
292 lines
9.7 KiB

from asyncio import Future, PriorityQueue
from typing import Awaitable, Deque, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple
from collections import deque
from asyncio_throttle import Throttler
from ircstates import Emit, Channel, NUMERIC_NAMES
from irctokens import build, Line, tokenise
from .ircv3 import CAPContext, CAP_ECHO, CAP_SASL, CAP_LABEL, LABEL_TAG
from .sasl import SASLContext, SASLResult
from .matching import ResponseOr, Numerics, Numeric, ParamAny, ParamFolded
from .asyncs import MaybeAwait
from .struct import Whois
from .interface import (ConnectionParams, ICapability, IServer, SentLine,
SendPriority, SASLParams, IMatchResponse)
from .interface import ITCPTransport, ITCPReader, ITCPWriter
THROTTLE_RATE = 4 # lines
THROTTLE_TIME = 2 # seconds
class Server(IServer):
_reader: ITCPReader
_writer: ITCPWriter
params: ConnectionParams
def __init__(self, name: str):
self.throttle = Throttler(
rate_limit=100, period=THROTTLE_TIME)
self.sasl_state = SASLResult.NONE
self._sent_count: int = 0
self._wait_for: List[Tuple["Future[Line]", IMatchResponse]] = []
self._write_queue: PriorityQueue[SentLine] = PriorityQueue()
self.desired_caps: Set[ICapability] = set([])
self._read_queue: Deque[Tuple[Line, List[Emit]]] = deque()
def hostmask(self) -> str:
hostmask = self.nickname
if not self.username is None:
hostmask += f"!{self.username}"
if not self.hostname is None:
hostmask += f"@{self.hostname}"
return hostmask
def send_raw(self, line: str, priority=SendPriority.DEFAULT
) -> Awaitable[SentLine]:
return self.send(tokenise(line), priority)
def send(self, line: Line, priority=SendPriority.DEFAULT
) -> Awaitable[SentLine]:
sent_line = SentLine(self._sent_count, priority, line)
self._sent_count += 1
label = self.cap_available(CAP_LABEL)
if not label is None:
tag = LABEL_TAG[label]
if line.tags is None or not tag in line.tags:
if line.tags is None:
line.tags = {}
line.tags[tag] = str(
async def _assure() -> SentLine:
await sent_line.future
return sent_line
return MaybeAwait(_assure)
def set_throttle(self, rate: int, time: float):
self.throttle.rate_limit = rate
self.throttle.period = time
async def connect(self,
transport: ITCPTransport,
params: ConnectionParams):
reader, writer = await transport.connect(,
tls =params.tls,
bindhost =params.bindhost)
self._reader = reader
self._writer = writer
self.params = params
await self.handshake()
async def handshake(self):
nickname = self.params.nickname
username = self.params.username or nickname
realname = self.params.realname or nickname
# these must remain non-awaited; reading hasn't started yet
if not self.params.password is None:
self.send(build("PASS", [self.params.password]))
self.send(build("CAP", ["LS", "302"]))
self.send(build("NICK", [nickname]))
self.send(build("USER", [username, "0", "*", realname]))
async def _on_read_emit(self, line: Line, emit: Emit):
if emit.command == "001":
await self.send(build("WHO", [self.nickname]))
elif emit.command == "CAP":
if emit.subcommand == "NEW":
await self._cap_ls(emit)
elif (emit.subcommand == "LS" and
if not self.registered:
await CAPContext(self).handshake()
await self._cap_ls(emit)
elif emit.command == "JOIN":
if emit.self and not is None:
await self.send(build("MODE", []))
async def _on_read_line(self, line: Line):
if line.command == "PING":
await self.send(build("PONG", line.params))
async def line_read(self, line: Line):
async def next_line(self) -> Tuple[Line, List[Emit]]:
if self._read_queue:
both = self._read_queue.popleft()
data = await
while True:
lines = self.recv(data)
if lines:
both = lines[0]
line, emits = both
for emit in emits:
await self._on_read_emit(line, emit)
await self._on_read_line(line)
await self.line_read(line)
return both
async def wait_for(self, response: IMatchResponse) -> Line:
our_fut: "Future[Line]" = Future()
self._wait_for.append((our_fut, response))
while self._wait_for:
both = await self.next_line()
line, emits = both
for i, (fut, waiting) in enumerate(self._wait_for):
if waiting.match(self, line):
return await our_fut
async def line_send(self, line: Line):
async def _on_write_line(self, line: Line):
if (line.command == "PRIVMSG" and
not self.cap_agreed(CAP_ECHO)):
new_line = line.with_source(self.hostmask())
emits = self.parse_tokens(new_line)
self._read_queue.append((new_line, emits))
async def _write_lines(self) -> List[Line]:
lines: List[SentLine] = []
while (not lines or
(len(lines) < 5 and self._write_queue.qsize() > 0)):
prio_line = await self._write_queue.get()
for line in lines:
async with self.throttle:
await self._writer.drain()
for line in lines:
await self._on_write_line(line.line)
await self.line_send(line.line)
return [l.line for l in lines]
# CAP-related
def cap_agreed(self, capability: ICapability) -> bool:
return bool(self.cap_available(capability))
def cap_available(self, capability: ICapability) -> Optional[str]:
return capability.available(self.agreed_caps)
async def _cap_ls(self, emit: Emit):
if not emit.tokens is None:
tokens: Dict[str, str] = {}
for token in emit.tokens:
key, _, value = token.partition("=")
tokens[key] = value
await CAPContext(self).on_ls(tokens)
async def sasl_auth(self, params: SASLParams) -> bool:
if (self.sasl_state == SASLResult.NONE and
res = await SASLContext(self).from_params(params)
self.sasl_state = res
return True
return False
# /CAP-related
def send_join(self,
name: str,
key: Optional[str]=None
) -> Awaitable[Channel]:
fut = self.send_joins([name], [] if key is None else [key])
async def _assure():
channels = await fut
return channels[0]
return MaybeAwait(_assure)
def send_joins(self,
names: List[str],
keys: List[str]=[]
) -> Awaitable[List[Channel]]:
folded_names = [self.casefold(name) for name in names]
if not keys:
fut = self.send(build("JOIN", [",".join(names)]))
fut = self.send(build("JOIN", [",".join(names)]+keys))
async def _assure():
await fut
channels: List[Channel] = []
while folded_names:
line = await self.wait_for(
Numeric("RPL_CHANNELMODEIS", [ParamAny(), ParamAny()]))
folded = self.casefold(line.params[1])
if folded in folded_names:
return channels
return MaybeAwait(_assure)
def send_whois(self, target: str) -> Awaitable[Whois]:
folded = self.casefold(target)
fut = self.send(build("WHOIS", [target, target]))
async def _assure():
await fut
params = [ParamAny(), ParamFolded(folded)]
obj = Whois()
while True:
line = await self.wait_for(Numerics([
], params))
if line.command == NUMERIC_NAMES["RPL_WHOISUSER"]:
obj.username, obj.hostname, _, obj.realname = line.params[2:]
elif line.command == NUMERIC_NAMES["RPL_WHOISIDLE"]:
obj.idle, obj.signon, _ = line.params[2:]
elif line.command == NUMERIC_NAMES["RPL_WHOISACCOUNT"]:
obj.account = line.params[2]
elif line.command == NUMERIC_NAMES["RPL_ENDOFWHOIS"]:
return obj
return MaybeAwait(_assure)