
884 lines
30 KiB

from ipaddress import ip_address
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple
from irctokens import Line, build, Hostmask, StatefulDecoder, StatefulEncoder
from irctokens import hostmask as hostmask_
from pendulum import from_timestamp, now
from .user import User
from .channel import Channel
from .channel_user import ChannelUser
from .isupport import ISupport
from .decorators import handler_decorator
from .casemap import casefold
from .names import Name
from .emit import *
from .numerics import *
LINE_HANDLERS: Dict[str, List[Callable[["Server", Line], Emit]]] = {}
line_handler = handler_decorator(LINE_HANDLERS)
class ServerException(Exception):
class ServerDisconnectedException(ServerException):
WHO_TYPE = "735" # randomly generated
TYPE_EMIT = Optional[Emit]
class Server(object):
def __init__(self, name: str): = name
self.nickname = ""
self.nickname_lower = ""
self.username: Optional[str] = None
self.hostname: Optional[str] = None
self.realname: Optional[str] = None
self.account: Optional[str] = None
self.server: Optional[str] = None
self.away: Optional[str] = None
self.ip: Optional[str] = None
self.registered = False
self.modes: List[str] = []
self.motd: List[str] = []
self._decoder = StatefulDecoder()
self.users: Dict[str, User] = {}
self.channels: Dict[str, Channel] = {}
self.isupport = ISupport()
self.has_cap: bool = False
self._temp_caps: Dict[str, str] = {}
self.available_caps: Dict[str, str] = {}
self.agreed_caps: List[str] = []
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Server(name={!r})"
def recv(self, data: bytes) -> List[Line]:
lines = self._decoder.push(data)
if lines is None:
raise ServerDisconnectedException()
return lines
def parse_tokens(self, line: Line) -> TYPE_EMIT:
ret_emit: TYPE_EMIT = None
if line.command in LINE_HANDLERS:
for callback in LINE_HANDLERS[line.command]:
emit = callback(self, line)
if emit is not None and ret_emit is None:
emit.command = line.command
ret_emit = emit
return ret_emit
def casefold(self, s1: str):
return casefold(self.isupport.casemapping, s1)
def casefold_equals(self, s1: str, s2: str):
return self.casefold(s1) == self.casefold(s2)
def is_me(self, nickname: str):
return self.casefold(nickname) == self.nickname_lower
def has_user(self, nickname: str) -> bool:
return self.casefold(nickname) in self.users
def _add_user(self, nickname: str, nickname_lower: str):
user = self.create_user(Name(nickname, nickname_lower))
self.users[nickname_lower] = user
def is_channel(self, target: str) -> bool:
return target[:1] in self.isupport.chantypes
def has_channel(self, name: str) -> bool:
return self.casefold(name) in self.channels
def get_channel(self, name: str) -> Optional[Channel]:
return self.channels.get(self.casefold(name), None)
def create_user(self, nickname: Name) -> User:
return User(nickname)
def create_channel(self, name: Name) -> Channel:
return Channel(name)
def _user_join(self, channel: Channel, user: User) -> ChannelUser:
channel_user = ChannelUser(
channel.users[user.nickname_lower] = channel_user
return channel_user
def prepare_whox(self, target: str) -> Line:
return build("WHO", [target, f"n%afhinrstu,{WHO_TYPE}"])
def _self_hostmask(self, hostmask: Hostmask):
self.nickname = hostmask.nickname
if hostmask.username:
self.username = hostmask.username
if hostmask.hostname:
self.hostname = hostmask.hostname
def _emit(self) -> Emit:
return Emit()
# first message reliably sent to us after registration is complete
def _handle_welcome(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
self.nickname = line.params[0]
self.nickname_lower = self.casefold(line.params[0])
self.registered = True
return self._emit()
def _handle_ISUPPORT(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
return self._emit()
# start of MOTD
def _handle_motd_start(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
return self._emit()
# start of MOTD
# line of MOTD
def _handle_motd_line(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
emit = self._emit()
text = line.params[1]
emit.text = text
return emit
def _handle_NICK(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
new_nickname = line.params[0]
new_nickname_lower = self.casefold(new_nickname)
nickname_lower = self.casefold(line.hostmask.nickname)
emit = self._emit()
