your `/etc/pf.conf` to add: ``` set loginterface em0 ``` Restart your PF: ``` # pfctl -nf /etc/pf.conf && pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf ``` ### httpd ⇒ create need directory to publish the pfstat images: `# mkdir -p /var/www/htdocs/pfstat/` ⇒ create/copy httpd.conf file into /etc: ``` types { include "/usr/share/misc/mime.types" image/avif avif } server "pfstat" { listen on port 80 location "/pfstat/" { directory auto index root "/htdocs/" } } ``` ⇒ check file config and start the daemon: `# httpd -n && rcctl start httpd` ### pfstat.(conf,html) ⇒ copy file config to /etc ⇒ copy files html and needed css, js on the httpd directory. * Yearly views: It's possible to obtain and see yearly views. Uncomment blocks view on both pfstat* files; this need to change too the crontab time to delete — *(the third line).* ### crontab ``` ### pfstat * * * * * /usr/local/bin/pfstat -q -d /var/db/pfstat/pfstat.db */15 * * * * /usr/local/bin/pfstat -p -d /var/db/pfstat/pfstat.db; /dir/convert-img.sh ; chown -R www /var/www/htdocs/pfstat 30 0 * * * /usr/local/bin/pfstat -t 30 -d /var/db/pfstat/pfstat.db ``` Think to mkdir: `# mkdir -p /var/db/pfstat/` ### convert-img.sh 1. chmod 0700 --- ## Screenshot ![Screenshot about the PFstats page](pfstats.html.png "PFstats : Datawiz Project to analyse pfstat views!") ## Troubleshooting ### ALTQ-style queues not supported anymore It seems collectors on queues are not more supported. Comment or delete all relevent collectors and images lines. ### dbopen: /var/db/pfstat/pfstat.db: No such file or directory Have-you really created the needed directory‽ --- ***Enjoy-ID!***