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src create suggestions functions 2022-12-19 00:20:02 +00:00
.gitignore create suggestions function 2022-12-19 00:08:43 +00:00
composer.json create suggestions function 2022-12-19 00:08:43 +00:00
composer.lock create suggestions function 2022-12-19 00:08:43 +00:00 create suggestions function 2022-12-19 00:08:43 +00:00


Welcome to the documentation of this function 👋 We strongly recommend keeping this file in sync with your function's logic to make sure anyone can easily understand your function in the future. If you don't need documentation, you can remove this file.

🤖 Documentation

Simple function similar to typical "hello world" example, but instead, we return a simple JSON that tells everyone how awesome developers are.

Example input:

This function expects no input

Example output:

 "areDevelopersAwesome": true

📝 Environment Variables

List of environment variables used by this cloud function:

  • APPWRITE_FUNCTION_ENDPOINT - Endpoint of Appwrite project

🚀 Deployment

There are two ways of deploying the Appwrite function, both having the same results, but each using a different process. We highly recommend using CLI deployment to achieve the best experience.

Using CLI

Make sure you have Appwrite CLI installed, and you have successfully logged into your Appwrite server. To make sure Appwrite CLI is ready, you can use the command appwrite client --debug and it should respond with green text ✓ Success.

Make sure you are in the same folder as your appwrite.json file and run appwrite deploy function to deploy your function. You will be prompted to select which functions you want to deploy.

Manual using tar.gz

Manual deployment has no requirements and uses Appwrite Console to deploy the tag. First, enter the folder of your function. Then, create a tarball of the whole folder and gzip it. After creating .tar.gz file, visit Appwrite Console, click on the Deploy Tag button and switch to the Manual tab. There, set the entrypoint to src/index.php, and upload the file we just generated.