if nickname_lower in self.users:
user = self.users.pop(nickname_lower)
emit.user = user
user.change_nickname(new_nickname, new_nickname_lower)
self.users[new_nickname_lower] = user
for channel_lower in user.channels:
channel = self.channels[channel_lower]
channel_user = channel.users.pop(nickname_lower)
channel.users[user.nickname_lower] = channel_user
if nickname_lower == self.nickname_lower:
emit.self = True
self.nickname = new_nickname
self.nickname_lower = new_nickname_lower
return emit
def _handle_JOIN(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
extended = len(line.params) == 3
account = line.params[1].strip("*") if extended else None
realname = line.params[2] if extended else None
emit = self._emit()
channel_lower = self.casefold(line.params[0])
nickname_lower = self.casefold(line.hostmask.nickname)
if nickname_lower == self.nickname_lower:
emit.self = True
if not channel_lower in self.channels:
channel = self.create_channel(
Name(line.params[0], channel_lower)
#TODO: put this somewhere better
for mode in self.isupport.chanmodes.a_modes:
channel.list_modes[mode] = []
self.channels[channel_lower] = channel
if extended:
self.account = account
self.realname = realname
if channel_lower in self.channels:
channel = self.channels[channel_lower] = channel
if not nickname_lower in self.users:
self._add_user(line.hostmask.nickname, nickname_lower)
user = self.users[nickname_lower]
emit.user = user
if line.hostmask.username:
user.username = line.hostmask.username
if line.hostmask.hostname:
user.hostname = line.hostmask.hostname
if extended:
user.account = account
user.realname = realname
self._user_join(channel, user)
return emit
def _user_part(self, line: Line,
nickname: str,
channel_name: str,
reason_i: int) -> Tuple[Emit, Optional[User]]:
emit = self._emit()
channel_lower = self.casefold(channel_name)
reason = line.params[reason_i] if line.params[reason_i:] else None
if not reason is None:
emit.text = reason
user: Optional[User] = None
if channel_lower in self.channels:
channel = self.channels[channel_lower] = channel
nickname_lower = self.casefold(nickname)
if nickname_lower in self.users:
user = self.users[nickname_lower]
del channel.users[user.nickname_lower]
if not user.channels:
del self.users[nickname_lower]
if nickname_lower == self.nickname_lower:
del self.channels[channel_lower]
for key, cuser in channel.users.items():
ruser = self.users[key]
if not ruser.channels:
del self.users[ruser.nickname_lower]
return emit, user
def _handle_PART(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
emit, user = self._user_part(line, line.hostmask.nickname,
line.params[0], 1)
if not user is None:
emit.user = user
if user.nickname_lower == self.nickname_lower:
emit.self = True
return emit
def _handle_KICK(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
emit, kicked = self._user_part(line, line.params[1], line.params[0],
if not kicked is None:
emit.user_target = kicked
if kicked.nickname_lower == self.nickname_lower:
emit.self = True
kicker_lower = self.casefold(line.hostmask.nickname)
if kicker_lower == self.nickname_lower:
emit.self_source = True
if kicker_lower in self.users:
emit.user_source = self.users[kicker_lower]
emit.user_source = self.create_user(
Name(line.hostmask.nickname, kicker_lower)
return emit
def _self_quit(self):
def _handle_quit(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
emit = self._emit()
nickname_lower = self.casefold(line.hostmask.nickname)
reason = line.params[0] if line.params else None
if not reason is None:
emit.text = reason
if nickname_lower == self.nickname_lower:
emit.self = True
if nickname_lower in self.users:
user = self.users.pop(nickname_lower)
emit.user = user
for channel_lower in user.channels:
channel = self.channels[channel_lower]
del channel.users[user.nickname_lower]
return emit
def _handle_ERROR(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
return self._emit()
# channel's user list, "NAMES #channel" response (and on-join)
def _handle_names(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
emit = self._emit()
channel_lower = self.casefold(line.params[2])
if channel_lower in self.channels:
channel = self.channels[channel_lower] = channel
nicknames = list(filter(bool, line.params[3].split(" ")))
users: List[User] = []
