--- title: logging in subtitle: "how to get into your account" author: cark date: 2021-03-09 color: orange --- this guide is split into three parts: - [Windows](#windows) - [MacOS + Linux](#macos-and-linux) - [Using the webterm](#using-the-webterm) # Windows there are many many ways to connect to an SSH server on Windows, here's a sample of some of them. ### the fastest: via powershell the fastest way to get started on south london using Windows is via Powershell. the latest versions of Windows 10 include an `ssh` binary that you can use to connect to servers such as southlondon.cc. to connect, just open up a powershell window and type ```powershell ssh @southlondon.cc ``` if your keys are in a weird place, append `-i ` to make sure ssh can see them. if you see a warning asking you to verify the fingerprint, just type 'yes' and it'll connect you up to the server. congrats! you're now connected to south london. ### the unix-y-ist: cmder + git bash getting cmder is pretty easy, just head on down to [cmder.net]() and click 'Download Full'. the full download includes Git Bash, which emulates the bash command line inside windows. just unzip the folder and double click `Cmder.exe`. now just run this command to connect ```bash ssh @southlondon.cc ``` if you haven't already used cmder to generate your keys, you'll need to append `-i ` to make sure ssh can see them. say yes if it asks you to verify the fingerprint. if all goes well, you should be dumped into a prompt, you can now do whatever you need to do. # macOS and linux crack open a terminal and run ``` ssh @southlondon.cc ``` if your ssh key is in a nonstandard place, you'll also need to append `-i `. good job! you're in. # using the webterm if you're having trouble getting set up, you can use the webterm to login. just click webterm on the homepage and type in your username and password. # all finished? just type `exit` or press `CTRL+D` to sever your connection. # you might want to take a look at these too. - [fun ssh tricks to save a bit of time](/wiki/ssh.html)