
146 lines
4.5 KiB

from typing import Dict, List, Optional
TAG_UNESCAPED = ["\\", " ", ";", "\r", "\n"]
TAG_ESCAPED = ["\\\\", "\\s", "\\:", "\\r", "\\n"]
def _unescape_tag(value: str):
if value.endswith("\\") and not value.endswith("\\\\"):
value = value[:-1]
unescaped, escaped = "", list(value)
while escaped:
current = escaped.pop(0)
if current == "\\":
if escaped:
next = escaped.pop(0)
duo = current+next
if duo in TAG_ESCAPED:
index = TAG_ESCAPED.index(duo)
unescaped += TAG_UNESCAPED[index]
unescaped += next
unescaped += current
return unescaped
def _escape_tag(value: str):
for i, char in enumerate(TAG_UNESCAPED):
value = value.replace(char, TAG_ESCAPED[i])
return value
class Hostmask(object):
def __init__(self, source: str,
nickname: str,
username: Optional[str],
hostname: Optional[str]):
self._source = source
self.nickname = nickname
self.username = username
self.hostname = hostname
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self._source
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (f"Hostmask(nick={self.nickname!r}, user={self.username!r}"
f", host={self.hostname!r})")
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, Hostmask):
return str(self) == str(other)
return False
def from_source(source: str):
username, _, hostname = source.partition("@")
nickname, _, username = username.partition("!")
return Hostmask(source, nickname, username or None, hostname or None)
class Line(object):
def __init__(self,
tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]]=None,
source: Optional[str]=None,
command: str="",
params: List[str]=None):
self.tags = tags
self.source = source
self.command = command
self.params = params or []
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, Line):
return self.format() == other.format()
return False
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (f"Line(tag={self.tags!r}, source={self.source!r}"
f", command={self.command!r}, params={self.params!r})")
_hostmask: Optional[Hostmask] = None
def hostmask(self):
if self.source and not self._hostmask:
self._hostmask = Hostmask.from_source(self.source)
return self._hostmask
def format(self) -> str:
outs: List[str] = []
if self.tags:
tags_str = []
for key in sorted(self.tags.keys()):
if self.tags[key]:
value = self.tags[key] or ""
if self.source:
params = self.params.copy()
if self.params:
last = params.pop(-1)
for param in params:
if " " in param:
raise ValueError("non last params cannot have spaces")
elif param.startswith(":"):
raise ValueError("non last params cannot start with colon")
if " " in last or last.startswith(":"):
last = f":{last}"
return " ".join(outs)
def tokenise(line: str) -> Line:
line_obj = Line()
if line[0] == "@":
message_tags, _, line = line.partition(" ")
tags = {}
for part in message_tags[1:].split(";"):
key, _, value = part.partition("=")
tags[key] = _unescape_tag(value)
line_obj.tags = tags
line, trailing_sep, trailing = line.partition(" :")
params = list(filter(bool, line.split(" ")))
if params[0][0] == ":":
line_obj.source = params.pop(0)[1:]
line_obj.command = params.pop(0).upper()
if trailing_sep:
line_obj.params = params
return line_obj
def build(
command: str,
params: List[str]=[],
source: Optional[str]=None,
tags: Optional[Dict[str, str]]=None
) -> Line:
return Line(tags, source, command, params)