emit.users = users
for nickname in nicknames:
modes = ""
for char in nickname:
mode = self.isupport.prefix.from_prefix(char)
if mode:
modes += mode
hostmask = hostmask_(nickname[len(modes):])
nickname_lower = self.casefold(hostmask.nickname)
if not nickname_lower in self.users:
self._add_user(hostmask.nickname, nickname_lower)
user = self.users[nickname_lower]
channel_user = self._user_join(channel, user)
if hostmask.username:
user.username = hostmask.username
if hostmask.hostname:
user.hostname = hostmask.hostname
if nickname_lower == self.nickname_lower:
for mode in modes:
if not mode in channel_user.modes:
return emit
# channel creation time, "MODE #channel" response (and on-join)
def _handle_creation_time(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
emit = self._emit()
channel_lower = self.casefold(line.params[1])
if channel_lower in self.channels:
channel = self.channels[channel_lower] = channel
channel.created = from_timestamp(int(line.params[2]))
return emit
def _handle_TOPIC(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
emit = self._emit()
channel_lower = self.casefold(line.params[0])
if channel_lower in self.channels:
channel = self.channels[channel_lower] = channel
channel.topic = line.params[1]
channel.topic_setter = line.source
channel.topic_time = now("utc")
return emit
# topic text, "TOPIC #channel" response (and on-join)
def _handle_topic_num(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
emit = self._emit()
channel_lower = self.casefold(line.params[1])
if channel_lower in self.channels:
channel = self.channels[channel_lower] = channel
self.channels[channel_lower].topic = line.params[2]
return emit
# topic setby, "TOPIC #channel" response (and on-join)
def _handle_topic_time(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
emit = self._emit()
channel_lower = self.casefold(line.params[1])
if channel_lower in self.channels:
channel = self.channels[channel_lower] = channel
channel.topic_setter = line.params[2]
channel.topic_time = from_timestamp(int(line.params[3]))
return emit
def _channel_modes(self,
channel: Channel,
modes: List[str],
params: List[str]
) -> List[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]]:
tokens: List[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]] = []
for mode in modes:
add = mode[0] == "+"
char = mode[1]
arg: Optional[str] = None
if char in self.isupport.prefix.modes: # a user's status
arg = params.pop(0)
nickname_lower = self.casefold(arg)
if nickname_lower in self.users:
user = self.users[nickname_lower]
channel_user = channel.users[user.nickname_lower]
if add:
if not char in channel_user.modes:
elif char in channel_user.modes:
has_arg = False
is_list = False
if char in self.isupport.chanmodes.a_modes:
has_arg = True
is_list = True
elif add:
has_arg = char in (self.isupport.chanmodes.b_modes+
else: # remove
has_arg = char in self.isupport.chanmodes.b_modes
if has_arg:
arg = params.pop(0)
if add:
channel.add_mode(char, arg, is_list)
channel.remove_mode(char, arg)
tokens.append((mode, arg))
return tokens
def _handle_MODE(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
emit = self._emit()
target = line.params[0]
modes_str = line.params[1]
params = line.params[2:].copy()
modifier = "+"
modes: List[str] = []
for c in list(modes_str):
if c in ["+", "-"]:
modifier = c
target_lower = self.casefold(target)
if target_lower == self.nickname_lower:
emit.self_target = True
emit.tokens = modes
for mode in modes:
add = mode[0] == "+"
char = mode[1]
if add:
if not char in self.modes:
elif char in self.modes:
elif target_lower in self.channels:
channel = self.channels[self.casefold(target)] = channel
ctokens = self._channel_modes(channel, modes, params)
ctokens_str: List[str] = []
for mode, arg in ctokens:
if arg is not None:
ctokens_str.append(f"{mode} {arg}")
emit.tokens = ctokens_str
return emit
# channel modes, "MODE #channel" response (sometimes on-join?)
def _handle_channelmodeis(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
emit = self._emit()
channel_lower = self.casefold(line.params[1])
if channel_lower in self.channels:
channel = self.channels[channel_lower] = channel
modes = [f"+{char}" for char in line.params[2].lstrip("+")]
params = line.params[3:]
self._channel_modes(channel, modes, params)
