# ircstates [![JavaScript Style Guide](https://img.shields.io/badge/code_style-standard-brightgreen.svg)](https://standardjs.com) [![QA](https://github.com/swantzter/ircstates-js/actions/workflows/qa.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/swantzter/ircstates-js/actions/workflows/qa.yml) [![Publish to NPM and GCR](https://github.com/swantzter/ircstates-js/actions/workflows/publish.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/swantzter/ircstates-js/actions/workflows/publish.yml) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/swantzter/ircstates-js/branch/main/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/swantzter/ircstates-js) TypeScript port of the python library [ircstates](https://github.com/jesopo/ircstates). The major and minor version of this library will aim to follow upstream, patch will be increased independently. ## rationale I wanted a bare-bones reference implementation of taking byte input, parsing it into tokens and then managing an IRC client session state from it. with this library, you can have client session state managed for you and put additional arbitrary functionality on top of it. ## usage ### installation `$ npm install ircstates` ### simple ```typescript import { Server } from 'ircstates' const server = new Server("liberachat") const lines = [] const e = new TextEncoder() lines.push(server.recv(e.encode(':server 001 nick :hello world!\r\n'))) lines.push(server.recv(e.encode(':nick JOIN #chan\r\n'))) for (const line of lines) { server.parseTokens(line) } const chan = server.channels.get('#chan') ``` ### socket to state ```typescript iimport { Socket } from 'net' import { Server } from '../src' import { Line, StatefulEncoder } from 'irctokens' const NICK = 'nickname' const CHAN = '#chan' const HOST = '' const PORT = 6667 const server = new Server('liberachat') const e = new StatefulEncoder() const s = new Socket() s.connect(PORT, HOST) function send (line: Line) { console.log(`> ${line.format()}`) e.push(line) const pending = e.pending() s.write(pending) e.pop(pending.length) } s.once('connect', () => { send(new Line({ command: 'USER', params: ['username', '0', '*', 'real name'] })) send(new Line({ command: 'NICK', params: [NICK] })) }) s.on('data', data => { const recvLines = server.recv(Uint8Array.from(data)) for (const line of recvLines) { server.parseTokens(line) console.log(`< ${line.format()}`) } }) server.on('PING', (line: Line) => send(new Line({ command: 'PONG', params: [line.params[0]] }))) ``` ### get a user's channels ```typescript console.log(server.users) // Map(1) { 'nickname' => User } const user = server.getUser(NICK) as User console.log(user) // User { channels: Set(1) { '#chan' }, username: '~username', hostname: '' } console.log(user.channels) // Set(1) { '#chan' } ``` ### get a channel's users ```typescript console.log(server.channels) // Map(1) { '#chan' => Channel } const channel = server.getChannel('#chan') console.log(channel) // Channel { ... } console.log(channel?.users) // Map(1) { 'nickname' => ChannelUser { modes: Set(0) {} } } ``` ### get a user's modes in channel ```typescript const channel = server.getChannel(CHAN) const channelUser = channel.users.get(NICK) console.log(channelUser) // ChannelUser { modes: Set(0) { 'o', 'v' } } ``` ## contact Come say hi at `#irctokens` on irc.libera.chat