return emit
# our own user modes, "MODE nickname" response (sometimes on-connect?)
def _handle_umodeis(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
for char in line.params[1].lstrip("+"):
if not char in self.modes:
return self._emit()
def _mode_list(self,
channel_name: str,
mode: str,
mask: str):
channel_lower = self.casefold(channel_name)
if channel_lower in self.channels:
channel = self.channels[channel_lower]
if not mode in channel._list_modes_temp:
channel._list_modes_temp[mode] = []
def _mode_list_end(self,
channel_name: str,
mode: str):
channel_lower = self.casefold(channel_name)
if channel_lower in self.channels:
channel = self.channels[channel_lower]
if mode in channel._list_modes_temp:
mlist = channel._list_modes_temp.pop(mode)
channel.list_modes[mode] = mlist
def _handle_banlist(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
channel = line.params[1]
mask = line.params[2]
if len(line.params) > 3:
# parse these out but we're not storing them yet
set_by = line.params[3]
set_at = int(line.params[4])
self._mode_list(channel, "b", mask)
return self._emit()
def _handle_banlist_end(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
channel = line.params[1]
self._mode_list_end(channel, "b")
return self._emit()
def _handle_quietlist(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
channel = line.params[1]
mode = line.params[2]
mask = line.params[3]
set_by = line.params[4]
set_at = int(line.params[5])
self._mode_list(channel, mode, mask)
return self._emit()
def _handle_quietlist_end(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
channel = line.params[1]
mode = line.params[2]
self._mode_list_end(channel, mode)
return self._emit()
def _handle_message(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
emit = self._emit()
message = line.params[1] if line.params[1:] else None
if not message is None:
emit.text = message
nickname_lower = self.casefold(line.hostmask.nickname)
if nickname_lower == self.nickname_lower:
emit.self_source = True
if nickname_lower in self.users:
user = self.users[nickname_lower]
user = self.create_user(
Name(line.hostmask.nickname, nickname_lower)
emit.user = user
if line.hostmask.username:
user.username = line.hostmask.username
if line.hostmask.hostname:
user.hostname = line.hostmask.hostname
target_raw = target = line.params[0]
statusmsg = []
while target:
if target[0] in self.isupport.statusmsg:
target = target[1:]
break = target_raw
target_lower = self.casefold(target)
if self.is_channel(target):
if target_lower in self.channels:
channel = self.channels[target_lower] = channel
elif target_lower == self.nickname_lower:
emit.self_target = True
return emit
# our own hostname, sometimes username@hostname, when it changes
def _handle_visiblehost(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
username, _, hostname = line.params[1].rpartition("@")
self.hostname = hostname
if username:
self.username = username
return self._emit()
# WHO line, "WHO #channel|nickname" response
def _handle_who(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
emit = self._emit() = line.params[1]
nickname = line.params[5]
username = line.params[2]
hostname = line.params[3]
status = line.params[6]
away = "" if "G" in status else None
realname = line.params[7].split(" ", 1)[1]
server: Optional[str] = None
if not line.params[4] == "*":
server = line.params[4]
nickname_lower = self.casefold(line.params[5])
if nickname_lower == self.nickname_lower:
emit.self = True
self.username = username
self.hostname = hostname
self.realname = realname
self.server = server
self.away = away
if nickname_lower in self.users:
user = self.users[nickname_lower]
emit.user = user
user.username = username
user.hostname = hostname
user.realname = realname
user.server = server
user.away = away
return emit
# WHOX line, "WHO #channel|nickname" response; only listen for our "type"
def _handle_whox(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
emit = self._emit()
if line.params[1] == WHO_TYPE and len(line.params) == 10:
nickname_lower = self.casefold(line.params[6])
username = line.params[2]
hostname = line.params[4]
status = line.params[7]
away = "" if "G" in status else None
realname = line.params[9]
account: Optional[str] = None
if not line.params[8] == "0":
account = line.params[8]
server: Optional[str] = None
if not line.params[5] == "*":
server = line.params[5]
ip: Optional[str] = None
if not line.params[3] == "":
ip = ip_address(line.params[3]).compressed
except ValueError:
if nickname_lower in self.users:
user = self.users[nickname_lower]
emit.user = user
user.username = username
user.hostname = hostname
user.realname = realname
user.account = account
user.server = server
user.away = away
if ip is not None:
user.ip = ip
if nickname_lower == self.nickname_lower:
emit.self = True
self.username = username
self.hostname = hostname
self.realname = realname
self.account = account
self.server = server
self.away = away
if ip is not None:
self.ip = ip
return emit
# WHOIS "user" line, one of "WHOIS nickname" response lines
def _handle_whoisuser(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
emit = self._emit()
nickname = line.params[1]
username = line.params[2]
hostname = line.params[3]
realname = line.params[5]
nickname_lower = self.casefold(nickname)
if nickname_lower == self.nickname_lower:
emit.self = True
self.username = username
self.hostname = hostname
self.realname = realname
if nickname_lower in self.users:
user = self.users[nickname_lower]
emit.user = user
user.username = username
user.hostname = hostname
user.realname = realname
return emit
def _handle_CHGHOST(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
emit = self._emit()
username = line.params[0]
hostname = line.params[1]
nickname_lower = self.casefold(line.hostmask.nickname)
if nickname_lower == self.nickname_lower:
emit.self = True
self.username = username
self.hostname = hostname
if nickname_lower in self.users:
user = self.users[nickname_lower]
emit.user = user
user.username = username
user.hostname = hostname
return emit
def _handle_SETNAME(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
emit = self._emit()
realname = line.params[0]
nickname_lower = self.casefold(line.hostmask.nickname)
if nickname_lower == self.nickname_lower:
emit.self = True
self.realname = realname
if nickname_lower in self.users:
user = self.users[nickname_lower]
emit.user = user
user.realname = realname
return emit
# sent in response to a command directed at a user who is marked as away
def _handle_RPL_AWAY(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
nickname = line.params[1]
nickname_lower = self.casefold(nickname)
reason = line.params[2]
if nickname_lower == self.nickname_lower:
self.away = reason
if nickname_lower in self.users:
user = self.users[nickname_lower]
user.away = reason
return self._emit()
def _handle_AWAY(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
emit = self._emit()
away = line.params[0] if line.params else None
nickname_lower = self.casefold(line.hostmask.nickname)
if nickname_lower == self.nickname_lower:
emit.self = True
self.away = away
if nickname_lower in self.users:
user = self.users[nickname_lower]
emit.user = user
user.away = away
return emit
def _handle_ACCOUNT(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
emit = self._emit()
account = line.params[0].strip("*")
nickname_lower = self.casefold(line.hostmask.nickname)
if nickname_lower == self.nickname_lower:
emit.self = True
self.account = account
if nickname_lower in self.users:
user = self.users[nickname_lower]
emit.user = user
user.account = account
return emit
def _handle_CAP(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
self.has_cap = True
subcommand = line.params[1].upper()
multiline = line.params[2] == "*"
caps = line.params[2 + (1 if multiline else 0)]
tokens: Dict[str, str] = {}
tokens_str: List[str] = []
for cap in filter(bool, caps.split(" ")):
key, _, value = cap.partition("=")
tokens[key] = value
emit = self._emit()
emit.subcommand = subcommand
emit.finished = not multiline
emit.tokens = tokens_str
if subcommand == "LS":
if not multiline:
self.available_caps = self._temp_caps.copy()
elif subcommand == "NEW":
elif subcommand == "DEL":
for key in tokens.keys():
if key in self.available_caps.keys():
del self.available_caps[key]
if key in self.agreed_caps:
elif subcommand == "ACK":
for key in tokens.keys():
if key.startswith("-"):
key = key[1:]
if key in self.agreed_caps:
elif (not key in self.agreed_caps and
key in self.available_caps):
return emit
def _handle_loggedin(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
hostmask_str = line.params[1]
hostmask = hostmask_(hostmask_str)
account = line.params[2]
self.account = account
return self._emit()
def _handle_loggedout(self, line: Line) -> Emit:
hostmask_str = line.params[1]
hostmask = hostmask_(hostmask_str)
self.account = None
return self._emit()